CR 93-215 Non Union Wage Increase
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December 14, 1993 Council Report 93-215
Proposed Action
Staff recommends that the Council approve the following motion: Move to approve a waoe increase
of 3.0% for the City Manaoer and the non-union emplovees in 1994..
This action will raise the wages of the City Manager and non-union employees by 3.0% beginning
on January 1 ,1994~
The City has settled four union contracts for 1994. These contracts call for a 3.0% wage increase
in 1994. In order to maintain the City's salary structure, lam proposing that the non-union
, employees and the City Manager also receive a 3.0% wage increase.
. Primary Issues to consider.. . .
. How does this agreement fit in with the proposed 1994 ~udget?
The wage increase is within the amounts proposed in the 1994 budget.
. How does this increase compare with other cities in the metropolitan area?
There have only been a few 1994 settlements. But based upon these settlements and
proposed increases, most cities will be approving wage increases between 2 and 3%. A .
3.0% increase should keep the City's salaries cOmpetitive with those offered by other cities
in the metropolitan area.
. Which employees are in the non-union category?
The City Manager's secretary, the fire marshal, and all supervisors, with the exception 'of the
police sergeants. ..
~ --~~~~ --:,
Steven C. Mielke
.. City Manager
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