Memo - Travel Policy I Department of Administration I Memorandum From: Hopkins City Council Jim Genellie December 5, 2005 Travel Policy To: Date: Subject: Attached are proposed revisions to the City's Travel Policy. This policy has not been updated since 1990. The major changes are in response to State of Minnesota requirements. The Legislature passed a law requiring all political subdivisions to "develop a policy that controls travel outside the state of Minnesota for the applicable elected officials." by January 2006. The revised policy complies with this requirement. The revised policy also includes a section that makes it clear that any frequent flyer miles, earned by the City paying for airfare, belong to the City. This section brings the City's policy in compliance with Minnesota Statute 15.435. FinalJy, the per diem section of the policy has been updated. The per diem amounts have not been changed since 1990. Actual receipts are preferred but occasionally it may be difficult to get receipts. The per diem allows City officials to claim a set amount for meals and incidentals. \Admin MEMO,doc POT.TCY I.-H TR A VET. RFGTTT.ATTONS &... RFTMRTTRSFMFNT POT.TCrFS 1. PURPOSE 1.01 The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the reimbursement of money spent on official city business. 2 OTJT-OF-STATF. TRAVF.T. FOR F.T.FrTF.n OFFTC:TAT S ? 01 Tne event w()rk~n()p (';onff':Tenl':f'; or ~~~lEJ1ment mll~t he ::lpprnvecl in ::1nv:m(';f': hy the rity rcmn(';il :::It :m open mef':tine ::1nn mllst tnc.lnt1e::loTI f>.~tim::1te: nfthe (';()~t offne fr::tvp,l Tn eV::llw=ltine the ollf- of-st"te tT"Vel Teqllest, the COlln,,;l will "onsioeT the following' . WhetheT the e1e"teo om"i"1 will he Te"eiving tT"ining on isslles n~lf':v::tnt to the c:ity or to his or her role ::IS the M::tynT or l1S ;::) (';()lll1l':11 memhero . . WhetheT the e1e"teo om"i"l will he mep,ting "no netwoTking with other elel':tec1 ()ff1(,;l::J ls from ::ITOl1nO tne l':01111try to ex(';n::tnee lnf':::!s on tnp;(';s of relev:mC':f': to tne r;ty or on the nffi(';;:::tl r()lt:~s nflo(';::tl f':lf':l':ten nff1r.;:::tls . WhetheT the eledeo offiei"l will he viewing" "ity f""ility or fimc.t;on th::tt is simil::tr in n::1tllre to one th:::Jt is C:llITe:ntly op~TMing M OT lInoeT "on<ioeTMion hy the City wheTe the pmpose fOT the trip is to <tlloy the f""ility OT filndion to hTing h:;lc:k ine::;ls for thp. c:onsine:rMlon of the: fllll c:ollnc:il . WhetheT the "]e,,teo off""i"l h"< heen spe"ifi""lly "ssigneo hy the COlln"i1 to visit "notheT "ity fOT the p"rpose of e<t"hli<hing ::-l eooc1wl11 rel:::Jtlonship sllc:h :;lS ::-l "siste:r-c:ity" re:1Mionship . WhetheT the ele"teo offi"i"l h"s heen spe"ifi,,"l1y "ssie:neo hy the COlIn"i1 to te<tify on heh"lf of the "ity"t the TTniteo StMes ConETess OT to otherwi<e meet with feoeT"1 offi"i"1s on heh"lf of the "ity . WhetheT the "ity h"s sllm"ient filnoinf "v"il"hle in the hlloget to P"Y the "o<t of the tTip 7 07 No re:in1hlJrse:me:nts will hp. m:;lnf': for Htte:nc1i1nC'p. :;It f':Vf':nts <pon<oreo hy OT "mli"teo with politi,,"l p"rties Section 2 was added to comply with MN statute 471.661: " By January 1, 2006, the governing body of each.. . city.. .must develop a policy that controls travel outside the state of Minnesota for the applicable elected officials of the relevant unit of government. The policy must be approved by a recorded vote and specify: (1) when travel outside the state is appropriate: (2) applicable expense limits: and (3) procedures for approval of the travel." ? 01 The "ity m"y m"ke p"yment< in "ov"n"e fOT "iTf"Te looeing "no TegistTMion if spe"if"'"lly "pproveo hy the "Olln"il Otherwi<e "11 r~yrnp:nt~ will hp: m::lt1P:::I~ rp:imhllr~p:mp:nt~ to the p:lf~dp:n offir.l::ll ? 04 The City will Teimhnrse fOT tmn<portMion looging me"ls rp:gl~tr::ltl()nJ :mci lnc:iop:nt::ll r:()f::t~ m;:ing thp. ~::Imp: pr()c.P:(hm.~~; limitMions "no gllioelines olltlineo in this po1i"y rOT ollt-of-stMe tT"vel hy "ity employee< 3. APPROVAL AND ADVANCES 3.01 Reimbursement for City business related travel, conference, seminar and meeting expenses are intended to refund actual costs incurred by employees and elected officials of the City of Hopkins. 3.02 Cash advances intended to defray costs incurred during authorized travel and prior to submission of a TRAVEL EXPENSE REPORT AND REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT form may be obtained by submitting a REQUEST FOR TRAVEL ADVANCE form to the Finance Department at least seven (7) calendar days prior to a regular Council meeting at which the request for Advance will be considered. 4. ALLOWABLE EXPENSES-LODGING 4.01 Accommodations shall be selected at a reasonable cost consistent with the facilities available and convenient to the location of the conference, seminar or meeting attended. 4.02 Only the costs of single occupancy will be reimbursed. If a double occupancy occurs (i.e. a spouse/guest accompanies the employee) the employee is responsible for the additional cost of double over single occupancy. 4.03 Lodging for the night before the commencement of a conference, seminar or meeting may be claimed. 4.04 Reimbursement for meals and lodging shall be limited to the period of time required if commercial air transportation were used. Generally this includes one travel day prior to the conference and one travel day after the conference. If a conference does not start until the late afternoon or evening, that day shall be considered the travel day. 4.05 Lodging within the metro area will not be reimbursed. 5. ALLOW ABLE EXPENSES-TRANSPORT AnON 5.01 Allowable transportation costs shall include reimbursement for mileage accumulated on a personal vehicle at the current rate of mileage reimbursement or the actual round trip coach-class airfare rate, whichever is less. When two or more employees are traveling in one automobile, reimbursement shall be made to one employee. 5.02 Air transportation shall be coach-class unless such service is unavailable. Reservations are to be made in advance at the earliest date to insure the lowest possible fares. "Super Saver"-type rates shall be used if available and appropriate for the particular situation. If the reservation is not going to be used, it must be canceled immediately. ~ 0, A iTline tT"vel "Teoit WheneveT pllhlk fllnos "Te lIseo to P"y fOT "iTline tT"vel hy "n ele"teo offi"i"l OT City employee, "ny "Teoits or otnf':f hf':nf':fit~ l~~l1f':cl hy ::Iny :-llflinf': mllst ::Ic,c.rllf': to the: hf':nf':fit ofth? (,ity Tn tnf" event thf': lss111ne Rlrlinp: will not honor ::I tr;:mSff':f or "ssienment of "ny "Teoit or henefit. the inoivioll"1 p"SSeneeT sh"ll Teport Te"eipt of the "Teoit or henefit to the City COlln"il within 90 O"ys of Te"eipt 5.034 Local transportation such as taxicab and bus fares to and from the place of lodging and conference, seminar or meeting are reimbursable only if circumstances require such travel. Costs for local transportation not pertaining directly to City business will not be reimbursed. 6. ALLOWABLE EXPENSES-MEALS 6.01 Reimbursement for meals while on authorized travel shall include only actual expenditures including tax and tip. Receipts for meals must clearly indicate whether the requested reimbursement is for BREAKFAST, LUNCH, or DINNER, and the date of the meal. Oet:-lilf':c1 mf':::!l ff':c.f':lpts "hemIn he oht::llnf':n inr1icMine tnf': ::lctll::ll items pnr"h"seo Reimbursement will not be provided for any meals which are included as part of registration, tuition or fees. Section 5.03 was added to comply with MN Statute 15.435: " <a) Whenever public funds are used to pay for airline travel by an elected official or public employee, any credits or other benefits issued by any airline must accrue to the benefit of the public body providing the funding. " Detailed receipts will demonstrate that liquor was not included in the bill. 6.02 Due to the general difficulty in acquiring receipts for meals and incidentals, any official or employee may claim a per diem reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses avt lv ....,,,,,,,J $2G.00 p"-'l Jay E01 lu,,-,ab a,ud 11.l",,:J\"'l1tal GA-}J"-'U;:)I,..;::) &U"Jl Q." t~p&, 1,.,1vlll~!lb '-'a!"-', ,,110(, .,ll~H'-''', 11\..,VV,;:,pa.P'-'1,:), lHlv""l"".1'" "..111..,(,1.. [1"..\.-;:', (tv. f".l d~l",l1J. luay uuI) L,-, Ui::lvJ fV1 \",uuf\.;-.LI",U,-,,,,,,:) Vi I1J.vvG.1l0., vvll~,-,L ruG ihv.ll..- Lluu.! 011\,.... Ja.y ~1J.l\....Hbtll. The per diem amounts had not been changed since 1990. 6.03 was changed to 6.07. 6.04 is now included in 6.06 6.05 was changed to 6.04 6.03 DIGak.fa..,l allOvvaw....""" .,La.ll D"" a.utl.lvJ.~L\..-J [OJ. 1'v1~ull\",a.pvl~& J,,-,padun..& 'p.l~Vl Lv 8.00 a..Hl. Cluj d~Ull"'l allvvvau\A",,';' .:>Lal1 bG au:thvl~.L.\..,J [Vi :rvl~J.ll.l\"'a.l-'V[" aJ.l~va.b aft\.-.! 7.00 }'..I.11. 6.04 CO&b [Vi luGab vvll~,,",L_ ai' a. "\"'ll",,Jukd a.\...t~v~l'y of a.h a.utL.uJ.;o."J I,.,VUf\,..H....l1I.....1,., Vi l11(.,,,",l~J.1o vvlJ.~\.J.l au.... .l1ut ~w....luJ,-,d ;u Hi\,.- IGo;.,lla.L;uu f\.-v .,Lall D\,., fully l";.luLuJ.;')\".J. 6.05 Cost, [VI alcollvl ,1.,,11 aOl L" 1";111LuI,,,d. The per diem for meals and miscellaneous subsistence expenses for employees who travel within the State of Minnesota on City business shall be $36.00. The per diem for meals and miscellaneous subsistence expenses for employees who travel outside the State of Minnesota on City business shall be $44.00. 6.03 The per diem allowance includes all charges for meals, all gratuities and taxes, all fees and tips to bellhops and porters, any laundry and/or cleaning expenses and any other similar expenses. 6.04 Reimbursement is not allowed for alcoholic beverages. 6.05 Reimbursement for actual meal costs that exceed the daily allowance will be made only when documented by receipts. 6.06 If meals are included in tuition or registration fees and/or only a fraction of the day is authorized for travel, the per diem or expense allowance will be reduced as follows, unless documented otherwise: In-State Breakfast Lunch Dinner $ 8.00 $12.00 $16.00 Out-State Breakfast Lunch Dinner $10.00 $15.00 $19.00 6.07 Breakfast allowance shall be authorized for metro-Minneapolis departures prior to 8 :OOam and dinner allowance shall be authorized for metro-Minneapolis arrivals after 7:00pm. 7. ALLOWABLE EXPENSES - GENERALLY 7.01 Whenever possible, receipts must accompany claims for reimbursement. Each such receipt shall clearly depict the type of expense incurred, the date of its incurrence, and the purpose of the expense. When using a credit card write the purpose of the expense on the credit slip. If the credit purchase is made over the phone, a record of the amount, purpose, and vendor must be turned into the Finance department. 7.02 Miscellaneous expenses may be authorized, such as business related telephone and telegraph service and tips for bellhops. Business related telephone calls shall be made collect whenever possible. 7.03 The City shall not pay for any expenses, the costs of which are included in registration for conferences, seminars, or other purposes. 7.04 Spouse/Guest's conference registration or airline tickets may be advanced by the City but must be reimbursed by the employee. The City shall pay no expenses for a spouse/guest who accompanies the employee/city official to a conference/seminar/meeting including the incremental lodging expenses of double over single occupancy rates. 7 O~ The eity will not Teimhllrse fOT peTson"l telephone e"l1s Tent"! of l1l1(1lry vehieles or rec.rp.~tlon~l f';Xpfm~a,,;~ ~me'h::l~ golfor tp.nnl~ 8. EXPENSE REPORTS 8.01 A TRAVEL EXPENSE REPORT AND REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT form shall be submitted to the Finance Department within thirty (30) days of the date of the conclusion of the conference, seminar, or other purpose for reimbursement by person claiming reimbursement. Receipts for expense items, including meals, shall accompany each TRAVEL EXPENSE REPORT AND REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT form. If a paid receipt for a particular item is unobtainable, the TRAVEL EXPENSE REPORT AND REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT form must contain a statement certifying that the claim(s) for that particular item(s) is accurate. 8.02 Any unused portion of a travel advance must be promptly returned to the City. Attendees shall be billed for nonreimbursable expenses paid by the City. 8.03 A copy of the conference registration/brochure shall be submitted with the expense report. Established 8/18/87 Revised 3/28/90 Revised Dec. 2005 City of Hopkins