CR 91-262 Holiday Parking RegulationsY
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November 25, 1991 CR 91 -262
Proposed Action.
Staff recommends the adoption of the following motion: All
parking time limits in the downtown be enforced as usual
throughout the holiday season.
This motion differs from previous years Council actions that
have allowed all parking enforcement in the downtown area to
cease throughout the holiday season.
It has been the past policy of the Parking Committee and the
City Council to each year suspend enforcement of the parking
time limits during the holiday season.
Upon review, it is felt past years policy has proved to be
of no benefit to customers, and rather has encouraged more
violations by employees.
This recommendation is to not suspend parking time limits in
the CBD during the holiday season. In past years the Council
has adopted a policy of relaxing the time limits in the CBD.
Issues to Consider.
o Why should we not relax enforcement during the holiday
o What are the reasons why enforcement would be
o If parking regulations were to be relaxed, what
regulations would be enforced during this period?
Paul T. Steinman
Community Development Specialist
Based on the above information the City Council has the
following issues to consider:
o Why should we not relax enforcement during the holiday
At their meeting of November 20th, The Parking Committee
reviewed the past action of relaxing the city's parking
enforcement during the holiday season. Upon review by the
Parking Committee, they felt that relaxing enforcement of
our parking rules ends up doing more harm than good.
The Parking Committee felt that by relaxing enforcement we
were providing the opportunity for only employees and
business owners to violate the spirit and intent of this
gesture. The Parking Committee felt since we never
advertised the relaxed holiday parking enforcement, that the
only people who knew about it were the employees. This
allowed the employees to park in most of the high demand
parking spaces, thereby leaving only the low demand spaces,
farthest away from the stores, available for customer
parking. In effect this causes a negative reaction from
customers with regard to the City's parking availability.
The Parking Committee felt it parking enforcement was
relaxed, that Mainstreet should be included in the relaxed
The Parking Committee made a motion to not relax parking
enforcement in the CBD during the holiday season. This
motion passed on a 3 to 1 vote.
The Business Council, at their November 21, 1991 meeting,
concurred with the Parking Committee. It is the feeling of
the Business Council that the relaxation of the parking
restrictions really only benefited the employees and
business owners, and did not really benefit the customers.
The Business Council officially went on record at this
meeting on 11- 21 -91, as proposing that the City of Hopkins
continue to enforce the parking restrictions during the
holiday season.
The Business Council felt if parking enforcement was
relaxed, that Mainstreet should not be included in the
relaxed enforcement.
o What are the reasons why enforcement would be
This policy is used for a variety of reasons:
1. It helps promote downtown.
2. It attempts to bolster retail sales.
3. It has traditionally been done each year.
4. It is a sign of goodwill to both customers and
o If parking regulations were to be relaxed, what
regulations would be enforced during this period?
During this two week period all parking regulations
excluding the parking time limits would be enforced.
Business Council recommends continued enforcement of
Mainstreet time limits, and the Parking Committee recommends
Mainstreet time limits be included in the relaxation of
These regulations which would be enforced include, but are
not limited to the following:
- license plate registration
- Handicap parking
- All "No Parking" restrictions
- Fire Lane violation
o If parking regulations were to be relaxed, when would
this go into effect?
Staff would recommend relaxed enforcement begin December 14
and end December 31. Staff feels that by lengthening this
period of time, we may be promoting the establishment of bad
habits for employees and other potential violators of our
Based on the above information, the City Council has the
following alternatives:
1. Adopt the recommended motion.
2. Suspend enforcement of parking time limits in the
downtown beginning December 14 and ending December 31.
3. Continue the item for further information from staff.