CR 06-021 Updated AUAR, SuperValu North Annex Property
February 2, 2006
Council Report 2006-021
Proposed Action
Staff recommends approval of the following motion: adopt Resolution 2006-009, a resolution of
the Citv of Hopkins ordering preparation of an update to the Medica Comorate Office
Development Alternative Urban Areawide Review.
With this this action staff would execute the attached contract with RLK Associates, Ltd., to
complete this work.
In 2001 an alternative urban areawide review (AUAR) was completed for the North Annex
property to facilitate the Medica project. This environmental review was necessary because of
the size of the proj ect to meet statutory requirements.
The Opus project now under consideration for the North Annex property will require that a
previously prepared AUAR document be updated. The update will analyze various project site
impact issues relating to the Opus project.
RLK Associates, Ltd., completed the original AUAR document, and staff is proposing that they
complete the update. As the City is identified as the regulating governmental unit (RGU) for
environmental review, the contract needs to be with the City. Opus Corporation, however, has
agreed to pay all costs in conjunction with this study. Once the document has been completed
there will be a public review and comment period.
Supportin!! Documents
. Memo from Faegre & Benson dated January 23, 2006
. Resolution 2006-009
. Proposal from RLK Associates, Ltd.,dated February 1,2006
. Letter from Faegre & Benson dated February I, 2006
David Menke
James Kerrigan
Walter Rockenstein
January 23, 2006
After reviewing the Medica Corporate Office Development Alternative Urban
Areawide Review (the "Medica AUAR"), I recommend that the City of Hopkins (the "City")
update the Medica AUAR in connection with the proposal of Opus Northwest, L.L.c.
("Opus") to redevelop the SuperValu north annex site (the "SuperValu Site") with a
predominately office development that could include some medical manufacturing and
research and development uses, a hotel, and ancillary retail (the "Opus Project").
Reasons Supporting Update
The Medica AUAR should be updated for the following reasons,
First, the passage of time, recent changes to roadways near the SuperValu Site,
and Opus's intention to include other uses in addition to office space in the Opus Project
suggest that the traffic study prepared for the Medica AUAR may no longer accurately portray
the traffic impacts of developing this property,
Second, the Opus Project may include other changes from the assumptions in
the Medica AUAR that warrant additional analysis, For example, Opus is suggesting changes
to the storm water management system compared to the system proposed by Medica! AlIina
Health Systerns and studied in the Medica AUAR,
Third, the Medica AUAR's period of validity ends on August 22,2006, which
could negatively impact the Opus Project timeline. Opus expects to have all its fmal
governmental approvals before August 22nd. But any delay beyond that date on even a single
governmental approval would stall the project, because any delayed final governmental
approval could not be issued until the Medica AUAR was updated to extend its period of
validity another five years,
Fourth, the Medica AUAR should be updated to include land not encompassed
in the Medica AUAR study area, Specifically, the Medica AUAR study area should be
amended to include the 3.3 acre parcel north of Second Street, N,E, (the "North Parcel") and
the 0.5 acre parcel at 106 Jackson Avenue (the "Jackson Parcel"), The North Parcel was not
included because Medica! Allina Health Systems did not propose any development there.
However Opus intends to locate storm water management facilities on the North Parcel and
accommodate City snow storage, The Jackson Parcel was not included because it was not
owned by SuperValu, and no developrnent was planned there, Opus has an option on the
Jackson Parcel, however, and intends to develop it as part of the Opus Project.
Commencing The AUAR Update
RLK-Kuusisto, Ltd., the firm that prepared the Medica AUAR, is prepared to
undertake the update including the necessary traffic analysis, To proceed, the City should
authorize updating the Medica AUAR, retain RLK-Kuusisto, Ltd, as the consultant to perform
the work, and provide that Opus will pay the update costs.
Hennepin County, Minnesota
WHEREAS, in 2001 Medica!Allina Health Systems proposed to develop a corporate
headquarters for Medica on the SuperValu North Annex Site (Site);
WHEREAS, in response to this proposal, the Hopkins City Council ordered
preparation of the Medica Corporate Office Development Alternative Urban Areawide Review
(AUAR) for the Site;
WHEREAS, on August 21,2001, the Hopkins City Council accepted the AUAR for
the proposed Medica corporate headquarters project;
WHEREAS, the Medica!Allina Health Systems abandoned the project and the Site
remains undeveloped;
WHEREAS, Opus Northwest, L.L.C. (Opus) now proposes to develop the Site
primarily for office space but also with uses not considered in the AUAR, including some
medical manufacturing and research and development uses, a hotel, and ancillary retail (Opus
Proj ect);
WHEREAS, Opus anticipates development and storm water management facilities on
parcels not included in the study area ofthe AUAR;
WHEREAS, major street improvements have been constructed next to the Site since
acceptance of the AUAR; and
WHEREAS, the AUAR must be updated to remain in force after August 21, 2006.
WHEREAS, Opus has requested that the AUAR be updated and has agreed to pay the
cost of preparing the update.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Hopkins
hereby orders the preparation of an update to the AUAR that addresses the Opus Project and
conforms to all requirements for an AUAR update.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Hopkins directs City
staff to negotiate and enter into a contract with RLK Incorporated to prepare the AUAR
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the all costs for the AUAR update be charged to
Adopted by the Hopkins City Council this 7th day of February 2006.
Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor
Terry Obermaier, City Clerk
RI.K Engineering. Landscape Architecture. Planning. Surveying. Traffic
\. J Creatmg extraordinary
.............., Com munifies
February I, 2006
Mr. Jim Kerrigan
City of Hopkins
1010 First Street South
Hopkins, MN 55343
Re: Proposal for Professional Services
AUAR Update and Traffic Study
Opus Office Development Hopkins, MN
Dear Mr. Kerrigan:
RLK Incorporated (RLK) is pleased to provide this proposal to City of Hopkins for the Alternate
Areawide Urban Review (AUAR) update and Traffic Study for the SUPERV ALU North Annex site
located in Hopkins, Minnesota. RLK managed the effort to prepare the original AUAR documeot and
was an integral part of the original desigo team that developed and obtained approval of the preliminary
plans and traffic analysis, as well as the ageocy review and approval of the AUAR environmental
documeotation during the initial scoping process that took place in 2001.
RLK's scope of services is based on discussions with Rocky Rockenstein of Faegre & Benson and a
review of the previous Medica AUAR document, 'as it will be impacted by the SUPERV ALU/Opus
Veoture concept site plan schemes dated December 2005. This AUAR proposal is provided in .
conjunction with the proposal for site engineering desigo work provided to Opus for this project dated
November 7, 2005.
It is RLK's understanding that Opus will reimburse the City for all costs associated with this contract.
Services for the completion of the traffic analysis, report preparation, associated AUAR responses,
agency coordination and meetings are broken out separately in the attached AUAR proposal.
Services will be billed on an hourly basis not to exceed the below estimated fees:
Task 1 -AUAR Update and Coordination:
I. I Project Management and Coordination
1.2 AUAR Update Responses, Documeot Preparation and
1.3 Updated Mitigation Plan
1.4 Responses to Comments after Public Review Period I
Coordination for Approval
1.5 Ageocy Neighborhood and Project Team Meetings
Subtotal Task 1 .
Estimated Fee $ 2,500.00
Estimated Fee $ 8,600.00
Estimated Fee $ 5,000.00
Estimated Fee $ 5,000.00
Estimated Fee $ 9,300.00
$ 30,400.00
Offices: Hibbing . Minnetonka . Ham Lake . Twin Polis
(952)933-0972 . 6110 Blue Circle Drive. Suite 100 . Minnetonka, MN 55343 . FAX (952) 933-1153
Equal Opportunity Employer
Task 2 - Traffic Study I Update:
2.1 Aitalysis I Preparation of Traffic Report
2.2 Response to AUAR Update Traffic Items and Updated
Mitigation Plan
2.3 Response to Comments After Public Review Period
and Coordination for Approval I Additional Meetings
2.4 Traffic Counts
2.5 Agency, Neighborhood and Project Team Meetings
Subtotai Task 2
Estimated Fee $ 18,000.00
Estimated Fee $ 2,000.00
Range Fee $ 5,000.00 -
Estimated Fee $ 2,000.00
Estimated Fee $ 5,000.00
$ 32,000.00 -
Estimated Fee $ 7,500.00
$ 7,500.00
Estimated Fee $ Cost Plus 15%
Estimated Fee $ 69,900.00 -
74,900.00 '
Task 3 Air and Noise Evaluation
3.1 Air and Noise Evaluation (by Subconsultant)
Subtotal Task 3
Task 4 - Reimbursable Exp'enses
4.1 Reimbursable Expenses
Total Estimated Fee (exclusive of hourly items and expenses)
, RLK appreciates the opportUnity to provide this proposal to the City of Hopkins for the proposed AUAR
update and Traffic Study for the proposed OPUS Office Development. We look forward to the
February 7,2006 Authorization to Proceed from the City Council on the AUAR. Please refer to the
assumptions for a complete understandIDg of this proposal. Please do not hesitate to contact our office
(952-933-0972) with any questions you may have or if additional information is needed.
RLK Incorporated
Jolm D'ietrich, ASLA
Principal Landscape Architect
Michele Jackson Caron, PE
Senior Professional Engineer
~roposal for Professional Service
OPUS Office Development - Hopkins. MN
February I, 2006
poge 2 of 5
RLK Incorporated (RLK) is pleased to submit a proposal to the City of Hopkins for preparation of the
AUAR Update and Traffic Study for the proposed SUPERV ALU North Annex site office development
located in Hopkins, Minnesota. For the purpose of this proposal, "CLIENT" below refers to Opus.
Based on our review of the concept plan provided by you and the previous AUAR prepared by RLK, the
attached scope of services represents estimated fees to complete the project through to AUAR Update
. Assumptions
I. Unless RLK is directed otherwise, CLIENT will be responsible for all application forms and permit
application fees required by the City and any other agencies involved. RLK documents will be
prepared with agency requirements in mind.
2. CLIENT will provide any other completed studies, reports, plans, plats or data that may be of
assistance or necessary for RLK to perform under this Agreement. RLK has the right to rely on
information contained in documents provided by CLIENT.
3. Survey services are to be provided by others, including topographic and boundary survey,
preliminary plat and final platting services, as well as any easement descriptions or vacations
4. RLK assumes the engineered, dimensioned site plan is in AutoCAD format and will be provided by
CLIENT. If requested, RLK will provide a fee for site planning preparation if CLIENT will not be
providing the required site plan.
5. This proposal assumes that the preliminary site plan by CLIENT will be available prior to beginning
work on the AUAR update and traffic study. RLK will utilize the preliminary engineering design to
be prepared in the RLK scope of services for site development.'
6. This proposal does not include off site design of public roadways or utilities.
7. RLK has included to incorporate comments related to wetlands and impacts that may be located
on the "chimney" parcel. Wetland permitting, delineation, or mitigation plans are not included in
this scope of work.
8. RLK will address the changes in the existing conditions due to the recent construction of the
Excelsior Boulevard improvements and associated utility infrastructure. This scope of work does not
include water main modeling of the City of Hopkins system. Agency requirements due to the new
site plan and any new permitting criteria will be verified and changes will be identified in the AUAR
update. Numerous sections will require updating due to the proposed use of the "chimney" parcel
and associated ditch drainage analysis.
9. A scope of work task has been included for weekly team meetings over a six (6) week period, two
neighborhood meetings and attendance/ presentation at two Planning Commission Meetings and two
City Council meetings. As requested, RLK will coordinate and attend these meetings by CLIENT on
an hourly basis according to the rate schedule included in the contract. .
Proposal for Professional Service
opus Office Developmenl- Hopkins. MN
February 1, 2006
Page 3 of 5
10. RLK will prepare the draft AUAR update for review and comment by Faegre & Benson and
CLIENT. The draft will be revised to address comments for review by City of Hopkins. A final
draft will be prepared based on City comments; the final draft AUAR will be provided electronically
to Faegre & Benson for reproduction and distnbution as required by the Environmental Quality
Board (EQB) EA W J)istribution List. The AUAR Update will include an update to the original
AUAR Mitigation Plan.
II. Fees are broken down between the AUAR update and traffic study services. Additionally, if required
based on the traffic study, a vehicle noise and air evaluation will be completed and is broken out as a
separate item. This analysis will be provided by Liesch Associates, as a subconsultant to RLK. A
background carbon monoxide study is not included in this scope of work. If required, additional fees
will be requested. .
12. RLK will use the soils report information provided by the CLIENT. CLIENT will provide any
additionahoils information required and will be responsible for all costs and expenses for
geoteclmical information.
13. Traffic engineering services are proposed separately from the AUAR update services. Services
include traffic counts at the ten intersections identified in the original AUAR traffic study. The
traffic study will confirm the operations of the recently constructed roadway system that was
analyzed as a proposed condition in the original AUAR. Existing, no-build, build (5-year) and future
build (20-year) conditions will be analyzed, based on the CLIENT's site plan. Trip generation will
be developed and regional distribution will be modeled. A traffic study will be prepared and the
associated response to the AUAR Question 21 will be prepared. lU.K will address agency
comments, ,and coordinate to resolve issues on behalf of CLIENT and the City of Hopkins. The
traffic services scope of work includes meetings to be attended by the traffic engineer including
neighborhood meetings, agency meetings, City Planning Commission meetings.
14. If CLIENT prepares the preliminary and final site plan, RLK will assume the dimension of parking
stalls, drive isles, setbacks and all curve and radii will meet the City requirements.
15. Expenses will be invoiced per the conditiqns of the Agreement Between Architect and Consultant
executed by Opus imd RLK, dated July 15,2005.
Attachment A and B (Profess,ional Services Rate Schedule) are incorporated into this Agreement by
reference as if fully set forth herein.
This Agreement states the entire agreement between RLK and CLIENT, merges all prior negotiations,
agreements and understandings, if any exist, and states in full all representations and warranties that have
induced this Agreement, there being no representations or warranties other than those herein stated.
Each party hereto agrees that in dealings with third parties no contrary representations will be made.
This Agreement may be altered or amended only by a writing signed by RLK and CLIENT.
Proposal for Professional Service
OPUS Offiee Development - Hopkins. MN
February 1, 2006
Page 4 of 5
This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which will be deemed an
original, but all of which will constitute one and the same instrument.
The laws of the State of Minnesota will govern this Agreement.
The invalidity or partial invalidity of any portion of this Agreement will not invalidate the remainder
thereof, and said remainder will remain in full force and effect.
RLK and CLIENT represent and warrant that each has taken all necessary corporate, legal or other
actions to duly authorize and approve the making and performance of this Agreement and that the person
signing this Agreement on theirrespective behalf is duly authorized to do so.
The Client and RLK Incorporated Aaree as Set Forth Above
City of Hopkins
10 I 0 First Street Sout/l
Hopkins, MN 55343
RLK Incorporated:
RLK Incorporated
61 10 Blue Circle Drive, Suite 100
MiImetonka, MN 55343
John Dietrich, ASLA
. Principal LalJdscape Architect
z/;)o &
Date Michele Jackson Caron, PE
Senior Professional Engineer
Attachment: RLK Standard Attachment A - General Conditions
RLK Standard Attachment B - Hourly Rate Schedule
Proposal for Professional Service
OPUS Office Development- Hopkins. MN
February I. 2006
Page 5 of.5
The infonnation contained in the letter proposal accompanying
this Attachment A may be reasonably relied upon by RLK-
Knusisto, Ltd. (RLK) and CLIENT in determining RLK's
scope of work, the schedule for perfonning the work and the
compensation to be paid to RLK. However, both parties
recognize that such information may Dot be complete or may
change and that the CLIENT and RLK shall negotiate
appropriate adjustments in schedule, compensation and
services in accordance with the tenns and conditions contained
in this Attachment A.
The following words and phrases shall have the meaning
indicated below:
A. Agreement means RLK's letter proposalj Attachment A-
General Conditions; Attachment B~ Professional Services
Rate Schedule; and any Design Change Notice or other
writing signed by both parties indicating tbat it is an
amendment or addendum to this Agreement.
B. Certificate for Payment means a representation by RLK
or other person performing construction administration
services that the Work has progressed to the point
indicated in the Contractor's application for payment,
subject to (1) an evaluation of the Work for confonnance
with contract documents; (2) results of subsequent tests
and/or inspections; (3) correction of minor defects and
(4) any other specific qualifications.
C. Construction Phase means that part of the work after the
construction contract is awarded and before substantial
D. Contractor means any person or entity employed to
perform Work on the Project.
E. Hazardous Environmental Condition means any condition
subject 'to regulations and controls of the Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency, or that is defined in the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation
and Liability Act (CERCLA), or the existence of any
other potentially hazardous or toxic materials or
F. Substantial Completion means that the Work on the
project is sufficiently complete in accordance with the
contract documents so that the CLIENT can occupy or
utilize the Work for its intended use.
G. Work means those services, materials, labor or supplies
used to complete the Project.
H. Documents means any written,printed, typed, recorded or
graphic matter, however produced, reproducedj or stored,
including but not limited to electronic data, photographs
and maps.
I. Construction Administration or Construction Phase
Services include construction observation andspecifically
exclude inspection of construction.
In addition to other responsibilities of CLIENT as set forth in
this Agreement, CUENf shall:
A. Provide full information in a timely manner regarding
requirements for and limitations on the Project.
B. Designate a representative who shall be authorized to act
on the CLIENT's behalf with respect to the Project.
C. Examine all alternate solutions, smdies, reports, sketches,
drawings, specifications, proposals. and other documents
presented by RLK (including obtaining advice of an
attorney, insurance counselor, and other advisors or
consultants as CLIENT deems appropriate with respect to
such examination) and render in writing timely decisions
pertaining thereto.
D. Provide the services of an independent testing firm to
perform all inspections, tests, and approvals of samples,
materials, and equipment required by Jawor the Contract
Documents, or to evaluate the performance of materials,
equipment, and facilities of CLIENT, prior to their
incorporation into the work. with appropriate professional
interpretation thereof.
E. Furnish all legal, insurance and accounting services,
including auditing services that may be reasonably
necessary at any time for the Project or to meet
CLIENT's needs or interests.
F. Submit to any governmental or permitting authority all
necessary applications for permits or other required
G. Provide prompt written notice to RLK if the CLIENT or
any representative. contractor or agent of CLIENT
becomes aware of any fault, defect or non-confonnance
in the Project, including any errors, omissions or
inconsistencies in RLK's work.
H. Give prompt written notice to RLK whenever CLIENT
observes or otherwise becomes aware of a Hazardous
Environmental Condition or of any other development
that affects the scope or time of performance of RLK's
I. Warrant that funds are or will be available for prompt
payments to RLK under the terms of this Agreement.
RLK shall be entitled to full payment for completed work
regardless of the timing or the CLIENT's failure to
receive financing or governmental or other approvals.
RLK is not a co.venturer with the CLIENT and the
payment of fees and reimbursable expenses is not at risk.
A. RLK shall review the laws, codes and regulations
applicable to RLK's services.
B. RLK shall be entitled to rely on the accuracy and
completeness of all requirements, programs, instructions,
reports, data, services and information furnished by the
CLIENT. RLK may use such information in performing
or furnishing services under this Agreement and CLIENT
will defend, indemnify and hold harmless RLK for any
errors or omissions in such information. RLK shall
provide prompt written notice to the CLIENT if RLK
becomes aware of any errors, omissions, or
inconsistencies in such information.
C. RLK shall be responsible for the technical accuracy of its
services and documents resulting therefrom. To the
extent that any deficiencies are present or discovered,
RLK shall correct such deficiencies without additional
compensation except to the extent such action is directly
attributable to deficiencies in CLlENT.fumished
, Kc:.::;;" ,
D. RLK shall submit the deliverables required under the
Agreement at intervals appropriate to the design or
development process for purposes of evaluation and
approval by the CLIENT. RLK shall be entitled to rely
on approvals received from CLIENT in further
development of the designs.
E. RLK will provide one single review and response to any
governmental or pennitting authority's comments or
requested revisions to RLK's deliverables required under
the Agreement.
F. RLK will schedule the work upon receipt of the executed
Agreement. Work on subsequent phases of the Project
will begin upon receipt of approval from theCLIENT and
upon receipt of the full balance of fees due for work
completed to the date of the CLIENT's approval.
G. The standard of care for all professional consulting and
related services perfonned or furnished by RLK under
this Agreement will be the care and skill ordinarily used
by members ofRLK's profession practicing under similar
circumstances at the same time and in the same locality.
A. The Letter Proposal or Design Change Notice shall
include the parties agreement about whether or not RLK
win provide construction administration seIVices. If
required as part of the Agreement, RLK's responsibilities
to provide construction administration seIVices
commences with the award of the initial contract for
construction and terminates at the issuance to the
CLIENT of the final Certificate for Payment RLK shall
be entitled to additional compensation if construction
administration services extend 60 days after the date of
Substantial Completion of the work.
B. Should CLIENT provide Construction Phase services
with either CLIENT's representatives or a third party,
RLI('s services under this Agreement will be considered
to be completed upon completion of the Final Design
Phase or Bidding or Negotiating Phase.
C. It is understood and agreed that if RLK's services under
this Agreement do not include Project Observation, or
review of the Contractor's performance, or any other
Construction Phase sClVices, and that such services will
be provided by CLIENT, then CLIENT assumes all
responsibility for interpretation of the Contract
Documents and for construction observation or review
and waives any claims against RLK that may be in any
way connected thereto.
D. During the Construction Phase, RLK shall not supervise,
direct, or have control over Contractor's work, nor shall
RLK have authority over or responsibility for the means,
methods, techniques, sequences. or procedures of
construction selected by Contractor, for safety
precautions and programs incident to the Contractor's
work in progress, nor for any failure of Contractor to
comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to
Contractor's furnishing and performing the Work.
E. RLK neither guarantees the perfonnance of any
Contractor nor assumes responsibility for any
Contractor's failure to furnish and perfonn the Work in
accordance with the Contract Documents or any
governmental rule, law or regulation.
F. RLK shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of
any Contractor(s), subcontractor or supplier, or of any of
the Contractor's agents or employees or anyotherpersons
(except RLK's own employees) at the Site or otherwise
furniShing or perfonning any of the Contractor's work; or
for any decision made on interpretations or clarifications
of the Contract Documents given by CLIENT without
consultation and advice cfRLK.
G. RLK will review requests by the Contractor for additional
infonnation about the contract documents. Any request
for information shall include a detailed written statement
that indicates the specific drawings or specification on
which clarification is sought and the nature of the
clarification requested. If deemed appropriate by RLK, it
will prepare, reproduce and distribute supplemental
drawings and specifications in response to requests for
H. If included in the scope of the selVices, RLK shall review
and approve or take other appropriate action upon the
Contractor's submittals such as shop drawings, product
data and samples, but only for the limited purpose of
checking for conformance with information given in the
design concept RLK's action shall be taken with
reasonable promptness while allowing sufficient time in
RLK's professional judgment to permit adequate review.
Review of such submittals is not conducted for the
purpose of detennining the accuracy and completeness of
other details such as dimensions and quantities, or
substantiating instructions for installation or perfonnance
of equipment or systems, all of which remain the
responsibility of the Contractor. RLI('s review shall not
constitute approval of safety precautions or any
construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or
procedures. RLK's approval ofa specific item shall not
constitute approval of an assembly of which the item is a
1. If the CLIENT requests that RLK execute certificates, the
proposed language of such certificate shall be submitted
to RLK for review at least 14 days prior to the requested
dates of execution. RLK shall not be required to execute
certificates that would require lmowledge, services or
responsibilities be)()nd tbe scope of this Agreement.
A. RLK's opinions of probable Construction Cost provided
for herein are to be made on the basis of RLK's
experience and qualifications and represent RLK's best
judgment as an experienced and qualified professional
generally familiar with the industry. However, since RLK
has no control over the cost of labor, materials,
equipment, or services furnished by others, or over the
Contractor's methods of detennining prices, or over
competitive bidding or market conditions, RLK cannot
Page 2 of5
'"-c::;7 .
and does not guarantee that proposals, bids, or actual
Construction Cost will not vary from opinions of
probable Construction Cost prepared by RLK. If
CLIENT wishes greater assurance as to probable
Construction Cost, CUENT shall employ an independent
cost estimator.
B. RLK's estimates for the amoWltoffees and expenses for
its services are based on the best information available to
RLK and is not a guaranteed maximum price. In
addition, changes in the scope of the services, schedule,
budget or occurrence of unforeseen conditions or
circumstances, will result in adjustments to RLK's
estimates for its fees.
A. All drawings, specifications or other documents prepared
by RLK for the Project are instruments ofRLK's service,
and RLK shall retain ownership, and all common law,
statutory or other reserved rights, including copyright and
including the right of reuse at the discretion of RLK,
whether or not the Project is completed.
B. Copies of Documents that may be relied upon by
CLIENT are limited to the printed copies (also known as
hard copies) that are signed or sealed by RLK. Files in
electronic media fonnat of text, data,graphics. or of other
types that are furnished by RLK to CUENT are only for
convenience of CLIENT. Any conclusion or information
obtained or derived from such electronic ftles will be at
the user's sole risk.
C. When transferring documents in electronic media format,
RLK makes no representations as to long-term
compatibility, usability, or readability of documents
resulting from the use of software application packages,
operating systems. or computer hardware differing from
those used by RLK at the beginning of this Project.
D. CLIENT may make and retain copies of Documents for
infonnation and reference in connection with use on the
Project by CLIENT. Such Documents are not intended. or
represented to be suitable for reuse by CLIENT or others
on extensions of the Project or on any other project. Any
such reuse or modification without written verification or
adaptation by RLK, as appropriate for the specific
purpose intended, will be at CLIENT's sole risk and
without liability or legal exposure to RLK or to RLK's
ConsnItants. CLIENT sball defend, indemnify and hnld
harmless RLK and RLK's Consultants from all claims,
damages, losses, and expenses, including attorneys' fees
arising out of or resulting therefrom.
E. If there is a discrepancy between the electronic files and
the hard copies, the hard copies govern.
F. RLK shall have the right to include photographs,
drawings and information on the Project in public
relations and marketing materials; and to submit
photographs, drawings and infonnation to design
competitions and publications. However, RLK's
materials shall not include the CLIENT's confidential or
proprietary information if the CLIENT has previously
advised RLK in writing of the specific information
considered by the CLIENT to be coofideotial or
proprietary. CLIENT may include information about
RLK in promotional materials. advertising and other
display of the project plans and information if the Project
is built and finished substantially as designed.
A. CLIENT and RLK each are hereby bonnd and the
partners, successors. executors, administrators and legal
representatives of CLIENT and RLK are hereby bound to
the other party to this Agreement and to the partners,
successors, executors, administrators and legal
representatives (and said assigns) of such other party, in
respect of all covenants. agreements and obligations of
this Agreement.
B. Neither CLIENT nor RLK may assign, sublet, or transfer
any rights under or interest (including, but without
limitatio~ moneys that are due or may become due) in
this Agreement without the written consent of the other,
except to the extent that any assignment, subletting, or
transfer is mandated or restricted by law. Unless
specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent
to an assignment, no assignment will release or discharge
the assignor from any duty or responsibility under this
C. Unless expressly provided otherwise in this Agreement:
1. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to
create. impose, or give rise to any duty owed by
CLIENT or RLK to any Contractor, Contractor's
subcontractor. supplier, other individual or entity, or
to any surety for or employee of any of them.
2. All duties and responsibilities undertaken pursuant
to this Agreement will be for the sole and exclusive
benefit of CLIENT and RLK and not for the benefit
of any other party.
A. Both parties acknowledge that RLK's scope of services
does not include any services related to a Hazardous
Environmental Condition. In the event RLK or any other
party encounters a Hazardous Environmental Condition,
RLK may, at its option and without liability for
consequential or any other damages, suspend
perfonnance of services on the portion of the Project
affected thereby until CLIENT: (i) retains appropriate
specialist consultant(s) or contractor(s) to identify and. as
appropriate, abate, remediate. or remove the Hazardous
Environmental Condition; and (ii) warrants that the Site
is in full compliance with applicable Laws and
B. CLIENT acknowledges that RLK is performing
professional services for CLIENT and that RLK is not
and shall not be required to become an "arranger,"
"operator," "generator," or "transporter" of hazardous
substances, as defined in the Comprehensive
Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability
Act (CERCLA), which are or may be enconntered at or
near the Site in connection with RLK's activities under
this Agreement.
Page 3 of5
A. To the fullest extent pemtitted by law, RLK shall
indemnity and hold banDless CLIENT, CLIENT's
officers, directors, partners, and employees from and
against any and all costs, losses, and damages (including
but not limited to all fees and charges of consultants,
architects, attorneys, and other professionals, and all
court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs)
caused solely by the negligent acts or omissions of RLK
or RLK's officers, directors, partners, employees, and
RLK's Consultants in the perfonnance and furnishing of
RLK's services under this Agreement
B. To the fullest extent permitted by law, CLIENT shall
indemnify and hold hannless RLK, RLK's officers,
directors, partners. employees, and RLK's Consultants
from and against any and all costs. losses, and damages
(including but not limited to all fees and charges of
consultants, architects, attorneys, and other professionals,
and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution
costs) caused solely by the negligent acts or omissions of
CLIENT or CLIENTs officers, directors, partners,
employees, and CLIENT's consultants with respect to
this Agreement or the Project.
C. To the fullest extent permitted by law, RLK's total
liability to CLIENT and anyone claiming by, through. or
under CLIENT for any cost, loss, or damages caused in
part by the negligence of RLK and in part by the
negligence of CLIENT or any other negligent entity or
individual, shall not exceed the percentage share that
RLK's negligence bears to the total negligence of
CLIENT, RLK, and all other negligent entities and
D. To the fullest extent permitted by law, and
notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement,
the total liability, in the aggregate, of RLK and RLK's
officers, directors, partners, employees, agents, and
RLK's Consultants, and any of them, to CLIENT and
anyone claiming by, through, or under CLIENT for any
and all claims, losses, costs, or damages whatsoever
arising out o~ resulting from or in any way related to the
Project or the Agreement from any cause or causes,
including but not limited to the negligence, professional
errors or omissions, strict liability or breach of contract,
or warranty express or implied of RLK or RLK's officers,
directors, partners, employees, agents, or RLK's
Consultants, or any of them, shall not exceed the total
compensation received by RLK under this Agreement or
$50,000, whichever is greater.
E. To the fullest extent permitted by law, CLIENT agrees to
defend, indemnify and hold harmless RLK and RLK's
officers, directors, partners. employees, agents, and
RLK's Consultants from any and all claims. losses, costs,
or damages whatsoever arising our of, resulting from or
in any way related to the Project or Agreement from any
cause or causes, including but not limited to the
negligence, professional errors or omissions, strict
liability or breach of contract or warranty of RLK or
RLK's Consultants, which exceed the limit of liability as
set forth in the previous paragraph. CLIENT further
agrees to obtain insurance, if available, to cover these
indemnification obligations.
F. To the fullest extent permitted by law, and not
withstanding any other provision in the Agreement, RLK
and RLK's officers, directors, partners, employees,
agents, and RLK's Consultants shall not be liable to
CLIENT or anyone claiming by, through, or under
CLIENT for any special, incidenta~ indirect, or
consequential damages whatsoever arising out of,
resulting from, or in any way related to the Project or the
Agreement from any cause or causes, including but not
limited to any such damages caused by the negligence,
professional errors or omissions, strict liaBility or breach
of contract, or warranty express or implied of RLK or
RLK's officers, directors, partners, employees, agents, or
RLK's Consultants, or any of them.
G. If the CLIENT makes or causes to be made any
alteration, change, amendment or additions of any kind in
the contract documents or RLK's instruments of service,
the CLIENT shall be solely responsible for any and all
damages, liability and consequence resulting therefrom.
The CLIENT agrees to defend, indemnity and hold
harmless RLK and its agents and consultants from and
against all claims, damages, Josses and expenses,
including, but not limited to attorneys' fees arising out of
or related directly or indirectly to any alteration, change,
amendment or addition to the contract documents or
instruments of service.
A. Preparation of Invoices. Invoices will be prepared in
accordance with RLK's standard invoicing practices and
will be submitted to CLIENT by RLK, unless otherwise
B. Invoices are due and payable upon receipt. Invoices not
paid within 30 days of the date rendered will be assessed
a fInance charge of one percent per month, or fraction
thereof, for each month beyond 30 days past due.
CLIENT will be responsible for all expenses incurred by
RLK in the collection of any unpaid invoice, including
the actual attorneys' fees and costs charged by its legal
C. In the event of legislative actions after the effective date
of this Agreement by any level of government that
imposes taxes, fees, or costs on RLK's services or other
costs in connection with this Agreement or compensation
therefore, such new taxes, fees, or costs shall be invoiced
to and paid by the CLffiNT. Should such taxes, fees, or
costs be imposed, they shall be in addition to RLK's
estimated total compensation.
D. RLK shall have the right to suspend work or withhold
completed work on the Project, or any other project in
progress between the CLIENT and RLK if payments are
not timely received upon five (5) calendar days' notice to
the CLIENT. RLK shall have no liability whatsoever to
the CLEINT for any costs or damages as a result of such
suspension caused by any breach of this Agreement by
Page 4 of5
E. RLK retains the right not to seal drawings produced for
any phase of this Project until all invoices previously
billed have been paid in full. If a performance schedule
is involved in the work, any time lost while work is
suspended due to non.payrnent wU be added to the end of
any such schedule. If the work is suspended for a period
longer than 60 days, RLK shall retain the right to charge
a restart fee, to be negotiated and paid priorto resumption
of the work.
F. In the event of a disputed or contested invoice, only that
portion so contested may be withheld from payment, and
the undisputed portion wl1 be paid.
G. CLIENT shall pay RLK for Reimbursable Expenses. The
amounts payable to RLK for Reimbursable Expenses will
be the Project-related internal expenses actually incurred
or allocated by RLK. plus all invoiced external
Reimbursable Expenses allocable to the Project, the latter
multiplied by a Factor of 1.15.
H. Whenever compensation to RLK herein is stated to
include charges of RLK's Consultants, those charges
shall be the amounts Iilled by RLK's Consultants to RLK
times a Factor of 1.15. The external Reimbursable
Expenses and RLK's Factors include RLK's overhead
and profit associated with RLK's responsibility for the
administration of such services and costs.
I. If the CLIENT fails to make payment to RLK in
accordance with the payment tenns herein, this shall
constitute a material breach of this Agreement and shall
be cause for termination by RLK.
J. Payment of invoices is in no case subject to unilateral
discounting, backcharges or set-offs by the CLIENT, and
payment is due regardless of suspension or termination of
this Agreement by either party.
A. Change in services of RLK, including services required of
RLK's Consultants, may be accomplished after execution
of this Agreement by Design Change Notice or other
writing signed by both parties. In the absence ofa mutual
agreement in writing, RLK shall notify the CLIENT prior
to providing such additional services. If the CLIENT
deems that all or a part of the additional services are not
required,. the CLIENT shall give prompt written notice to
RLK and RLK shall have no obligation to provide those
services. Except for a change or additional services due
to the fault of RLK, a Design Change Notice shall entitle
RLK to an adjustment in compensation and to any
reimbursable expenses for doing the additional work.
B. The following circumstances affect RLK's services for
the Project and RLK shall be entitled to additional
compensation and an adjustment in schedule should any
of these arise:
1. change in instruction or approvals given by the
CLIENT that necessitate revisions in Instruments of
2. enactment or revision of codes, laws or regulations
or official interpretations which necessitate changes
to previously prepared Instruments of Service;
3. significant change in the Project including. but not
limited to size, quality, complexity, schedule, budget
or procurement method;
4. failures of performance on the part of the CLIENT,
the CLIENT's consultants or the Contractor; and
5. preparation for, attendance at and follow up after a
public hearing, dispute resolution proceeding or
other legal proceeding except where RLK is a party
This list is not meant to be an exhaustive list of circumstances
under which an adjustment in compensation and schedule shall
be made.
A. This Agreement is to be governed by the laws of the State
of Minnesota.
B. All express representations, indemnifications, or
limitations of liability included in this Agreement will
survive its completion or termination for any reason.
C. Any provision part of the Agreement held to be void or
unenforceable under any laws or regulations shall be
deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shall
continue to be valid and birding upon CLIENT and RLK.
D. This Agreement represents the entire and integrated
agreement between RLK and CLIENT. Extra work or
changes in the work shall be by Design Change Notice or
Client's extra work order only. Upon acceptance in
writing by both RLK and CLIENT, all such extra work or
changes shall be incorporated herein.
Page 5 of 5
. ":;:::;;7 ,
RI..K. Engineerfng .- Landscape Architecture. Planning. Surveying. Traffic
" .' . ~ Creallng "'",oro;nary
'~ Communities
Professional Services Rate Schedule
)!:ffedive: July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006
Professions) EOD'lneerinl! Services
Principal Engineer
Hourlv Rates
Sr. Professional Engineers
Professional Engineers
120.00- 150.00
Project Engineers (EIT)
85.00 - 115.00
55.00. 80.00
Sr. Engineering Technicians
Engineering Tecllllicians
Engineering Interns
45.00. 75.00
Pl'ofessi.onlll LaudKaDe. Archltuture Services
Principal Landscape ArclJitect
Landscape Architects
Houri\' Rates
75.00- 115.00
Landscape Designers
55.00 - 65.00
Landscape ArchitI:ot Interns
Professional Planoinll Services
Plenning Interns
Senior PlannersJEconomic Development Director
Sr. Professional Land Surveyors
Professional Land Surveyors
Houri" Rates
120.00 - 150.00
95.00. \\5.00
65.00 . 105.00
Professional Land SUn'evin2' Services
Principal Land Surveyor
Land Surveyors In Training
Land Survey Technicians
45.00 - 80.00
3-person Land Survey Crew
160.00 -195.00
Land Survey Interns
2-Person Land S\lIvey Crew
GPS Operatn"
GPS Equlpment Rental
Proiect SdDDort Services
Project MllIlager AssmllIlls
65.00- 85.00
Administrative Assistants
Unless otlterwlse stated, charges 101' direct costs for printing and reproduction, specJalfees, permits, sulJcontracts and other oW-(Jf-
pockel expenses will be calculated on a basis of acJual cost pmsfifteen (15) percellt. Mileage, when charged, will be hilled at tlze
cu"ent per diem rate as authorized (IItd allowed by the Internal RevtlUle Service.
February 1, 2006
Mr. James D. Kerrigan
Planning & Economic Development Director
City of Hopkins
1010 First Street South
Hopkins, MN 55343
Re: Request To Update The Medica Corporate Office Development AUAR.
Dear Mr. Kerrigan:
We represent Opus Northwest, L.L.C., who is proposing to develop the SuperValu
North Annex site in the City of Hopkins. As you know, this site was the subject ofthe Medica
Corporate Office Development Alternative Urban Areawide Review, which was accepted by the
City in August 200 I. This letter comes on behalf of Opus to request that the City update the
Medica AUAR to address the development proposed by Opus. Opus understands and agrees that
the cost of the update will be paid by Opus.
For you consideration, I have enclosed a draft Resolution ordering the update that
states the background and reasons for the update, addresses contracting with RLK Incorporated
to do the work, and states Opus's obligation to pay for the update. Opus asks that you place this
item on the City Council's next agenda.
If you have any questions, please call me.
q;f~w ~.:7L:'
Walter H. Rockenstein II
cc: David J. Menke
David F. Bangasser
John Dietrich
Michele Jackson Caron
TELEPHONE 612-766-7000 I VACSIMILE 612-766-1600 I WWW.FAF;ORL<:.COM