CR 91-116 TIF Loan - Mainstreet Project f!-'.. . . . ~. . (' i I o '" I i Ii I' 1 y \ c.. May 13, 1991 Council Report 91-116 o p TIF LOAN - MAINSTREET PROJECT ProDosed Action. Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Approval for HRA to undertake the issuance and delivery of $411,000 taxable Tax Increment Revenue Bonds Special Series 1991. Approval of this action will, allow the transaction to be completed and facilitate the transfer of funds from Tax Increment District 1.1 to Project Area 2. lI'his action only provides for an internal bond issue/loan transaction to accomodate the portion of the financing plan for the Mainstreet project. Overview. As part of the Mainstreet Project, $1,000,0000 of tax increment funds have been allocated to facilitate this project. The City/HRA presently has funds available bnlyin Tax ~ncrement District l.l to undertake this activity (the Downtown pre-1979 Tax Increment District). The source of these funds is as follows; o 1990 Redevelopment Bond Issue o Excess tax increment dollars The Mainstreet improvements not located between 7th and 12th Avenue are not within Tax Increment District 1.l. In order to expend tax increments from TIF District l.l for improvements outside of the District, legal counsel is recommending that funds be borrowed from 'r'IF District 1.1 with the tax increment from the TIF districts outside of the downtown being used for repayment of the loan from TIF District 1.1. Legal counsel has recommended that the transfer of funds be structured as an internal bond issue. The note as proposed would accomplish such a transfer. Primary Issues to Consider. o What is the purpose of this action? o What are the specifics of this action? o What is the impact of this action? ' o Has legal counsel reviewed this matter? o H the City Attorney reviewed the proposed action? n mic Development Director:' [:. . CR: 91-116 Page 2 Analysis of Issues. Based on the actions recommended by Staff, the City/HRA has the following items to consider: o What is the purpose of this action . The purpose of this action is to provide a source of funds to facilitate the Mainstreet improvements being financed with tax increment dollars outside of the areas located between 7th and 12th Avenue . This internal borrowing will provide a source of funds without undertaking a . normal public bond sale. ' o What are the speoifics of this action? Of the $1,000,000 in ,TIF funds to be utilized for the Mainstreet Reconstruction Project, $410,724.00 will be spent outside of the area between 7th and 12 Avenue. 'This project area, which has three tax increment districts, would borrow this amount of money from the TIF District 1.1 located between 7th and 12th Avenue. The note as proposed would require that this money be repaid to Tax Increment District 1. 1 by the thr'ee existing tax increment districts located outside of the downtown. The terms of the loan would be as follows: o Repayment period - lO years ' Total amount of loan - $411,000.00 Interest Rate - 7% Of the tax increment districts outside of the downtown, the only district which is presently generating any increment is 2.1, which is the, R. L. Johnson property. Therefore, on a short term basis, TIF funds from this district would be used to pay the note on an annual basis. Should redevelopment occur in the other districts, any increment generated and available could also be utilized to repay the debt. o What is the impaot of this transaotion? . Basically, the only impact of this transaction is to obligate some of the increment being generated from the TIF districts outside of the downtown to the repayment of this bond. At the present time, these districts generate approximately $223,000.00. Based upon the structuring of the note, approximately $180,000.00 would remain available for other eligible uses within the defined project area. :;..-. ~' " . . . CR: 9l-116 Page 3 o Has leqalcounsel reviewed this matter? The, preparation of the bond note and the structuring of this transaction was done by Holmes and Graven. They feel the transaction as proposed meets all statutory requirements. o Has the City Attorney reviewed the proposed action? Both the City Attorney and an attorney from Holmes & Graven have been provided all of the documents as related to this trans~ction. Based upon their review, they feel comfortable with 'the City proceeding with this ,project. Alternatives. The City/HRA has the following alternatives regarding this issue. 1. Approve the action as recommended by Staff. will allow the note to be completed and subsequent transfer of funds. This the 2. continue for further information. Al though this is an alternative, Staff is recommending that the Council undertake action on this matter at the May 21 meeting. Legal Council has stated that the transaction is completed prior to June 1, it will help to strengthen the argument that the recently created tax increment districts outside of the CBD are grand fathered under the pre-1990 statutory requirements. 3. Deny the request. Under this alternative, if the ci ty wished ^ to fund the Mainstreet Improvement Project as previously approved, another 'source of funds would need to be secured i.e., public bond sple in order to provide dollars to undertake the TIF finance portion of Mainstreet project outside of the area between 7th and 12th Avenue.