Memo Mainstreet Improvement Project Action Plan , " .... ':J;- .' CITY OF HOPKINS MEMORANDUM DATE: April 10, 1991 TO: The Honorable Mayor & City Council FROM: Tom Harmening,-(. \~, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Mainstreet Improvement project Action Plan ---.------------------------------ I. Purpose of Discussion Representatives from the Mainstreet Improvement project Steering Committee would like to discuss with the city Council matters pertaining to a draft Action Plan which has ,_ been prepared to address certain issues regarding the .~ proposed Mainstreet Improvement project. II. Backqro'llnd The steering Committee, which is made up of representatives of the Business Council, HCP, TwinWest Chamber of Commerce and the city have met for several months to develop a plan to address communication and promotion issues as related to the Mainstreet Improvement Project. Attached is a summary of the activities of the Committee and it's purpose and goals. III. Discussion Items You will n9te that the attached summary references that an Action Plan is being developed to address communication and promotion' issues as. related to the proposed project. Attached is a copy of the first draft of an Action Plan. During the meeting, members of the Committee desire to provide a general overview of the plan, outline the purpose and benefits of having a plan, as well as discuss specifics relating to the budget proposed in the Action Plan. TKH/kmb '4i' Attachment r , .~ OVERVIEW - MAIN STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT STEERING COMMITTEE What follows is a brief outline of the purpose and goals of the steering committee and the activities which they are undertaking. I. Purpose of steering Committee The purpose of the steering Committee is to prepare and assist in the implementation of an Action Plan to facilitate business activity during the Mainstreet Improvement Project by providing internal communication between the city, contractors, and businesses, and by promotion to the general community and customers. II. Goals of the Committee and the Action' Plan to be prepared: o To minimize interruption to the business area. o To expand market awareness of the goods and services provided by Hopkins businesses. _, 0 To maintain and increase the level of business .. activity in downtown Hopkins. . 0 To create a positive atmosphere. o To generate team spirit within the business community. o To create a vision of Mainstreet after the improvement project. o To generate long term benefits of communication and networking within downtown Hopkins. o To educate the public and business community of the why, how and reasons for the project. III. Organization The steering Committee is comprised of representatives of the city, Business council, HCP, Twinwest Chamber of Commerce and general Mainstreet business owners. Current members of the steering committee are as follows: Ed Hanlon, Mark Senn, Dick Stanley, Elly Barth, Nelson Berg, Tom Harmening, Karen' Atkinson, Scott Murray, Tony Coleman, Todd Johnson and Harry Smith. IV. Action Plan c..... , The purpose of the Steering Committee is to prepare and '. . assist in the implementation of a plan to facilitate business activity during the Mainstreet Reconstruction Project. The Steering Committee is working on an 0, r . Action Plan which focuses on four key areas. These four areas are as follows: 0 Construction 0 communications 0 Promotions 0 Business Marketing The plan will describe the four key areas in detail, ~dentify the issues pertaining to each individual area, and actions to address the. issues to achieve the overall purpose and goals of the Committee. ) . , - . ,-" ~< ,/\ .-;; ... .. ~... -- '" ,t.; f . DRAFT DRAFT MAINSTREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT STEERING COMMITTEE ACTION PLAN - . / . e. 3I'J.:fr/9fJ 1- , 4/11 91 , ? . -, r i' '. , < . MAINSTREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ACTION PLAN ; TABLE OF CONTENTS J Executive Summary BackgroUndo~ Project Action Plan: - Construction - Communications - Promotions . - Marketing - Financial Summary Implementation Evaluation _. . -I - , . -, , , . . . < . TIME - LINE March 1 - - ~reliminary Plan Ready March 1 - 30 Consensus Building - Apri 1 1 Final Plan Ready \ . April 1 - 30 Commitment to Plan .May 1 Begin Implementation ." ~" '. - 2.. .,.. ,;. r I . :3/9/9.1 Draft EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ~ins.tfeet is the focus of the retail and service conunercial activity in Hopkins. The historical nature of many buildings on Mainstreet provide a strong sense of tradition. The residents of Hopkins and the surrounding communities identify Mainstreetas the heart of Hopkins. It exists in contrast to the surrounding communities which lack central focus and whose retail areas are largely composed of strip shopping centers and malls. Mainstreet is an unique resource of Hopkins. A 1988 Market Study by Laventhol & Horwath recommended bhe"Oity ,) under- take physical ch?nges to Mainstreet to better serve. the customers. and enhance the image of the community. Over the past two years the Business Community and City of Hopkins have worked closely together to determine whether a project should be undertaken. After extensive !s.tudy. and public discussion, the City Council has approved a major improvement project to einstreet. Th.e project is being undertaken for several reasons: 0 To increase on~street parking on Mainstreet 0 To return to the traditional appearance of Mainstreet, thereby eliminating jogs and improving traffic flow 0 To replace or repair aged underground utilities which are under capacity or deteriorated 0 To replace deteriorated sidewalks which have become unsafe and unsightly 0 To replace concrete curbs and bituminous streets as needed 0 To upgrade the function and appearance through lighting, traffic signals. and other amenities The result will be an attactive and functional street which will provide a fresh new face .to Downtown, improve the overall image of the community and enhance the business environment. . -.3 .... ". -j t j . , The in.provement project will occur during19~1 -:...92. . A project of this .cC?pe will unforbunately cause some inconvenience and disruption. rrhe '.l Business Community and City recognized this challenge and established a Steering Committee to prepare and .assist in the implementation of a plan .. to facilitate business activity during the improvement process. This PLan is the result of several months of work by representatives of the follow- ing groups: Hopkins Business Council, Hopkins'Community Promotions, TwinWest Chamber of Commerce, City Council and City staff. The Plan is directed to two audiences. First, internal communication between the,City! contractors, business owners and property owners must provide frequent and current information and feedback to address actual construction issues. Secondly, communication to the residents of Hopkins and the surrounding market area must stress the opportunities of "business as usual". and the benefits of growth and pr~gress. I 4Ite overall goals of this Plan are: 0 To minimize interruption to the business area 0 To expand market awareness of the goods and services provided by Hopkins businesses. , 0 To maintai.n and increase the level of business activity in Downtown Hopkins. 0 To create a positive atmosphere. 0 To generate team spirit within .the business community. 0 To create a vision of Mainstreet after the improvements. 0 To generate long-term benefits of. communication and networking wi thin Downtown Hopkins. ' . \ 0 To educate the public and business community of the why, how and reasons for the project. . . -4 - , , , , , . . These. 'goals will be met through Action Plans in four key areas: construction,. ~mmunications, promotions and business marketing. This Plan describes the four key areas in detail, presenting the issues and actions to accomplish the ~ overall goals. - ~ - . -- -6- .:, ....' j' i '. MAINSTREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BACKGROUND INFORMATION , The decision to undertake improvements to Mainstreet consisted of a process extending well over two years, involving numerous meetings and opportunities for public participation. What follows is a brief outline of the process leading to the decision to undertake the project. Also included is an explanation of the proposed project ,timetable from commencement to completion. ' 0 May, J.988 - A commercial Market study prepared by Laventhal &" Horwath for the caD on Mainstreet was presented to ,the city council. One of the key findings of the study was that Mainstreet should undergo physical design chariges to better serve the existing cpnvenience orientated shopping behaviors., The study recommended that physical design elements on Mainstreet should support the multi-stop; drive in and drive out behaviors as opposed to encouraging one stop, multi-purpose shopping trips. 0 July,J.988 - A request was .made to the City council by the Hopkins Task Force aSking that a study be undertaken by the city regarding improvements to the Mainstreet mall area. 0 May, J.989 - A Mainstreet Improvement study prepared by Westwood . Professional Services was presented to the city council. This concept study reviewed Mainstreet from 5th Ave. to J.2th Ave,. An analysis of Mainstreet was completed from a character development perspective rather than from a traffic geometric and infrastructure perspective. Two concepts were presented to the ci ty. The concept which increased , parking to nearly 100 on-street spaces ,was preferred by the city Council. 0 'January, 2, J.990 - The city received a petition ,from property owners and businesses people between 6th Avenue and 12th Avenue adjacent to Mainstreet. The petition requested improvements to Mainstreet in accordance with the J.989 Mainstreet Improvement study. 0 March 20, J.990' - The City council ordered the preparation of a Feasibility study for a Mainstreet Improvement Project from Washington Avenue to Shady Oak Road. Westwood Professional services, Inc. was hired by the city to prepare the Feasibility Report. 0 March -August, J.990 - During these months, Westwood Professional Services prepared the Feasibility Report with the assistance of city staff. During the preparation of the report, numerous meetings were held with a number of organizations including the Business council, utility companies, other governmental units, etc. Also, . informational meetings were held to allow for comments and questions from the business sector and the community in general. 0 September J.8, 1990 - The city council conducted the, required public hearing on the proposed project. - (p-- ."-,, ( ~ MAINSTREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BACKGROUNO INFORMATION The decision to undertake improvements t;o Mainstreet consisted of a process extending well over two years, involving numerous meetings and opportunities for public participation. What follows is a brief outline of the process leading to the decision to undertake the project. Also included is an explanation of the proposed project timetable from commencement to completion. o May, 1988 - A Commercial Market study prepared by Laventhal & Horwath for the CBO on Mainstreet was presented to the City Council. One of the key findings of the study was that Mainstreet should undergo physical design changes to better serve the existing convenience orientated shopping behaviors. The study recommended that physical design elements on Mainstreet should support the mUlti-stop, drive in and drive out behaviors as opposed to encouraging one stop, multi-purpose shopping trips. o July, 1988 - A request was made to the City Council by the Hopkins Task Force aSking that a study be undertaken by the City regarding improvements to the Mainstreet mall area. ... ... 0 May, 1989 - A Mainstree. t Improvement study. prepared by Westwood Professional Services was presented to the City Council. This concept study reviewed Mainstreet from 5th Ave. to 12th Ave. An analysis of Mainstreet was completed from a character development perspective rather than from a traffic geometric and infrastructure perspective. Two concepts were presented to the city. The concept which increased parking to nearly 100 on-street spaces was preferred by the City Council. o January, 2, 1990 - The City received a petition from property owners and businesses people between 6th Avenue and 12th Avenue adjacent to Mainstreet. The petition requested improvements to Mainstreet in accordance with the 1989 Mainstreet Improvement study. o March 20, 1990 - The City Council ordered the preparation of a Feasibility study for a Mainstreet Improvement Project from Washington Avenue to Shady Oak Road. Westwood Professional Services, Inc. was hired by the city to prepare the Feasibility Report. o March - August, 1990 -During these months, Westwood Professional Services prepared the Feasibili ty Report with the assistance of City staff. During the preparation of the report, numerous meetings were held with a number of organizations including the Business Council, utility companies, other governmental units, etc. Also, . informational meetings were held to allow for comments and questions from the business sector and the community in general. o September 18, 1990 - The city Council conducted the required public hearing on the proposed project. - -, - . 0 November 6, 1990 - Based upon the input received from the public, the city council ordered the improvement .of Mainstreet and directed that plans and specifications be prepared for the project. Characteristics of the project are as follows: - 5th Avenue to 11th Avenue - Intermediate reconstruction of Mainstreet would occur in this area. The project would include the straightening of Mainstreet and the total replacement of curb/gutter and sidewalks as well as utility repairs, the replacement of street lighting, retrofitting or replacement of signal lights, a roadway overlay, and the installation of landscaping improvements. During construction, two-way traffic will be allowed in this area. - 11th Avenue to Shady Oak Road - Full reconstruction of Mainstreet would occur in this area. The.. proj ect would include the repair and/ or replacement of utilities, pavement, street lighting, curb/gutter, sidewalks, and the installation of landscaping improvements. o Total estimated project cost - Approximately $3.7 million. Sources of funding to pay for this project include special assessments, the use of utility funds, Minnesota State Aid funds, and tax increment . financing. No General Fund dollars are proposed to be used to fund . this project. PRELIMINARY PROJECT TIMETABLE o March 19, 1991 - The city Council receives the final design plans, specifications, cost estimates, and orders the advertisements for bids. o April 16, 1991 - A tabulation of the bids is returned to the city Council and the Assessment Hearing is set. o May 14, 1991 - The required M.S. Chapter 429 Assessment Hearing is held by the city Council. o June 25, 1991 - The City Council adopts the assessment roll and awards the project to the lowest responsible bidders. \ o July 8, 1991 - Construction of the project between 5th Ave. and 11th Ave. begins. o November 15, 1991 - Construction is completed between 5th Ave. and 11th Ave. o spring, 1992 - Construction. of the project between 11th Ave. and 17th Ave. begins. ~ 0 June 30, 1992 - Substantial completion of construction between 11th Ave. and 17th Ave. o October, ;1992 - Construction between 17th Ave. and Shady Oak Road, as well as the entire Mainstreet Improvement project, is completed. -8 - , . . CONSTRUCTION ISSUES I. Introduction The improvement project develops a situation whereby concerns for accessibility to business and knowledge of parking availability become apparent. The project dictates that a process be established for communication to the. business . owners regarding project scheduling, utility service interruption, security, safety, and other unforeseen events. Opportunities become apparent during the construction period with respect to the undertaking of private improvements by building owners of sprinkler system installation and signage and building facade changes. To address the aforementioned issues,concerns and.opportunities, the City and business community have many strengths. These include good rear door accessibility and parking to the downtown businesses. In addition, a fine network of communication through the Downtown Business Council, Hopkins Community Promotions, and related block captains, and other resources currently exists. Also, the City currently has in place several incentives to facilitate private improv~ments. . . -<1 - " ~ues/Action Plan Issue No. 1 - Accessibility to Business During the improvement process on Mainstreet, it is important that accessibility to businesses be maintained at the highest level possible .To address this issue, the following action plan. has been developed. ACTION RESPONSIBILITY FINANCIAL TIMING o Develop a communication Steering Committee Begin immediately - theme which reinforces HCP, Business on-going process a ."business as usual" council, Marketing thereafter. approach Firm o Develop a communication steering Committee, Begin immediately - network involving block HCP, City, Business monitor & update as captains, telephone Council needed. tree, City contact' person. o Prepare materials for City MaY/June, 1991 - newspaper/media illus- ongoing thereafter. trating access routes, .larking facilities., ~roject updates (this info should not empha- size construction issues). o Provide street signage City July, 1991 - on:- denoting parking lots, going thereafter. detours, access routes, etc. o Insure proper lighting city, Business or June/July 1991 - is maintained during Property owners ongoing there- construction process after. both on Mainstreet and in alleys.. o Develop construction city. Begin immediately - process/methods which .ongoing process. provide for least amount of disruption during the project, e.g., double shift, 2 block const.,etc. , . - to ... . /' . Issue No. 2 - Parking Availability Within the c9re area of downtown Hopkins is an extensive public parking system. It 'is important that this. system be available and clearly understood by the general pUblic to insure continued accessibility to the adjacent businesses. To address' these issues, the following action plan has been developed. ACTION RESPONSIBILITY FINANCIAL TIMING o Consider development of Parking Committee/ Begin immediately - special rules, permits city Council monitor arid modify to accommodate customer as needed. parking to the highest degree possible. - o Promote/advertise the City June/July 1991- public parking system ongoing process. tnru media and signage (do not emphasize construction project). o Insure employees of. . city Immediately - . contractors do not park iriclude necessary tIIn a manner which provisions in bid isrupts or eliminates spec's and/or rein- public parking or force during access. pre-construction conferences & mtgs. thereafter. o Insure equipment and city Immediately - materials of the con- include necessary tractor is not parked, provisions in bid stored, or placed in a spec's and/or rein- manner which disrupts . force during or eliminates pUblic pre-construction parking or access. conferences & mtgs. thereafter. . -(l - , . Issue No. 3 - Private Improvements An opportunity exists during the improyement process for private property owners/businesses to make certain improvements to their property. To address this opportunity, the following action plan has been developed. ACTION RESPONSIBILITY FINANCIAL TIMING o.Advertise availability city, Business April, 1991 - of the City's incentive Council, HCP ongoing thereafter. programs for sign improvements, building rehab. and fire sprinkler improvements. Actively encourage the use of these'p~ograms. o Develop a Commercial City March/April, 1991 Rehab. Loan Program "special" for use during the improvement . period. , . o Thru the use of sur- City, Business March/April, 1991 - tIIreys, or other methods, Council, HCP ongoing thereafter. compile data relating to property owners who maybe interested in undertaking private improvements. Facili- tate grouping of these property owners by type of improvement and encourage (or accommo- date thru the Main- street bid package) them to work together in .order to obtain a more favorable bid. -. -/2...... , ' / . Issue No. 4 - Coordinatescheduling'of project with Business/Property Owners As the . improvement project directly effects each property/business owner on Mainstreet, it is important that these persons be aware of the progress and ongoing improvement schedule. This will in turn assist them in planning their business operations and promotional activities. To address this issue, the following action plan has been developed. ACTION RESPONSIBILITY FINANCIAL TIMING o Develop a communica- steering Committee, Begin immediately & tions network involving HCPt Business monitor and update block captains, tele- Council, City. as needed. phone tree and a key City contact p~rson. o Organize Block Captains HCP Begin immediately o Identify key contact HCP/City Begin immediately person for each busi- ness/property. Prepare a list with address & .hone numbers. o evelop a process of city Incorporate in bid daily and/or weekly specs for project, meetings between if appropriate - contractor/City and Develop process by business/property June, 1991 & owners update/monitor thereafter. Other Issues - During the' preparation of this Action Plan, other miscellaneous issues were identified which generally will be addressedby the more specific actions just identified. \ rhese issues include: 0 Interruption of utility services 0 Security/Safety 0 Flexibili ty to deal with unforeseen problems. . - 13..... /1 ' , ! .'. , . 3/8/91. Draft "j 4I;C~IONPLAN - COMMUNICATIONS '-I. INTRODUCTION The successof th~ improvement project will depend to a large degree upon . , 't. ., the communication prior to and during the construction period. Communi- cation is essential between the City~ Contractor~ Building Owners and Business Owners to ensure everyone knows what and when things will happen; and to answer questions and respond to concerns. The support of the business community is dependent upon prompt and accurate information. Public relations. is simply communication with the residents of Hopkins , and the customers in the surrounding market area. The message presented' th rough advertising arid the media coverage will affect the impression of the public positively or negatively. The media will distribute informa- tion~ and be a vehicle for cooperative advertising which can. make this .Positive experience. Coordinated and cooperative advertising is' strongly recommended to the businesses to maintain and increase the level of business activity during this period. . Promotions which are discussed separately in this Plan are. closely related to the public relations effort. In fact, the successful completion of all parts of this Plan depend upon good communication. . II. ISSUES/ACTION PLAN ISSUE NO. I - INTERNAL COMMUNICATION , In order to minimize interruption to businesses, business and property owners must have prompt and accurate information. At the same time, the City and contractor must also have frequent arid close communciation with . owners of th~ properties and businesses to coo~dinate construction activities. Thus, a communication plan is an intregal part of the construction process. The city and contractor will be responsible to -(Jf- . , 4If provide information and respond to questions and concerns. The business community must provide the means to keep communication flowing. A ~ajor start has already occurred, with many affected business/property owners involved in the discussion and planning of the project. However, many others .have not been involved, and it will be critical to reach these persons. ACT.ION RESPONSIBLE PARTY FINANCIAL TIMING oOevelop and distribute Steering Committee lmmediately a clear message of why the proj'ect is happening oOevelop and Conduct a Survey to 10 major concerns Steering Co~ittee/City City Underway oCommunicate schedules City/Contractor City and activities including affect on pedistrians and ::-~icaccess, utilities, etc. .velop a communication Steering Comm, HCP, Immediately network involving block City, Business Council captains, telephone tree, contact person *Train participants oUse existing communication too Is : HCP News.letter HCP TWCCNewsletter TWCC > oOevelop additional communication tools: Project Newsletter/Bulletin CITY Ci ty May ? Weekly meetings with Contractor City City Individual Building Mtgs w/Cont. City as needed Block meetings w/Cont. Ci ty oEs tab lis h a City contact Ci ty person to be primary contact for questions and concerns oEstablish a Contruc'tion Office on Mainstreet City City . . - (5- , , ISSUE NO. 2 - EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION . This Plan is aimed at assisting businesses to maintain and increase the level of business activity during the' improvement period. All parts of the Plan work together toward this goal for individual businesses and the Downtown business community as a whole. The construction methods, schedule and internal communication Plan will minimize the interuptions. At the same time, a positive message must be clearly communicated to the residents of Hopkins and the .. customers in the surrounded market area. This message should focus on the benefits of shopping and visiting the Mainstreet. While it needs to cover the reasons for the project and the progress happening in Downtown, advertising the individual businesses is as or more important. A kep part of this Plan is a comprehensive cooperative adv.ertising . plan to encourage businesses to undertake the advertising needed to attain these goals. The. plan includes help with design and cost; savings of joint efforts. Each business will have independence in their individual ads, but common theme(s) : will be used to provide the overall message. ACTION RESPOSIBILITY FINANCIAL TIMING oDevelop a positivemessage(s) Steering Comm Immed to the public -Business as usual -Convenient parking, easy access ,-Friendly service - No emphas is i,on ,the construction oCommunicate the message(s) Steering Comm Immed to the business owners and ... employees .- -Employee training. oUse media to provide info Steering Comm/C~ty/HCP Immed to'public about the progess/reasons on the improvements - ((, ..... , . -Press releases . -Cable TV -Media Party to kick off the proj ect oprovide communication tools Steering Conun/HCP/City to the businesses -Maps with parking;etc -Rendering of final project -Posters -Flyers - -Q & A sheets oCoor&inate public relations with Promotional activities oBillboards Steering Conun City/free inuned -messag~ -location -timing oPrepare and implement cooperative advertising plan -newspaper: Sailor -other media: SiT, radio, TV, direct mail, inserts, Reader' I. flyers in each other businesses ~design format with banner and . I info parts -ads sold directly to businesses Sailor, etc. Indiv businesses I -provide common themes/messages -design assistance oConduct a seminar on advertising - . -/1 - .,1/ \' . ACTION P~AN - PROMOTIONS . 1. Introduction. Hopkins,is very fortunate to have a strong core of well established promotional activities. This is in large part due to the coinrnitment and involvement of many civic organizations, especially the Raspberry Festival organization, Hopkins Community Promotions and Jaycess, but many others as well. , . 2. ISSUE: Coox;dination with Existing Promotional Activities. Additional coordination will be necessary during the two year improve- ment project to ensure that conflicts do not occur in scheduling, resources, facili ties, etc. An increased effort will be necessary to su. stain participation and attendance. ACTION: The Plan will be presented to each organization responsibl . ~or an existing promotional activity anddiscu;;sions held to ide.ntify areas of potential coordination needs and additional opportunities for' promotion. ~aspberry Festival Heritage Days Mainstreet Days Music in Park Farmers Market Special Olympics , 3. ISSUE: New promotional activities. · ACTION: ' Each organization involved in promotional activities will . be asked to consider sponsoring additional' acti vi ties. For example: - /8 - . . . Block parties ., HCP . TRADE FAIR GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONIES RIBBON CUTTINGS PARTY TO CELEBRATE COMPLETION (year 1 and/or year 2) - INITIAL AND OTHER PRESS RELEASES PARTY FOR MEDIA FOURTH OF JULY (Welcome troops ~ome) TIME CAPSULE AT PLAZA SELL PI~CES OF MAINSTREET HUMOROUS EVENTS ;. . I .1 - . . - -/'1 - t>-l.' . . . ~/7/91 Draft ACTION PLAN - BUSINESS RECRUITMENT . I. INTRODUCTION. The improvement project provides both. increased need and increased opportunities to recruit new businesses to locate in Downtown Hopkins. A separate Marketing Committee has been meefing to create a marketing plan. The goal of this plan is to increase tenant and broker awareness of the positive features of Downtown Hopkins, and to obtain quality tenants (retail goods and services) for available space on or adjacent to Mainstreet. Th}s marketing p~an will cover two years, to coincide with the Mainstreet improvement project, . and allow for a rather lengthy process to .obtain results. The effort will be focused between Highway 169 and Shady Oak Road, from First Street South to First Street North. The Marketing eonunittee will continue to oversee the implementation of this plan. working closely with City staff and the Business Council.. II. ISSUE/ACTION PLAN. I. Resource tools will be provided to brokers and property owners for marketing the positive features of Downtown Hopkins, including an introductory brochure ("PLANT YOUR BUSINESS IN HOPKINS"), marketing book, data base of availa~le space and video. 2. Commercial re-al estate brokers will be made aware of the opportunities on or adjacent to Mainstreet. A reception will be hosted on May 15, 1991 to introduce the marketing effort to the brokers. A separate meeting will be held in May for.property owners. 3. Incentive programs will be established to increase the interest and fObabilitieSOf new businesses to Locate in the desired area of Hopkins. . Incentive programs will be created to increase the interest of brokers bringing new businesses to Downtown. 5. Follow-up procedures will build continuing relationships with the brokers. -2c:>- '. .. .~ -. DRAFT DRAFT FINANCIAL SUMMARY I. Introduction Implementing the recommendations in the Action Plan does result in certain required expenditures. These expenditures can be grouped into the following areas: o Development and publication of advertising/promotion materials and tools. o Development of communication tools/network relating to construction matters between the city/Contractor, and the business/property owners and the public. These tools include a City contact person, written information/newsletter, and other miscellaneous items. II. Funding- Sources Potential funding sources by expenditure are outlined below. .- .... Expenditure is defined as actual dollar or labor (sweat equity). City/Project Cost: o City contact person o Communication tools relating to construction issues o Technical assistance for developing advertising/promo- tional materials and tools o Facilitate cooperative advertising o Implementation of special programs - "Comm. Rehab Special." Property/Business Owners: o Advertising costs o Promotional events/activities HCP/Business Council/TwinWest: o Assistance with development and implementation of communication tools o Planning and implementation of promotional events .' -).(- ~. ,; ....... - .., III. Project Budqet 0 Marketing/Advertising Firm $10,000 0 Facilitate cooperative advertising 15,000 0 Communication Tools - Const. Issues 3,000 0 City Contract Person/Liaison 20,000 0 Misc. 2,000 0 Special Programs (Already in city Budget) ( Comm. Rehab.) TOTAL $50,000 . .- -22..-