Memo - Faith Community Meeting MEMORANDUM --- -- ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: SUBJECT: Hooomb[e Me",' on' Membeffi of the C~O~' Rick Getschow, Hopkins City Manager January 24, 2006 Faith Community Meeting Background: A major City 2005-2006 Goal and Objective was for the Council to meet with representatives of the faith community to discuss areas of mutual interest. GOALIVB Partner with 'aith community to accomplish certain goals. Action 9 Action 10 Action 11 Action 12 Action 13 Action 14 Recruit 3-4 faith community leaders and faith organizations to discuss goals. Develop strategies based on common values and goals of recruited faith members and city officials. Develop a framework of specific goals and action strategy steps within the larger faith community group. Implement action groups and demonstrate shared goals and values. Incorporate action steps into government and citr. function. Research the development and implementation of a police chaplain program A meeting has been scheduled for the January 24 work session with the faith community from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. We have received commitments from representatives often ofthe twelve congregations in the Hopkins area to attend. The City has also been working with NaRC (Nurturing Our Retired Citizens) over the past several months on establishing federally funded senior programs similar to what has been implemented in St. Louis Park. The goal was to bring some of these new programs to Hopkins and enhance the current senior programming that currently exists in Hopkins. As you already know, we did not receive federal funding for NaRC for initiatives beyond August 2006. But we have a commitment from NaRC to work with them until through this summer. We do plan to once again apply for funding ih the next congressional session. In light of the loss of funding, we have still discussed such initiatives as the creation of a senior directory and the hosting of senior lectures or forums in Hopkins covering topics of interest to seniors. I did learn that one program that NaRC has worked on in St. Louis Park is the creation of a faith community network. The network consists of faith community representatives in St. Louis Park that meet quarterly to discuss issues of interest among the congregations. NORC was willing to assist Hopkins in undertaking a similar endeavor. It seemed that this offer from NORC to assist in bringing the faith community together was a good convergence of their experience and expertise in this area and provides the ability of the city to accomplish an important city goal. The network would not only allow for a forum where the City Council gathers with a faith representatives to discuss areas of common interest, but it sets up a more formal association of Hopkins congregations that can meet on a regular basis to accomplish certain Ihutual goals. Therefore, a major goal ofthis meeting with the faith community is to gauge interest from those present in forming a faith community network in Hopkins of which NaRC would assist in facilitating on an on-going basis. Besides the major goal of the potential creation of a Hopkins Faith Community network or association, there are other topics that NORC, city staff, and the faith communities have stated there is an interest in discussing. The other two main topics for this meeting to address are congregational nursing programs and the police chaplaincy program that the Police Department is creating. We have also scheduled time during the meeting to allow all participants to brainstorm and freely discuss and issues or concerns that persons may have regarding Hopkins overall. A detailed agenda will be prepared and available prior to the meeting. Enclosures: . Invitation to the Faith Community meeting . General NORC brochure . NaRC Letter regarding federal funding . "Congregational Nurse Program in Faith Communities" brochure . NaRC Congregational Nursing Survey ~ City ojCJfopkins Office of tlie Mayor 1010 !First Street Soutfi · JiopRitu,!M!J{ 55343-7573 · pfione: 952-935-8474 . !FIJ;(; 952-935-1834 'We6 cuft{ress: www./iop/(jnsmn.com ryou are invited To participate in a meeting of the Hopkins City Council Tuesday, January 24, 2006 6:30 p.m. Raspberry Room of City Hall The Mayor and City Council are requesting the presence of faith community leaders at an upcoming City Council work session. The faith communities are a vital part of our city, and we hope that you will consider partnering with us to improve the quality of life in Hopkins. As each congregation builds capacity to reach out to those in need, particularly our senior citizens. it strengthens the fabric of our community at large. Did you know...? . The number of Minnesotans 65+ will double between 2000 and 2030 from 1 in 8 to 1 in 4. . The number of persons 85+ will triple from 2000 to 2050 . The number of Minnesotans with disabilities and chronic conditions will triple in the next half century. To meet these growing needs, the City of Hopkins will be partnering with the NORC project. NORC, Nurturing Our Retired Citizens, is a federal demonstration project designed to enable older adults to stay in their homes and community for as long as they can with the support that they need to remain healthy, safe, engaged citizens. It is our hope that the faith communities will join together with us in this effort. Some projects that we will bring to the table on January 24 are: . A Faith Communities Network collaboration . Congregational (Parish) Nursing . Police chaplaincy Please be sure that the voice of your congregation is heard at this meeting by sending two leaders from your congregation. RSVP to Joy Gordon, NORC Community Liaison at 952-542-4819 to let us know will be attending. We vety much look forward to working with you. PlU'tnering witn tlie Cammunity to 'Enliame tlie QjuUity of Life . Inspire .P,aucate .lnvo{ve .CommunUate. f NORC NURTURING OUR RETIRED CITiZENS . , Rick Getschow 1010 First Street South Hopkins, MN 55343 Dear-Rick; On behalf of NORC (Nurturing Our Retired Citizens) a project of Jewish Family and Children's Service of Minneapolis and the entire community, I want to thank you for your support with the Labor-Health and Human Services Appropriation bill for FY2006. Unfortunately our NORC earmark request has not been successful and has not been included in the final Labor-HHS appropriations for FY2006. In fact, no earmarks - also known as "Members' Requests" were included in the final bill, in an effort by the House and Senate leadership to reduce spending by $1 billion. Of course, we are disappointed by this decision but we understand that this is part of the legislative process. On the positive side, we are delighted by the relationships that have been built from tlrls partnership and hope that we can continue to work together on this and other items of mutual interest that move our communities forward. We believe that innovative opportunities for community-based services are necessary to better assist older adults maintain their independence and quality of life. We also believe the aging Baby Boomers who will rely on community-based providers to deliver better, more efficient, and effective services to meet their needs. Our country's system of long- term care will depend on such improvements if we, as a nation, are to properly maintain quality of care for our senior citizens. We hope you will continue to pursue the best programs to preserve our nation's system of long-term care. We also look forward to opportunities to work in concert with you on aging issues, as well as others of mutual concern. Thank you again for your support with the LHHS appropriations for FY2006. au Annette Sandler NaRC Project Coordinator NORC 15 funded by a gran! from the AdmitllStratlOn on Aging :tit MORe Nurturin9 our Retired CitiZens lJ1f- .'- - "Tbe congregatiOnal Nurse progratn in faitb cotntnunitieS A Teamwork APproach to promoting Health & wellbeing ) '13'100 wa.p.llta 60u\evard suite 400 tIIinneton\Ul, tIIN 55305 ,>hone: 952_546-06'16 oirect: 952_542-48'19 ~:952_591.-0041. WV'fII.i9ordon@ifCSlt\p\s.or9 NORC NurtUrin9 Our Retired Citizens 1.11\\\1 s....I" DlvlslO. I'tIS Dlvl,I08 qJfC.S NORC Nurturing Our Retired Citizens our goal is to mobilize a~d empower the bro~der .C?mmunlt'{ to support its senior CitiZens. o~r vision is to create a communlt'{ environment that nurtures ~eal~hY aging for its residents and I~S?lres residents of all ages to partiCIpate in thiS process one waY to accomPlish. ~hiS is throUgh our faith communitIes. . In addition to sharing cr~at~ve programming, we ~re bnnglng congregatiOnal nursing to more congregatiOns to help them reach out more effectivelY to a greater number of thOSe in need. Wit\1 t\1e aging populati.on increasing exponentiallY, meetl.ng the needs of seniors is bec~~~ng a larger communitY responsibilitY. worKing tOget\1er, we \"lOpe to strengthen t\1e fabriC ?f our society to support our seniors and all thOse whose lives theY touch. 1\1e m'lssion of NaRC is to enable older adults to stay in their homes and communitY witll tile support that tlleY need to remain lIealt\1Y, safe, and engaged citiZens. NOR.C is funded bV th~ I).d(\'\inistratiOn on I).g\ng. \ A team approach The congregational nurse works as a part of a team with the clergy, program coordinator, health advisory committee, and corps of volunteers What the Congregationa Nurse is not: She is not a physician. She does not provide a medica medica diagnosis or treatment. Referrals are made to the nurse who then visits the congregant and assesses his or her needs She can then discuss options within the context of the faith community and the situation relative to that person or family physician She is not a therapist. She does not do physical therapy or psychotherapy She is not clergy though she does bring spiritual context to the healing process For more information about the Congregational Nurse program, contact the NORC office at 952-542-4819 or email jgordon@jfcsmpls.org. She is not a home health-care nurse. She does not dispense medications or provide treatments prescribed by a The Congergational Nurse ~~~~,..~--~....= ~_.a l:il~~ A Unique Role Congregational nursing is a nursing specialty that integrates the practice of nursing with that of faith so that people can achieve wholeness, with and through their faith community, thus promoting optimal health and wellness of the body, mind, and spirit. The Congregational Nurse is: A registered nurse Integrator of faith and health Liaison to community resources Health Counselor Referral advisor Health educator Health advocate Developer of support groups ! Completed By: i Name: I Church: Address: : Phone: I e-mail: ~.......................... .. ................................ .~................................................................................ NORC Nurturing Our Retired Citizens JFCS / NORC 13100 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 400 Minnetonka, MN 55305 NORC - NURTURING OUR RETIRED CITIZENS CONGREGATIONAL NURSING SURVEY 1) Have you heard of Congregational, or Parish Nursing? YES 0 NO 0 2) Have you personally experienced the benefits of Congregational Nursing? YES 0 NO 0 3) If Yes, please elaborate: 4) Does your congregation presently have a congregational nursing program? YES 0 NO 0 5) If Yes, please indicate contact person information? , ""''''''''' 1 PLEASE TURN OVER -7 6) What kind of programs do you currently have that reach out to those with health issues? 7) What needs do you perceive that are not being met? (e.g., keeping in touch with isolated seniors, visiting those who come home from the hospital, visiting a new mom) 8) How might you like to better reach out if you had the additional personnel or resources? 9) Do you have a significant number of aging members in your congregation? YES 0 NO 0 10) If Yes, please estimate percentage 65+: Please estimate percentage 85+: Note: Currently, seniors make up over one-third of the total membership of many congregations. In the next eight years, the first Baby Boomers in our churches reach age 65. 11) Is your congregation senior-friendly? YES 0 NO 0 Don't Know 0 Definition: A senior-friendly congregation is one that values its older members, providing the best possible environment for them to remain vitally involved in the life of the congregation, physically, spiritually and intellectually. 0""....., 2 -- I ~ ~. -.-0 .,' l ~ A,..J.) ',': :'~ . St. Louis Park NORC Nurturing Our Retired Citizens Annette l'vIalinsky Sandler, NORC Project Coordinator Jewish Family 8> Children's Service of ,\clinneapolis 13JOll Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 4llll J\linl1etonh:a, j\lillllcsota 55305 'hone (direct) . 952-542-4866 'hone (main) . 952-546-0616 'I'll'. 952-591-0041 Fax. 952-593-1778 -Illail . asandler@jfcsmpls.org . PARTNERS CilY of S .ollis [">.uk Clll1ep COUIll) JeWlS 'an1lly anl! Children's Selvice of ,\c )eapOlls ,\linneapolis Jewish Federalion Park Nicollel Cenler for Senior Services Sabes Jewish COllllllunity Cenle Shololll Coumlllunily Alliance SI. Louis I'ark Public Schools S1. Louis Park Senior I'rograr l'I/(l[(I$ Il}' He/It' Clollll., (;0011111. except lI'here () i:.;{' 110 51. Louis P.ul-: NORC is funded hy ,1 gr rr- heA slr,Hi 011 Aging ~ - -..,- ~ NORC Nurturing Our Retired Citizens The Congregational Nurse Program in Faith Communities . A Teamwork Approach to Promoting Health & Wellbeing . Retired Citizens NORC Nurturing Our . NORC is funded by the Administration on Aging support healthy NORC is to enable stay in their homes with the The mission of older adults to and community that they need to remain safe. and engaged citizens ze and community citizens. Our NORC Nurturing Our Retired Citizens Our goa s empower the to support its vision is to create a community environment that nurtures healthy aging for its residents and inspires residents of all ages to participate n this process to mob broader senior . 13100 Wayzata Boulevard 5uite 400 Minnetonka, MN 5530S Phone: 952-546-0616 Direct: 952-542-4819 TTY: 952-591-0041 www.jgordon@jfcsmpls.org this ties. creative bringing s One way to accomplish through our faith commun n addition to programming, we congregational nursing to more congregations to help them reach out more effectively to a greater number of those in need sharing are F.,mily Servin DI"lslon IVS Division $JFCS With increasir the needs The CongergatlOnal Nurse A Unique Role . Congregational nursing is a nursing specialty that integrates the practice of nu rsing with that of faith so that people can achieve wholeness, with and through their faith community, thus promoting optimal health and wellness of the body, mind and spirit. The Congregational Nurse is: A registered nurse Integrator of faith and health Liaison to community . resources Health Counselor Referral advisor Health educator Health advocate Developer of support groups What the CongregatlOna Nurse is not: She is not a physician. She does not provide a medical diagnosis or medical treatment. She is not a home health-care nurse. She does not dispense medications or provide treatments prescribed by a physician. She is not a therapist. She does not do physical therapy or psychotherapy. She is not clergy though she les bring spiritual context to e healing process email jgordon@jfcsmpls.org. In about ......;:1......lIU....d Nurse program, contact the NORC office at 952-542-4819 or community and relative to that Referrals are made to the nurse who then visits the congregant and assesses his or her needs She can then discuss opt within the context of the fa the situation For more the Congrpn~"nn~1 person or fam ons th y . corps of The congregational nurse works as a part of a team with the clergy, program coordinator, health advisory committee, and volunteers A team approach