Memo- 2nd Reading Ordiance 99-825
0 I Fire Department I
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: George Magdal, Fire Marshal
Date: June 9, 1999
Subject Second Reading for Ordinance 99.825
Attached is ordinance 99-826 for second reading. There have been no changes to the
ordinance since the first reading. The City Council's action is to cmprove the ordinance
for second reading and order the ordinance published.
June 7, 1999 Council Report 99-106
0 Amending Section 905 of the Hopkins City Code requiring fire sprinklers in certain basements and
prohibiting barbe~ues on balconies of apartment buildings
Proposed Action.
Staff recommends approval of the following motion: Move to approve second reading of Ordinance
99-826 amending Section 905 of the Hopkins City Code requilring :fire sprinlders in certain
basements and prohibiting barbecues on balconies of apartment buildings.
These changes to the City code are necessary to maintain our existing level of fire code requirements
because of changes in the State's recent adoption ofthe State fire code. The city of Hopkins had an
ordinance requiring fire sprinklers in larger basements and prohibiting barbecuing on balconies of
apartments since the 1970s.
A number of years ago the State fire marshal's office included the barbecue provision in the State code.
Because the State code was more restrictive than our ordnance, and Minnesota State statute does not allow
a municipal fire code to be less restrictive than the State, we were required delete our language and use
In the State's most recent adoption of the fire code the barbecue provision became a recommendation
instead of a requirement. Our city fire prevention code automatically adopts the most recent state fire
code, now, without the barbecue provision. Ifwe wish to continue prohibiting certain barbecuing we
0 must add the provision back into our City code. The code language proposed by staff is less restrictive
than we had before. It's the original Hopkins barbecue requirements adding the "exception" from the
State language.
The State modified the model code language for basement fire sprinkler protection because of
enforcement difficulties by their office. We recommend keeping the original language. It's the same as
our previous adoption and is used throughout most of the country.
Primary Issues to Consider.
a Does the City of Hopkins wish to continue prohibiting barbecuing near apartment buildings and on
their balconies? Yes. Barbecuing can be dangerous where many people live close together.
a Is the Hopkins language strong enough to minimize the danger. Yes. We enforced our local code for
many years without a problem. The State's version is overly restrictive and difficult to enforce.
a Does the City want to continue enforcing basement fire sprinkler provisions. Yes. We know these
areas are hazardous and most building owners effected have already complied.
SUDDorting Information.
a Ordinance #99-826
a Hopkins Fire Prevention Code, Section 905
0 a State of Minnesota Rules Appendix II-K barbecues, Section 4 basement sprinkler requirements and
State amended version.
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George Magdal, Fire Marshal
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Barbecues on Balconies and Basement Fire Sprinkler Protection
BE IT ORDAINED By the Council of the City of Hopkins that Section
905 of the Hopkins City Code be amended as follows:
905.01 Codes adopted by reference.
The Minnesota Uniform Fire Code, as adopted by the Minnesota
Commission of Public Safety pursuant to Minnesota Statutes
chapter 299F.Oll, including all of the amendments, rules and
regulations established, adopted and published from time to time
by the Minnesota Commissioner of Public Safety, through the Fire
Marshal Division is hereby adopted by reference. Exception: The
State amendment to Appendix I-A, Section 4, "Basement access or
sprinkler protection". shall be deleted in it's entirety. When
used in this section 905, words and phrases shall have the same
meaning as defined in the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code unless it
is apparent from the context a different meaning is intended.
0 905.03 Fires or barbecues on balconies prohibited.
No person shall kindle or permit a fire or open flame on a
balcony of any apartment. condominium or other similar structure
or within 10 feet of such structure in a device used for heatinq.
liqhtinq or food preparation nor shall any person leave or
otherwise store such a device on or in a balcony of any
aforementioned structure.
Exce-ption: Listed electric or qas-fired barbecue qrills that are
permanently mounted and wired or plumbed to the buildinq's qas
supply or electrical system and that maintain a minimum clearance
of 18 inches on all sides, unless listed for lesser clearances.
may be installed on balconies and patios.
First Reading: June 1, 1999
Second Reading: June 15, 1999
Date of Publication: June 23, 1999
Date Ordinance Takes Effect: July 13, 1999
0 Mayor
City Clerk
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Hopkins City Code Fire Prevention. Code Section 905 (Rev. 7-14-99)
905.01 Codes adopted by reference.
The Minnesota Uniform Fire Code, as adopted by the Minnesota Commission of Public Safety pursuant to Minnesota
r~tatutes chapter 299F.OII, including all of the amendments, rules and regulations established, adopted and published from
"~_,,time to time by the Minnesota Commissioner of Public Safety, through the Fire Marshal Division is hereby adopted by
reference. Exception: The State amendment to Appendix I-A. Section 4, "Basement access or sprinkler protection", shall
be deleted in it's entirety. When used in this section 905, words and phrases shall have the same meaning as defined in the
Minnesota Uniform Fire Code unless it is apparent from the context a different meaning is intended.
905.03 Fires or barbecues on balconies prohibHed.
No person shall kindle or permit a fire or open flame on a balcony of any apartment. condominium or other similar
structure or within 10 feet of such structure in a portable device used for heating, lighting or food preparation nor shall any
person leave or otherwise store such a device on or in a balcony of any aforementioned structure.
Exception: Listed electric or gas-fired barbecue grills that are permanently mounted and wired or plumbed to the building's
gas supply or electrical system and that maintain a minimum clearance of 18 inches on all sides, unless listed for lesser
clearances, may be installed on balconies and patios.
905.05 Bulk storage of hazardous materials prohibited.
Bulk storage of above ground flammable or combustible liquids, liquefied petroleum gases or other hazardous materials
shall be prohibited within the city. Bulk storage of explosives or blasting agents, above or below ground shall be
prohibited within the city. The Chief shall promulgate regulations specifying what constitutes bulk storage of the
substances and materials regulated by this section.
905.07 Premises identification.
Subd. I. Unit or room directional identification. Directional signs shall be provided in buildings designated by the Chief at
central floor locations to clearly show the direction to the unit or room. Such signs shall also be placed at hallway
intersections. Lettering shall be plainly visible and have a contrasting background.
(1Subd. 2. Unit or room identification. Each unit or room shall be numbered or lettered with identification plainly visible in
, ,.the corridor. Such identification shall have a contrasting background.
905.09 Violation.
It is unlawful for a person to violate or fail to comply with the provisions of this code, or to fail to construct in compliance
with the terms and conditions or specification of plans submitted and approved by the city or any certificates or permits
issued for such purpose from which no appeal has been taken. The imposition of one penalty for any violation shall not
excuse the violation or be construed as a permit to continue. All such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such
violation or defects within a reasonable time to be established in writing by the Chief. Each day that such prohibited
conditions are maintained is a separate offense.
905.11 Liability for Violations.
When an inspection reveals violations of this Code, the Chief shall issue a Violation Notice to the occupant of the premises
or the owner, or both. The Violation Notice shall be served in the manner specified in the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code.
Correction of all violations listed on the Violation Notice is the responsibility of the party or parties receiving the notice.
Failure to correct any violation described in the Violation Notice on or before the deadline stated therein shall constitute a
misdemeanor by the occupant and by the owner to whom the Violation Notice was issued.
905.13 Fee for Fire Inspections.
A fee shall be charged for fire inspections. This fee will not apply to complaints on specific hazards. Such fee shall be
collected from either the owner or the occupant who gets the inspection. The fee shall be in an amount established by
Council Resolution. If there are no violations found or the violations are corrected by the end of the first re-inspection the
fee shall be 50% of the established rate. If the violations are corrected by the end of the second re-inspection the fee shall
be 100% of the established rate. If the violations are not corrected by the end of the second re-inspection the fee shall be
C) 150% of the established rate.
905.15 Fee for Mandatory Fire Inspections.
A fee shall be charged for fire inspections conducted because of a request from the business itself or an outside agency.
This fee will not apply to complaints on specific hazards. Such fee shall be collected from either the owner or the
occupant who needs the inspection. The fee shall be in an amount established by Council Resolution.
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("i S'~ate u''\9COmmefJ1H::fled ~afr1JgU1lage far Barbecues
L~st SCJlll:feli1lCe recommended by Staff
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Subp. 11. Appendix JI-K. The Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding an Appendix I1-K to read: \.,-,:.<?-,>>,
- '-
1.1 Open Flame Prohibited. In any structure containing three or more dwelling units, no person shall kindle. maintain. or cause an:: IT:
fire or open flame on any balcony above ground level, or on any ground floor patio within 15 feet of the structure. . rf~
1.2 Fuel Storage Prohibited. No person shall store or use any fuel, barbecue, torch. or other similar heating or lighting chemical or i~
device in the locations designated Sec. 1.1. :~i
EXCEPTION: Listed electric or gas-fired barbecue grills that are permanently mounted and wired or plumbcd to the
building's gas supply or electrical system and that maintain a minimum clearance of 18 inches on all sides. unless listed for
lesser clearances, may be installed on balconies and patios when approved by the chief.
Mode~ Code ~alJ1gUl21~e 10rr f8alSefllTIJeH1J~: ffllJe SfPlrDr\l~ders
lRecommended by Staff
(~:! B
"-.' B
An approved automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in B
basemcnts or stories exceeding 1,500 square feet (139.3 m2) in E
area and not having a minimum of 20 square feet (1.86 m2) of B
opening entirely above the adjoining ground level in each 50 !ill- B
eaI feet (15 240 mm) or fraction thereof of exterior wall on at least B
one side of the building. Openings shall have a minimum clear di- B
mension of 30 inches (762 mm). B
If any portion of a basement is located more than 75 feet (22 860 f
mm) from required openings, the bnsement shall be provided with B
an approved automatic sprinkler system throughout. B
S~ate amended ~a!l1lgjuJjalge feu Balseu11lernt f'~[je SbOr~rrD~derrs
SECTION 4 - BASEMENT ACCESS OR SPRINKLER PROTECTION An approved automatic sprinkler system shall be
provided in the following basements when such areas exceed 2,500 square feet (232.3 m~) in size and do not have 20 squarc feet (1,86
m~) of opening entirely above the adjoining ground level in each 50 lineal feet (15.240 mm) or fraction thereof of exterior wall on at
least one side of the building:
1. Group A Occupancies used as commercial drinking and dining establishments;
2. Group A Occupancies used as bowling alleys;
() 3. Group E Occupancies used for student occupancy;
4. Group I Occupancies; and
5. Group R, Division I Occupancies having dwelling units or guest rooms.
Openings required by this section shall have a minimum dimension of 30 inches. If any portion of the basement is locatcd more than
75 feet (22.860 mm) from required openings, the basement shall be provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system