CR 92-61 CUP - Minnesota Motors " February 27, 1992 \ "\ y 0 :ca: OPK\~ cauncil Repart CR92-61 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - MINNETONKA MOTORS Pro-posed Action. staff recommends the follawing mation: Mave to approve Resolutian 92-23 appravinq the expansion of the auto. sales lot at 420 Mainstreet. Mr. Hutchisan moved and Mr. Winship secanded a mation to apprcve Resolutian RZ92-3 recammending approval to amend their conditional use permit to. aperate an auto. sales lot at 420 Mainstreet.. The matian passed 6-0. Mr. Chapman abstained. Overview. Minnetonka Mators was granted a candi tianal use permit to. operate an auto sales lat at 420 Mainstreet in 1989. They naw are requesting to. expand their aperation. Minnetonka Motors existing aperation utilizes the front af the building at 420 Mainstreet and the parking area to the east of the building. Sample Service was located at the rear of the building. Sample Service is mcving to. anather lacation. Minnetanka Matars wants to. expand their cperatian and utilize part af the area used by Sample Service. Primary o Issues to Consider. Has the applicant camplied with the conditions far the conditional use permit for an auto sales lat? How will the applicants operation expand? What are the requirements far an auto. sales lot in the B-3 district? o o SUDDortinq Documents. o Analysis of Issues o site Plan o Resalution 92-23 CR92-61 Page 2 NOTES FROM ZONING AND PLANNING Staff reviewed the applicants request with the Commission. Mark Melby, t~e awner af Minnetanka Matars, and Bill Traiser, the owner af the property, appeared befare the Commission. Mr. Traiser presented a landscape plan for the west parking lot. Mr. Traiser also. presented a plan far the existing landscaping alang Mainstreet. Mr. Traiser stated they would. be adding additianal plantings to the landscape area along Mainstreet. Mr. Traiser asked if plantings cculd be used instead of the 5 foot fence. The ordinance requires a 5 foat fence. Mr. Traiser asked why Rudy Luther did nat have a fence between his property and the city praperty. The staff will check an this. Mr. Pavelka apened the public hearing ~t 9:25. Being there was no one to speak regarding this issue, the public hearing was clased at 9:26. CR92-61 Page 3 primary Issues to consider. o Has the applicant complied with the requirements for a conditional use permit to operate an auto sales lot? In checking the site there were two cars parked far display in the front yard setback. These cars are a violation of the conditional use permit and must be removed because they are located in the frant yard setback. Because of the snaw it was difficult to determine the extent af the landscaping in the frant yard. Hawever, it appears the there could be same additianal plantings in this area. staff wauld recammend that the applicant undertake additional plantings in the frant yard. The existing operatian has changed slightly from the original site plan submitted. The custamer parking is now next to the building instead of near the display cars. o How will the applicants operations expand? The applicant will be taking aver the rear partian of the building and the lct an the west side cf the building. The new building space cansists af6100 square feet and will be used as an additional showraam far cars. The parking area an the west side af the building will be used for emplayee parking and a sales lat. There currently is a laading dack in the west side of the building. This laading off and the parking lat re-blacktapped. used as a sales lat. parking area on the dack will be closed This area will be There will be 5300 square feet af vacant building on the site. The applicant daes nat have a tenant as of yet. o What are the requirements for an auto sales lot in the B-3 district? 1. the sales lat shall nat be larger in square footage than the square foatage af the building devoted to the related business; 2. the 20 feet require frant yard shall be landscaped and shauld the frant yard be less than 20 feet due to non- confcrming"use, a permanent barrier at least 18 inches high shall separate the sales lat fram the public walk; 3. lighting of the sales lat shall be totally fram indirect lighting; CR92-61 ,Page 4 4. shauld the lat abut an R district, an acceptable design of screening fence five feet in height shall be constructed alang the abutting lat line; 5. the auto. sales lat shall nat include vehicles over a 9,000 lb. rated weight. since the applicants new sales lat will now abut a residential district, the applicant will be required to. canstruct a five foot fence along this property line. The applicant has stated that they wauld add landscaping on the lot line between their lat and the residential district. The applicants operatian will meet the requirements for an auto sales lat wi th the remaval af the cars in the front yard .setback and the canstructian af a five foot fence. Alternatives. 1. ' Apprave the amendment af the candi tianal use permit. By approval af the ccnditional use permit, the applicant will be able to. expand his operation. 2. Deny the amendment to. the canditicnal use permit. By denying the amendment to. the canditianal use permit, the applicant will not be able to. expand his aperation. 3. cantinue for further infarmatian. If the City Cauncil indicates that further infarmatian is needed the it.em should be cantinued. =- ._~ -:~:~:'.:iii'~~f",!." - ~"~,~....~:'):'. . . \ @.... . '; ".:; . .. . . . . 1~!I'.~t:~ ,.,1, " .. II t.. "','*\ .- .'0 '. ...... .' ' * '\ EXHIBIT A ORIGINAL SITE PLAN .. :~'.W/.-'f .' '" SITI PLAN ";'" ...I::l.... 428 IlAlH&TREET , 1-< . '..5. -..-- >1 : . ... ~S19J1" ~. ~ _,~i~ilt f: ~:~L-l (~Oi) b .- Land.eap1ng _F=f1- Pl 0-<>5". ~_~ ~ /---- . ---- 1~ . ,. tt P.z \CJ -'M -- . .. ~ . .., Of f 1.C8 ' ..... I 0\ - _-. - showrooaa .9 I _... ....__ . . -,} N' ~ 1-- .-. - .' ... . ""-- ",. ..., i -.- " --.. IHI -a " \~I-=~~ ~ !f4f ... ' )~ --....'.. '.- . :u . (J t' - 1."'__' '-'-' , . -l ~I.'~.-~: ., " E f. Scale I": 4f/ d ' \) g. 'I i '" d .... Q.I ~ :> 2500 ..f. .....'1 81-0' ~.....~,~ cr -".1 c I 1........__1__.- - i~l/Ployee pa~kin~~(~ , . __.,~.a,~ . . dock ., OrEt.i""~ :; 5000 s.t. " '\ r~ ,j Vehicle ShowroaD e- E Employe. parking (3) . . . ~pA-~6. 5000 s.f. t300ft. OPEPINlf .0:1 ' .- ~.o; . M-1.: ~ " . . -- .... ~ ~ " '., ........ ......... " " ........... " ." " . "\ / . EXHIBIT .B PROPOSED SITE PLAN SITE PLAN : . . $'- r,; 420 IIAINSTREET , '. ;1 _.-~ I I~ liS '''- ~f t .~Si9D. Sidewalk . . (~~ ~:j - (IInO.?) T ,- Landscaping ~-- t')oi; olJ '0 c : , f Scele ! ,u=. *to' I I t I I i '. Office c Showroom - S<4' C - , o- N - ~ go ta m 'i d ... <ll 'j '~ -fu :- 2500 a.f. c Vehicle SID..troan ..... -1lJ- U' , ; ~'EW ~;~rAY AR~ I , \ ~ ,.' Ir) , I: NEW SHOWROOM AREA c I: E E /;- 5000 B.f. ---- c tr Employe. Parking ( I !, ,.' '- '- ." ....... " " - ..., " l! , .G'O' ~ I., " Cb .... 1~'S ~ ~ . . . '. . /3C15aj~- --9...... Ifi' ~-- ,G 042 r'/35) Q ~ ~ " -...; ;-- !~ ~;O- ~ g: I <::) )10 ~ '~Cl4" J (2) (10) :::::: ~ 113) II 1 ~. Co' "" 2 r,.,. ~ '4(140 Clanu ~ ~tin (4f) ~ (1/4) ;2 ~ ...... 13 CI~9' 1'\j (II) ~ ,; . ~ Cl38)12 ~ , 1509 (13) ~ liS) ~ it . ~'f) , I C/G) ~ I I I ~ 12(72) (61) 7 ~;;:: l'; ,,;c~_l'5J] " ~ "(71) (G8) 8 'to liJ t ....... . ~ -.J Ir) 15(53) \1 _ ~, ~ ~ _~(4G~~ - " 10 A 'J7. (Sf) (50) (49) (. (89) (88) _ . q, . /3 '2 , / - . . /3 309 305 _ ....... '7 (5.S} (44) 6 ~ ~ " 'I ~f :-~ 5ol!5 T 1 /2 / I "Ii)! ClIO) 13 ST. NO 3/0 I 306 30. G 5 4 (84) (83) (82) I (92) !/. (9~ V 14 ' /~ - 3l/f '9'0..:> _ .:1/'9' .9 8 7 (8n (86) (85) (3) _4 JfJ... 42(f (3) I I 4/4 404 I 3/4 } I 1 14 I IS 1 /6 I I I I l_.J_ __ J (9) 12 (G) 13 (7) '---- (43) I I I I I I "' (8) \ (38) 7 401 .19 , i'/ B (48) CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin Caunty, Minnesata RESOLUTION NO: 92-23 RESOLUTION MAKING FINDINGS OF FACT AND APPROVING AN APPLICATION TO AMEND A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WHEREAS, an applicatian to. amend a conditianal use permit entitled CUP 92-1 made by Minnetanka Motors is appraved. WHEREAS, the pracedural histcry of the application is as follows: 1. That an application to. amend a conditional use permit CUP 92-1 was filed with the City af Hapkins an January 21, 1992. 2. That the Hapkins Planning Cammission reviewed such application an February 25, 1992. 3. That the Hapkins Planning Cammission, pursuant to. published and mailed natice, held a public hearing on February 25, 1992: all persons present at the hearing were given an apportunity to. be heard. 4. That written comments and analysis of the City Staff and the Planning Cammission were cansidered. WHEREAS, the follawing is a legal description af the praperty: Lat 26, Black 5, West Minneapolis, according to the recorded plat thereaf. The Narth and South baundaries of said tract being marked by Judicial Landmarks placed at the faur carnersthereaf. Tract B, except the Narth 19 feet af the East 50 feet as measured along the Narth and East lines thereof, and ALL of Tracts A, C, D, E and F, Registered Land Survey No. 823, Files af the Registrar af Titles, Caunty af Hennepin. That part af the two. fallowing described parcels of land: Lot 9, except that part thereaf lying West of a line drawn parallel to and distant 33 feet East at right angles fram said West line af said Lot 9, Auditor's Subdivision Number 242, Hennepin County, Minnesota; and That part of Lat 10, Auditor's Resalutian No.. 92-23 Page 2 Subdivision Number 242, Hennepin County, Minnesata lying West of a line extending acrass said Lot from Narth to. Sauth and drawn parallel with and 34 feet distant East fram the West line of said Lat, which lies Southerly af a line 122 feet Sauth af, measured at right angles to. and parallel with the North line of the two. abave described parcels af land, according to the plat thereof an file or af reccrd in the affice of the Register af Deeds in and far said Caunty. That part af Lat 26, Auditar's Subdivision Number 242, Hennepin caunty, Minnesata, described as beginning at the intersectian af the Sautherly extension of the East line of the West 33 feet cf Lot 9, in said Auditor's Subdivisian Number 242, with the Sauthwesterly line of said Lot 9; thence ,Southeasterly along the Northeasterly line af said Lat 26 a distance cf 315.27 feet; thence Sautherly, parallel with the Sautherly extensian af the West line of said Lat 9 a distance af 32 feet, more ar less, to. a line drawn parallel with and 26.5 feet Sauthwesterly fram the Northeasterly line af said Lot 26; thence Narthwesterly alang the last described parallel line a distance af 315.27 feet to. its intersection with the Southerly extension af the East line of the West 33 feet af said Lat 9; thence Northerly along the last described extension a distance cf 32 feet, mare or less, to. the paint of beginning, according to. the recarded plat thereaf. Lot 11, Caunty, thereaf. Auditor's Minnesata, Subdivisian Number accarding to. the 242, Hennepin recorded plat NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that applicatian far CUP 92-1 is hereby appraved based an the fallawing Findings af Fact: 1. That an auto. sales lat is permitted with a canditianal use permit in the B-3 district. 2. That the prapased expansion meets the requirements far an auto. sales lat. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that applicatian for CUP 92-1 is hereby appraved based on the fallowing Conditions: 1. That a five foot fence is to be constructed along the property line for the south sales lat in accordance with a plan acceptable to. the City Staff. 2. That the display cars an the north side of the building are remaved permanently. Resalutian No. 92-23 Page 3 3. That additianal landscaping be pravided in the frant yard setback in accardance with a plan acceptable to. the City staff. 4. All previous canditians required as a part of CUP 89-17 are still in effect. Adapted this 2nd day af March, 1992. Nelson W. Berg, Mayar James A. Genellie, City Clerk