CR 91-097 PH - Sale Of Property To HRA
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April 30, 1991
o P K
council Report: 91-97
Proposed Action.
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Approval of
Resolution No. 91-57 declaring certain properties in an area generally
described as between 7th and 8th Avenue South. south of the east/west
alley south of Mainstreet and north of First Street South as surplus
and authorize the City Manager and HRA Director to execute a purchase
agreement for the sale of this property to the HRA. Subject to
conditions as recommended by Staff.
Approval of this action will allow the transfer of this property to
the HRA and subsequent transfer to Marcus Corporation at such time as
the movie theater project is undertaken.
North of the existing Bursch's building the City owns a strip of
property which is presently used for pUblic parking. As part of the
movie theater project, this property will be needed by Marcus
corporation to allow for the construction of this proj ect. Also a
portion of the north/south alley abutting the City owned property
which has been approved for vacation may also be needed.
In accordance with the Redevelopment Agreement, the City will need to
transfer this required property to the HRA. This body will be the
entity that will sell it to Marcus corporation along with a portion of
the Bursch property.
In conjunction with this item, the City Council will need to declare
the property as surplus property.
primary Issues to Consider.
o What is the purpose of the transfer?
o What action has already taken place in regards to this matter?
o What would be the sale price to the HRA?
o What is the description of the property to be sold?
o What conditions are being recommended by Staff in conjunction
with this action?
SUDDortina Information.
o Resolution No. 91-57
o Letter from Jerre Miller
o site Map
CR: 91-97
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Analysis of Issues.
Based upon the action by Staff, the city council has the following
issues to consider:
o What is the purpose of the transfer?
The subj ect property which is presently owned by the city or will
subsequently be owned by the city as a result of the alley vacation in
this area, needs to be provided to the developer in order to
facilitate construction of the movie theater project.
o What action has already taken place in regards to this matter?
The HRA at a previous meeting has already agreed to sell the existing
city owned property north of the Bursch site to the .developer. Also
the city council has approved the first. reading of . an ordinance to
vacate tqe north/south alley in this area.
o What will be the sale price to the BRA?
In conjunction with the development 'of the movie theater project, the
HRAwould be purchasing the entire Bursch property. The property east
of the existing north/south alley on this site would be retained by
the HRA. As one of the conditions of the Development Agreement, the
HRA is required to maintain this property as public parking. A number
of public parking stalls that will be able to be provided on this site
exceed the number of stalls on the subject property being considered
for sale to the HRA. From a location standpoint, these new public
parking stalls should provide basically the same benefit to the
abutting properties presently utilizing these spaces. As there is no
loss of benefit to the City, the sale price is proposed to be $1.00.
o What is the description of the property to be sold?
The developer is required to provide a survey which details the
specific location of the building and a legal description of the
property that he will require for construction of this facility. To
date, this information has not been received.
The properties which is presently being proposed for sale to the HRA
would be the maximum that would be required to be purchased. In
reality, less land might be needed. The HRA would only purchase what
was actually required.
What conditions are being recommended by Staff in conjunction
with this action?
1. The developer meets all the requirements detailed in the proposed
Development Agreement necessary for the HRA to acquire property for
the project.
2. Vacation of the north/south alley is completed.
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3. The HRA would only purchase from the City the property required to
facilitate the development.
The City Council has the following alternatives regarding this issue:
1. Approve the action as recommended by Staff. This will allow
the transfer of the city owned property at such time the
developer is in a position to proceed with this project.
2. continue for further information. The Council has the
ability at this time to continue this item for additional
information. However, prior to the developer being able to
proceed with this project, the Council will be required to
take action transferring the subject property to the HRA.
3. Deny the request.
Hennepin County, Minnesota
WHEREAS, The city of the Hopkins is the owner of certain
properties described as follows:
Lot 46 block 3 West Minneapolis,
WHEREAS, The City of Hopkins is proposed to become the owner of
certain properties through vacation of an alley, a
portion of which is described as follows:
The westerly one half of that part of the, north south
alley in block 3 West Minneapolis located south of a
line drawn across said alley from the north west corner
of lot 7 to the north east corner of lot 46 and lying
north of the line across said alley from the south west
corner of lot 7 to the south east corner of ,lot 46
block 3 west Minneapolis,
WHEREAS, this property is presently utilized for parking and
access by abutting private properties,
WHEREAS, the Hopkins Housing and Redevelopment Authority desires
to purchase all or a portion of the subject property
from the city of Hopkins in order to facilitate private
redevelopment in this area,
WHEREAS, in conjunction with this Redevelopment, the Hopkins
Housing and Redevelopment Authority has agreed to
execute a Redevelopment Agreement with a private
developer which would insure that the public parking
was replaced in an amount equal to the number of spaces
that would be lost, '
WHEREAS, the Hopkins city Charter and approved policy guidelines
allows the city to sell property to the HRA,
WHEREAS, that prior to any sale of city owned property a finding
must be made that said property is surplus property.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the city Council of the city
of Hopkins hereby declares certain properties as
described above to be surplus property based upon the
following findings:
The Hopkins Zoning and Planning commission and the
Hopkins city Council have approved action relating to
the vacation of the alley in this area.
2. with redevelopment of this area by the Hopkins Housing
and Redevelopment Authority, public parking will be
provided in conjunction with this project to replace
the parking spaces on the subject property.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that The city Manager is authorized to
execute a purchase agreement for the sale of all or a
portion of the subject property as described above to
the Hopkins Housing and Redevelopment Authority.
Adopted this 7th day of May, 1991.
James A. Genellie, city Clerk
Nelson W. Berg, Mayor
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To: Jim Kerrigan.
From: JerreMiller
Date: April 11, 1991
Re: Public Parking - Bursch Site
You have asked that I comment ona transfer of title to the
parking lot abutting the northerly portion of the Bursch
building from the City of Hopkins to the HRA in conj unction
with a similar transfer' from the private owner of the parking
lot east of. the Bursch building to the HRA as the
The transfer is permitted by the Hopkins
supported by consideration which contemplates
land for the continuation and expansion of
between 7th and 8th Avenues and facilitates
the site as provided for in the City policy
Charter and is
an exchange of
public parking
development of
on real estate
The effect can be accomplished by a resolution describing the
transfer, the purpose of it a final result.
If you need any help ind
resolution let me know.
1010 First Street South, Hopkins. Minnesota 55343 612/935:'8474