Memo Strategic Planning For Economic DevelopmentDATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: I. Purpose of Discussion - purpose of this discussion is to update the City Council on the proposed strategic planning process, as well as allow the City Council to provide input and comment on issues which the representatives of the City Council should raise during their participation on the task force. II. Background initiation development action, the chairperson with the appointment October 29, 1991 CITY OF HOPKINS MEMORANDUM Honorable Mayo nd City Council Tom Harmening, Community Development Director Strategic Planning for Economic Development - On September 3, the City Council approved the of a strategic planning process for economic for the City of Hopkins. As a part of this Mayor was directed to assume the position of of the Strategic Planning Task Force and work various participating organizations on the of members to the task force. The reasons for undertaking strategic planning for development include: o Allows for public input into the City's development plans. Two -year action plan. economic Provide focus and direction and establish development priorities for the City. o The City will become proactive instead of reactive economic development. economic to economic o Provides a realistic assessment of the City's potential for growth. The results of the strategic planning effort are proposed to include: o Five -year economic development goal and implementation plan. o Identification of organizational roles and responsibilities. o Develop the City's mission statement regarding economic development. III. Specifics of the Process A. Participants During the City Council meeting on September 3, it was determined that 11 members should be on the task force representing six separate organizations. The representatives proposed to serve on the task force include: o Mayor - Nelson Berg o City Council representative - Bob Anderson o Business representatives - Harry Smith and Ted Carlson from Spantek o Banking official —Bill Weiler, Norwest o Chamber representative - Larry Dowell, President o Neighborhood group representatives All neighborhood organizations were requested to provide nominations to the Mayor. At this point, the four neighborhood participants have not been finalized. o Planning Commission - Pat Reuter B. Facilitator During the City Council meeting, staff pointed out that a consultant or facilitator may be utilized during certain parts of the strategic planning process. After contacting various consultants, it is proposed that Jim Brimeyer with The Personnel Group be utilized to facilitate portions of the strategic planning process. C. Proposed process - Attached is a DRAFT of a flow chart which outlines the various activities which will be undertaken as a part of the strategic planning process. These activities include a full -day retreat by the task force, as well as four other meetings. It is expected at this time that the facilitator would be utilized for all or parts of the first two meetings. You will note that the process also provides for the participants to actively discuss with their organizations the progress of the Strategic Planning Task Force, a process for public review and comment, as well as a process allowing for review by the Planning Commission and City Council. It is hoped at this time that the first meeting of the task force will be held on November 23 or December 7.