CR 92-10 Designation Official Newspaper m .y '" o P K \ ~ December 30, 1991 council Report 92-l0 DESIGNATION OF THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER proposed Action staff recommends that the Council approve the following motion: Move approval of the Hopkins Sailor as the ci tv of Hopkins' official newspaper. overview The city needs to annually designate an official newspaper for legal notices, etc. The official paper has been the Hopkins Sun-Sailor for a number of years. They are experienced in providing this service. The city also received a proposal from the Weekly News. The rate charged by the Sun-Sailor is competi ti ve wi th that offered by the Weekly News. primary Issues to Consider o Which newspaper would best serve as the city's official newspaper? The Sun-Sailor remains the local paper that is read the most within the city. It is probably considered the "official" newspaper by most citizens.. Its rates are competi ti ve with the Weekly News. supporting Information o Letter from Minnesota Suburban Newspapers. o Letter from the Weekly News, Inc. v' s A. Genellie ting City Manager ,"'.' ' ,MJNNES,OTA, SUN PUBLICATIONS Si.in-Current, . ..... . Sufi-Post,.'. ",. Sun.-Sailor .'.... /- ". , . ,". r ' ',. , . ,., Dece:mb~r . 17/19,91' " ,. " , - . .- '". , . r ' , ,CltycoUl1cil'.' , . city of Hopkins ..' 'lOlOFirst.street South, Hopkins,MJ;i1'55343 Dear, Council..Me111bers: " '1-, . , ,;J. , .' '. '. -;-" .' -- ,'.- . Please considarth8;Sun~Sai16r as the city of HOPkins.'. 'official Ilewspaper for the year" 1992 ,at YOllrJanuaryobjan,izatioria.lmeetin9:. . '. Our c~fupany prides'itself >onprovid.ingahiSThqu.ellity dOirimunity. newspaper "that' is;timely arid ,informative. our'2,3'pUblications. seiye,over.4ocitie'p', "'.andsch60ldi:stiicts'as' their legaL newspaper. Your legal ad.vertising,will . 'be process'ed by Meridel Hedblom whohas,lQ years experience>inhandling '. '. legalriOt;:ices., . ,. ". The/rate St.~uqtllre for legals effective Janllary ,1, 1992 wilI' be:" .. . . 1 column width ,... '.. . " ...', . $;0'.67 per Tine .,fi.rst inserti6il' ($7.37: per inch) , $0.37 per line - subpeguentinsertiOns ($4.07 Per iriqh) 2 column width ." ,'. ',.,' '. ,$1 ~34.per line -firf;jtinsertion( $14'. 7 4 per: inch) . $0 .74 per 'line':" ,su~seqUeI11= inE!,ertibns't$8.14 Pratinch) . , " , - ~ '. - . Nota,~izedaffidavit,s on. eacb of yourpubl.ica,tions w'iil be. provldeq;., ' . , Effective Januciry, 1 ,,1992 all Te'gal,ads should be sel1t to our;, J;31oomin~ton: ofifice ,by Tnursdaynoon p:t~cedil1g our Wedriesdaypublications. In order' to;eXp~diteourf;ervipeto. you,: pltaae;~direct,your'legals to 'tl1e 'attei1tion, ' of; Me:t"ideiJf~dblomr 'Minnesota Sun, Publications , 7831 East Bush Lake.RQad , . Blooming-ton, ~'554.39.., 'For you+,'.c()nVe;:I:1ience> our fax, nuIi1b;eris896-4754. .....Thank. y~ufOr~coI1side~ {ng the Sun -sailo~as; ycrurofficial n~w?paperfo.F the." '. 'ensuing year. Weal:,'e honore,d and,pleas,edto.serveyou : and 10okforWarCl to a Inutuallyberieficialworking ,.:telcitionsl1ip with the city of Hopkins~ .... . , > ,. ' '., - " ',' '..' - ", , -. " ',Bloon,il:1gtonOffice: 7831. East Bush Lake Road - Blex,mington, MN .55439, -.Ph:(612)S96;'470P December 16, 1991 TO: Steve Mielke, City Manager City of Hopkins FROM: Brigitte Kay Reuther Weekly News Editor/Publisher RE: Legal Notice Bid for 1992 Thank you for the opportunity to bid on the contract for publication of legal notices for the City of Hopkins. Our bid for the upcoming calendar year is unchanged from 1991 and will continue to be $1.00 per line per insertion. Each line is 3 1/4" wide (see attached example)/ which is twice the width of the standard printed legal notice. There is no extra charge for bold type, underlining, upper case lettering, affidavits of publication or billing. Invoices for legal notices published in the WEEKLY NEWS will be sent at the end of each month, along with two affidavits of publication for each item. Payment is due within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. We will be happy to provide extra copies of any insertions or affidavits at your request. Legal notices will be published in the entire 38,000 circulation of our newspaper on Thursday of the week(s) deemed appropriate by your city administration. The STRICT DEADLINE for submission of such notices for publication is MONDAY at 5 p.m. for Thursday's newspaper. Legal notice submissions may be mailed, delivered in person or/ if absolutely necessary, by fax at 475-3945. The WEEKLY NEWS has enjoyed working with the City of Hopkins in the past and we will continue to cover all city activities, and publish public service announcements, as well as publish legal notices as requested. If you have questions regarding this bid, feel free to contact me anytime at 473-0890. Sincerelyht:: F/' .Jr' ,/ - , ./ ,/' - '!.(;~7 .1 c_M,A%,L/ ._' t- rigitte Kay Reuther WEEKLY NEWS Weekly News, Inc. 240 S. Minnetonka J Wayzata, MN 55391 612/473-0890