Memo Future Meetings and AgendasCITY OF HOPKINS MEMORANDUM Date: To: From Subject: August 16, 1991 Honorable Mayor & City Council Steven C. Mielke, City Manager Future meetings and agendas The City Council has had a variety of long and difficult issues which have required an extraordinary amount of time for discussion and review /overview. Because of these special issues, we have fallen behind on discussions of other topics and it is for this reason that I am asking that the Council be prepared at the August 20th meeting to discuss dates which we can use for additional discussion on miscellaneous topics. The options for additional dates would include meeting early at each of* the meetings in September to cover miscellaneous topics and it may also be necessary to set aside one additional day during the first three weeks of September for more in -depth discussion. Some of the items which I wish to have discussions on include: o A preliminary budget discussion /overview o City Manager's evaluation o Economic Development - strategic planning o Review of 91 goals and discussion of 1992 goals o Review of environmental challenges facing Hopkins o Solid waste collection policies Each of these topics take lengthy discussion and require several hours of additional time from the City Council. Again, I hope you might bring your calendars to the Counci -1 meeting so that we could set aside additional time for these topics. Thank you.