CR 90-148 Nursing Home Facilities . . '\ y o July 10, 1990 ~ ~ ~ o P K , '" council Report: 90-148 NURSING HOME FACILITIES REVENUE BOND Long Term Care Foundation - Series 1990 Proposed Agtion. staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Ade'p't Resolution No. 90-aO_...i2Lovid.Jng for the issuance and sale of housil1fL-facilitie~ k~venue bonds ~~Euant to Minnesota statute, Chapter 462C, as amendedl on behalf of the Long Term Care Foundation. Approval of this action will allow the City of Minneapolis, through the Joint Powers Agreement, to complete the sale of these bonds. No further action will be undertaken by the City of Hopkins. Qyerviev. The Long Term Care Foundation, a newly formed non~profit corporation, is requesting the city to approve the issuance of tax exempt housing bonds. These bonds will be used to iinance the purchase of the Hopkins Nursing Home. At the June 19 council meeting, the following actions were approved: o Resolution authorizing the City of Hopkins to enter a Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Minneapolis for the issuance of tb,ese bonds. o Resolution giving preliminary approval to the project and its financing. Bacause the Joint Powers Agreement indicates that the City of Minneapolis will sell the bonds, final approval by the City of Hopkins is not n~cessary. However, as one of the conditions of the preliminary approval, the council stated that they wish to also take fillal action prior to the sale. l.:t:iBarr o 10 o o o IUuel! ~ What are the specifics of the bend i.ssue? What are the implications of such an issue for the City? What additional action is required? Have the conditions of the pl:'eliminary resolution been addressed? What at'e the specifics of the payment in lieu of agreement'? 1'U'P,;M)aimL.lDt onlMi2JL.. o nesolution no. 90-80 o Payment In Li.eu Of Agreement Plannrng pment Director . .. '... ,~.;., ~ :.'." '-.i_ :;;;/;:'_"i' . 1f/-.- I::':. ..... CR: 90-148 Page 2 ~~i~ Based upon the action requested, the City Council has the following itSES to consider: o What are the specifics of the bond issue? The proposed bond issue would not exceed $2 r 500,000. The proceeds from this sale would be used by the Long Term Care Foundati.on to facilitate their purchase of the Hopkins Nursing Home from Beverly Enterpri.ses. Beverly Enterprises is liquidating 18 of their Long Te.rm Care facilities in the Twin City Metropolitan Area. The applicant is anticipating to use approximately $100 r 000 of the proceeds to upgrade the existing facility. o Wnat are the implications of such an issue for the city? In the past .the city has financed a number of housing projects with revenue bonds. The purpose of this type of financing is to try to lower interest rates to facilitate development. The city, by placing its name on the bonds, provides a tax exempt status and therefore a lower interest rate. Repayment of the bonds is str ictly from the revenue of the proj ect. The city 12 under no financial obligation should there be a default. o What additional action is required? This would be the final approval by the City of Hopkins concerning t..'tlis it.em. with approval of this act,ion the City of Minneapolis would be in a position to complete the salt:!. of this issue for all cities that have executed the Joint Powers Agreement. o Have the condit.ions of the preliminary resolution been addressed? me ei.ght conditions identified in the p,reliminary resolution have been addressed by the applicant. o What are the specifics ot the paym~nt in lieu of agreement? L~ng Term Care Foundation ha$ prepared a payment in lieu of agreement to b$ axecuted between them and the City of Hopkins. Because the Long Term Care Foundation is a non-profit corporation, they are not required to pay property taxes. The payment in lieu of agreement will finaure that the city continues to receive revenue from this project. .-... IIIIf _.__ - ---!1lI ~... . Page 3 The payment in lieu agreement states that the Long Term Care Foundation shall pay to the city an annual payment in an amount equal to the amount of the real property tax which the City would have received from thi.s facility had it remained under the ownership of a non tax exempt organization. This payment shall be based upon a calculation prepared by the City and Long Term Care Foundation on an annual basis. ~m.j;ivee:!i. The city council has the fcllo~Ning alternatives regarding this issue: . 1. Approve the action as requested by staff. This action will allow the city of Minneapolis to complete the sale of these bonds. 2. Deny the final approval. with this action the Long Term Care Foundation would have to review the financial feasibility of purchasing the Hopkins Nursing Home utilizing some other form of financing. Because of the probable increase in interest rates, such a purchase may no longer be feasible. ". . . ?-:','" ;.,.:..."',.'.:,', '.' ~.:: ~. ".;:--c "..~<.' - . .'-,' .,,- ':::'F-' - .,-'"....-',-. ;, ~ .. ~'~~:: ; :-::~- I _:I" _ 11[1 - i I I CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO: 90-80 RESOI.t),TION RELATING TO A PROJECT FOR THE LONG TERM CARE FOUNDATION; CONFIR1\.11NG THE At..'THORlZATION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING EXECU110N CF AN AGREEMEI:\TT FOR P A Y!v1BNTS IN UEUOFTAXES. BE rr RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Mi.nnesota as follows: 1. By Resolutions duly adopted June 12, 1990 (the Prior Resolutions) this Council p:re1iminarUy approved, subject to certain specified cQnditions, a Project cofJ$isting generally of the acquisition a.nd betterment of the Hopkins HealthCare Center by The Lor!g T~rm Care Foundation (th~ "Foundation"); and approved and Authoriud. execution of a Joint Powere Agreement benveetl the City and various other Mir...iesota cities, including the City of Minneapolis, authorizing tl-t.e City of MiMeapoUs, h"i. its ovro. behalf and in behalf of the other cities signatory to the Joint Powe..~ Agreement, to sell, and issue revenue bonds to finance the Project and other, similar projects loc.ted in the other cities. 2. The City has now received dra.ft copies of various documents relating to the Project and its financing, including a draft Agrf:ement (the HmOT Agreement") whereby b,1e Foundation 2grees to pay to the City annually an amount in lieu of tax~s. The form of that Agrgement is hereby approved and its execution by the appropriate officer or officers of th~ City authorized. 3. The Council hereb}'~ conf!rfils its p!el1m.inary approval of the Project and detemrlnes the conditions of that approval spedfiw in the Prior Resolutions to be satisfied if the do<.'umtt:nts received by tl1e CIty relating thereto are satisfactory in SUbst81lee to the staff and oo~ ff)f the Cirj. The st(l.![ and. cou.'1j(1j for the C.ity shall revJew such documents: and repert thereon to the Mayor. The execution by the City of the IO!fll Powera Agreement and the piJot Agreement substantially it, the forms the-mof submitted t~ th~ Cty but including !luch changGS therein as may be recommended by the fitaff Md COWl5el tor the City, $hall be conclusive evidence of the approval by ate City of those documents and of satisfaction of the cond1t1ons spidfied. in the Prior Resolutions. Ne 1 son'w-:-Berg, Mayor ATTEST: James ).", 'Ge-nefj ie, C i ty c"1'eri< (O.j , .0." ! PO') "r C' V " (T m' "')j ~ ..~':~.':.}.l Hfr1 .r-~:1l."J!...'.1,_1 it\},~~ fff ';O:(i