Memo CTY RD 3 Traffic Study The two county roads that have been previously discussed as desperately needing attention are county Road 3 (Excelsior Boulevard) and County Road 61 (Shady Oak Road). Staff has been given the indication through the recent strategic planning process, and the council/staff retreat, that there is a higher priority to upgrade County Road 3 versus County Road 61. Staff therefore felt that the City should concentrate on relaying this information to the County this year, and possibly submit a request next year for Shady Oak Road prior to the County preparing thelr 1994-98 C.I.P. The following schedule was developed by staff as a possible scenario for completing improvements to County Road 3. The section between Trunk Highway 169 and Blake Road was intentionally not listed first in order to provide more time to prepare a land use analysis for this area. Furthermore, the section between Trunk Highway 169 and Shady Oak Road was more desirable to list first because there was less acquisition and right-of-way problems with this section that the section between Trunk Highway 169 and Blake Road. Schedule County Road 3 between Shady Oak Road and Trunk Highway 169 1. Planning and acquisition 1993-94 2. Const,ru~::tion 1995~96 County Road 3 between Trunk Highway 169 and Blake Ro~d 1. Planning and acquisition 1994-95 2. Const.ruction 1996-97 "County Roa.d ::I bet"ween Blake Road and Meadowbrook:.Road 1. Planning> 'al'li:!' ConstrucJ..,lu,n .;; 1996.-97 The above schedule should be reviewed thormlq"l:t1y by Cou~cil and staff to ensure that it meets the goals of the City. The format of the schedule should be maintained so the projects are not all constructed in the same period. The schedule, if generally agreed upon or if revised, will be incorporated into a resolution that will be brought before Council for their consideration on March 17, 1992. Notice of this proposed Council action for March 17 will be mailed out to all property owners along County Road 3 to ensure that they are aware of Council's intentions, and informing them that they should attend the meeting if they would like to provide input into the process. , ~ f. V'" - \ I ..... . <"-'. COUNTY ROAD 3 STUDY - PHASE I .r CR:89-293 . Page 2 staff Analysis of Issues. 0 What were the pr;imary findings of ,the Phase I study? The conclusions of the CSAH 3 corridor study include a need to upgrade the existing undivided roadway of County Road 3 to a~' wider roadway, possibly with turning lanes. Additionally, the study is recommending that 3 or 4 alternative . intersection ~ changes are warranted to allow for north/south traffic from the industrial or residential areas across County Road 3. '. 0 What procedures will be followed during Phase II? Staff feels that additional study is nebes~aryprior to initiating ,a' neighborhood meeting to discuss the various proposals. Incl.uded in' the Phase II study will be detailed analysis of each of the alternatives suggested ,w,ithin 'the Phase I report. A detailed _ , ~>analysls{:is~,,1=~q\lired' asd tbthe s!lfe:ty:, of:,the",proposed\ ~e'ffe'r'sO'ti 'Ave!''':' , ;:,'~;.~'::,\{cro,s~i~g', ',.~7:P~C::#~+l;Y, ,14 i:th\rir~gard::~to~:tr,m::k:'::';lno'V'~~en:t~; ~~:bweeh::.~,s,up..: '. Valu..,s.;two.,sJ.tes... ""0" .... ..:)~"~~:~p'~~~.S;;,f~:,:~~:a.;~~,~~~~~~~~~W~~;;~~'~~~~:\~n1nfr~ei~.,~{~i~~&;;~:; ,;,\, .,; ":futu;r~~"q,~\y,'elpp:ment',,,,_(;i1ec:J.:srons along ,,' Counj:y,., ,Road,.", '3: ",a:nd "~,may.,,,l,l;'~silJit. ,...lj,f.j..~",,,, ,.; ,:,"impro,vements':,to<:;county"Ro'ad/3i:at ~a "future "date:,<'.:~~:"i>'?: ' l ,.~,~.' .'- ..,!iI" "',e,o . I,::" .;, " ,- ~,:~:',; ,," '1. ,,_11.,'" , .'. .