CR 93-194 Home Remodeling Show
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. November 8, 1993 0 P K I ~ I Council Report #93-194
Proposed Action.
Staff recomniends approval of the following motion: Authorize staff to undertake a home
remodeling show for 1994 with the cities of St. Louis Park and Golden Valley.
With this motion, staff will begin working with staff from St. Louis Park and Golden Valley in
coordinating the 1994 home remodeling show.
Last year, the City sponsored its first home remodeling show at the Hopkins Activity Center.
While the event was thought to be moderately successful,. the space available at the Activity
Center is inadequate to expand the show and other possible sites in Hopkins are not available. In
addition to the site problems, a considerable amount of staff time is required in order to
coordinate. the event strictly for Hopkins. For these reasons, staffhas looked at cooperative
efforts which would enable staff to playa lesser role in coordinating the event.
. Several months ago the City was approached by the Hopkins Business and Civic Association
. - (HBCA) regarding their desire to combine the Marketplace with the City's remodeling show. This
request has now been withdrawn because HBCA was unable to locate a facility in Hopkins in
which to hold the event.
Staff explored other options for combing efforts regarding a home remodeling show. The option
most seriously discussed to date is combining our show with the cities of St. Louis Park and,
Golden Valley. These cities held a combined home remodeling show last year and by all accounts
was a very professional and successful event. Staff has met with the planning committee of this
event and they have indicated that the City of Hopkins would be welcome to join them in a 1994
home remodeling. show.
Primary Issues to Consider.
o What is the benefit of sponsoring a home remodeling show?
o Is the City best served by combining efforts with St. Louis Park/Golden Valley?
o What are the details of the event (i.e. cost, location, date, etc....)?
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. 1994 Home Remodeling Show
. Rpt. 93-194
page 2 ,
Analvsis of issues
o What is the benefit of sponsoring a home remodeling show? :
The primarily goal of a home remodeling show is to encourage homeowners to remodel their
home, increasing the value and encouraging them to remain in Hopkins. An additional benefit is
the exposure giveri the City through various city booths atthe event.
o Is the City best served by. combining efforts with St. Louis Park/Golden Valley? .
In addition to 83. contractor booths, the St.Louis Park/Golden Valley show offered child care,
entertainment, food, a series of workshops, and an Idea Center which featured a home remodeling
design competition for architects, a neighborhood design competition for architecture students at
the U ofM and a design competition forK-12 students called "Designing the Ultimate Fun
Space". The event is coordinated by a committee of approximately 25 people, which allows each
to concentrate onone portion of the show.
.-- Comparably, Hopkins' show featured 40 booths, food and workshops. Attendance was estimated
at 250 persons. Coordinating the event was extremely time consuming, especially during the last
month prior to. the event. It is the opinion of staff that combining Hopkins' efforts with St. Louis
Park and Golden Valley would require less staff involvement and produce it better event.
.. The challenge will be in marketing the event so that Hopkins residents feel that the show is for
them even though it is held in St. Louis Park. To accomplish this, it may be necessary to spend a
small amount of money on advertising specific to Hopkins.
o What are the details of the event (i.e. location, cost, date, etc.~..)?
The event is being proposed to be held at the St. Louis Park Junior High. This is the location of
last year'sshow and it hasbeen recommended to be used again because it ~orkedout so well and
because the planning committee felt that it would provide continuity. The committee is not
opposed to rotating sites in the future if comparable locations are available.:
Participating in this event would not necessarily cost the City any money, as the event is financed
through booth sales. Last year, the committee was actually able to make some money which will
be used to offset costs of the 1994 show. The City would be required to donate staff time, largely
that of the Housing Coordinator, Building Official and possibly others. Also, as mentioned
earlier, staff is proposing to spend some money on advertising specifically for Hopkins residents.
. ,
In comparison, the City contributed $2,000 plus extensive staff time for the 1993 show.
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. 1994 Home Remodeling Show
Rpt. 93-194
page 3
The tentative date for the St. Louis Park/Golden Valley home remodeling show has been set for
March 19, 1993.
The Council has the following alternatives regarding this issue:
o Agree with staff's recommendation and authorize staff to begin coordinating the event
with 81. Louis Park and Golden Valley.
o Direct staff to begin coordinating a remodeling modeled after last year's event.
o Decide not to hold a home remodeling show in 1994. .
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