CR 06-044 Approve Contribution to Intercongregation Communities Association (ICA)
April 4, 2006
Council Report 2006-044
Approve Contribution to Intercongregation Communities Association
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve a $5,000
contribution to the Interconqreqation Communities Association (ICA)
In 2005 ICA requested $5,000 from the City's CDBG funding for their organization's
efforts. Staff felt that the CDBG funding guidelines and parameters did not apply to this
request. However, the Council felt that the funding request was important. They
requested that city staff potentially allocate unspent 2005 unallocated funds toward an
ICA contribution when the 2005 financial year is closed.
Primary Issues to Consider
. Where will the funds for the contribution come from? As requested by the
Council in 2005, the $5,000 contribution is being expended from unspent
2005 contingency funds.
. Is this an ongoing request? No. However, it is probable that ICA will request
funding in future years. Assuming there are further requests, the Council can
consider whether or not they wish to allocate a contribution to this agency in
the 2007 Budget.
SupportinQ Information
. ICA Informational Brochure
Rick Getschow
City Manager
Financial Impact: J5,000 Budgeted: Y/N
Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.):
Source: 2005 Continqencv