CR 92-127 Jaycee Tent Dances - Raspberry Festival , \ y 0 (j '" May 29, 1992 o P K council Report # 92-127 JAYCEE TENT DANCES AT CENTRAL PARK - RASPBERRY FESTIVAL Proposed Action staff recommends adoption of the following motion Move to allow the Jaycees to operate tent dances at Central Park on July 10th and 11th on the condition that beer sales conclude at 12 a.m. and all music is concluded at 12:30 a.m. Adoption of this motion would cause some change in the arrangements proposed by the Jaycees. overview At a recent Council meeting, the Council discussed the tent dances proposed for Lot 300 in the downtown area. During that discussion, it was mentioned that the Jaycees were planning to have tent dances in Central Park (not in the pavilion) . Plans are completed for the tent dances at Central Park and the staff has worked with the Jaycees to allow the tent dances to occur in the permanent base rink area of central park. All other considerations for the tent dance seem to be in order, however, the operation of the dance itself caused staff adequate concern to propose that this item be placed before the Council for consideration. staff is recommending that the Council specify the appropriate time for cessation of alcohol sales and band playing. While the staff is recommending 12 a. m. and 12:30 respectively, the Council has the authority to set whatever limits it deems appropriate. Primary issues to consider o How does noise from the bands affect the surrounding areas? o What is the impact of specifying a closing time for beer sales? SUDDorting Information o Staff analysis of issues o Raspberry schedule l~ r?7}"e-i!~ jk IrJ k teven C. Mielke, City Manager . STAFF ANALYSIS OF ISSUES FOR THE JAYCEE TENT DANCE STAFF REPORT Primary issues to consider o How does noise affect the surrounding area? The Jaycees have indicated that the use of the ice rink area i conducive to the tent dance since it allows for a natural fencing and is large enough to accommodate the dances. The Jaycees have indicated that they would place plastic barriers on three sides of the band so as to direct noise to the south and into the industrial areas. This should help to direct noise away from the residential areas on the other three sides of Central Park. In the past, dances at Central Park have been held in the barn or in the pavilion. In each case noise complaints were limited but still existed. By limiting the tent dances to 12:30, the noise can be anticipated for the neighborhood and stopped at a reasonable time. within the Raspberry schedule, one of the bands is scheduled to play until 12:30 and the other until 12 o'clock, therefore, the impact on the bands should be minimal. o What time should be specified for the cessation of beer sales? staff has reviewed with the Jaycees their general plans for beer sales. The Jaycees indicated that between 12 and 12:30 the beer sales taper off leading to the conclusion of the dance. Staff would recommend that beer sales be halted 1/2 hour before the dance is completed so as to allow for consumption of alcohol to be done at about the same time as the dance. In speaking with the Jaycees, they have indicated that halting beer sales at midnight can sometimes encourage people to go downtown for "last call". It may be advisable to discuss this further with the Jaycees. o Alternatives The Jaycees schedule stipulates the times in which they wish to complete the tent dances. The staff recommendation is somewhat more specific as to the two issues involved in this report. It is possible that the Jaycees may wish to have these time altered to later in the morning so as to fill their expectations. The Council has the alternative of extending or shortening the hours to the Council's wishes. ,,-- 4: . 10 (L'lJcitia:t) EVENT: TIME: LOCATION: BAND: CONTACT: Jaycees Tent Dance 8:00 - 12:30 pm Outside Hopkins Pavilion Jack Knife & Sharps (Rockabilly) Brian Levanduski 931-0132 ~' JULY 11 (Saturday) EVENT: TIME: LOCATION: CONTACT: BANDS: Jaycees 12 Hour Tent Dance 1:00 pm - 1:00 am Outside Hopkins Pavilion Bryan Levanduski 931-0132 1:00-4:00 Slipper Steves (Rock) 8:00-12:00 Koolatts (Top 40 & Jazz) .