Memo Council Worksession - Strategic Economic Plan
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'. C I T Y o F HOP KIN S
DATE: July 16, 1992
TO: Honorable~nd city Council
FROM: Tom Harmenih' , c~mmun~ ty Development Director
Purpose of Discussion'
The City Council is, scheduled to meet at 6:30 p.m., prior to the
regular City Council meeting on July 21, to discuss the draft
plan of the Strategic Plan for Economic Development for the City
. of Hopkins.
Currently, the Strategic Planning Task Force is undertaking a
process of receiving public input on the proposed plan. The
discussion during the Council worksession is intended to provide
an opportunity for the Council, as individuals and a group, to
provide comments on the recommended goals and actions steps in
the strategic Plan.
Attached is a copy of the Executive Summary of the Strategic Plan
for Economic Development. The Mayor and Councilmember Anderson
will be reviewing on an issue by issue basis the goals and action
steps in the action plan. As only an hour is being allotted for
this discussion, your review of the plan prior to the City
Council meeting will be 'very beneficial.
As the City Council reviews the draft plan, it is suggested that
the Council keep the following thoughts in mind as a means to
assist in developing questions and comments on the plan. These
questions include:
0 Do you agree with the mission statement and the overall
goals in each of the five issue areas?
6 Do you agreeandjor have any comments on any of the
action steps identified to accomplish the goals for
. each of the five areas?
0 How do you feel the pla~ affects business and industry
as well as the residential constituents in Hopkins?
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Honorable Mayor and City Council
. July 16, 1992
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0 Are there any economic development issues which are not
included in the plan that should be addressed?
0 How do you feel about the expenditure of public dollars
to implement the action steps in the plan?
I have attached a copy of the schedule which has been developed
which illustrates the process to be used to provide for the
eventual adoption of the strategic Plan. Hopefully this schedule
will give the Council a sense as to how their comments on Tuesday
night will fit into the overall adoption process.
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Time frame UP to formal Council approval:
June 25 strategic Planning Committee Meeting
June 29 - July 10 Schedule meetings for public input
July 13 - Aug.17 Hold public input meetings
July 16 Joint Business Council/HCP meeting
July 20 Live cable TV call in show
'July 21 Council work-session at 6:30 p.m.
(before regularly scheduled Council
July 22 Neighborhood meeting - "The Avenues"
. July 23 Meeting with neighborhood presidents and
possibly 1 or 2 representatives from,
each of the neighborhoods.
July 27 Hold general public information meeting
at City Hall. Staff and one or two Task
Force members to moderate this meeting.
July 28 Zoning & Planning Commission meets to
review plan and comment. (before
regularly scheduled Z & P meeting)
August 10 Senior Citizen meeting
August 24 Strategic Planning Committee meets to
discuss and review public comments.
Finalize entire Strategic Planning
August 25 - Sep. 3 Final revisions are made to plan
September 1 city Council meets to review plan and
comment. This will be a work-session
prior to the meeting.
'. ' September 8 Joint Council/Task Force work-session.
Review changes made to plan by Task
Force~ Detailed discussion on
prioritization of action steps in
' " relation to budget concerns, timing
considerations, etc.
October 6 council approves .final plan and
authorizes staff to begin
October 14 . strategic Planning Committee closure
meeting. Review methods of critiquing
and evaluating plan. Discuss outcome of
overall strategic Planning pro~ess.
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. Prepared by
Strategic Planning Task Force
'June, 1992
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. - Examine other existing facilities centrally
located which may be able to house an information
, ,
6. Advocate the growth and stability of community service
type organizations, such as a "family resource center",
and civic service organizations, such as local clubs,
through informational and cooperative support when
7. Prepare a program for implementation of a pedestrian
walkway and bikeway system throughout all of the city.
Incorporate with present plans for HCRRA property.
8. Improve appearance of entry points to City through
signage, landscaping, infrastructure, maintenance, etc.
9. ~aintain adequate buffer zones between new commercial
development projects and residential properties.
10. Closely examine impacts on city wide image when
considering reductions in services which affect the
image of the community i.e., city wide clean-up
programs, etc.
. 11. Examine qevelopment, of codes which closely regulate the
maintenance of commercial. properties in the city.
12. Encourage destination type businesses or ,uses which
appeal 'to consumers interested in the arts, family
types of uses and entertainment.
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. 4. Undertake analysis of natural corridors to determine
the potential 'for an improvement project which will
link County Road 3 and Mainstreet.
IV. Issue - Mainstreet
0 Goal No. 1 - Provide an atmosphere which will foster the
retention, of existing business along Mainstreet Hopkins and
attract new businesses. '
Action steps:
1. Improve the efforts to market the City's existing
programs to attract/retain businesses. These programs
include: the Commercial Rehabilitation and Sign Grant
Program, New Business, Incentive program, Realtors
Incentive Program and the Leasing Guide. Regularly
assess the benefit/~mpact of this action step.
2. Explore new incentive programs to attract/retain
businesses in the C.B.D.
3. continue to promote Mainstreet Hopkins through trade
. show attendance, festivals, and special events such as
, Farmers Market, Parades, Heritage Days and other
promotional opportunities.
4. Maintain an inventory of vacant buildings along
Mainstreetto provide to Realtors and potential
5. Encourage destination type businesses or uses which
appeal to consumers interested in the arts, family
types of uses and entertainment to locate in the C.B.D.
0 Goal No. 2 - Complete physical improvements to Mainstreet
and natural corridors connecting Mainstreet to County Road
Action steps:
1. Analyze the effectiveness of the Mainstreet Improvement
2. Undertake analysis of natural corridors to determine
the potential for an improvement project which will
link County Rd. 3 and Mainstreet.
. Goal No. 3 - Develop and implement'new financing programs in
order to offer new alternatives for financing redevelopment
or rehabilitation projects along Mainstreet.
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Action steps:
1. Work with local banks to establish financial incentives
in cooperation with existing City programs to support
rehabilitation or redevelopment opportunities along
Mainstreet. '
2. Work with the "bank consortium" to assist in securing
financing for redevelopment projects along Mainstreet
Hopkins. The purpose of this "bank consortium" is to:,
- Reduce the risk o'f individual banks
- Provide an easier method of financing for some
v. Issue - City wide Image
0 Goal No. 1 - Develop and maintain positive appearance of the
City of Hopkins.
Action steps:
1. continue city's ongoing effort to maintain and improve .
all public infrastructure.
2. Maintain and improve upon communication between City
and School District to develop a team approach toward
marketing and improving the community's image.
3. ' Encourage local organizations to continue, and improve
upon the quality of events and attractions, i.e.
Mainstreet Days, Heritage Days, Winterfest, Raspberry
Days, etc.
4. Explore implementing programs to encourage the
aesthetic improvement of private property such as a
landscaping award programs, and painting programs for
single family properties, together with financial
incentives/for undertaking landscaping improvements.
- continue carrying out the recently approved
"Hopkins Community Image Award" program, which
gives awards for general property appearance in
residential and commercial areas of the city.
5. Develop an information center in the Hopkins.
- Analyze the potential of utilizing the depot as an
information center, either in its current .
location, or another location in the city.
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.~ 8. continue City's ongoing effort to maintain and improve
public infrastructure in neighborhoods.
9~ Closely examine impacts on neighborhoods when
considering reductions in city services which affect
residential areas, L e. snow removal, garbage service,
park maintenance, code enforcement, etc.
III. Issue - County Road 3
o Goal No. 1 - Improve/enhance function and appearance of
existing commercial, industrial, and pUblic/semi-public land
uses, including visual improvements such as landscaping,
screening, and tree planting.
Action steps:
1. Reconvene County Road 3 Task Force insuring that entire
corridor is consistently represented. Purpose of County
Road 3 Task Force is to:
- Represent property owners in corridor
- Provide a forum for communication with
.. business /propertyowners ' "
. - Work with governmental agencies
- Prepare long and short term recommendations for
- Assist in implementation of actions outlined in
Strategic Plan
- Undertake surveys, informational meetings, ahd
other communication efforts regarding needs and
desires of adjacent property owners
2. Undertake land use study for County Road 3 East between
5th Ave. and Blake Rd. in cooperation with upgrading of
the roadway by Hennepin County.
3. Review and amend, as necessary, the Comprehensive Plan
and Zoning Ordinance to insure consistency with
strategic Plan, and County Road 3 Task Force
4. Undertake communication efforts with representatives
from Hennepin County, HCRRA and City, to review
strategic Plan and County Road 3 Task Force
recommendations, Benshoof traffic study, and Land Use
5. Undertake steps to implement landscaping improvements
4It on pUblic property between Hwy. 169 & 11th Ave.
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o Goal No. 2 - Foster the development/redevelopment of '4It
property along County Road 3, including consideration for a
business park or major retail involving large scale single
users on the R.L. Johnson property.
Action steps:
1. utilize financial incentive programs for this area to
encourage private reinvestment and location of new
businesses on County Rd. 3. Incorporate a landscaping
and signage improvement assistance program.
2. Communicate with existing business/property owners
o potential improvement project(s)
o development/redevelopment
3. Undertake an analysis to determine the appropriateness
of locating a business park or major retail involving
large scale single uses on the R.L. Johnson property
and its impact on the community.
4. Work with developers concerning the undertaking ofa
project on the R.L. Johnson property, as determined
appropriate, including a Request For Proposals, if 4It
necessary. Tie this to incentives and possibly zoning
flexibility. Include property owner in process.
o Goal No. 3 - Improve vehicular and pedestrian movement along
, County Road 3 and enhance the link between County Road 3 and
Action steps:
1. Develop a program to complete a pedestrian walkway and
bikeway system. Incorporate with County plans to
upgrade roadway and proposed County Path System for
HCRRA property.
2. Work with Hennepin County to implement a. County Rd. 3
Improvement Project as part of their 5 year Capital
Improvement Plan, and begin planning for a major
improvement project to this corridor, also taking into
consideration the possibility and needs associated with
3. Undertake study of possibly reusing depot and
incorporating the city Park with County Rd. 3
improvements. ~
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. 2. Undertake,a "business retention and expansion" survey
process to identify needs of existing businesses.
3. Work with local banks, Department of Trade & Economic
Development, and SBA to increase awareness of existing
programs which support business expansion.
4. Expand the "leasing guide" program, which ,provides
Realtors and prospective retailers a list of available
properties in the retail core, to include
commercial/industrial properties in other sections of
the city.
5. Expand, as much as is determined appropriate, "the
City's existing programs to retain (recruit) businesses
such as the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program and
Sign Grant Program, to include other
commercial/industrial areas in the City of Hopkins.
6. Encourage projects which will help to provide the full
range of support services to employees and local
7. Continue to work on development of a grocery store in
. Hopkins~
8. Establish landscaping programs for all
commercial/industrial area~ of the City.
9. Work with Super Valu warehouse to encourage and
accommodate them in their expansion needs.
10. Work with Hennepin County on redevelopment of Hennepin
,County Public Works site.
0 Goal No. 2 - Induce targeted business and industry to locate,
in Hopkins.
Action steps:
1- Recruit businesses which have a relationship to the
existing grocery industry. '
2. Facilitate a project involving a large scale general
merchandise store on an appropriate site which is
deemed compatible with the existing residential and
business community.
. 3. Insure that responsible parties maintain an
understanding of changes in the metropolitan, national,
and world markets, and take advantage of opportunities
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4. Provide incentives to create jobs for highly .
skilled/technical employees.
5. Encourage projects which will help to provide the full
range of support services to employees and local
businesses, i.e. daycare, laundry, dry cleaners,
restaurants, banking, transportation, parking, etc.
II. Issue - Neighborhoods
0 Goal No. 1 - To assure strong and well maintained
neighborhoods in order to foster an overall positive
economic development climate in Hopkins.
Action steps:
1. Develop a neighborhood outreach program and establish a
Neighborhood Advisory Council (NAC) made up of
representatives from every neighborhood association.
- Periodic meetings between city and Neighborhood
Associations to identify issues, concerns, etc.
- Organize meetings between Business Community and
Neighborhood Associations. .
2. Monitor'effectiveness of "Truth in Housing" ordinance
to insure it is helping to maintain and upgrade
residential housing stock.
3. Facilitate development which will help to meet ~'special
housing needs," and encourage owner occupied housing.
4. Examine vacant properties which are currently zoned and
guided for mUlti-family housing. Determine if changes
need to .be made based on:
- Current housing market
- Land use issues
- Need for owner occupied housing vs non owner
- Goals and objectives of strategic Plan
5. Examine and improve, as necessary, present guidelines
for buffer areas between new commercial development
projects and residential properties.
6. continue/expand existing housing programs pursuant to
the City of Hopkins Housing Plan.
, 7. Examine and ,improve housing maintenance codes and .
aggressively enforce these codes.
Page 6
-. 1. Business Retention/Recruitment
2. Neighborhoods
3. County Road 3
4. Mainstreet
5. City-Wide Image
The Task Force then followed the strategic Planning process through
these 5 priorities. They identified the major vision, barriers to
achieving that vision, strategies to overcome those barriers, and a
series of action steps to accomplish the strategies. These action
steps make up the real focal point of the strategic Plan.
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During the Fall of 1991 the City of Hopkins initiated a strategic
Planning process to identify and address economic development issues
facing the city. This process involved the establishment of a Task
Force utilizing representatives from the business, residential, and
governmental sectors. This Task Force utilized the classic strategic
planning approach of undertaking an environmental scan, identification
of the City's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The
Task Force also developed a Mission statement relating to the city's
economic development efforts. This Mission statement reads as
To improve the economic viability of the community, in order to
provide an enhanced quality of life for all participants, while
maintaining a recognition of the social consequences of actions
taken, as identified by the Hopkins Economic Development
Strategic Plan.
Lastly, the Task Force identified economic 'development issues facing
the city and, using a nominal group technique, prioritized these
issues. The top five economic development issues identified by the
strat,gic Planning Task Force were as follows:
0 Business retention and recruitment .
0 Neighborhoods
0 County Road 3
0 Mainstreet,
0 City wide image
Upon identification of the five top economic development issues facing
the city, the TaskForce developed five year goals and action plans to
address these issues. A summary of these goals and action steps, by
issue, are as follows:
I. Issue - Business Retention/Recruitment
0 Goal No. 1 - Foster the stability and growth of existing
Action steps:
1- Insure adequate training opportunities are available
and easily accessible for employees of local businesses
through marketing and development of locally available .
training programs.
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During August of 1991, the City Council formally, initiated the .
strategic planning process for economic development for the City of
Hopkins. Hopkins is one of the only cities in Minnesota to undertake
the strategic planning process specifically for economic development.
It was with this in mind that Hopkins set out to prove the benefit of
the strategic planning process, and how it can serve to have a
positive effect on the City'S economic development policies.
In August of 1991, staff and the City Council began to educate
themselves on the process of strategic planning. since this process
proved to be relatively new,as it relates to economic development, it
became a matter of starting from the very beginning with a simple
definition of strategic planning, which is as follows:
"The process by which an organization envisions its future
and develops the necessary procedures and operations to
achieve that future.'"
There are three key aspects of this definition:
",. 0 "Envisioning" involves a belief that aspects of the future
can be influenced and changed by what we do now.
0 strategic planning focuses on the process of planning rather
than on the plan that is produced.
0 strategic planning is never completed.
with this definition of strategic planning in mind, it became evident
to the City Council that there were many reasons why the City of
Hopkins should develop a strategic plan for economic development. A
few of these reasons " are as follows:
0 ,Provide focus and direction for the City.
0 Provide information on the purpose and direction of the City
to the general public relative to economic development.
0 Provide the general public with more of an opportunity to
help shape the City'S economic development programs and
0 Make the City proactive rather than reactive to economic
. The City Council formally approved the initiation of a strategic
planning process for economic development with the understanding that
from this process would come a clear definition of the mission of the
City regarding its economic development policy. In cooperation with
this "Mission statement," the process was to involve the development
. .....~.,,-
of a two year action plan, and a five year economic development goal .
and implementation plan.
The Council formally appointed Mayor Nelson Berg to assume the
position of Chairman of the strategic Planning Task Force. The total
number of members of the strategic Planning Task Force, aside from,
staff and facilitator, was 11. A great deal of determination went
into the selection of members to serve on the Task Force. It was
evident to the Council that the makeup of the strategic Planning Task
Force would provide either for the success or. .failure of the strategic
planning process. It was also felt that the Task Force should be made
up of persons representing a cross section of the community. With
this in mind, the following people were chosen to represent the
fOllowing respective groups as members of the strategic Planning Task
0 Mayor Nelson Berg - City council
0 Councilmember Bob Anderson - City Council
0 Ms. Betty Folliard - Neighborhoods
0 Ms. Fran Hesch - Neighborhoods
0 " Mr. Dan Johnson - Neighborhoods
0 Mr. Gerald Bleser - Neighborhoods
,0 Dr. Harry smith -Business community
0 Mr. Bill Weiler - Business Community
0 Mr. Wendell Maddox - Business Community
0 Mr. Larry Dowell - Twinwest Chamber e
0 Ms. Pat Reuter - Zoning, and Planning
These 11 members, facilitator Jim Brimeyer, and City staff members Tom
Harmening, Paul Steinman, and Jim Kerrigan formally began the
strategic planning process for economic development for the city of
Hopkins on Saturday, November 23, 1991.
The Task Force began by identifying all the issues facing the City of
Hopkins of any significance relative to economic development. Once
this was completed, the Task Force proceeded to identify
"stakeholders," who are in some form or another, involved in this
process of strategic planning. The Task Force proceeded with
conducting an analysis of local resources and the City's competitive
position in economic development. This is called an "environmental
scan," and enabled the Task Force to more clearly understand the
city's assets and liabilities for growth. The strategic Planning Task
Force then undertook a "SWOT" analysis, which ~s a technique used to
identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT)
facing the City of Hopkins.
A draft Mission statement was developed during this initial meeting of
the Task Force. The Mission Statement was revised at each successive
meeting of the Strategic Planning Task Force. These successive
meetings consisted of prioritizing the issues (approximately 50 of
them) identified at the first meeting into 15 major issues. Of these e"
15 major issues, the top 5 were selected to be focused upon by the
Task Force. They are as follows:
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