CR 99-181 Budget Adjustment for Hopkins Center for the Arts ( 1 \ "\" y 0 I v ~ ' :CI}/ o P K \ ~ Council Report 99-181 September 22, 1999 Budget Adjustment for Hopkins Center For The ~rts ProDosed Action Staff recommends approval the following motion: Move to approve the recommended budaet adiustments in 1999 for the purchase of office eauipment. computer equipment. schedulina software. and remodelina costs associated with expandina the manaaement office and the hiring of a schedulina clerk at the Arts Center. Adoption of this motion will result in an increase in the expenditure budget for the Arts Center in the amount of $12,000. Overview Standard office design calls for 80.100 square feet per employee. The Facility Management office at the Arts Center is 192 square feet. In order to accommodate the Facilities Manager, Arts Coordinator, Scheduling Clerk, Art Center Supervisors and visitors to the office, it has become necessary to convert the Art Storage space to office space. The conversion of the Art Storage space will require installation of electrical outlets, a phone line, carpet and the purchase of office furniture. With the hiring of a Scheduling Clerk, the Art Center will need to provide room scheduling software and a computer capable of operating that software. The new system will provide a more efficient method of booking and tracking room rentals and will also provide reports that will be beneficial to visitors, the meet-and-confer process, the board and council. The Facilities Manager is also requesting computer equipment to monitor the room schedule, generate reports from the room scheduling software, for e-mail and word processing. Primary Issues to Consider Expenditures to be made: remodeling storage space $2000, office equipment $1000, two computers and one printer $3500, room scheduling software $5500. Total request: $12,000 This budget increase does not effect the general fund only the enterprise fund of the Arts Center. Recommendations Staff recommends increasing the expenditure budget for the Arts Center by $12,000 for the 1999 calendar year. y Strachota, Facilities Manager