CR 99-115 Temp 3.2 Beer License for Raspberry Festival Boxing Event
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June 23, 1999 Council R.eport 99-115
Staff recommends approval of the following motion: Move to approve a temporary
3.2 beer license for the Raspberry Festival sponsored boxinq match at the Pavilion
on Julv 10. 1999 from 5:00 p.m. to 11 :00 p.m. with the condition that the
Raspberry Festival pay the cost of providina uniformed police officer coveraqe for
the event with the number required to be determinedl
The Raspberry Festival has applied for a Temporary 3.2 Beer License, to allow them
to sell 3.2 beer at a boxing match they will sponsor at the Pavilion. The boxing
match is a new event for Raspberry Days. It will be primarily an adult function.
Primal'\! Issues to Consider
o The Raspberry Festival has submitted an application with a certificate of liquor
liability insurance for the event. The certificate of insurance is for $1,000,000
The Hopkins Police have reviewed the application and have found no reason to
Because this is a public event and open to all public, policy established by past
requirements, would require that the Raspberry Festival pay the cost of providing
uniformed coverage for the event.
This will be the fifth Temporary 3.2 Beer License to be issued during Raspberry
SUDPOI'ting Documents
[] Policy 4-C, Temporary 3.2 Beer Licenses
1" [] c&omPlete application available in the Clerk's office
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C) Terry OQemaier, City Clerk
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0 POLiCY 4-C
1.01 The Hopkins City Council recognizes that the issuance of temporary 3.2 beer licenses
may result in events which disturb surrounding businesses and residents and also may
provide an opportunity for underage drinking. The City Council believes that by
creating a set of rules and regulations in regard to the issuance of these licenses,
problems can be avoided and the responsible consumption of 3.2 beer can be
2.01 A temporary 3.2 beer license will be issued on a per event basis, each event not lasting
more than three days.
2.02 Beer sales may only be conducted between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m.
2.03 A separate license is required for each location where beer is sold.
2.04 Application for a temporary 3.2 beer license must be received at least five weeks prior
0 to the event.
2.05 Applicants for a temporary 3.2 beer license must be an organization whose principal
location or office is within the City of Hopkins, has been located in Hopkins for at least
two years, and has at least 30 active members.
2.06 Sales and/or consumption of beer will only take place in enclosed building or a fenced
2.07 Individuals under the age of 21 will not be allowed in any designated area where beer is
sold or consumed, except if accompanied by a parent or guardian.
2.08 All organizations which have a temporary 3.2 beer license must use the following
method for checking identification to ensure that underage individuals do not purchase
Anyone wishing to purchase beer must have a either a driver's license, or a Minnesota
ID with their picture. Individuals with the proper ID will have their hand stamped so
that the actual sellers of the beer will not have to check IDs. If the event exceeds one
day, a different color of ink must be used on subsequent days.
Legislative Policy Manual -- Chapter 4-C I
n 2.09 No temporary 3.2 beer license shall be issued in conjunction with a youth activity.4
'-.,/ The number oftemporary 3.2 beer licenses issued in conjunction with all public events5
during any calendar year will be limited to twelve (12).
2.11 The City Council reserves the right to deny any 3.2 beer license at its sole discretion.
Established: 3/19/96
4A "youth activity" is an activity that is designed primarily for individuals under the age of 18 or the
majority of the participants are under the age of 18.
SA "Public event" means an event where the public is invited or permitted to attend.
Legislative Policy Manual -- Chapter 4-C 2