CR 92-03 Alleyscape Improvements January 7, 1992 u m .y ".> OPK\~ council Report: 92-03 ALLEYSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS INFORMATIONAL HEARING ORDER FEASIBILITY REPORT Proposed Action Staff recommends the following motion: "Move that Council hold an informational hearinq and order the preparation of a feasibility report that coincides with the planning and analysis report previously prepared on this. matter, and accepted bv Council on December 17, 1991". This action will immediately north Avenues. continue and south an of alleyscape Mainstreet, study in the alleys between 7th and 11th Overview On October 15, Council ordered a preliminary analysis report be prepared regarding proposed improvements for the alleys mentioned above. The process used in preparing this report consisted of holding approximately 10 meetings with the business owners from the eight blocks that would be affected by such a project. The purpose of the meetings was to present ideas, suggest projects, and receive comments and input from everyone affected. The preliminary analysis report was received and accepted by Council on December 17. Staff briefly highlighted the property owners response to the proposed improvements I and also the recommendations contained wi thin the report. Staff subsequently recommended that Council hold an informational hearing on January 7 to receive input from the entire city prior to proceeding with feasibility report. Notification of the informational hearing was mailed out to the property owners in the study area, and also published in the Sailor. Primary Issues to Consider o What was the property owners and DRC members response to this proposed improvement? o Recommendations contained in the planning and analysis report. o Project Cost o How will the project be funded? o What further action will be required by the City Council? supporting Information o Analysis of Issues o Planning and Analysis Report ~t~~c Works Director Council Report: 92-03 Page 2 Analysis of Issues o What was the property owners and DRC members response to this proposed improvement? The timing for an alleyscape improvement project to be constructed in 1992 was found to be acceptable. The scope of such a project was well received by the property owners and business people in the downtown area. Their generally was strong support for using a comprehensive approach to studying and eventually improving the alleys and parking areas of the CBD area. Projects to the public right-of-way should not be assessed out. Funding mechanisms through the city's loan assistance programs should be made available as much as possible for improvements on private property. o Recommendations contained in the planning and analysis report. An executive summary found near the beginning of the report by RLK. & Associates Ltd. outlines the consultants recommendations concerning this project. The following analysis further synopsizes staff and consultant position. The recommended improvement program has been divided into 3 years. It is recommended that this form the basis of a future Alleyscape Improvement Program. A parking study is recommended for implementation in 1992 or 1993. The study needs to reflect all the changes that have recently taken place in the downtown area, and explore various means to further improve parking and traffic conditions. Centralization of recycling and trash enclosures was found to be a high priority item within all the blocks. The concept of moving the depot into the CBD area should be pursued. A continuation of the Mainstreet design elements should be carried into the alley environment to esthetically unite the front and rear entrances of the businesses. o Project Cost The project costs are included in the report and are listed with the proposed funding sources and by the year of the improvement. The estimated cost for the public improvement in 1992 is $782,000. Council Report: 92-03 Page 3 o How will the project be funded In December of 1989 the city allocated, as a part of a $1. 3 million redevelopment bond, $450,000 for an alley improvement proj ect. These funds, along with tax increment reserves which the city has on hand, would be the primary source of funding for the proposed project. The Planning Director , Jim Kerrigan, has indicated that the city has approximately $800,000 available in 1992 for this project, and that the city may have the necessary funding for the 1993 and 1994 improvements. o What further action will be required by the City Council? If the proj ect proceeds as anticipated and Council orders a feasibility report, further action would be dependent upon the findings of the feasibility report. staff however, anticipates that a procedure very similar to the Mainstreet project would be used throughout the entire project. Alternatives Based upon staffs recommendation, the city council has the following alternatives; 1. Approve staffs recommendation. 2. Discontinue any further action on the project. 3. Table item for further information.