CR 92-52 Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program \ "\ y 0 v '" February 20, 1992 OPK\~ city Council Repart: 92-52 COMMERCIAL REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM TEMPORARY INCENTIVES Proposed Action. Staff recommends the adapt ion af the follawing mation: Move to confirm HRA Resolution No. 284 adapting the Temporary Incentive to the Commercial Rehabilitatian Laan Proqram. and other incentives in cooperation with the praqram. far 1992. The intent of the changes to. the Cammercial Rehabilitatian Loan Program are to. encourage the use af the pragram thraughout Phase II of the Mainstreet Improvement project. Overview. A temporary incentive package was established in 1991 to accelerate the use of the Cammercial Rehabilitatian Laan pragram throughaut Phase I af the Mainstreet Impravement Praject. Staff has concluded that further incentives shauld be prapased in an effart to. foster the use of the City's Cammercial Rehabilitation Laan pragram in 1992 in canjunctian with the follawing prajects: o Phase II Mainstreet praject o passible Alleyscape Impravement Project - Staff will examine prapasing additional incentives in canjunctian with the Alleyscape Improvement praject at the time the Cauncil elects to praceed with that praject. The Commercial Rehab program guidelines are prapased to. remain unchanged with the exceptian af the temporary incentives as outlined in this report. One loan in the amaunt of $49,050 was pracessed in 1991. This was a loan to the Tub & Shower for a rehabilitatian af 1010 Mainstreet. primary a o Issues to Consider. What are the basic pragram guidelines af aur present Commercial Rehabilitatian Laan pragram? What temporary incentives were adapted for the Commercial Rehabilitatian Laan pragram in 1991? What temporary incentives are being prapased for this pragram for the remainder of 1992? What is the saurce af funds for this pragram? What ather actian is necessary to. apprave the prapased temparary incentives? o a a Supportinq Information a Resalution No.. 284 a Resalution No.. 286 ~; '-~: - Paul T~ cammunity Develapment Specialist CR 92-52 Page 2 Analvsis of Is.sues. Based an the mation recammended, the HRA has the following issues to cansider: o What are the basic program guidelines of our present Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program? Presently, the basic pragram guidelines are as follaws: a Maximum loan amaunt - $50,000, requires matching amaunt af funds from the private developer a Interest rate, fram 3% far exteriar impravements and 6% far interior improvements a Term af the laan is fram 12 to 20 years o What temporary incentives were adopted for the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program in 1991? The fallowing changes were made as part of the temporary incentive package far 1991: 1. The City deferred all payment af principal and interest an new laans far the remainder af 1991. Any laans having a closing date in 1991 had payments which began an January 1, 1992. This deferment related to. bath interior andexteriar impravements. 2. The City provided up to. $500 far architectural design services. This anly applied to. exteriar improvement design plans. o What temporary incentives are being proposed for this program for the remainder of 1992? The fallowing items are being recommended by staff as a temporary incentives for the Commercial Rehabilitatian Laan Program for 1992,: Defer all payments of princi?al and interest on new loans far a periad af six (6) manths fram the closinq date af thelaan. o Loan will be deferred six (6) months fram the date af written appraval of the laan request fram the City. a Payments wauld be scheduled to begin an the first day of the month follawing the sixth manth. The 1991 temporary incentives stated that all paYment af principal and interest wauld be deferred until January 1, 1992. This pravided mare of an incentive to. thase who. wauld apply for the laan in the early manths af the year, as campared to thase who. wauld apply far a loan in the later part af the year. By stating there will be a deferment of CR 92-52 Page 3 six (6) months from the date af closing, this provides as much of an incentive to. an applicant in the manth of February as it daes to. an applicant in the month of December. Legal counsel has infarmed staff that grants are specifically prahibited under the state statute governing the Commercial Rehabilitatian Laan Program. since the HRA's Commercial Rehab Laan pragram is established under the guidelines af this state statute, attarney steve Bubul has recommended aur grant incentives be separate from the Commercial Rehab Laan Pragram. The fallawing two. incentives will therefare be used in coaperation with the Cammercial Rehab Laan Pragram, but as a separate set af temporary incentives designed to encaurage commercial rehabilitatian. The fallawing are the two grant incentives which will be o.ffered to. applicants who are appraved far the city's standard Cammercial Rehabilitatian Loan: 1. A qrant af up to. $500 far architectural desiqn services. o Grant would be required to. be used anly for exteriar improvement design plans. o Grant will be made upan submissian af an invoice, and at the time the last Cammercial Rehabilitation payment is made by the City to. the applicant. 2. A grant equal to. 5% of the City's part ion of the loan. up to. a maximum of $2.500. o This grant wauld be required to. be used only for exteriar facade impravements. 0. This grant wauld be made upan submissio.n af an invaice and at the time the last Cammercial Rehabilitatian paYment is made by the City to. the applicant. o What is the s.ource of funds for this program? Tax increment is used to. fund the Co.mmercial Rehab Laan. The architectural grant and exterior facade improvement grant would be funded thraugh either the Ecanomic Develapment Fund, ar Tax Increment reserves. o What other action is necessary to approve the proposed temporary incentives? The action to apprave Resalutio.n No. 284 is cantingent upan appraval af the HRA Resalution No.. 286, which authorizes the use af grants as incentives to. commercial rehabilitation CR 92-52 Page 4 within the baundaries af TIF District 1-1 and Redevelopment praject Area No.. 1. Resalutian No. 286 is attached to this report. Alternatives. The City Council/HRA has the fallawing alternatives to. cansider: 1. Move to. autharize the changes to the Cammercial Rehab Loan program and the additional incentives as detailed by staff, for the remainder af 1992, by appraving Resolution No.. 284.. 2. Move to. autharize alternative changes to the Commercial Rehab Laan pragram. 3. Cantinue the item far further infarmatian fram staff. 4. Direct staff to take no. further actian an this item. Under this action the Cammercial Rehabilitatio.n Loan program wauld be maintained withaut any temparary incentives. CITY OF HOPKINS HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Hennepin county, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO: 284 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TEMPORARY CHANGES TO THE COMMERCIAL REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Hapkins on. June 9, 1982 adapted Ordinance No. 82-511 establishing and providing for the administratian of a Commercial Rehabilitation Loan pragram; and WHEREAS, the Hopkins Housing & Redevelopment Authority was authorized to adapt from time to time various program regulatians; and WHEREAS, the Hopkins Hausing and Redevelopment Authority was authorized to manage the program; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Hapkins Housing & Redevelapment Autharity hereby approves and adopts an amended pragram of rehabilitation, madernization and repair of certain commercial districts or areas in the City for the year 1992. The amended program will allow for the deferment of all principal and interest paYments for all new laans relating to exterior and interior building improvements. In caaperatio.n with this program, the City will pravide up to. $500 in a grant for architectural design services for exteriar improvements, and a grant in the amount of 5% of the loan, up to. $2,500, for fixed exterior improvements. Adopted this 2nd day af March, 1992. Nelson W. Berg, Chairman ATTEST: Steve Mielke, Executive Directo.r Ho.using'and Redevelapment Autho.rity in and far the City o.f Ho.pkins, Minneso.ta Reso.lutian No.. 286 Reso.lutio.n adapting an Amendment to. the Redevelo.pment Plan far Redevelapment Praject No.. 1 and the Tax Increment Financing Plan far Tax Increment Financing District No.. 1-1 BE IT RESOLVED by the Hausing find Redevelapment Autharity in and far the City af Hapkins, Minnesata (Autho.rity) as fallaws: Sectian 1 . Recitals. 1.01. The Autharity is administering Redevelapment Praject No.. 1 (Praject) and Tax Increment Financing District No.. 1-1 (TIF District) in the City af Hapkins, pursuant to. Minn. Stat. Sectian 469.001 to. 469.047 (HRA Act) and Sectio.n 469.174 to. 469.179 (TIF Ac~ 1.02. The Redevelapment Plan far the praject and the Tax Increment Financing Plan (TIF Plan) far the TIF District are cantained in a dacument titled "Reo.rganizatio.n and Mo.dificatio.n o.f Redevelapment Prajects and Tax Increment Financing Districts (Including Tax Increment Financing Plan fo.r Tax Increment Financing District No.. 2-2)," appraved by the Autharity and the City an No.vember 7, 1989. 1.03. The Autharity has determined a need to. amend the Redevelapment Plan and the TIF Plan in o.rder to. autharize additianal redevelapment activities in the Praject area, and has reviewed a dacument titled "Amendment to. Redevelo.pment Plan far Redevelapment Praject No.. 1 and Tax Increment Plan far Tax Increment financing District No.. 1--1, Ho.using and Redevelapment Autharity in and for the City 9f Hapkins, Minne'sata," dated March 2, 1992. 1.04. The amendment to. the Redevelapment Plan daes nat alter the exteriar baundaries af the Praject area, and daes nat subs tan tially affect the general land use in the Redevelopment Plan, and therefare the amendment daes nat co.nstitute a "madification" that requires the no.tice and hearing required far initial appro.val af a Redevelapment Plan, pursuant to. Sectian 469.029, Subd. 6 af the HRA Act. 1.05. The amendment to. the TIF Plan daes nat alter the baundaries of the TIF District, increase the estimated tax increment expenditures, ar o.therwise canstitute a madification that requires the natice and hearing requirement for initial appraval af a TIF Plan, pursuant to. Sectio.n 469.175, Subd. 4 af the TIF Act. Sectian 2. Autharity Appraval. 2.01. The Autharity finds that the abjectives af the Autharity. af encauraging redevelapment within the Praject will be advanced by adaptian af the amendment to. the Redevelapment Plan and the TIF Plan. SJB30100 HPllO-22 " 2.02. The amendment to. the Redevelapment Plan and the TIF Plan is appraved by the Autharity. Appraved by the Hausing and Redevelapment Autharity in and far the City af Hapkins this day af , 1992. Chair ATTEST: Secretary SJIlJOIOO HPllO-22