CR 91-137 Bid Awards - Mainstreet ReconstructionO June 20, 1991 Proposed Action. Staff recommends adoption of the following motions: Move that Council adopt Resolutions 91 -82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, Resolutions for Award of Bid, Mainstreet Reconstruction. Overview. Bids were opened on April 12, 1991 for the Mainstreet Reconstruction project. The bidders are listed later by project subheadings. Low bids were the basis for preparation of assessment rolls for the Mainstreet project. Primary Issues to Consider. o Bid tabulations o Staff recommendations Supporting Information. , ( 94Z1vue4) James Gessele Engineering Superintendent BID AWARDS - MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION o Bid tabulations o Memorandum from RLK to Lee Gustafson o Memorandum from Lee Gustafson to RLK o Resolutions 91 -82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88 Council Report: 91 -137 ANALYSIS CITY OF HOPKINS MAINSTREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BID TABULATION ATTACHMENT #3 Apparent Project Description Contractors Bid Tabulation Low Bidder Project No. 90 -04A [Demolition, street reconstruction including paving and new curbs] Project No. 90 -04B (Utilities including watermain, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer] Project No. 90 -04C and 90 -04D (Traffic signals and Street lighting installation] Project No. 90 -04E [Streetscape amenities including sidewalks, pavers, drive aprons, and installation of street furniture] Project No. 90 -04F [9th Avenue Plaza construction w/o the clock tower and the Kiosk] Project No. 90 -04G [Supplier of Light Poles, Fixtures and brackets] Base Bid only, no alternates are listed Project No. 90 -04H [Supplier of Trash receptacles and Benches] Project No. 90 -04I (Tree Grates & Frames] Project No. 90 -04J [Traffic Signal Controllers] Notes: * ** * * ** C.S. McCrossan Thomas & Sons Midwest Asphalt Hardrives C.S. McCrossan G.L. Contracting Northdale Construct. Killmer Electric Egan -McKay Electric Service C.S. McCrossan Curb Masters Thomas & Sons Sunram Landscaping Lakeland Nursery C.S. McCrossan Lakeland Nursery Thomas & Sons Davis & Associates EESCO/Un1ted Northland Electric Judd Supply Company Bench Manufacturing Flanagan Sales Earl F. Andersen Neenah Foundry Riddle, Controls Traffic Control Corp. $789,718.91 <<<<<<<<< *848,834.23 $877,753.25 $991,462.41 $886,041.15 <<<<<<<<< $1,366,619.72 *1,633,245.45 $411,532.67 <<<<<<<<< $443,144.39 $507,607.30 $277,144.70 $275,952.95 * ** $318,142.10 $327,522.71 $418,051.66 $122,876.65 <<<<<<<<< $161,377.73 $175,352.40 $143,510.00 * * ** *203,235.65 $185,463.00 $144,021.00 $17,887.00 <<<<<<<<< $20,787.00 $23,410.00 $26,250.00 <<<<<<<<< $39,381.00 <<<<<<<<< $46,306.00 Because of tied bids, C.S. McCrossan is the low bidder. The City is currently reviewing the alternate bids to decide on the lighting hardware they wish to purchase. s • CR: 91 -137 Page 3 Staff Recommendations. Staff recommends award of bid to the following contractors: C. S. McCrossan for Projects 90 -04A, B, E and F in the total amount of $2,075,781.41. Killmer Electric for Project 90 -04C in the amount of $197,487.40. Killmer Electric for Project 90 -04D in the amount of $214,045.27. * Judd Supply Company for Project 90 -04G in the amount of $144,021.00 (Note: This is the second low bid. See memos from Lee Gustafson and RLK for justification.) Bench Manufacturing for Project 90 -04H in the amount of $17,887.00. Neenah Foundry for Project 90 -04I in the amount of $26,250.00. Riddle Controls for Project 90 -04J in the amount of $39, 381.00. * The attached memos from RLK and Lee Gustafson summarize the review process employed in arriving at the recommendation of the second low bidder. In brief, criteria such as hardware aesthetics, fixture maintenance, appearance of the cross arm on double fixture units, and pole maintenance costs over 30 years led the reviewing committee to its conclusion that Judd Supply Company will provide a better quality street light pole and fixture. • • rl BID TABULATION MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - 90-04A HOPKINS, MINNESOTA C.S. McCrossan Thomas & Sons, Inc. Midwest Asphalt Hardrives, Inc. ESTIMATED UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL SPEC. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PROJECT NO. 90 -04A 2021.501 Mobilization incl. field office L.S. 1.00 125000.00 125000.00 85000.00 85000.00 45000.00 45000.00 90000.00 90000.00 2101.507 Grubbing TREE 31.00 60.00 1860.00 100.00 3100.00 200.00 6200.00 140.00 4340.00 0104.601 Relocate Split Rail Fence EACH ' 280.00 6.00 1680.00 7.50 2100.00 6.50 1820.00 5.50 1540.00 2104.501 Remove Curb & Gutter L.F. 11198.00 1.50 16797.00 1.75 19596.50 2.20 24635.60 2.00 22396.00 2104.501 Remove Curb L.F. 200.00 1.50 300.00 1.75 350.00 2.25 450.00 2.00 400.00 2104.503 Remove Concrete Pavement S.Y. 550.00 6.00 3300.00 8.50 4675.00 8.00 4400.00 16.00 8800.00 2104.503 Remove Concrete Sidewalk S.Y. 10656.00 0.60 6393.60 3.50 37296.00 5.50 58608.00 6.00 63936.00 2104.503 Remove Brick Pavers S.Y. 360.00 4.00 1440.00 3.50 1260.00 5.50 1980.00 8.00 2880.00 2104.503 Remove Stone Retaining Wall S.F. 500.00 2.50 1250.00 2.25 1125.00 2.50 1250.00 2.20 1100.00 2104.505 Remove Conc. Driveway Pavement S.Y. 1071.00 4.00 4284.00 7.00 7497.00 6.10 6533.10 6.00 6426.00 2104.505 Remove Bituminous Pavement S.Y. 25759.00 3.00 77277.00 3.50 90156.50 2.50 64397.50 3.50 90156.50 2104.505 Remove Bituminous Sidewalk S.Y. 1020.00 3.00 3060.00 2.00 2040.00 2.65 2703.00 3.00 3060.00 2104.509 Remove Concrete Planters EACH 14.00 400.00 5600.00 150.00 2100.00 1350.00 18900.00 500.00 7000.00 2104.509 Remove Timber Tree Guards EACH 22.00 65.00 1430.00 100.00 2200.00 200.00 4400.00 100.00 2200.00 02104.509 Remove Conc. Light Std. Base EACH 130.00 100.00 13000.00 175.00 22750.00 325.00 42250.00 600.00 78000.00 2104.511 Sawing Concrete Sidewalk L.F. 5172.00 2.10 10861.20 1.75 9051.00 3.05 15774.60 3.00 15516.00 2104.511 Sawing Concrete Pavement L.F. 150.00 4.00 600.00 4.00 600.00 7.30 1095.00 7.00 1050.00 • BID TABULATION MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - 90 -04A HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Page 2 C.S. . McCrossan Thomas & Sons, Inc. Midwest Asphalt Hardrives, Inc. ESTIMATED UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL SPEC. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 2104.511 Sawing Bituminous Pavement L.F. 6272.00 2.90 18188.80 1.75 10976.00 1.80 11289.60 2.00 12544.00 2122.501 Subgrade Prep. for Streets S.Y. 28062.00 0.50 14031.00 1.50 42093.00 1.00 28062.00 0.50 " 14031.00 0211.601 Agg. Base Placed 12" Th., Cl. 5 S.Y. 7877.00 7.17 56478.09 4.50 35446.50 4.45 35052.65 5.20 40960.40 0211.601 Agg. Base Placed 6.5" Th., Cl 6 S.Y. 19186.00 4.00 76744.00 3.00 57558.00 2.40 46046.40 2.90 55639.40 0211.601 Agg. Base Placed 6" Th., Cl 6 S.Y. 364.00 4.00 1456.00 3.00 1092.00 3.50 1274.00 3.00 1092.00 2211.501 Agg. Base Placed, Cl. 5 TON 150.00 12.00 1800.00 10.00 1500.00 8.75 1312.50 8.00 1200.00 2231.501 Mill Bituminous Service (1 ") S.Y. 3312.00 0.75 2484.00 3.00 9936.00 3.00 9936.00 1.00 3312.00 0331.601 Base Course Type 31, Placed 2" Thick S.Y. 364.00 5.00 1820.00 3.50 1274.00 3.50 1274.00 4.50 1638.00 0331.601 Base Course Type 31, Placed 3" Thick 0331.601 Base Course Type 31, Placed 4" Thick 0331.601 Wear Course Type 41, Placed 1 1/2" Thick 0331.601 Wear Course Type 41, Placed 2" Thick 0331.601 Binder Course Type 41, Placed 2" Thick 0331.601 Wear Course Type 61, Placed 1" Thick S.Y. 17082.00 3.25 55516.50 4.35 74306.70 4.35 74306.70 4.27 72940.14 S.Y. 7877.00 4.85 38203.45 6.00 47262.00 5.80 45686.60 6.46 50885.42 S.Y. 364.00 - 4.20 1528.80 3.00 1092.00 3.25 1183.00 3.52 ` 1281.28 S.Y. 17082.00 2.30 39288.60 3.00 51246.00 3.05 52100.10 3.22 55004.04 S.Y. 7877.00 3.10 24418.70 2.95 23237.15 2.80 22055.60 3.55 27963.35 S.Y. 11414.00 1.78 20316.92 2.45 27964.30 2.45 27964.30 1.92 21914.88 • • BID TABULATION MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - 90 -04A HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Page 3 C.S. McCrossan Thomas & Sons. Inc. Midwest Asphalt Hardrives, Inc. ESTIMATED UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL SPEC. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 2331.508 Wearing Course Mix.(MOD), Type 41 TON 100.00 28.00 2800.00 34.50 3450.00 34.50 3450.00 33.41 3341.00 2331.512 Leveling Course Mix.(MOD) Type 41 TON 300.00 26.00 7800.00 27.00 8100.00 27.00 8100.00 33.41 10023.00 2357.502 Bituminous Tack Coat GAL. 2672.00 1.35 3607.20 1.75 4676.00 1.75 4676.00 1.00 2672.00 0411.603 Construct Stone Retaining Wall S.F. 500.00 8.00 4000.00 8.50 4250.00 8.50 4250.00 7.70 3850.00 0503.602 Sidewalk Trench Drain EACH 4.00 600.00 2400.00 600.00 2400.00 300.00 1200.00 460.00 1840.00 0506.522 Adjust Valve Boxes EACH 44.00 110.00 4840.00 185.00 8140.00 175.00 7700.00 125.00 5500.00 0506.522 Adjust Frame and Ring Castings EACH 69.00 165.00 11385.00 200.00 13800.00 300.00 20700.00 150.00 10350.00 2531.501 Concrete Curb Design, 8-618 L.F. 11422.00 5.00 57110.00 5.39 61564.58 5.50 62821.00 5.00 57110.00 0563.601 Traffic Control L.S. 1.00 30000.00 30000.00 35000.00 35000.00 70000.00 70000.00 100000.00 100000.00 0564.604 Construct Special Traffic Signs S.F. 448.00 35.00 15680.00 17.50 7840.00 17.00 7616.00 25.00 11200.00 0564.602 2' x 8' Inlaid Pvmt. Striping EACH 293.00 80.85 23689.05 81.00 23733.00 100.00 29300.00 90.00 26370.00 TOTAL CITY PROJECT NO. 90 -04A 789718.91 848834.23 877753.25 991462.41 • BID TABULATION MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - 90 -04B HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Page 1 C.S. McCrossan G.L. Contracting Northdale Construction ESTIMATED UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL SPEC. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE CITY PROJECT NO. 90 -04B 2021.501 Mobilization L.S. 1.00 5000.00 5000.00 47883.50 47883.50 27000.00 27000.00 2104.501 Remove Sewer Pipe (Storm) including disposal L.F. 316.00 8.00 2528.00 17.30 5466.80 7.00 2212.00 2104.501 Remove Water Main including disposal 2104.501 Remove Sewer Pipe (Sanitary) including disposal 2104.505 Remove Trench Pavement including disposal 2104.509 Remove Catch Basins including disposal L.F. 100.00 14.00 1400.00 17.30 1730.00 5.00 500.00 L.F. 199.00 14.00 2786.00 17.30 3442.70 15.00 2985.00 S.Y. 232.00 9.00 2088.00 2.20 510.40 7.00 1624.00 EACH 12.00 150.00 1800.00 345.20 4142.40 400.00 4800.00 2104.509 Remove Manhole (Sanitary) including disposal EACH 4.00 400.00 1600.00 345.20 1380.80 400.00 1600.00 2104.523 Salvage Gate Valve EACH 25.00 85.00 2125.00 129.50 3237.50 150.00 3750.00 2104.523 Salvage Hydrant EACH 7.00 350.00 2450.00 258.90 1812.30 350.00 2450.00 2104.523 Salvage Casting EACH 18.00 150.00 2700.00 86.30 1553.40 150.00 2700.00 0503.602 Connect to Exist. Storm Sewer EACH 2.00 300.00 600.00 431.50 863.00 750.00 1500.00 0503.602 Fill and Abandon San. Sewer M.H. EACH 2.00 200.00 400.00 473.40 946.80 1500.00 3000.00 0503.602 Special Sanitary Sewer Repair EACH 6.00 4500.00 27000.00 12073.50 72441.00 25000.00 150000.00 BID TABULATION MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - 90 -04B HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Page 2 C.S. . McCrossan G.L. Contracting Northdale Construction ESTIMATED UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL SPEC. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 0503.602 Special San. Sewer, Riser and EACH 4.00 5500.00 22000.00 18251.80 73007.20 21000.00 84000.00 Service Repair 0503.602 Special San. Sewer Riser and Service Repair EACH 36.00 5000.00 180000.00 11601.10 417639.60 19000.00 684000.00 0503.602 Connect to Exist. San. Sewer EACH 5.00 400.00 2000.00 863.00 4315.00 1000.00 5000.00 0503.602 Reconnect Sanitary Sewer Service EACH 36.00 300.00 10800.00 1.10 39.60 500.00 18000.00 0503.602 18" x 4" PVC Wye, Installed EACH 6.00 255.00 1530.00 215.00 1290.00 375.00 2250.00 0503.602 18" x 6" PVC Wye, Installed EACH 36.00 265.00 9540.00 235.50 8478.00 380.00 13680.00 0503.602 4" - 1/8 Bend Installed EACH 6.00 25.00 150.00 20.20 121.20 30.00 180.00 0503.602 6" - 1/8 Bend Installed EACH 36.00 25.00 900.00 22.90 824.40 35.00 1260.00 0503.603 Clean 12" & 15" Sanitary Sewer L.F. 834.00 3.15 2627.10 3.30 2752.20 3.60 3002.40 0503.603 Line 12" Sanitary Sewer L.F. 171.00 149.10 25496.10 155.10 26522.10 160.00 27360.00 0503.603 Line 15" Sanitary Sewer L.F. 663.00 102.90 68222.70 107.00 70941.00 113.00 74919.00 0503.603 Plug & Fill Exist. 12" San. Sewer L.F. 658.00 9.00 5922.00 10.00 6580.00 11.50 7567.00 0503.603 Plug & Fill Exist. 10" San. Sewer L.F. 955.00 8.00 7640.00 9.80 9359.00 11.50 10982.50 0503.603 4" PVC San. Sewer Service Pipe L.F. 208.00 14.00 2912.00 0.70 145.60 12.00 2496.00 0503.603 6" PVC San. Sewer Service Pipe L.F. 2633.00 16.00 42128.00 1.50 3949.50 13.00 34229.00 0503.603 4" PVC San. Sewer Service Riser L.F. 38.00 18.00 684.00 0.70 26.60 18.00 684.00 2503.511 8" PVC Storm Sewer, 0' -8' depth L.F. 9.00 35.00 315.00 28.70 258.30 21.00 189.00 1 111 1 1 11/ 0 BID TABULATION MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - 90 -04B HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Page 3 C.S. McCrossan G.L. Contracting Northdale Construction ESTIMATED UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL SPEC. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 2503.511 8" DIP San. Sewer, 0' -8' depth Class 52 L.F. 20.00 35.00 700.00 68.00 1360.00 45.00 900.00 2503.511 8" DIP San. Sewer, 8' -10' depth Class 52 L.F. 57.00 35.00 1995.00 76.60 4366.20 48.00 2736.00 2503.511 8" PVC San. Sewer, 14' -16' depth L.F. 50.00 28.00 1400.00 93.70 4685.00 38.00 1900.00 2503.511 8" PVC San. Sewer, 16' -18' depth L.F. 50.00 29.00 1450.00 100.90 5045.00 39.00 1950.00 2503.511 10" PVC Storm Sewer, 0' -8' depth L.F. 22.00 33.00 726.00 63.80 1403.60 40.00 880.00 2503.511 10" PVC San. Sewer, 0' -8' depth L.F. 27.00 33.00 891.00 63.80 1722.60 42.00 1134.00 2503.511 18" PVC San. Sewer, 14' -16' depth L.F. 193.00 35.00 6755.00 108.80 20998.40 51.00 9843.00 2503.511 18" PVC San. Sewer, 16' -18' depth L.F. 1133.00 36.00 40788.00 116.00 131428.00 52.00 58916.00 2503.511 18" PVC San. Sewer, 18' -20' depth L.F. 57.00 38.00 2166.00 125.30 7142.10 53.00 3021.00 2503.541 12" RCP Storm Sewer, DES 3006 L.F. 520.00 22.00 11440.00 28.20 14664.00 32.00 16640.00 0504.602 Special Water Service Repair EACH 39.00 2000.00 78000.00 2752.90 107363.10 1800.00 70200.00 0504.602 1" Corp. Stop EACH 66.00 65.00 4290.00 38.30 2527.80 100.00 6600.00 0504.602 1" Curb Stop & Box EACH 66.00 105.00 6930.00 105.60 6969.60 175.00 11550.00 0504.602 Reconnect 4" Water Main EACH 1.00 600.00 600.00 360.50 360.50 1000.00 1000.00 0504.602 2" Corp. Stop & Saddle EACH 6.00 200.00 1200.00 182.90 1097.40 170.00 1020.00 0504.602 2" Curb Stop & Box EACH 6.00 225.00 1350.00 223.80 1342.80 230.00 1380.00 0504.602 6" Gate Valve & Box EACH 27.00 425.00 11475.00 423.10 11423.70 450.00 12150.00 BID TABULATION MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - 90 -04B HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Page 4 C.S. McCrossan G.L. Contracting Northdale Construction ESTIMATED UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL SPEC. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 0504.602 12" Butterfly Valve & Box EACH 9.00 900.00 8100.00 795.00 7155.00 800.00 7200.00 0504.602 Hydrant w /Auxiliary Gate Valve EACH 7.00 2000.00 14000.00 2060.10 14420.70 2050.00 14350.00 0504.602 Reconnect 1" Water Service EACH 31.00 400.00 12400.00 318.50 9873.50 150.00 4650.00 0504.602 Reconnect 2" Water Service EACH 6.00 400.00 2400.00 420.30 2521.80 350.00 2100.00 0504.602 Reconnect 6" Water Main EACH 24.00 600.00 14400.00 377.30 9055.20 700.00 16800.00 0504.602 Reconnect 8" Water Main EACH 2.00 650.00 1300.00 419.00 838.00 800.00 1600.00 0504.602 18" x 12" Water Main Connection EACH 1.00 1200.00 1200.00 3656.30 3656.30 3800.00 3800.00 0504.603 Plug & Fill Exist. 8" Water Main L.F. 3393.00 7.00 23751.00 7.40 25108.20 9.00 30537.00 0504.603 1" Cu. Water Service L.F. 2287.00 6.25 14293.75 1.50 3430.50 11.50 26300.50 0504.603 2" Cu. Water Service L.F. 208.00 9.25 1924.00 29.40 6115.20 14.50 3016.00 0504.603 4" Water Main - Ductile Iron Cl. 52 L.F. 6.00 30.00 180.00 33.40 200.40 30.00 180.00 0504.603 6" Water Main - Ductile Iron Cl. 52 L.F. 425.00 23.00 9775.00 26.00 11050.00 20.00 8500.00 0504.603 12" Water Main - Ductile Iron Cl. 52 L.F. 3539.00 32.00 113248.00 34.10 120679.90 21.55 76265.45 0504.620 Water Main Ductile Iron Fittings LB. 8993.00 1.50 13489.50 1.90 17086.70 1.20 10791.60 0506.509 Construct Rectangular Catch Basin EACH 14.00 950.00 13300.00 838.20 11734.80 1100.00 15400.00 0506.602 Connect to Exist. C.B. or M.H. EACH 12.00 300.00 3600.00 345.20 4142.40 700.00 8400.00 0506.602 Repair Exist. Manhole Invert EACH 1.00 350.00 350.00 575.40 575.40 700.00 700.00 • • BID TABULATION MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - 90 -04B HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Page 5 C.S. McCrossan G.L. Contracting Northdale Construction ESTIMATED UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL SPEC. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 0506.602 Construct Manhole on Existing 18" Sanitary Sewer EACH 1.00 2000.00 2000.00 3225.80 3225.80 2500.00 2500.00 0506.603 Construct Extra Depth M.H. over 8' V.F. 46.30 185.00 8565.50 71.90 3328.97 65.00 3009.50 0506.603 Construct Extra Drop Section over 3 feet V.F. 17.30 185.00 3200.50 63.50 1098.55 135.00 2335.50 2506.508 Construct M.H., Design "C ", "G" or "H" EACH 1.00 1400.00 1400.00 1050.00 1050.00 1500.00 1500.00 2506.508 Construct M.H. Design "1" (0' -8') EACH 3.00 1400.00 4200.00 1050.00 3150.00 2000.00 6000.00 2506.508 Construct Drop M.H. Design "2" (0'- 8') EACH 2.00 1200.00 2400.00 2008.80 4017.60 1000.00 2000.00 2506.511 Reconstruct Manholes V.F. 10.00 180.00 1800.00 234.40 2344.00 300.00 3000.00 2506.512 Reconstruct Catch Basins V.F. 4.00 160.00 640.00 209.90 839.60 300.00 1200.00 2506.516 Casting Assemblies (San. /storm manholes) EACH 2.00 350.00 700.00 145.70 291.40 200.00 400.00 2506.516 Casting Assemblies (catch basin) EACH 4.00 350.00 1400.00 216.40 865.60 300.00 1200.00 0451.601 Binder Stone TON 377.00 12.00 4524.00 8.50 3204.50 10.00 3770.00 TOTAL CITY PROJECT NO. 90 -04B 886041.15 1366619.72 1633245.45 BID TABULATION MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - 90 -04C AND 90 -04D HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Page 1 Killmer Electric Egan -McKay Electric Service ESTIMATED UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL SPEC. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PROJECT NO. 90 -04C TRAFFIC SIGNALS 0565.601 Mobilization L.S. 1.00 9800.00 9800.00 6440.00 6440.00 10000.00 10000.00 0565.601 Salvage Exit. Signal System "J" L.S. 1.00 2809.00 2809.00 1061.00 1061.00 2360.00 2360.00 0565.601 Salvage Exit. Signal System "K" L.S. 1.00 2809.00 2809.00 1061.00 1061.00 2150.00 2150.00 0565.601 Salvage Exit. Signal System "L" L.S. 1.00 2809.00 2809.00 1061.00 1061.00 2500.00 2500.00 0565.601 Salvage Exit. Signal System "M" L.S. 1.00 2809.00 2809.00 1061.00 1061.00 2990.00 2990.00 0565.601 Salvage Exit. Signal System "N" L.S. 1.00 2809.00 2809.00 1061.00 1061.00 2890.00 2890.00 0565.601 Salvage Exit. Signal System "0" L.S. 1.00 2809.00 2809.00 1061.00 1061.00 3000.00 3000.00 0565.601 Salvage Exit. Signal System "P" L.S. 1.00 2809.00 2809.00 1061.00 1061.00 2600.00 2600.00 0565.601 Salvage Exit. Signal System "Q" L.S. 1.00 2809.00 2809.00 1060.00 1060.00 2500.00 2500.00 0565.601 Salvage Exit. Signal System "R" L.S. 1.00 2809.00 2809.00 1060.00 1060.00 2500.00 2500.00 0565.602 PVC Handhole (metal cover) EACH 10.00 522.00 5220.00 444.00 4440.00 477.00 4770.00 0565.603 2" Non - metallic Conduit L.F. 1360.00 3.75 5100.00 2.36 3209.60 2.50 3400.00 0565.603 1/C #8 Bare Ground L.F. 1360.00 0.33 448.80 0.44 598.40 0.36 489.60 0565.603 12 PR #19 L.F. 1360.00 1.41 1917.60 2.16 2937.60 1.39 1890.40 0565.605 Install Temp. Controller Conn. ASEM 3.00 515.00 1545.00 622.00 1866.00 300.00 900.00 2565.522 Semi- Traffic Actuated Traffic SIG. 1.00 17520.00 17520.00 19698.00 19698.00 17700.00 17700.00 Control Signal System "B" SYS. BID TABULATION , MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - 90 -04C AND 90 -04D HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Page 2 Killmer Electric Egan -McKay Electric Service ESTIMATED UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL SPEC. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 2565.522 Semi- Traffic Actuated Traffic SIG. 1.00 18260.00 18260.00 22685.00 22685.00 20500.00 20500.00 Control Signal System "H" SYS. 2565.533 Fixed -Time Traffic Control SIG. 1.00 15670.00 15670.00 19250.00 19250.00 16400.00 16400.00 Signal System "A" SYS. 2565.533 Fixed -Time Traffic Control SIG. 1.00 14895.00 14895.00 18880.00 18880.00 15800.00 15800.00 Signal System "C" SYS. 2565.533 Fixed -Time Traffic Control SIG. 1.00 16750.00 16750.00 19391.00 19391.00 17400.00 17400.00 Signal System "D" SYS. 2565.533 Fixed -Time Traffic Control SIG. 1.00 16340.00 16340.00 19967.00 19967.00 18000.00 18000.00 Signal System "E" SYS. 2565.533 Fixed -Time Traffic Control SIG. 1.00 17150.00 17150.00 19997.00 19997.00 19000.00 19000.00 Signal System "F" SYS. 2565.533 Fixed -Time Traffic Control SIG. 1.00 16210.00 16210.00 17975.00 17975.00 18700.00 18700.00 Signal System "G" SYS. 2565.533 Fixed -Time Traffic Control SIG. 1.00 15380.00 15380.00 20589.00 20589.00 19900.00 19900.00 Signal System "I" SYS. SUBTOTAL PROJECT NO. 90 -04C 197487.40 207470.60 208340.00 PROJECT NO. 90 -04D LIGHTING CONSTRUCTION 2021.501 Mobilization L.S. 1.00 10000.00 10000.00 6440.00 6440.00 10000.00 10000.00 2545.511 Refurbishing Type "A" Lighting EACH 13.00 418.00 5434.00 708.00 9204.00 480.00 6240.00 Assembly 2545.511 Install Type "A" Ltg. Assembly EACH 13.00 198.00 2574.00 208.00 2704.00 260.00 3380.00 BID TABULATION MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - 90 -04C AND 90 -04D HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Page 3 Killmer Electric Egan -McKay Electric Service ESTIMATED UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL SPEC. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 2545.511 Install Type "B" Ltg. Assembly EACH 90.00 212.00 19080.00 226.00 20340.00 299.00 26910.00 2545.511 Install Type "B1" Ltg. Assembly EACH 30.00 246.00 7380.00 295.00 8850.00 400.00 12000.00 2545.515 Concrete Foundation "A" EACH 13.00 310.00 4030.00 450.00 5850.00 459.00 5967.00 2545.515 Concrete Foundation "B" EACH 90.00 241.00 21690.00 279.00 25110.00 330.00 29700.00 2545.515 Concrete Foundation "B1" EACH 30.00 241.00 7230.00 279.00 8370.00 330.00 9900.00 2545.523 2" Rigid PVC Conduit (empty) L.F. 10426.00 1.88 19600.88 1.60 16681.60 2.20 22937.20 2545.523 2" Rigid PVC Conduit L.F. 10509.00 1.88 19756.92 1.60 16814.40 2.70 28374.30 2545.531 #6 Copper Conductor L.F. 73267.00 0.41 30039.47 0.37 27108.79 0.40 29306.80 0545.601 Plaza Elec. Rough -in EACH 1.00 2655.00 2655.00 2813.00 2813.00 4000.00 4000.00 0545.601 Temporary Lighting System L.S. 1.00 15500.00 15500.00 9486.00 9486.00 35458.00 35458.00 0545.602 Salvage Exist. High Level Lighting Assemblies EACH 73.00 62.00 4526.00 125.00 9125.00 100.00 7300.00 0545.602 Salvage Exist. Low Level Lighting Assemblies EACH 57.00 62.00 3534.00 100.00 5700.00 85.00 4845.00 0545.602 Service Point Enclosure EACH 4.00 4967.00 19868.00 7560.00 30240.00 6500.00 26000.00 0545.602 Bus Shelter Connection and Service Equipment EACH 4.00 41.00 164.00 148.00 592.00 150.00 600.00 0545.602 Tree Receptacle and Connection and Service Equipment EACH 66.00 153.00 10098.00 192.00 12672.00 220.00 14520.00 0545.602 Building Receptacle EACH 2.00 145.00 290.00 278.00 556.00 300.00 600.00 • BID TABULATION MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - 90 -04C AND 90 -04D HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Page 4 Killmer Electric Egan -McKay Electric Service ESTIMATED UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL SPEC. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 0545.602 Existing Service Points, Modifications, Main Disc. EACH 13.00 285.00 3705.00 444.00 5772.00 913.00 11869.00 2545.511 Deduct for Type -A Lighting Assembly Luminaire (only if Alternate No. 1 is accepted) EACH 13.00 143.00 1859.00 225.00 2925.00 220.00 2860.00 2545.511 Deduct for Type -A Lighting Assembly Complete (only if Alternate No. 2 is accepted) EACH 13.00 387.00 5031.00 640.00 8320.00 500.00 6500.00 SUBTOTAL PROJECT NO. 90 -04D 214045.27 235673.79 299267.30 SUMMARY SUBTOTAL PROJECT NO. 90 -04C 197487.40 207470.60 208340.00 SUBTOTAL PROJECT NO. 90 -04D 214045.27 235673.79 299267.30 TOTAL PROJECT NOS. 90 -04C AND 90 -04D 411532.67 443144.39 507607.30 BID TABULATION MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - 90 -04E HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Page 1 Curb Masters, Inc. C.S. . McCrossan Thomas & Sons Sunram Landscaping Lakeland Nursery, In EST. UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL SPEC ITEM UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PROJECT NO. 90 -04E STREETSCAPE AMENITIES 2021.501 Mobilization L.S. 1.00 13000.00 13000.00 2000.00 2000.00 20000.00 20000.00 3500.00 3500.00 30100.00 30100.00 2104.511 Sawing Concrete Sidewalk L.F. 115.00 1.00 115.00 2.15 247.25 2.50 287.50 3.75 431.25 4.60 529.00 2104.513 Sawing Bituminous Pavement L.F. 281.00 1.00 281.00 2.90 814.90 2.50 702.50 2.00 562.00 1.88 528.28 2104.503 Remove Concrete Sidewalk S.F. 392.00 0.50 196.00 0.60 235.20 0.75 294.00 1.25 490.00 1.48 580.16 2104.505 Remove Bituminous Pavement S.Y. 138.00 9.00 1242.00 2.15 296.70 2.50 345.00 4.00 552.00 8.98 1239.24 2112.501 Subgrade prep. for walks & drives S.Y. 10163.00 4.50 45733.50 0.50 5081.50 2.75 27948.25 4.70 47766.10 4.47 45428.61 02501 Bit. Wear Course (2331 Modified Type 41) TON 20.00 100.00 2000.00 45.00 900.00 150.00 3000.00 120.00 2400.00 103.50 2070.00 02510 4" Concrete Walk S.F. 60595.00 1.65 99981.75 1.88 113918.60 1.85 112100.75 2.40 145428.00 2.85 172695.75 0564.602 2" Sleeve installed in sidewalk EACH 50.00 10.00 500.00 10.50 525.00 35.00 1750.00 15.00 750.00 10.00 500.00 (for signs) 02510 Adjust Castings EACH 30.00 50.00 1500.00 165.00 4950.00 200.00 6000.00 50.00 1500.00 162.00 4860.00 02511 8" Conc. Driveway Approaches S.Y. 910.00 22.50 20475.00 22.95 20884.50 24.00 21840.00 25.92 23587.20 33.60 30576.00 02515 Fine Filter Agg., MnDOT 3149 (under pavers) S.F. 22148.00 0.05 1107.40 0.10 2214.80 0.10 2214.80 0.10 2214.80 0.64 14174.72 02515 Precast Concrete Pavers S.F. 22148.00 2.75 60907.00 4.50 99666.00 4.10 90806.80 3.32 73531.36 4.15 91914.20 02515 Paver Angle Edging (F &I) L.F. 446.00 2.05 914.30 3.50 1561.00 2.25 1003.50 3.50 1561.00 2.20 981.20 02501 Conc. Curb Design V6(Bulkhead) L.F. 387.00 15.00 5805.00 15.75 6095.25 12.00 4644.00 12.00 4644.00 11.50 4450.50 BID TABULATION MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - 90 -04E HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Page 2 Curb Masters, Inc. C.S. . McCrossan Thomas & Sons Sunram Landscaping Lakeland Nursery, In EST. UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL SPEC ITEM UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 02501 Bituminous Curb (6 ") L.F. 100.00 6.00 600.00 6.00 600.00 9.00 900.00 6.60 660.00 6.90 690.00 03310 Structural Conc. Steps (2 @ 1517 &1521 Mainstreet) C.Y. 2.00 500.00 1000.00 500.00 1000.00 595.00 1190.00 700.00 1400.00 500.00 1000.00 05210 Install Tree Grate & Frame EACH 69.00 150.00 10350.00 125.00 8625.00 225.00 15525.00 100.00 6900.00 97.00 6693.00 02462 Install Trash Receptacles EACH 29.00 150.00 4350.00 125.00 3625.00 100.00 2900.00 175.00 5075.00 100.00 2900.00 02462 Bench Installation EACH 6.00 150.00 900.00 300.00 1800.00 200.00 1200.00 350.00 2100.00 96.00 576.00 02950 Select Topsoil Borrow C.Y. 32.00 15.00 480.00 12.00 384.00 15.00 480.00 10.00 320.00 35.50 1136.00 02938 Sodding w /topsoil S.Y. 860.00 5.25 4515.00 2.00 1720.00 3.50 3010.00 2.50 2150.00 5.15 4429.00 TOTAL PROJECT NO. 90 -04E 275952.95 277144.70 318142.10 327522.71 418051.66 • BID TABULATION MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - 90 -04F HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Page 1 C.S. McCrossan Lakeland Nursery Thomas & Sons. Inc. EST. UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL SPEC ITEM UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PROJECT NO. 90 -04F 2021.501 Mobilization L.S. 1.00 1000.00 1000.00 15250.00 15250.00 10000.00 10000.00 2104.505 Remove Bituminous Pavement S.Y. 450.00 3.00 1350.00 3.40 1530.00 3.00 1350.00 2112.501 Subgrade prep. for walks /plaza S.Y. 435.00 1.00 435.00 5.20 2262.00 5.00 2175.00 02515 Agg. Base placed (under pavers), Class 5 TON 15.00 35.00 525.00 32.50 487.50 50.00 750.00 02515 Fine Filter Aggregate MnDOT 3149 (C.V.) (under pavers) S.F. 3184.00 0.10 318.40 0.66 2101.44 0.10 318.40 02515 Precast conc. pavers S.F. 3184.00 4.50 14328.00 4.26 13563.84 4.00 12736.00 02515 Paver Angle Edging L.F. 30.00 3.50 105.00 3.95 118.50 2.00 60.00 02510 4" Concrete Walk S.F. 800.00 1.88 1504.00 2.90 2320.00 3.00 2400.00 02501 Bituminous Curb (6 ") L.F. 100.00 6.00 600.00 6.90 690.00 6.00 600.00 02437 Roof Drain Pipe EACH 1.00 400.00 400.00 320.00 320.00 3000.00 3000.00 03300 Struc. Conc. Retaining Walls L.S. 1.00 50000.00 50000.00 42100.00 42100.00 90000.00 90000.00 04200 Brick Facing L.S. 1.00 7000.00 7000.00 14950.00 14950.00 10000.00 10000.00 05720 Ornamental Steel Fence L.S. 1.00 3200.00 3200.00 2820.00 2820.00 3000.00 3000.00 02810 Irrigation System L.S. 1.00 12500.00 12500.00 14500.00 14500.00 7500.00 7500.00 02462 Bench Installation EACH 1.00 300.00 300.00 90.00 90.00 250.00 250.00 06135 Timber Edgers L.F. 592.00 5.00 2960.00 13.50 7992.00 10.00 5920.00 BID TABULATION MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - 90 -04F HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Page 2 C.S. McCrossan Lakeland Nursery Thomas & Sons, Inc. EST. UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL SPEC ITEM UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 02950 Select Granular Bedding (CV) C.Y. 85.00 10.50 892.50 27.65 2350.25 11.00 935.00 in planters 02950 Select Topsoil Borrow (F &I inplace) C.Y. 97.00 10.50 1018.50 48.00 4656.00 11.00 1067.00 02950 Greenspire Linden, 2 1/2" BB TREE 20.00 210.00 4200.00 230.00 4600.00 200.00 4000.00 02950 Summit Green Ash, 2 1/2" BB TREE 19.00 210.00 3990.00 240.00 4560.00 200.00 3800.00 02950 Hackberry, 2 1/2" BB TREE 20.00 210.00 4200.00 240.00 4800.00 200.00 4000.00 02950 Common White Ash, 2 1/2" BB TREE 24.00 210.00 5040.00 260.00 6240.00 200.00 4800.00 02950 Cleveland Norway Maple, 4" BB TREE 3.00 368.00 1104.00 706.00 2118.00 350.00 1050.00 02950 Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle 24" Pot SHRUB 28.00 21.00 588.00 19.65 550.20 20.00 560.00 02950 Black Chokeberry, 18" Pot SHRUB 119.00 21.00 2499.00 24.50 2915.50 20.00 2380.00 02950 Mint Julep Juniper, 24" Pot SHRUB 44.00 31.50 1386.00 29.50 1298.00 30.00 1320.00 02950 Isanti Dogwood, 30" Pot SHRUB 2.00 21.00 42.00 48.00 96.00 20.00 40.00 02950 Techny Globe Arborvitae, 30" Pot SHRUB 15.00 31.50 472.50 60.00 900.00 30.00 450.00 02950 Wood Chip Mulch C.Y. 10.00 10.50 105.00 45.00 450.00 10.00 100.00 02950 Red Rock Mulch, 1/4" - 1/2" C.Y. 56.00 10.50 588.00 62.00 3472.00 10.00 560.00 (Plaza F &I inplace) 02950 Pea Gravel Rock Mulch C.Y. 16.00 10.50 168.00 54.00 864.00 11.00 176.00 (F &I inplace) 029380 Sodding (incl. topsoil) S.Y. 55.00 1.05 57.75 7.50 412.50 1.00 55.00 TOTAL PROJECT NO. 90 -04F 122,876.65 161,377.73 175,352.40 SPEC BID TABULATION MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - 90 -04G HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Page 1 ITEM PROJECT NO. 90 -04G BASE BID Davis & Assoc. EESCO /United Northland Electric Judd Supply Co. EST. UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE Type "B" Lighting Assembly EACH 96.00 980.00 94080.00 1381.50 132624.00 1319.00 126624.00 959.00 92064.00 Type "B1 Lighting Assembly" EACH 33.00 1310.00 43230.00 1920.05 63361.65 1783.00 58839.00 1289.00 42537.00 Decorative Signal Pedestal EACH 20.00 310.00 6200.00 362.50 7250.00 0.00 0.00 471.00 9420.00 ALTERNATE BID Type "A" Lighting Assembly EACH 15.00 0.00 0.00 372.50 5587.50 392.00 5880.00 329.00 4935.00 [Alternate No. 1] Type "B" Lighting Assembly EACH 96.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1604.00 153984.00 0.00 0.00 [Alternate No. 1] Type "Bl" Lighting Assembly EACH 33.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2258.00 74514.00 0.00 0.00 [Alternate No. 1] Decorative Signal Pedestal EACH 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 [Alternate No. 1] Type "A" Lighting Assembly EACH 15.00 0.00 0.00 115.00 1725.00 909.00 13635.00 979.00 14685.00 [Alternate No. 2] Type "B" Lighting Assembly EACH 96.00 1730.00 166080.00 1146.00 110016.00 1304.00 125184.00 0.00 0.00 [Alternate No. 2] Type "Bl" Lighting Assembly EACH 33.00 2120.00 69960.00 1750.75 57774.75 1808.00 59664.00 0.00 0.00 [Alternate No. 2] Decorative Signal Pedestal EACH 20.00 1000.00 20000.00 580.00 11600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 [Alternate No. 2] TOTAL PROJECT NO. 90 -04G 143510.00 203235.65 185463.00 144021.00 (Base Bid) BID TABULATION MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - 90 -O4H HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Bench Manufac. Flanagan Sales Earl F. Andersen EST. UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL SPEC ITEM UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PROJECT NO. 90 -04H Trash Receptacles (32) Benches ( TOTAL PROJECT NO. 90 -04H L.S. 1.00 14368.00 14368.00 16224.00 16224.00 18290.00 18290.00 L.S. 1.00 3519.00 3519.00 4563.00 4563.00 5120.00 5120.00 17887.00 20787.00 23410.00 BID TABULATION MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - 90 -04I HOPKINS, MINNESOTA SPEC 1 • i ITEM PROJECT NO. 90 -04I Tree Grates and Frames TOTAL PROJECT NO. 90 -04I Neenah Foundry EST. UNIT TOTAL UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE L.S. 70.00 26250.00 26250.00 26250.00 BID TABULATION MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - 90 -04J HOPKINS, MINNESOTA SPEC PROJECT NO. 90 -04J Riddle Controls Traffic Control Corp. EST. UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL ITEM UNIT QUANTITY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE Fixed time Solid State Controller and Cabinet EACH 7.00 3632.00 25424.00 4050.00 28350.00 Fixed time Solid State Controller EACH 2.00 4001.00 8002.00 4186.00 8372.00 with Semi- Actuation Feature and Combination Fixed Time, Solid State Controller and On- Street Master and Cabinet EACH 1.00 5955.00 5955.00 9584.00 9584.00 TOTAL BID PROJECT NO. 90 -04J 39381.00 46306.00 • • • DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: M E M O R A N D U M May 29, 1991 Lee Gustafson, Director of Public Works Dick Koppy, Project Manager of Mainstreet Street lighting hardware selection During the design review process on the Mainstreet improvement project, one of the most difficult decision items was the hardware selection on street lighting. Consequently, during the bidding process several alternatives were bid to the base bid. Over the past few weeks the consultant staff and the City staff have reviewed the lighting hardware bids and focussed upon the following three bids. The hardware that was bid included 96 single street light acorn fixtures and poles, 33 double ,street light acorn fixtures and poles, and 20 traffic signal. pedestal . poles. o Davis & Associates, Low bid of $143,510 for Steel Hardware o Judd Supply, Second low bid of $144,021 for Steel Hardware o EESCO /United Electric, Low bid of $179,390.75 for Concrete Hardware On May 15, 1991 in the City,Hall Raspberry Conference Room the City's representatives met with representatives of each of the three bidders to specifically review their products. The following people were present representing the City: Le Gustafson, Public Works staff, City - Jim Gessele, Engineering 'Willie Meadows, Public Works Vern Pankratz, Public Works Jay Cain, Cain -Ouse Electrical Consultants Bill Ferguson, Cain -Ouse Tim Erkkila, Westwood Landscape Architect Dick Koppy, Project Manager This group of City representatives spent approximately two and one -half hours reviewing the proposed hardware from the three companies previously mentioned. The representatives for the bidders were allowed approximately .30 to 40 minutes to demonstrate, explain and answer questions about their lighting hardware. At the conclusion of the meeting, a brief critique session was held. Later, reports were written by each of the consultants.- This memorandum represents a collection of the findings of each of the ' consultants, plus the opinions of the staff of the City. The following matrix illustrates the comparative differences between the hardware selections of the three bidders. Objectively based, the eight person reviewing committee has reviewed and agreed with the rating. The comments are added where there is a. significant concern about the product at this time. • L� 1 Memorandum to Lee Gustafson, Lighting Hardware Page 2 -Criteria Davis /Assoc. Judd Supp1Y EESCO /United BASE *Materials Good' Good + Fair + Base materials have a more pronounced sculptured appearance *Strength, Weight Good Good Good *Appearance -Fair Good Fair *Connection to Pole Fair Good Good POLE *Materials 'Good Good + Good + Inside of the steel pole has a K -seal resin that resists rus *Strength, Weight Fair Fair Good *Appearance Good Good Fair+ + Concrete color has not been demonstrated. *Brackets, characteristics Good Good Fair+ of attachments + The manner of fabrication was described but there are concerns with the results that are projected without seeing a model. • *Liability, damage to • vehicles •Minima]. Minimal Fair+ + There is an opportunity for considerable damage to occur if a motor vehicle hits a concrete light pole. FIXTURE *Materials *Ease of Maintenance -- Good Fair *Cross Arm for Double Fixture Fair *Globe and cap appearance . Good Good Good Good Fair Good Fair Good Good • Memorandum to Lee Gustafson, Lighting Hardware Page 3 Criteria" Davis /Assoc. Judd Supply EESCO /Unite ASSEMBLED UNIT *Appearance Good Good + Good ++ . The review committee felt this unit had the best appearance. ++ Tim Erkkila, ASLA, Westwood, commented that the concrete pole /fixture may not be an appropriate material for use on Mainstreet as an historic theme element, and that the DRC rejected the concrete hardware alternate. Life Cycle Cost + Fair Fair Good + We have reviewed the 30 year life Cycle costs for the steel pole /fixtures compared to the concrete pole /fixture. , Assumptions: 1. Steel bases, poles and fixtures will have to be painted every 7 years. During the 30 year life cycle, each pole is painted three times. 1991 painting costs by City personnel equals an estimated $160 per unit. 2. Concrete bases, poles will not have.to be painted during the 30 year life. 3. At the completion of the 30 year period, both installations will have equal salvage value. 4. Knockdown maintenance costs were not included in the life cycle costing. Hardware costs and maintenance costs of the replacement activities will be higher with the concrete poles. However, they will withstand a higher impact than the steel poles;. therefore, there is a potential of fewer knockdowns. 5. In all annual cost calculations over the 30 year life expectancy period an 8% interest rate, the same as that for the assessments on Mainstreet has been used. Annual Cost $ 12,080 $ 12'480 $ 0 6. The initial cost of the units bid by the three bidders must be balanced by the initial cost versus the cost of money over the 30 year period at an 8% interest rate. This annual cost calculation is shown below: Annual Cost . $ 0 $ 170 $ 12,040 y Memorandum to Lee Gustafson, Lighting . Hardware Criteria Davis /Assoc. Installations that can be - Farmington reviewed by interested parties located in Minnesota CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION: Based upon a total review by a diversified review committee representing the City of each of the lighting units proposed by the bidders listed above, it is recommended that the unit bid by Judd Supply Company be purchased and installed. Because of the magnitude of the purchase and the importance of the hardware selection on the success of the Mainstreet, it is suggested that the lighting supplier be required to supply a prototype of the pole / fixutre unit prior to the final award of contract by the City Council. This is scheduled for June 25th. The significant conclusions supporting the recommendation are as follows: 1. The EESCO /United Sternberg pole /fixture has the best appearance as judged by the review committee. This finding is based on hardware Anesthetics and on the historic theme that was fundamental in the design MI decision to proceed with a unified "low level" street light system thru out the length of the project. 2. Maintenance efforts on the fixture appear to be less on the Sternberg . proposal than on the other two fixtures proposed by the competitors. 3. Double fixture units have a better appearance with the type of cross arms available than in the other two units. 4. Maintenance costs over 30 years based upon life cycle costing are higher with the steel poles than the concrete poles. However,.the concrete pole initial cost is approximately $35,000 more than the steel pole costs. The value of this initial cost over 30 years exactly balances the additional maintenance costs. 5. Bids for the Type "B" and "B1" lighting assemblies and the signal pedestals are summarized below. The signal pedestals could be selected separately based upon the bidding specifications. However, based upon the -.desire to be as consistent as possible throughout the project, this is not 'recommended. Type "B" and "B1" lighting units Signal Pedestals Total Judd Supply EESCO /Unite - Edenburgh Apts in Edina, 77th St. and Xerxes - Riverplace in Minneapolis Judd Supply Davis & Assoc $134,601 $137,310 $ 9,420 $ 6,200 $144,021 $143,510 Page 4 -City of Rochester EESCO /United $167,790.75 $ 11,600 $179,390.75 CITY OF HOPKINS MEMORANDUM.. DATE: June 4, 1991 TO: Steve Mielke, City Manager FROM: Lee Gustafson, Public Works Director SUBJECT: Street Lighting Selection for Mainstreet Project .Last month during a discussion' of the Mainstreet Project, Council was informed that staff would be reviewing the street lighting bids and products for this project. This review process began on May 15 when staff and the project manager met with representatives of each of the three bidders for the main purpose of reviewing their products. The two primary issues that were considered during the review were the aesthetics and maintenance characteristics of each product. Secondary concerns in the review process were the brackets and electrical connections of each pole. The Public Works department and project manager have basically 0 completed the review process, and have determined that it would be in the best interest of the city to award the street lighting contract to . . the second low bidder, Judd Supply. Detailed reasoning as to our recommendation is included in the attached memorandum from Dick Koppy to Lee Gustafson. ' The street lighting contract for Mainstreet is scheduled to be awarded on June 25, 1991. It :is imperative that the bid be awarded at this meeting so that the successful bidder can immediately order the street lighting products. Products such as these take many weeks to deliver, and as such a delay in this bid award would be critical if it is the City's hope of having the street lights installed and painted prior to winter. Since this June 25th bid award is very critical to the Mainstreet project, I would request that a copy of this memorandum and attachments be made a part of the June 7 update in order to inform Council of our intent to recommend awarding. the street lighting contract to the second low bidder.' Therefore, if Council has any concerns with regard to this bid award, staff will have ample time to provide Council with the information they request prior to the '•.consideration of these bids. Please note in the attached memorandum that it is staff's intent to require the apparent successful bidder, Judd Supply, to produce a prototype of their street light that Council can review on June 25. Mt:-, -is; furthermoree, •intent,3toi request.t,this : s prototype . Suppl -krona Tuesday, ;TJune 11.,,;4 no obj ectionsY ,are MP: • gou;° or-;:the•MCouncir with. - regard.' to.� this,. bid award: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, that the bids of C. S. McCrossan in the total amount of $2,075,781.41 are the lowest responsible bids for the construction of Mainstreet, City Projects 90 -04A, B, E, F, and the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for and on behalf of the City. Adopted this 25th day of June, 1991. ATTEST: RESOLUTION FOR AWARD OF BID MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - STREET RECONSTRUCTION, UTILITIES, STREETSCAPE AMENITIES, 9TH AVENUE PLAZA James A. Genellie, City Clerk CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO: 91 -82 Nelson W. Berg, Mayor BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, that the bid of Killmer Electric in the amount of $197,487.40 is the lowest responsible bid for the construction of Mainstreet, City Project 90 -04C, and the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for and on behalf of the City. Adopted this 25th day of June, 1991. ATTEST: James A. Genellie, City Clerk CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO: 91 -83 RESOLUTION FOR AWARD OF BID MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND INSTALLATION Nelson W. Berg, Mayor • • Adopted this 25th day of June, 1991. ATTEST: James A. Genellie, City Clerk CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO: 91 -84 RESOLUTION FOR AWARD OF BID MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - STREET LIGHTING INSTALLATION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, that the bid of Killmer Electric in the amount of $214,045.27 is the lowest responsible bid for the construction of Mainstreet, City Project 90 -04D, and the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for and on behalf of the City. Nelson W. Berg, Mayor ATTEST: James A. Genellie, City Clerk CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO: 91 -85 RESOLUTION FOR AWARD OF BID MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - SUPPLY OF LIGHT POLES AND FIXTURES BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, that the bid of Judd Supply Company in the amount of $144,021.00 is the lowest responsible bid (as outlined and recommended in attached Exhibits A and B) for the construction of Mainstreet, City Project 90 -04G, and the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for and on behalf of the City. Adopted this 25th day of June, 1991. Nelson W. Berg, Mayor . t ,s DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: EXHIBIT A M E M O R A N D U M May 29, 1991 Lee Gustafson, Director of Public Works Dick Koppy, Project Manager of Mainstreet Street lighting hardware selection During the design review process on the Mainstreet improvement project, one of the most difficult decision items was the hardware selection on street lighting. Consequently, during the bidding process several alternatives were bid to the base bid. Over the past few weeks the consultant staff and the City staff have reviewed the lighting hardware bids and focussed upon the following three bids. The hardware that was bid included 96 single street light acorn fixtures and poles, 33 double street light acorn fixtures and poles, and 20 traffic signal pedestal poles. o Davis & Associates, Low bid of $143,510 for Steel Hardware o Judd Supply, Second low bid of $144,021 for Steel Hardware o EESCO /United Electric, Low bid of $179,390.75 for Concrete Hardware On May 15, 1991 in the City. Hall Raspberry Conference Room the City's representatives met with representatives of each of the three bidders to specifically review their products. The following people were present representing the City: Lee Gustafson, Public Works staff, City Jim Gessele, Engineering Willie Meadows, Public Works Vern Pankratz, Public Works Jay Cain, Cain -Ouse Electrical Consultants Bill Ferguson, Cain -Ouse Tim Erkkila, Westwood Landscape Architect Dick Koppy, Project Manager This group of City representatives spent approximately two and one -half hours reviewing the proposed hardware from the three companies previously mentioned. The representatives for the bidders were allowed approximately 30 to 40 minutes to demonstrate, explain and answer questions about their lighting hardware. At the conclusion of the meeting, a brief critique session was held. Later, reports were written by each of the consultants. - This memorandum represents a collection of the findings of each of the consultants, plus the opinions of the staff of the City. The following matrix illustrates the comparative differences between the hardware selections of the three bidders. Objectively based, the eight person reviewing committee has reviewed and agreed with the rating. The comments are added where there is a,significant concern about the product at this time. ,.: v • � 'k 1 • EXHIBIT A Memorandum to Lee Gustafson, Lighting Hardware Criteria BASE *Materials FIXTURE *Materials *Ease of Maintenance *Cross Arm for Double Fixture Fair *Globe and cap appearance . Good Page 2 Davis /Assoc. Judd Supply EESCO /United Good Good + Fair + Base materials have a more pronounced sculptured appearance *Strength, Weight Good Good Good *Appearance -Fair Good Fair *Connection to Pole Fair Good Good POLE *Materials - Good Good + Good + Inside of the steel pole has a K -seal resin that resists rusting *Strength, Weight Fair Fair Good *Appearance Good Good Fair+ 40 *Appearance + Concrete color has not been demonstrated. *Brackets, characteristics Good Good - Fair+ of attachments + The manner of fabrication was described but there are concerns with the results that are projected without seeing a model. *Liability, damage to vehicles Minimal Minimal Fair+ + There is an opportunity for considerable damage to occur if a motor vehicle hits a concrete light pole. - -Good Fair Good Good Good Fair Good Fair Good Good Memorandum to Lee Gustafson, Lighting Hardware Page 3 III , Criteria Davis /Assoc. Judd Supply EESCO /Unite ASSEMBLED UNIT *Appearance Good Good + Good ++ • The review committee felt this unit had the best appearance. + +\ Tim Erkkila, ASLA, Westwood, commented that the concrete pole /fixture may not be an appropriate material for use on Mainstreet as an historic theme element, and that the DRC rejected the concrete hardware alternate. Life Cycle Cost + Fair Fair Good + We have reviewed the 30 year life cycle costs for the steel pole /fixtures compared to the concrete pole /fixture. , EXHIBIT A Assumptions: 1. Steel bases, poles and fixtures will have to be painted every 7 years. During the 30 year life cycle, each pole is painted three times. 1991 painting costs by City personnel equals an estimated $160 per unit. 2. Concrete bases, poles will not have.to be painted during the 30 year life. 3. At the completion of the 30 year period, both installations will have equal salvage value. 4. Knockdown maintenance costs were not included in the life cycle costing. Hardware costs and maintenance costs of the replacement activities will be higher with the Concrete poles. However, they will withstand a higher impact than the steel poles; therefore, there is a potential of fewer knockdowns. 5. In all annual cost calculations over the 30 year life expectancy period an 8% interest rate, the same as that for the assessments on Mainstreet has been used. Annual Cost $ 12,080 $ 12,080 ' $ 0 6. The initial cost of the units bid by the three bidders must be balanced by the initial cost versus the cost of money over the 30 year period at an 8% interest rate. This annual cost calculation is shown below: Annual Cost • $ 0 $ 170 $ 12,040 Signal Pedestals Total EXHIBIT A Memorandum to Lee Gustafson, Lighting Hardware Page 4 Criteria Davis /Assoc. Installations that can be - Farmington reviewed by interested parties located in Minnesota CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION: Based upon a total review by a diversified review committee representing the City of each of the lighting units proposed by the bidders listed above, it is recommended that the unit bid by Judd Supply Company be purchased and installed. Because of the magnitude of the purchase and the importance of the hardware selection on the success of the Mainstreet, it is suggested that the lighting supplier be required to supply a prototype of the pole / fixutre unit prior to the final award of contract by the City Council. This is scheduled for June 25th. The significant conclusions supporting the recommendation are as follows: 1. The EESCO /United Sternberg pole /fixture has the best appearance as judged by the review committee. This finding is based on hardware 0 . esthetics and on the historic theme that was fundamental in the design decision to proceed with a unified "low level" street light system thru out the length of the project. 2. Maintenance efforts on the fixture appear to be less on the Sternberg proposal than on the other two fixtures proposed by the competitors. 3. Double fixture units have a better appearance with the type of cross Arms available than in the other two units. 4. Maintenance costs over 30 years based upon life cycle costing are higher with the steel poles than the concrete poles. However,•the concrete pole initial cost is approximately $35,000 more than the steel pole costs. The value of this initial cost over 30 years exactly balances the additional maintenance costs. 5. Bids for the Type "B" and "B1" lighting assemblies and the signal pedestals are summarized below. The signal pedestals could be selected separately based upon the bidding specifications. However, based upon the •,desire to be as consistent as possible throughout the project, this is not recommended. Type "B" and "B1" lighting units $134,601 Judd Supply Davis & Assoc EESCO /United $ 9,420 $144,021 Judd Supply - Edenburgh Apts in Edina, 77th St. and Xerxes - Riverplace in Minneapolis $137,310 $ 6,200 $143,510 EESCO /Unite -City of Rochester $167,790.75 $ 11,600 $179,390.75 EXHIBIT B CITY OF HOPKINS MEMORANDUM. DATE: June 4, 1991 TO: Steve Mielke, City Manager FROM: Lee Gustafson, Public Works Director SUBJECT: Street Lighting Selection for Mainstreet Project Last month during a discussion'of the Mainstreet Project, Council was informed that staff would be reviewing the street lighting bids and products for this project. This review process began on May 15 when staff and the project manager met with representatives of each of the three bidders for the main purpose of reviewing their products. The two primary issues that were considered during the review were the aesthetics and maintenance characteristics of each product. Secondary concerns in the review process were the brackets and electrical connections of each pole. The Public Works department and project manager have basically completed the review process, and have determined that it would be in the best interest of the city to award the street lighting contract to the second low bidder, Judd Supply. Detailed reasoning as to our recommendation is included in the attached memorandum from Dick Koppy to Lee Gustafson. The street lighting contract for Mainstreet is scheduled to be awarded on June 25, 1991. It:is imperative that the bid be awarded at this meeting so that the successful bidder can immediately order the street lighting products. Products such as these take many weeks to deliver, and as such a delay in this bid award would be critical if it is the City's hope of having the street lights installed and painted prior to winter. Since this June 25th bid award is very critical to the Mainstreet project, I would request that a copy of this memorandum and attachments be made a part of the June 7 update in order to inform Council of our intent to recommend awarding. the street lighting contract to the second low bidder. Therefore, if Council has any concerns with regard to this bid award, staff will have ample time to provide Council with the information they request prior to the consideration of these bids. Please note in the attached memorandum that it is staff's intent to require the apparent successful bidder, Judd Supply, to produce a prototype of their street light that Council can review on June 25. furthermore •intenttltoD request. r,this s ,prototype : € from, Judd Sly °ron 11:,. no" ;:;objections , are ) received by.,, either gou_ or -,the w,Councir� with. regard to bid award: • a 4 4f CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO: 91 -86 RESOLUTION FOR AWARD OF BID MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - TRASH RECEPTACLES AND BENCHES BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, that the bid of Bench Manufacturing in the amount of $17,887.00 is the lowest responsible bid for the construction of Mainstreet, City Project 90 -04H, and the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for and on behalf of the City. Adopted this 25th day of June, 1991. ATTEST: James A. Genellie, City Clerk Nelson W. Berg, Mayor • ATTEST: James A. Genellie, City Clerk CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO: 91 -87 RESOLUTION FOR AWARD OF BID MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - TREE GRATES AND FRAMES BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, that the bid of Neenah Foundry in the amount of $26,250.00 is the lowest responsible bid for the construction of Mainstreet, City Project 90 -04I, and the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for and on behalf of the City. Adopted this 25th day of June, 1991. Nelson W. Berg, Mayor ATTEST: James A. Genellie, City Clerk CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO: 91 -88 RESOLUTION FOR AWARD OF BID MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROLLERS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA, that the bid of Riddle Controls in the amount of $39,381.00 is the lowest responsible bid for the construction of Mainstreet, City Project 90 -04J and the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for and on behalf of the City. Adopted this 25th day of June, 1991. Nelson W. Berg, Mayor