Council Candidate Interview Jerre Miller 6:00 p.rn. Thomas C. Myers 6:15 p.rn. Christian Oestreich 6:30 p.rn. Bruce Rowan 6:45 p.rn. Kyle Skiermont 7:00 p.m. Enrique Torrano 7:15 p.m. ,I' I, ., ~ City'of Hopkins Application for Councilmember Name: Address: Jerre A. Miller 125 15th Ave. No The City of Hopkins provides selVices to over 17,000 residents and hundreds of businesses. These selVices include: police and fire protection, streets and alley maintenance, parks and recreation programs, community development selVices such as building inspections, housing, and economic development, and utilities such as water, sewer and refuse. The Council works closely with it's advisory boards imd commissions and takes an active role with civic and selVice organizations in an effort to improve the quality of life in Hopkins. The role of the City Council is to set policy direction for the City regarding all of the activities listed above. set and monitor a $20 million budget and to represent the broadest possible perspective on all issues. The Council is also responsible for the hiring of the City manager and City Attorney. For further information, please refer to the "Orientation Manual for Elected Officials and Advisory Board Members". Please answer the questions below in the space provided or attach additional pages: 1. Why do you wish to become a member of the Hopkins City Council? A~l of my ad~lt life I have been involved in municipal service in the C1ty of.Hopk1n~ where I pr~cti~ed law for 41 years. The city, in a large sense, 1S my C1ty and serv1ng 1t, my passion. 2. What do you think are the most important issues that face Hopkins over the next two years? Over the next ten years? Budgetary conc~rns are traditionally important; however, continued rede~elopment.1n the Centr~l Business District is highly visible. This requ1res cons1stent. attent1(:m to maintaining the compact "small town" atmospher~ ~ost des1red. S1ngle-family housing stock and its maintenance ~ust be d111gently encouraged. The growth of condominiums in the city 1S ~o be assisted, but with careful concerns for space livability and des1gn. ' ~ City oj%pkins 1010 :First Street SlJUtli o1fopfi:jns,:M!l>L 55343-7573 0 Plione: 952-935-8474 o:Fa>;; 952-935-1834 We6 aMress: www./iopfi:jnsmn..com January 4, 2006 Jerre Miller 125 15th Ave No Hopkins, MN 55343 Re: City Council Interview Dear Jerre: Congratulations on your selection for an interview with the Hopkins City Council for the open City Council seat. The City has decided to interview six individuals based on the applications received. Your interview will be held at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, January 10. If for some reason this time should be problematic, please contact me. The interviews will be held in the Raspberry Room in the lower level of Hopkins City Hall. The City Council has established a time limit of 15 minutes per applicant. The same two questions will be asked of each applicant. It is assumed that there will be additional time to ask follow-up questions from your application form. Hopefully, there will also be time available for applicants to ask any questions that they should have. On behalf of the City Council thank you very much for your interest in serving. Also, thank you in advance for your time on January 10 and good luck with your interview. Sincerely, t--~ Rick Getschow City Manager Partnering wi,n. ,lie Community '0 'Enftana ,lie Q,udity of Life t Inspire +'Eauc.att. Invo{ve . Communicate + ~ City of Hopkins Application for Councilmember IAdd~S; 1 6/tdc..e P. J. $"". IName: rL-~ c. 1'1'1c?YS The City of Hopkins provides services to over 17,000 residents and hundreds of businesses. These selVices include: police and fire protection, streets and alley maintenance, parks and recreation programs, comrnunity development services such as building inspections, housing, and economic development, and utilities such as water, sewer and refuse. The Council works closely with it's advisory boards and commissions and takes an active role with Civic and selVice organizations in an effort to improve the quality of life in Hopkins. The role of the City Council is to set policy direction for the City regarding all of the activities listed above, set and monitor a $20 million budget and to represent the broadest possible perspective on all issues. The Council is also responsible for the hiring of the City manager and City Attorney. For further information, please refer to the "Orientation Manual for Elected Officials and Advisory Board Members". Please answer the questions below in the space provided or attach additional pages: 1. Why do you wish to become a member of the Hopkins City Council? (flcZ"'~i? <;;,zrc -for C-t fk....cI--2 .! 0.(( '0 '^-~ "rf~ '^-s c;; 0(' rs ~ -fh.~/4,.) 2. What do you think are the most important issues that face Hopkins over the next two years? Over the next ten years? ~ Cityoj%pkins 1010 :First Street Soutli o1fopfi:jns,:M!l>L 55343.7573 0 P/ion.e: 952-935-8474 o:F~ 952-935.1834 We6 atfaress: www./iopfi:jnsmn..com January 4, 2006 Thomas Myers 217 Blake Road So Hopkins, MN 55343 Re: City Council Interview Dear Thomas: Congratulations on your selection for an interview with the Hopkins City Council for the open City Council seat. The City has decided to interview six individuals based on the applications received. Your interview will be held at 6:15 pm on Tuesday, January 10. Iffor some reason this time should be problematic, please contact me. The interviews will be held in the Raspberry Room in the lower level of Hopkins City Hall. The City Council has established a time limit of 15 minutes per applicant. The same two questions will be asked of each applicant. It is assumed that there will be additional time to ask follow-up questions from your application form. Hopefully, there will also be time available for applicants to ask any questions that they should have. On behalf of the City Council thank you very much for your interest in serving. Also, thank you in advance for your time on January 10 and good luck with your interview. sn:J~ Rick Getschow City Manager Portnering UJi,ft ,lie Community '0 'Enftanu ,lie Qjlafity of Life . Inspire +'Eaucate. lnvo{ve . Communicate + ~ City,of Hopkins Application for Councilmember Name: c.. ~(I1){--icxY\ Oe.btc-e.; Address: 1- \Ie. S NI.\>J The City of Hopkins provides selVices to over 17,000 residents and hundreds of businesses. These services include: police and fire protection, streets and alley maintenance, parks and recreation programs, community development selVices such as building inspections, housing, and economic development, and utilities such as water, sewer and refuse. The CQuncil works closely with it's advisory boards and commissions and takes an active role with civic and selVice organizations in an effort to improve the quality of life in Hopkins. The role of the City Council is to set policy direction for the City regarding all of the activities listed above, set and monitor a $20 million budget and to represent the broadest possible perspective on all issues. The Council is also responsible for the hiring of the City manager and City Attorney. For further information, please refer to the "Orientation Manual for Elected Officials and Advisory Board Members". Please answer the questions below in the space provided or attach additional pages: 1. Why do you wish to become a rnember of the Hopkins City Council? 2. What do you think are the most important issues that face Hopkins over the next two years? Over the next ten years? ~ Cityoj%pkins 1010 :First Street Soutli 0 :J{opfi:jns,:M!l>L 55343.7573 0 P/ion.e: 952.935.8474 0 :FaJ(; 952-935.1834 We6 aMress: www./iopfi:jnsmn.com January 4, 2006 Christian Oestreich 719 Seventh Ave So Hopkins, MN 55343 Re: City Council Interview Dear Christian: Congratulations on your selection for an interview with the Hopkins City Council for the open City Council seat. The City has decided to interview six individuals based on the applications received. Your interview will be held at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, January 10. If for some reason this time should be problematic, please contact me. The interviews will be held in the Raspberry Room in the lower level of Hopkins City Hall. The City Council has established a time limit of 15 minutes per applicant. The same two questions will be asked of each applicant. It is assumed that there will be additional time to ask follow-up questions from your application form. Hopefully, there will also be time available for applicants to ask any questions that they should' have. On behalf of the City Council thank you very much for your interest in serving. Also, thank you in advance for your time on January 10 and good luck with your interview. J2 Ufi:A- Rick Getschow City Manager Partneri1lg UJi,ft tlie Community to 'Enn.otUe ,lie Quality of Life t Inspire + 'Eiucate .Invo{ve + Communuate + ~ City of Hopkins Appli'cation for Councilmember Name: BRUC& I~()WA~ Address: q MON((OE; Ave, S, The City of Hopkins provides services to over 17.000 residents and hundreds of businesses. These services include: police and fire protection, streets and alley maintenance, parks and recreation programs, community development services such as building inspections, housing, and economic developrnent, and utilities such as water, sewer and refuse. The Council works closely with it's advisory boards and commissions and takes an active role with civic and service organizations in an effort to improve the quality of life in Hopkins. The role of the City Council is to set policy direction for the City regarding all of the activities listed above, set and monitor a $20 million budget and to represent the broadest possible perspective on all issues. The Council is also responsible for. the hiring of the City manager and qty Attorney.. . For further information, please refer to the ~'Orientation Manual for Elected Officials and Advisory Board Members". Please answer the questions below in the space provided or attach additional pages: 1. Why do you wish to become a member of the Hopkins City Council? l s1/L-(.. 0 "-'e ,j./G- e.(1;V(rVI 1//1/1-("1. ONf..'1 /lit V ,{;t:l!-rl(C-G C(J~ PAr -rlJoId-( Pl:-I> 7". 2. What do you think are the most important issues that face Hopkins over the next two years? Over the next ten years? ~ Sh",~ QcJ. R~ K~J..eJ"jh ",-g~;/j ~ ;JOffe;. A",.,e.)C. R.eieve.[of""e....-t -1'.....0 lJe.w Co.. J. 0 t{-~f,,; ( leveJof.......e.::ts 0..-. (; Q..s t ;0. :1~"41 reef. ' , Mlet;h. ;~J S.... ...{( -t~~ ~ 't' /Il1<(~..t"li,,~'"-j (roJ"~,eJ' L ((r s () IA i:(.....J~S't Pes ; ~p' ! B 4 : I,) I "'e~";J ~~ UJtJ6cJAGl- SPbfiK/,vG CI71'C(!'</..r 70 {3€- fisJIM/<-Id-(6fJ (AlYo #Of/(WJ' COMI'1IJtJl"f; '1' #c-G-J/ A..ItJ It f 4J()tK(J~.J Cityoj%pkins 1010 :First Street Soutli 0 :Jfopfi:jns,:M!l>L 55343.7573 0 Plione: 952-935.8474 o:Fa>;; 952.935.1834 We6 atfaress: www.liopfi:jnsmn..com January 4, 2006 Bruce Rowan 9 Monroe Ave So Hopkins, MN 55343 Re: City Council Interview Dear Bruce: Congratulations on your selection for an interview with the Hopkins City Council for the open City Council seat. The City has decided to interview six individuals based on the applications received. Your interview will be held at 6:45 pm on Tuesday, January 10. If for some reason this time should be problematic, please contact me. The interviews will be held in the Raspberry Room in the lower level of Hopkins City Hall. The City Council has established a time limit of 15 minutes per applicant. The same two questions will be asked of each applicant. It is assumed that there will be additional time to ask follow-up questions from your application form. Hopefully, there will also be time available for applicants to ask any questions that they should have. On behalf of the City Council thank you very much for your interest in serving. Also, thank you in advance for your time on January 10 and good luck with your interview. Sincerely, /k- JiJJ,,-- Rick Getschow City Manager Partnering witft tlie Community to 'Enfton", ,fte Qgofity of Life t Inspire + 'Eaucate . Invo[ve + Communicate . , , J " ~ City 'Of Hopkins Application for Councilmember Name: !<,'<!..- s'\c'€,rMo",,"* Address: )l.() S",,,-,--'<- ~"V w,'~"- I+,. 'i'K.~,,( {Y\.10 S""~1'-\"{ The City of Hopkins provides services to over 17,000 residents and hundreds of businesses. These selVices include: police and fire protection, streets and alley maintenance, parks and recreation programs, community development services such as building inspections, housing, and economic development, and utilities such as water, sewer and refuse. The C0uncil works closely with it's advisory boards and commissions and takes an active role with civic and selVice organizations in an effort to improve the quality of life in Hopkins. The role of the City Council is to set policy direction for the City regarding all of the activities listed above, set and monitor a $20 million budget and to represent the broadest possible perspective on all issues. The Council is also responsible for the hiring of the City manager and City Attorney. For further information, please refer to the "Orientation Manual for Elected Officials and Advisory Board Members". Please answer the questions below in the space provided or attach additional pages: 1. Why do you wish to become a rnember of the Hopkins City Council? ~\e.-~Je ,eJ> <l,~c.-\...o:A 2. What do you think are the rnost important issues that face Hopkins over the next two years? Over the next ten years? City oj%pkins 1010 :First Street Soutli 0 :Jfopfi:jns,:M!l>L 55343-7573 0 P/ion.e: 952-935.8474 o:Fa>;; 952.935.1834 We6 arfaress: www./iopfi:jnsmn..com January 4, 2006 Kyle Skiermont 320 Sweet Briar Lane Hopkins, MN 55343 Re: City Council Interview Dear Kyle: Congratulations on your selection for an interview with the Hopkins City Council for the open City Council seat. The City has decided to interview six individuals based on the applications received. Your interview will be held at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, January 10. If for some reason this time should be problematic, please contact me. The interviews will be held in the Raspberry Room in the lower level of Hopkins City Hall. The City Council has established a time limit of 15 minutes per applicant. The same two questions will be asked of each applicant. It is assumed that there will be additional time to ask follow-up questions from your application form. Hopefully, there will also be time available for applicants to ask any questions that they should have. On behalf of the City Council thank you very much for your interest in serving. Also, thank you in advance for your time on January 10 and good luck with your interview. Sincerely, ~~ Rick Getschow City Manager Partnering UJi,ft tlie Community to 'Enrianee tlie QJwfity of Life . Inspire + 'Eiucate + lnvo{ve + Communuate . ~ City of Hopkins Application for Councilmember Name: ~ ",-1 ~ V e.. ~ r,--Q. '^ 1> Address: '50 C( .s..... <- f-c........ n. of It f The City of Hopkins provides services to over 17,000 residents and hundreds of businesses. These services include: police and fire protection, streets and alley maintenance, parks and recreation programs, community development selVices such as building inspections, housing, and economic deveiopment, and utilities such as water, sewer and refuse. The Council works closely with it's advisory boards and commissions and takes an active role with civic and service organizations in an effort to improve the quality of life in Hopkins. The role of the City Council is to set policy direction for the City regarding all of the activities listed above, set and monitor a $20 million budget and to represent the broadest possible perspective on all issues. The Council is also responsible for the hiring of the City manager and City Attorney. For further inforrnation, please refer to the "Orientation Manual for Elected Officials and Advisory Board Members". Please answer the questions below in the space provided or attach additional pages: 1. Why do you wish to become a member of the Hopkins City Council? r.,~<-G<.v~e..1. h....-e.. "'- ~.f-ro"':1 ,"-<-(''''''''+-'0,", -j-".....dlrJ:. .J-kl 6-bv...r......~~.t proe-c.>> .L Lo..........._...,+-y S<.rv1lt:. 2. What do you think are the most irnportant issues that face Hopkins over the next two years? Over the next ten years? slt",,..+- +~/""" \5S"C. T"'Fr....e~.J-r_c...f.-vr< vV\,4.,,,,Le"''''''1.ce Lo...~ +-er~ ISSvl. .L",c.rc.<<$e.. +....'X b""s.e by of r <<oN '.....:! 1 v G.. (I f-y e....... p ( 0 /' e r :. . City oj%pkins 1010 :FirstStreetSoutli . :J{opfi:jn.s,:M!l>L 55343-7573 0 pfwne: 952.935.8474 o:Fa>;; 952.935.1834 We6 aMress: www./iopfi:jnsmn..com January 4, 2006 Enrique Torrano 809 Smetana Road #1 Hopkins, MN 55343 Re: City Council Interview Dear Enrique: Congratulations on your selection for an interview with the Hopkins City Council for the open City Council seat. The City has decided to interview six individuals based on the applications received. Your interview will be held at 7:15 pm on Tuesday, January 10. If for some reason this time should be problematic, please contact me. The interviews will be held in the Raspberry Room in the lower level of Hopkins City Hall. The City Council has established a time limit of 15 minutes per applicant. The same two questions will be asked of each applicant. It is assumed that there will be additional time to ask follow-up questions from your application form. Hopefully, there will also be time available for applicants to ask any questions that they should have. On behalf of the City Council thank you very much for your interest in serving. Also, thank you in advance for your time on January 10 and good luck with your interview. Sincerely, !L W:J-- Rick Getschow City Manager Partnering witft tlie Community '0 'Enfton.ce ,lie Qya1ity of Life . Inspire + 'Eaucate + lnvo[ve + Communicate +