Memo Mainstreet Days " 'i' :. .~ " CITY OF HOPKINS MEMORANDUM DATE: February 11, 1993 TO: Honorable Ma~~d City Council FROM: . {. l't I . Tom Harmen~ng, Commun~ yDeve opment D~rector SUBJECT: MAINSTREET DAYS - SESAME STREET LIVE --------------------------------- I. Purpose of Discussion The purpose of this item is to outline staff's position regarding aspects pertaining to undertaking a Sesame Street Live production during Mainstreet Days. As per the e Council's work session discussion, additional information will be made available during the city Council meeting regarding fund raising efforts. II. Staff Comments Staff feels that a Sesame Street Live production during Mainstreet Days would be very exciting and provide excellent exposure for Hopkins and Mainstreet. Much credit needs to be given to Mark Senn and the steering Committee for being able to commit Sesame Street Live to Mainstreet Days. However, there are three issues relative to undertaking this event which are important. These issues relate to funding the event, having sufficient time to plan for a successful production, and utilizing professional help to plan the event. with respect to funding the event, staff has no real comments at this time other than the City is being requested to underwrite the cost of the event with the understanding that the steering Committee would attempt to obtain donations from businesses or corporate sponsors to reimburse the City for its cost. More information will be presented to the City council regarding this funding issue. . The second issue pertains to having sufficient time to plan for the event. Planning for Sesame Street Live also involves coordinating with other anticipated Mainstreet Days ac~ivities including possibly a charity ball for Child's .~ ~~-- ---." -- .-." ." " .~..;...,-~--_.. :i' " )"" Honorable Mayor and City Council - February 11, 1993 Page 2 Play, an old fashioned fair to be run by Child's Play Theatre, as well as the other usual Mainstreet Days activities. staff has met with a couple of firms which do plan large events. Both of these firms have indicated that- the timing is extreme Iv short to plan for an event which could bring 20,000 to 40,000 people to Hopkins, as well as coordinate with the other Mainstreet Days activities. It was suggested that we should have begun planning for Sesame Street Live six to twelve months ago. One of the firms did indicate that if only a Sesame Street Live Parade were undertaken, rather than stage shows, some of the planning and logistical problems would be eased. ' The third issue pertains to utilizing professional help or outside assistance to plan the event and coordinate with other Mainstreet Days activities. A very rough estimate of the total cost for undertaking the Sesame Street Live event is $40,000 to $55,000. These costs, which are very rough and represent a crude estimate, .are based on the following assumptions: ' 0 $20,500 for Sesame Street Live . 0 $10,000 - $15,000 fOr planning and logistical support 0 $10,000 to $20,000 for advertising, stage assembly, bleacher installation, and a variety of other numerous expenses which would probably be experienced. This is one cost which staff, is unsure of as to its accuracy. Staff realizes there is a significant cost to hire somebody to assist with planning and logistics of the event. However, staff is of the opinion, primarily as related to the short amount of time left to plan this event, that it is imperative that a professional be brought on board to coordinate and plan this event. Obviously, this requires the City to potentially underwrite a greater amount, which in turn requires the steering Committee to raise additional funds. However, it is staff's recommendation that unless a professional is brought on board to assist with planning this event, the city should not participate in underwriting the cost of Sesame Street Live. The concern which staff has is that if the event is not properly planned, or all considerations are not taken into account, the event could represent more of a detriment than a positive reflection on the City of Hopkins. Staff would be happy to answer any of the questions . regarding this matter during the City Council meeting on February 16. TH02103D .... ~ '-- ~