CR 99-29 1998 Budget Reollocation And Carryovers
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February 11, 1999 1- 0 Council Report 99-029
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1998 Budget Reallocations and Carryovers
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the recommended budget
reallocations in 1998, to carry over budgets into 1999 in order to complete proiects originally
budgeted in 1998 and to increase the equipment replacement budget.
Adoption of this motion will result in the reallocation ofthe 1998 budget from contingency and
various departmental budgets to offset actual costs and to carryover budget into 1999 to
complete projects budgeted in 1998. Also it will increase the 1998 equipment replacement
budget for expenses incurred in 1998 that were budgeted for in prior years. The various budget
allocations, carryovers and increases are described in the attachment.
The preliminary 1998 year-end figures conclude that the general fund budget is under budgeted
expenditures by approximately $125,000. The City of Hopkins Charter states that the city council
may authorize the transfer of sums from unexpended balances to other purposes.
Primary Issues to Consider
e . Actual general fund expenditures are under budget by approximately $] 25,000.
. Purchases made in the various departments were authorized purchases.
. Budgets for salary costs were under projected and incorrectly calculated in some
. Authorization to transfer budget is an in-house cleaning item that is being done to
follow city charter and to facilitate accurate year end reporting.
Finance recommends reallocation of the 1998 budget to cover actual expenditures and carry over
the requested amounts from the 1998 budget into the 1999 budget to complete planned projects.
Supportine Information
Detail Budget Reallocations and Carryovers
Section 7.06 and 7.07 from City Charter
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Lori K. Yager
Finance Director
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Council Report 99-029
Page 2
. Requested Budget Reallocations and Carryovers
Preliminary results of year-end operations conclude that the general fund budget is under
projected expenses by approximately $125,000. This authorizes the city to carryover unspent
budget amounts from 1998 into 1999 to complete specific projects that for various reasons, were
not completed in 1998.
Carry overs Requested
. $15,000 from the City Managers budget to pay for Information Services consulting analysis
proposed to be done in March of 1999.
- $1,000 from City Clerks capital budget to be used in 1999 for Y2K issues.
- $4,600 from Engineering budget to complete the aerial photo mapping project.
- $7,720 from the Planning and Economic Development budget to complete the Comp Plan.
. $242,000 from the Equipment Replacement budget for the purchase of the police logging
recorder and the police computer system.
tit . $6,000 from the Sanitary Sewer budget for the aerial photo mapping project.
The above carryover requests will reduce the associated budgets in 1998 and increase those same
budgets in 1999. The total amount of carryovers requested from the general fund are $28,320.
This leaves the unspent general fund budget balance at approximately $95,000.
Burleet Reallocations Requested
. Reallocate $15,000 of budget to the City Managers department (41200) to cover unbudgeted
paid leave accrual and merit pay, unbudgeted employee recognition luncheon and additional
supplies needed in 1998.
. Reallocate $7,000 of budget to the Finance department to cover interim pay for clerical staff
to work out of class as network technician for entire year and unbudgeted merit pay.
- Reallocate $2,000 of budget to the legal department to cover additional legal costs.
- Reallocate $17,000 of budget to the Municipal Building department to cover increase in
telephone service charges, switching phones to digital and additional maintenance of
. . Reallocate $2,400 of budget to the Activity Center department to cover past years, unpaid
PERA contributions of a part-time employee.
Council Report 99-029
Page 3
. - Reallocate $5,600 of budget to the Activity Center Maintenance department to cover
emergency plumbing repair.
. Reallocate $66,000 of budget to the Police department to cover original error in calculating
the budgets for salaries and benefits.
- Reallocate $49,000 of budget to Police department for overtime costs resulting from covering
vacant positions, retirements, and responses to local protests.
- Reallocate $35,000 of budget to the Police department to cover additional charges for
boarding and care of prisoners do to the increase in arrests and booking charges, to cover the
cost of the liaison officer for the Hopkins School district, and to cover additional supplies for
increase activities.
- Reallocate $2,000 of budget to the Fire department to cover various miscellaneous costs.
. Reallocate $10,000 of budget to the Economic Development department to cover under
estimated employee salary charges to this department, additional legal and advertising
expenses and purchase of a computer.
e The above budget reallocations will come primarily from the contingency budget and the public
works budgets. These adjustments do not increase the cities overall general fund budget they
merely reallocate the 1998 budget.
Following are budget adjustment requests are for the Equipment Replacement fund.
Expenditures, which were budgeted for in 1997 and prior years, were actually incurred expenses
in 1998.
Copier Lease $13,000
Financial Computer Purchase (final payment and maintenance) $14,000
- Section 7.06. ENFORCEMENT OF THE BUDGET. Except as set forth in Section 7.16, the City
....... Manager or the City Council shall not approve any expenditure uncovered by the budget. The City
~- Council may approve expenditures uncovered by the budget if there is sufficient unexpended balance
~ left after deducting the total past expenditures and the sum of all outstanding bills, orders and
- encumbrances. No employee of the City shall place any orders or make any purchases except for the
purpose and to the amounts authorized in the budget. Except as in this Charter othernrise provided,
,., any obligations incurred by any person in the employ of the City for any purpose not authorized in the
! budget or for any amount in excess of the amount therein authorized shall be a personal obligation
upon the person incurring the expenditure.
~ Section 7.07. ALTERATIONS IN THE BUDGET. Except as set forth in Section 7.16, after the
budget shall have been duly adopted, the Council shall not have power to increase the amounts therein
-. fixed, whether by the insertion of new items or otherwise, beyond the estimated revenues, unless the
~ actual receipts shall exceed such estimates, and in that event not beyond such actual receipts. The
sums fixed in the budget are appropriated at the begilU1ing of the fiscal year for the several purposes
I named therein. The Council may reduce salaries or the sums appropriated for any other purpose, or
authorize the transfer of sums from unexpended balances to other purposes.
I Section 7.08. LEVY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES. On or before the last regular meeting in
December each year the Council shall levy the taxes necessary to meet the requirements of the budget
1- for the ensuing fiscal year. The City Manager shall transmit to the County Auditor annually a
statement of all the taxes levied, and such taxes shall be collected and the payment thereof be enforced
with and in like manner as State and County taxes. No tax shall be invalid by reason of any
I informality in the manner of levying the same, nor because the amount levied shall exceed the amount
required to be raised for the special purpose for which the same is levied, but in that case the surplus
shall go into the fund to which such tax belongs.
I Section 7.09. TAX SETTLEMENT WITH COUNTY TREASURER. The City Manager shall
ascertain that all monies in the County Treasury belonging to the City are properly transferred to the
I City according to law.
Section 7.10. DISBURSEMENTS. Disbursement of city funds shall be made by a negotiable
I instrument bearing the actual or authorized facsimile signature of the authorized city officer. No such
negotiable instrument shall be issued until the claim to which it relates has been supported by an
itemized bill, payroll, time-sheet, voucher or the like approved and signed by the responsible city
I officer who vouches for its correctness and reasonableness. No check shall be issued until there is
money to the credit of the fund out of which it is to be paid sufficient to pay the same. The council
may by ordinance make further regulations for the safekeeping and disbursements of the funds of the
I. city.
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