CR 92-56 Local 49 Contract \ "\ y 0 - o P K \ ~ February 25, 1992 Council Report 92-56 APPROVE 1992 LOCAL 49 CONTRACT ProDosed Action staff recommends that the Ccuncil approve the fallowing matian: Mave appraval of the 1992 Contract far Local 49. This action will ratify the 1992 cantract for Lacal 49, the Public Works' union. overview We have campleted negatiatians with Lacal 49. The cantract calls far a 3% wage increase and an increase af $l5.00 per manth far health, life, and dental insurance. primary Issues to consider a Haw daes' this agl;'eement campare to. the amaunts budgeted for wage and benefit increases in the 1992 budget? This agreement exceeds what was budgeted far in the 1992 budget. staff expects to. make up the difference with budget cuts and contingency. a Haw daes this agreement campare with cost of living and insurance increases? The cast af living in 1991 was estimated at 3 .l%. This agreement allows for .a 3.0% increase. Health insurance rates went up between 9% and 18%. This contract calls far a 6% increase in insurance. a Haw does this agreement campare wi th settlements in ather cities? staff is aware af 17 settlements amang metra area cities. The average settlement is 3.1% far wages and $270.00 for insurance. supportinq Information a Capies af the cantract are available fram the City Clerk. c::( s A. Genellie sistant City Manager