Agenda .. -: :::. HOPKINS CITY COUNCIL Schedule: BRA Meeting Council Meeting June 15, 1993 7:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. I CALL TO ORDER II. PRESENTATION - CHUCK REDEPENNING III. CONSENT AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. .' 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 1, 1993 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES. APPROVAL OF DISBURSEMENTS, PRELIST 915 APPROVAL OF MISCELLANEOUS LICENSES APPROV AL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - MAETZOLD FIELD PARK FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT #91-16 (Rpt. 93-90)' APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - MAETZOLD FIELD STORM SEWER, PROJECT #93-08. (Rpt. 93-89) APPROV AL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - RAMP MAINTENANCEfREP AIR PROJECT AND AUTHORIZATION OF BIDS (Rpt. 93-87) AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT PROPOSALS FOR A LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ON CITY PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE N.W. CORNER OF COUNTY ROAD 3 AND FIFTH AVENUE. (Rpt. 93-96) APPROVAL OF PAY EQUITY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT (Rpt. 93-100) APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION #93-60 SUPPORTING AN APPLICATION BY HENNEPIN COUNTY FOR ISTEA FUNDING FOR COUNTY ROAD 3. (Rpt. 93-97) APPROVAL OF SOUTHWEST MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT (Rpt. 93-98) APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION #93-61 AUTHORIZING JOINING OF MINNESOTA FIRE AGENCIES PURCHASING CONSORTIUM (Rpt. 93-99) APPROVAL OF PLANS AND AUTHORIZATION OF BIDS FOR ALLEY RECONSTRUCTION - 200 BLOCK 9TH/10TH AVENUE NORTH (Rpt. 93-94) APPROVAL OF PLANS AND AUTHORIZATION OF BIDS FOR ALLEY RECONSTRUCTION - ALLEY A, NORTH OF MAINSTREET BETWEEN 11 TH/12TH AVENUES NORTH (Rpt. 93-95) Berg Shirley Redepenning Anderson Kritzler 12. 13. Vote: . Berg Redepenning Shirley Anderson Kritzler Mielke Harmening Gustafson Kerrigan Genellie Gessele Miller JUNE SMTWTFS 12345 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 1819 2021 22 23242526 27 28 29 30 JULY SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 111213 14 15 1617 1819 2021222324 25 26 27 2829 30 31 IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS CONSIDER ACTION - CREATION OF TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT 2-7 (THERMOTECH) (RPT. 93-88) (JIM KERRIGAN) Recommendation: Move to approve Resolution #93-51, adopting the document entitled "Modification of Redevelopment Project No.1 and Tax Increment Financing Plan No. 2-7 for Tax Increment Financing District No.2-7 (Thermotech Inc. Project)" date June, 1993. Vote: Berg_ Shirley _ Redepenning_ Anderson Kritzler V. OLD BUSINESS a. CONSIDER ACTION - SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE 93-726 - HOTEL REGISTRATION (memo) (JIM GENELLIE) Recommendation: Move to approve Ordinance for second reading and order published. Vote: Berg_ Shirley_ Redepenning_ Anderson Kritzler b. CONSIDER ACTION - APPROVE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS-SECOND STREET N.E. SIDEWALK INSTALLATION, PROJECT #93-10 (Rpt. 93-91) (JIM GESSELE) Recommendation: Move to approve plans and specificiations regarding installing sidewalk on 2nd Street N.E. and on Washington Ave. N., and adopt Resolution #93-53 authorizing bids to be taken. Vote: Berg_ Shirley _ Redepenning_ Anderson Kritzler YL NEW BUSINESS a. CONSIDER ACTION - APPROVE PLANS AND AUTHORIZE BIDS - SIDEWALK REPAIR (Rpt. 93-92) (JIM GESSELE) Recommendation: Move that the Council approve plans and specifications regarding installing sidewalk on 2nd Street N.E. and on Washington Ave. N., and adopt Resolution #93-53 authorizing bids to be taken. Vote: Berg_ Shirley_ Redepenning_ Anderson Kritzler b. CONSIDER ACTION - APPROVE PLANS AND AUTHORIZE BIDS-ALLEY RECONSTRUCTION, ALLEY "B" 200 BLOCK 12TH/13TH AVENUES NORTH (Rpt. 93-93) (JIM GESSELE) Recommendation: Move that the Council approve plans and specifications as they concern concrete reconstruction of the alley on the 200 block 12th/13th Avenues North and adopt Resolution #93-59 authorizing bids to be taken. Vote: Berg_ Shirley_ Redepenning_ Anderson Kritzler c. CONSIDER ACTION - APPROVE AGREEMENT WITH LONE OAK GARDEN CLUB - MAINSTREET PLAZA (Rpt. 93-101) (STEVE MIELKE) Recommendation: Move that the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to sign agreement with Lone Oak Garden Club. Vote: Berg_ Shirley _ Redepenning_ Anderson Kritzler d. DISCUSSION: SOCIAL SERVICE FUNDING (TOM HARMENING) VII. PUBLIC COMMENTS/CONCERNS VIII. REPORTS - COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS IX. ADJOURN