CR 93-138 Thermotech Prelim Tax Increment
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. August 23, 1993 : . 0 p. K. \ "_.. : CR93-138
Pro'Posed Action.
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: ,Approve the
preliminary tax increment application as made by Thermotech subiect to
staff conditions.
with approval of this action, Thermotech will have the ability to
submit a final tax increment application at a future date.
. Overview
-Thermotechuis presently-contemplating expanding theirdexisting
manufacturing building on South Fifth Street. The area of property
where the expansion would occur is located in a designated flood plain.
In order to facilitate the project, City staff and Thermotech have been
working with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed Board to undertake
improvements to the creek so that the subject area, and other adjacent
areas, would be removed from the flood plain. Based upon the present
time schedule, and assuming Watershed District approval, these
improvements are proposed to be undertaken some time in early 1994.
As part of this overall project City staff and Thermotech have
. discussed the use of tax increment financing to pay for a portion of
the public and possibly private costs involved with this project. Tax
Increment District 2-7 was recently established within .this area to
allow use of this tool.
Recently, Th~rmgtecl1_Sl1bmi tteda_preliminarytax nincrementapplication.
The-yuare-i:1-sking for tax increment assistance to reduce some of the cost
that they would incur as a result of this project. This is the first
step in the tax increment process as established by the City. If this
application is approved by the HRA and city council, they would then
have the ability to submit a final application at a future date.
primary Issues to consider
o What is being requested by Thermotech?
_ 0' Does this application meet the goals and Objectives, for the use of
tax increment? ._' .,' _ _' n'" n
o ' U What are the staff recommended conditions?
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ouu 'What-isutheim.pactof theact.i6n mas recommended?
o What are other issues related to this project?
supporting Documents
o Application by Thermotech
o Tax I rement POlicy
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CR 93-138
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primary Issues to consider
Based on the action as recommended, the city council has the following
issues to consider:
0 What is being requested by Thermotech?
Thermotech is asking for $500,000 in tax increment assistance.
These fundswol.lld be used to pay for the following costs in
conjunction with this project:
- Improvements to Nine Mile Creek on the property occupied by
Thermotech. These improvements are required in conjunction
with the overall proposed flood plain reduction project for
this area. These improvements are estimated to be
approximately $309,000.
- Installation of pilings on the area where the building would
be located. Because of the poor soil conditions in this
area, these pilings are required in order to provide a stable
surface on which to construct the building. The estimated
cost of thi~ work is $150,000 to $200,000.
. The applicant has indicated that because both of these above work
items are over and above what is ordinarilYurequired in order to
constructaubuilding, that theY need pUblic assistance in order to
make the project financiallY feasible. Menasha, the parent
corporation of Thermotech, is a large company which has the
financial feasibility to undertake this project regardless of
cost. However, Thermotech representatives have stated that
Menasha needs to feel comfortable that they are not expending
substantially more dollars to undertake this project on the
proposed site as compared to a different location, either within
or outside of Hopkins.
0 Does the application meet the goals and objectives for the use of
tax increment?
The request as proposed meets a variety of eligible uses as
identified within the tax increment pOlicy. These include the
- Increase the tax base of the city
- Retain or increase local job base. Thermotech is estimating
that as a result of this project they will be able to
increase their employment over the next few years by
. approximately 100 individuals.
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CR 93-138
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- Offset increased costs of redevelopment over and above those
. costs the developer would incur in normal development.
The Hopkins tax increment policy also details a variety of project
approval and evaluation criteria. The project as proposed should
u _,_ __Il\~~t-a_yar iety__of_thesecr iter ia-which will beeval uatedin -more
detail in conjunction with the final tax increment application.
The Hopkins tax increment policy and state statute require that
any project receiving tax increment assistance meet the "but for"
test. This means that TIF will not be used unless the need for
the City's economic participation is necessary in order for the
project toiproceed in a manner as proposed. Because of the
extraordinary costs of doi.n9_thi.f3pr()j ect, Thermotech - u_ ----
" un------repres-entatives-nave- us-tilted 'I'IF dollars are necessary to make the
,_proj~ct_financiallyfeasible to Menasha Corporation.
0 what are the staff recommended conditions?
staff is recommending that if the council wishes to approve the
preliminary TIF Application that the following conditions be
adopted as part of the motion:
- Approval of the tax increment preapplication does not
obligate the city_ to any approval of a final application -or'
. use of tax increment dollars in conjunction with this
- Approval of a final tax increment application will be
contingent upon Thermotech agreeing to the following:
+ Execution of a redevelopment agreement
+ Payment of a developer fee to offset any LGA/HACA loss
experienced by the city in conjunction with the project.
+ The specific amount of tax increment assistance will be
determined subsequent to the receipt of more detailed
costs for both public and private improvements.
0 What is the impact of the action as requested?
The tax increment policy as adopted by the city requires both
approval of a preliminary and final tax increment application in
order to provide tax increment assistance ,. to a proj ect. The
preliminary tax increment application is undertaken by the Council
for the following purpose:
- To provide a general overview of the proj ect__
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--. - ------ - - To determine on a conceptual basis whether the Council wishes
to consider the use of tax increment dollars in order to
facilitate the project.
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CR 93-138
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. Approval of this action in no way, obligates the City to provide
tax increment assistance for this project. However, with
approval of the preliminary application it will be assumed by
both the applicant and staff that the City is willing on a
conceptual basis to consider providing such assistance.
0 What are other issues as relates to this project?
- In order to facilitate this project, a variety of public and
private improvements need to be undertaken to Nine Mile Creek
in order to remove the sUbject property from the flood plain
elevation. The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Board will
consider these improvements at a public hearing in October.
This project cannot proceed in the manner proposed without
approval of the Board.
- Tax Increment District 2-7 was recently established to
incorporate the Thermotech property. For the most part the
only tax increments that will be generated within this
districtuwill-come from the propOsed Thermotech expansion.
These tax increments are proposed to be used to pay for a
portion of the public improvements to Nine Mile Creek which
will not be reimbursed by the Watershed District. Until the
cost of these improvements and the amount of reimbursement by
. the Watershed District are finalized it is impossible to
determine how much tax increment dollars will potentially be
available for assistance to Thermotech.
The city Council has the following alternatives regarding this matter:
0 Approve the action as recommended by staff. It is assumed
that based on this action Thermotech will submit a final tax
increment application at some future date. This would
probably be in November or December.
0 continue for additional information
0 Deny the preliminary tax increment application. Under this
scenario it would be assumed that Thermotech would not
proceed with the project. This could result in requiring
them to either look for another site in Hopkins to expand or
to locate their operation outside of the City.