Agenda HOPKINS CITY COUNCIL FINAL AGENDA January 17,2006 7:30 pm THIS FINAL AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE UNTIL THE START OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Schedule: 7:30 pm - City Council Meeting Work session after close of regular City Council meeting I. CALL TO ORDER II. OPEN AGENDA. PUBLIC COMMENTS/CONCERNS (Public must fill out a Speaker Request Form. Three minute limit for each person) h. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. Resolution appointing City Council member to fill vacancy !1.. OATH OF OFFICE 1. Bruce Rowan; City Council !!!.:.. PRESENTATION 1. HCA, Inc. quarterly report; (Memo) -Hanna-Bibus IV. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Minutes of January 3, 2006 City Council Meeting 2. Minutes of January 3, 2006 City Council Work Session after the regular Council meeting 3. Minutes of January 10, 2006 City Council Work Session 4. Approve premises application for lawful gambling, Elks Club; (CR2006-012)- Obermaier 5. Approve penalty for the Big 10 Bar and Restaurant; (CR2006-009) - Reid 6. Approve increase in non-union wages; (CR2006-014) - Getschow 7. Approve 2006/2007 Sergeant's contract; (CR2006-13) - Genellie Vote: Youakim _ Thompson _ Halverson _ Rowan _ Maxwell_ V. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Approve revision of City Charter, Ordinance 2005-958 - (CR2006-008) . Genellie Vote: Youakim _ Thompson Halverson Rowan Maxwell QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? CALL THE RAZZLE LINE - 939-1421 (The Razzle Line is the City of Hopkins voice message system) ! VI. NEW BUSINESS 1. Approve agreement for custodial services; (CR2006-011) - Stadler Vote: Youakim Thompson _ Halverson _ Rowan Maxwell 2. Approve Design Services contract addendum, Excelsior Boulevard; (CR2006-010) - Stadler Vote: Youakim Thompson _ Halverson _ Rowan _ Maxwell_ 3. Quarterly financial report; (Memo) . Harkess Vote: Youakim _ Thompson Halverson Rowan Maxwell VII. ADJOURNMENT