CR 93-099 Minnesota Fire Agencies , "\ y 0 . June 10, 1993 ~ -Y "" o P K \ ~ Council Report 93-99 MINNESOTA FIRE AGENCIES PURCHASING CONSORTIUM Proposed Action. Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to ado~t Resolution No. 93-61 which authorizes ioininq the Minnesota Fire Aqencies Purchasinq Consortium. Overview The Minnesota Fire Agencies Purchasing Consortium (MFAPC) was established to reduce costs, improve quality and establish standard specifications for services, supplies and equipment through a joint purchasing program. Primary Issues to Consider o Yearly dues are $35. o We can take advantage of the best price for quality goods, services and supplies meeting acceptable specifications. o The Fire Department saves time on developing specifications and shopping for the best price. o All equipment meets any National Fire Protection Association or OSHA standards which may apply. Supporing Documents o Resolution No. 93-61 ('~">>~l)~~ ~ ~~ David Klocek . Fire Chief RESOLUTION NO. 93-:61 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING JOINT AND COOPERATIVE PURCHASING OF FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT BY THE MINNESOTA FIRE AGENCIES PURCHASING CONSORTIUM BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Hopkins, Minnesota as follows; WHEREAS, the City of fire department, and; Hopkins, Minnesota maintains and operates a WHEREAS, there exists a need and desire of fire departments throughout the Minnesota Fire Agencies Purchasing Consortium area to achieve economies of scale that can be accomplished through cooperative and/or joint purchasing of the fire department supplies and equipment, and; WHEREAS, the City of Hop kin s. Mi nnesota considers to be in the best interests of the City to participate with our fire departments in the Minnesota Fire Agencies Purchasing Consortium area in cooperative and/or joint purchase of fire department supplies and equipment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Hopkins, Minnesota through its fire chief does hereby authorize the participation of its fire department in cooperative and/or joint purchase of fire department equipment and supplies, through or with other member departments of the Minnesota Fire Agencies Purchasing Consortium. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Hopkins, Minnesota THIS 15th DAY OF June ,1993 . MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK 7/8/92 :MFAPC\JPA92 .. MFAPC Minnesota Fire Agencies Pw'chasing Consortium BY-LAWS I. NAME The name of this association shall be Minnesota Fire Agencies Purchasing Consortium, hereinafter referred to as the Consortium. II. OBJECTIVE To reduce costs, improve quality and establish standard specifications for servIces, supplies and equipment through a joint purchasing program. III. MEMBERSHIP A. Eligibility for membership 1. Any recognized or organized emergency service in Minnesota providing minimum levels of service as defined by Minnesota Statutes. 2. Any recognized or organized emergency service in as adjoining state that meets the statutory requirements of their own state and the State of Minnesota to partake in a joint powers agreement. . B. Acceptance of membership 1. Upon meeting the requirements of these By-Laws. 2. Upon submitting yearly dues, either submitted with application for new members or paid within the time frame for existing members. 3. When approved by the Executive Board. C. Dues 1. The yearly dues shall be set by a vote of the membership at the annual meeting. Dues shall be paid within sixty days of date billed. 2. Reinstatement in any year shall be for the balance of the year only. A reinstatement fee shall be assessed in an amount to be determined by the Executive Board. I; ... D. Expulsion 1. Members may be expelled for not conforming to these By-Laws upon action of the Executive Board. . E. Voting 1. Each member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote at all annual, regular and special meeting of the Consortium. IV. OFFICERS AND DUTIES A. President 1. Conducts all meetings, calls special and regular meetings, appoints all committee chairpersons, reviews all correspondence received by the Consortium, coordinates committee activities, and performs any other activity to foster the goals of the Consortium. 2. Prepares a yearly budget to be presented to the Executive Board for action prior to the annual meeting. B. Vice President 1. In the absence of or incapacitation of the President, assumes all duties of the presidency. 2. Performs other duties as may be directed by the President and/or the Executive Board. C. Secretary /Treasurer 1. Maintains an accurate record of all proceedings. 2. Maintains a check register reflecting all transactions and bills paid. 3. Receives and sends correspondence as necessary, including the mailing of annual dues statements. 4. Consuls with the President and Committee Chairpersons. 5. Prepares a financial statement for all meetings. 6. Maintains roster of suppliers, consortium members and signed copies of all bid awards and extensions. D. Committee Chairpersons 1. Coordinates the bidding process by reviewing and recommending specifications to be bid as necessary in consultation with the President and Executive Board. 2. Requests bids, tabulates and awards bids as directed by the Executive Board. 3. Specifications, bid sheets, bid tabulations and all correspondence pertaining thereto shall be sent to the President and Secretary. E. Manner of Election and Tenure of Office 1. Tenure of Office a. President, Vice President, Secretary ;Treasurer shall serve two year terms. 2. Manner of Election a. President, Vice President, Secretary /Treasurer shall be elected by majority vote at the annual meeting. 3. Staggered Term a. The President, and Vice President shall be elected m even numbered years. b. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected in odd numbered years. v. MEETINGS A. Annual Meetings 1. The annual meeting shall be held in January. B. Regular and Special Meetings 1. The President and/or the Executive Board shall be responsible for calling regular and special meetings for the purpose of discussing and voting the adoption of specifications and to conduct the general business of the Consortium. ".. -i c. Quorum 1. A quorum shall consist of qualified members in good standing. D. Location and Time 1. The location and time of all meetings shall be at the discretion of the Executive Board. 2. A fourteen day advance notice shall be given for all meetings. VI. Executive Board A. Composition 1. The Executive Board shall consist of all officers and committee chairpersons of the Consortium. 2. The President may appoint additional temporary members to the Executive Board when necessary to accomplish the goals and objectives of the Consortium. 3. The Executive Board is authorized to compensate members for duties performed as deemed appropriate. B. Duties 1. Establish a bidding time table. 2. Approve bid extensions. 3. Monitor bidding process to ensure adequacy of process. 4. Handle disputes between vendors and consortium members. 5. Approve unusual expenditures of Consortium funds. 6. Set operation policy not covered by these By-Laws which is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Consortium. VII. COMMITTEES A. Establishment 1. A committee shall be established for each purchasing area that the Consortium desires to secure bids and/or information. B. Makeup 1. The President shall appoint a chairperson for each committee. 2. Committee chairpersons shall select their own committee membership. 3. Committees shall consult with and respond to members of the Consortium as necessary. VIII. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS A. Insufficient Funds 1. In the event the Consortium has insufficient funds to carryon in any given year, the Executive Board is empowered to levy an assessment against all member departments in an amount to ensure the operation of the Consortium for the balance of the year. 2. Any amounts assessed due to insufficient funds must be paid within thirty days by the membership. IX. DISSOLUTION A. . In the event the Consortium is dissolved, any remaining funds will be distributed equally to all current paid-up members. x. PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY A. The conduct of the business of the consortium shall be in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order. XI. METHOD OF AMENDING BY-lAWS A. These By-Laws may be arrtended by 2/3 vote of those voting at any annual or special meeting called specifically to amend the By-Laws, provided all proposed changes have been sent to all current members in writing thirty days prior to the date of the mailing. By. Attested: