Memo Joint Recreation Board Work Plan
DATE: February 6, 1991
TO: Honorable Mayors and City Council Members
. THROUGH: Ci ty Managers, James Miller and Steven Mielke
FROM: Joint Recreation Board
BY: Richard Wilson, Recreation Director 11\~'
SUBJECT: Joint Recreation Board Proposed Work Plan for 1991
The proposed work plan for 1991 is considered by the Recreation Board as a natural
outgrowth of the third goal identified by the Board in 1989. That goal was to
determine, "how are we doing". It led to the user/Non-User Study conducted in 1990.
As a result of the User/Non-User Study, we now know we are doing pretty good with a
participant satisfaction rate of 94%. With that established, the Recreation Board
desires to attempt some pilot projects for expansion of services. The proposed work
plan submitted in October 1990 consists of the following:
1. Develop Teen Beach Parties at Shady Oak during the 1991 summer.
2. Prepare an operation plan to extend the Shady Oak Beach swimming season
through Labor Day. That is a fifteen day extension of the season.
3. Begin "marketing" Shady Oak Beach.
4. Develop a second season for the Recreation Department T-Ball program.
5. Investigate conducting at least two programs of recreation during the final
two weeks of August in 1991.
. 6. Because Hopkins Central Park will be under construction in 1991, and there
are potential negative consequences to the adult softball program, staff was
requested to provide an assessment of all fields and a recommendation on
allocation for 1991. The assessment has been accomplished and based on an
assumption that Blake Schools will make one or two fields available to the
Recreation Department, we are confident all of the 1990 adult softball teams
that desire to participate in 1991, can be accommodated.
7. Evaluate the current methods and formats of program communications.
8. Conduct at least two "nature education" oriented program/activities for
families during 1991.
9. Expand the Breakfast with Santa program to be a larger family oriented
holiday season activity.
Each issue of this proposed work plan is being considered, has been reported to the
Recreation Board, and appears will be accomplished in 1991. Most of the issues will
not require additional funding. They will be financed by user fees. The extension
of the Shady Oak Beach season by fifteen days will require finances in excess of
those that can be generated through user fees. The proposal to fund that extension
is included in the "Rebudgeting 1991", and includes new fees and reductions of tax
support to portions of the summer playground program and ice rink-warminghouse
RLW: 1mb
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. Pata October 10, 1990
To: Hopkins ~ Hinnetonka Joint Recreation Board
From: Hinnetonka Park Board
ax : Proposed 1991 Recre.eion Department Progr~m Objeetives .
After revie~ing the Executive Summary at the lecreation
Uaer!NonuJer survey the Minnetonka Park Board agrees that ,the
Hopkins/ Kinnetonka Community Recreation ProgrLms are yell
managed and delivered in a professional mAnner. Based on the
survey results/analyais the Kinnetonka Park Board 1. concerned
that an "If it ain't broken don't fix it" approach not be taken
1n reviewing current program offering or in the development of
new programs. Vith this in mind the Hinnetonka Park Board i,
submltttlng the the following list of 1991 proga~ objectives to
the Joint Recreation Board for adoption and transmital to staff
for incorporaeion into the Department's 1991 york plan.
~ Following up on comments =ade during the "Youth Meeting with
the Mayor" ~uring the Summerfest there appears to be a lack of
non~sports teen .ctiv~ties within the community. ~
In response it 1s requeted that the Recreation Department develop
ideas and costs of sponsoring two or three exclusive alternoon -
evening "Teen Beach rarties~ at Shady Oak during the 1991 summer.
~ The Recreation Deparment prepare a operation plan including -
cos~s for maintaining full operation of Shady Oak Beach from
. Hemorial Day through Labor Day.
. aecognizing tha~ Shady Oak is a unique re,ouree it 1s
recommended that the Joint Aecreation Board request .upport for
t~. cities for preparaeion of & Haster Plau for the Shady Oak
facilities and a "marketing" piece on Shady Oak. .
~ The development of a second Recrea~ion Deparment sponsored
T-Bal1 season should be pursued.
. The last tvo veeks of the summer are & dead time for the kids
in KinnetonkajHopkins almost all local programs end by
mid-August. Seaff are requested to prepare at 1ea~t ;cvo program ,
, ideas vhich could be offered in August 1991.
- The availability of adult softball fields 1s becoming &
critical lssue.'by January 1991 staff are to present to the Joint
Board an;assessm~t for what facilities vill be available for the
1991 .eason, and their capacity. The assessment should include
an e~.luation of the cond1t~on of each field to be available.
u < The facilities assessment/capacity report must also include. .
,_::~ st8;ff recommendation on the allocation of the available field.'.
. In the .urvey eh. n.ed for biteer communications about
recreation opportunities va. noted by both the users and
non-user. The aecreation Department Itaff should vork vith the
city of Minnetonka's public information staff to evaluate the
current mathod. and formats of program communication. and report
to the Joint Board in January.
- The development of a nature center vithin Kinn.tonka i. .
continuing i.,ue , to a..i.e the Minnetonka Park Board in
studying this issue it is requeseed that during 1991 program yaar
the aecreation Deparement schedule at least two Rnaeure
educaeion" orientated program/actlvit~.s tor tamilie..
. aecognizing that the Br,akfase with Santa is tor many people
there only exposure to the Recreaeion Department it is suggested
that this consideration be given eo relocating this program
to the Kinoetanka Community Center and the program b. expanded to
be & larger family orientatad holiday sea50n activity.
A 1991 aecreation Deparment York Plan addressing the.e program
objectives should be presented to the Joint Board at its December
12, 1990 m.etlng.
The seaff work plan should be based on vhat it vill take to -
accomplish the selectad items not the staff available. If
. additional resources are needed this is an issue which the Joint
Board should discuss vich the Hinnetonka &nd Hopkins city
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