CR 91-195 Strategic Planning For Economic Development` j Y 0 G Al August 29, 1991 0 p K Council Report 917195 Strategic Planning for Economic Development Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: " Move to approve the initiation of a strategic planning process for economic development for the City of Hopkins ov rview As apart of the 1991 budget process, the Community Development Department indicated that a major objective to be accomplished was to undertake a strategic planning process for the City. Due to the extensive discussions recently undertaken and questions which have been raised regarding proposed redevelopment activities, staff began the examination of undertaking a strategic planning process focused on economic development. Within this examination, staff attempted to answer many of the questions associated with strategic planning and how this process could be applied to benefit the City of Hopkins. Staff has provided within this report, an outline of , a procedure through which we will work in order to achieve the goal of establishing a Strategic Plan for Economic Development for the City of Hopkins. Primary Issues to Consider o What is Strategic Planning? o Why undertake strategic planning for economic development and how would this process benefit the City of Hopkins? o What are we going to accomplish by undertaking strategic planning? o Who would provide the necessary leadership to organize and undertake the strategic planning process? o Who would be represented on the strategic planning task force? o What is the work plan of the task force? o Where do we proceed once the plan is in place? o What will be the budget and funding source for this process? aul . Steinman Community Development Specialist Council Report 91 -195 Strategic Planning Page 2 Analysis Based on the recommended motion there are several issues which need to be considered: o What is Strategic Planning? Strategic planning is defined as "the process by which an organization envisions its future and develops the necessary procedures and operations to achieve that future." There are three key aspects of this definition: 1. "Envisioning" involves a belief that aspects of the future can be influenced and changed by what we do now. 2. Strategic Planning focuses on the process of planning rather than on the plan that is produced.. 3. Strategic Planning never completed. Strategic planning differs from comprehensive planning in four fundamental ways: 1. Strategic planning relies more on identifying and resolving issues while comprehensive planning focuses more on specifying goals and objectives. 2. Strategic planning emphasizes assessment of the environment outside and inside the organization far more than comprehensive planning. 3. Strategic plans have a "mission" statement, or a "vision of success ". 4. Strategic planning is much more action oriented than comprehensive planning. o Why undertake strategic planning for economic development and how would this process benefit the City of Hopkins? The following are reasons why the City of Hopkins should develop a strategic plan for economic development: provide focus and direction for the City. provide information on the purpose and direction of the City to the general public as related to economic development. - makes City proactive instead of reactive to.economic development. - provides the general public with more of an opportunity to help shape the city's economic development programs and policies. - would more clearly define the roles and responsibilities of employees, council members, commissioners, and other groups or individuals involved in economic development in the city. create more of a "team effort" attitude for everyone in the City involved in economic development. - provide a firm foundation for controlled growth in the future within the City of Hopkins. - city will be required to address any anti - growth sentiment, but at the same time be able to capitalize on the pro - growth sentiment. Council Report 91 -195 Strategic Planning Page 3 - give Hopkins an edge in the competitive market of economic development. - provide a realistic assessment of the city's potential for growth. - produce better coordination between different groups involved in the economic development process. o What are we going to accomplish by strategic planning ?. The following is a list of items we hope to accomplish by developing a strategic plan: — establish a five year economic development goal and implementation plan. - establish a two year action plan identifying strategies to attain goals. - identify specific groups or individuals and their respective responsibilities associated with completion of activities within the two year action plan. — requires participation from the general public which will act to encourage their support for the city's economic development programs and policies. - clearly define the mission of the City regarding economic development. o Who would provide the necessary leadership to organize and and rtak th Strategic Planning process? Staff is proposing the Mayor be allowed to assume the position of chairman of the Strategic Planning task force. The strategic planning process needs to have someone be its initial "champion" in order to provide the leadership necessary to insure success in completing and implementing a strategic plan. This position will be responsible for keeping the direction and focus of the group on the relevant issues of Strategic Planning. City Staff will provide support to the task force. o Who would be represented on the Strategic Planning task force? It is proposed at this time that the following groups or individuals comprise the voting members of the Strategic Planning task force. It is further proposed that the Mayor be allowed to appoint certain members of the task force. 1. Mayor 2. City Council representative 3. Business Council representatives (2) 4. Banking official - (1) 5. Chamber representative 6. Neighborhood group representative. - (2) 7. Zoning and Planning Commission representative Total number of members, aside from staff, is 9. Council Report 91 -195 Strategic Planning Page 4 o What is the work plan of th task force? Staff is currently in the process of developing the work plan of the task force. It is foreseeable the work plan may include about 3 to'6 meetings. Staff anticipates this stage of the process to last approximately 6 months. These meetings may also include a consultant as facilitator. A preliminary outline of the work plan of the task, force is as follows: 1. Agree on purpose and goals of strategic planning. 2. Agree on draft mission statement and City's role as related to economic development. 3. Conduct SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) for the City of Hopkins as related to economic development. 4. Identify economic development issues facing the City. 5. Possibly conduct a survey of all groups interested in the City's economic development activities. 6. Develop recommended strategies and goals to address the issues. 7. Develope a marketing plan. 8. Present draft of strategic plan to City Council for review and comment. 9. City Council adopts plan. 10. Implementation. o Wh re do we proceed once the plan is in place? - analyze and update five year goal plan yearly. - yearly realignment of five year goal plan to concur with the next years' forecasted economic conditions. - analyze effectiveness and update two year action plan. - market the plan. In an effort to.keep the strategic plan current and recognized by the community, it may be appropriate that the task force reassemble itself periodically to assist in evaluating and updating the plan. o What will be the budget and funding source for this process? The City has allocated $4,000 in 1991 from the Economic Development Fund to go toward the Strategic Planning process. Any expenses over and above this amount are proposed to be made up by the Citys' Economic Development Fund. Staff will update council on this item regularly. Alt rnatives. Based on the information given, the City Council has the following alternatives available to them at this time: 1. Adopt the motion as recommended by staff. 2. Continue for additional information.