Memo Appearance Rosewood Apartments TD' Fl: _I" . .',....'.'".", ~' -;'-n .,. t,O,', "{,":.' 'L:..::,,- ...~, "~. I,;c,~,t?' $.ii~;~~_~;:; ~ ~,i;~t;j,i:i.' ~~::- ',_. , ~;" - '.' '-'. -" . '~~~~~~'t~:~~/f{, :.~:. ~ CI'IY OF HOPKINS MEMORANDUM DATE: May 22, 1990 TO: Hopkins City council FROM: Jim Genellie, Assistant city Manager SUBJECT: Appearance by Representative(s) of Rosewood Apartments ......._______,.-,,--...r----- The management company of Rosewood West Apartments does not want to pay charges that have been asses sod for false alarms. city Code, section 930.07 requires these charges~ The company has requested an appearance before the City council to discuss this matter. Attachments: o section 930 of the Hopkins city Code o Memorandum from Jim Li.ddy o 2 letters from Metes &: Bounds Ma:naqem(int:. Company o Bill for false alarms o List of false alarms Hopkins City Code 930.01 . Section 9~~. .- Al,slilI sys~~ms 930.01. ~ur..J>~5e and scope. The pU.?ose of this section is to protect the public safety of city personnel and the servi(',es of tile city from misuse and careless, negligent operation of certain alarm systems. 930.03. Definitions. Subdivision 1. For the pur-poseR. of this secticn the terms defined in this subsection have the meanings given them. Subd. 2. "Alarm" means a single transmission from any alarm iniitallatiofl which summons police or fire personnel. Subd. 3. "Alarm business'. means and includ~s selling, leasing, maintaining, servicing, n:placing, monitoring any alarm or alarm installation. any person engaged moving, installing, Subd. 4. "Alarm installation" or ltalarm system;! means any I'H"chanicalf electrical, or electronic device which directly or indirectly SU1I!"'.!l.om;. the police or fire department of the city. Subd. 5. "Alarm user" means the person in control of any building J structure, or facility in which an alarm instl',llation is m.a.inteinl:u. . ~) Subd. 6. I1Audible alaIm" means a devic~ dasigli~d fc'f the d1!:'!:e.cticn {1f smok~ or fire or of an unauthoTized entry on the pr~mises, which altt.t1JI ac~l,tates or generates an audible sound on or near the premises. Subd. 7. "Automatic dialing device" lneans a dev1.ce which is inte'tconnected wj,th a. taleptume Hne and is designed or programmed to sela(t a predeterm:tned telephone niJmber and 'transmit by voice messagi! or code signal an emergency message indicating the need for eme'rgeflcy poli,ce: or fi!.'e department services. SnbfJ., B.. "-False ,alermu means an 315m ;:;ignal eliciting a response by fire, pgliee J or sahty pi:rsormel whel1 B s1.tuatiCl.1i :-e.qtllring li response dOI;t; not in fact ~~ist; the t~l~ dce~ not include B signal caused by violent conditions of nature or oth~r unusual circumstau~e~ not subject to the contTol of the alarm filY13tem or user. Subd. 9. uSubacrib~!''' means e perp.>on contracting with a business for the le&s1ng~ g~rvic1ngl cr maint~nanee of an &larm installation. 930.05. ~!~ user p~rmitso Subdivision 1. Permics required. Prior to the tnutaHation oX' operation of an ah~rm system the a1671D USE:L' must obtain a parmit:. S~pa:rate pend ts must 'be ob'l:s.ined and required for each alarm 1l1stellation. The per1nit is issui>Q by the clerk And shall be posted or othe~i~~ kept u~~n the Fr$mi5~S using the alarm eystem. Each ~yste~ shall be 3va11able at All times fer 1n~pectiQn by public safety p~rGonnel of the city. ,,>.,-,-' "., .,' ~. ..)."':'C f;":;'"' ;~;-~-" .-," '.~,-;'.. .-. "..:..:.. in or Hopkins City Code 930.05~, Subd, 2 . Subd. 2. (\pplication. The user of an alarm syste::l in the city shall submit a writt~n application for each such alarm system, which arplicat!on shall specify, among other information. the following: a) name and address of applic.ant and t.-;:1epho1.1e tlumh,et" of the prem- ises in which such alarm system is insta11eJic b) name and address of maker, O~>1er. le&Do:c. or. c!:h~!' peX'scn responsible for the installation, maintenance, or op~ration of each syste~i c) type, make, and location of each alarm installation registerC!d; and d) such other pertinent infortll&tion as r.ll.SY be from time to timt! required by the city. Subd. 3.. Fees: issuance. The application for an alarm installatIon must be accompanied by the fee set by chapter X. An alarm permit ~emains in effect until one or more of the following conditions occurs: a) the ownership of the premi,ses in or C!l which the alarm system is located is changed; b) such permit is can~elede revoked, or otherwise suspended by the city or by the permittee. @; Subd. 4~ ~empt1on. Alarm system permits are not requi~ad for the use or operati,(ln of those .slarms dfixt:d to automobiles or owner-installed Q':.:d1ble alarms when used in a private dwelling, 93(t~ 07 . !..,g~.! ..!.l~~~: _~hafl'/ee .2_ fe~'i. Subtiivisj.on 1. Repo!:.t. A fal"H! alarm shall be reported j,rl writing to the city by the person owning or maintainip8 an.y alam system. which report., among oth~i infoTmatio~, must describe the alarm system and the ~eason for such fa18~ alarm. Subd~ 2. !~~~~~~~_~~~. Subject to the exemptions herein set forth the follc~':tn8 charg.as shaH be pai,d by the permit holder to the city for e.:ich fa18~ alarm from the ~erroitted premi~es: a) :for each fire hlse al~'r!n ill excesS' of one for a~cr. calendar y~r. th~ sum of $150.00; 7~?;", .....&::.:::;~.'.. ':?i}~;/:". . . '<.'.-, - :~}l;i]:L< ,... , .;-~~'SH~~~;:-~:)>~'~~; - , . - '. - . _~u_~_._~__~ _L~-"__C_ L! for each police false alarm in ~xcess of four per calendar year, th~ sum of $50.00.. Subd ~ .3. Di$cCtnnection6. If a false alr.rDl charge remains unpaid beYDlld 60 ~-.c~.,.~-.,..II" d~ys from the d~te of billings the ala~ ter~inal involved shall bo disconne~ted At the pljJlice or fire: headquarters until p.ajHl1etH: is reci!ivt&d. If an alarm tnft~llatlon be8 sl&rms ~onvey~d by a seeurity company or o~her organ1gation. it s'h.ll ~~ notified that respOt1S;!; to !!uch <<lam will not bEl made unless: the ~fi.~S~~CY is confirmed by a responsible pe~~on. n . . '. ~I ~...'lt.-l..:llil7f!"IJii:JWT':::"~TlmJI. ""'ll' MEMO'RAN:r:>UM DATE: MAY 15, 1990 TO: JIM GENELLIE FROM: JIM LIDDY SUBJECT: ROSEWOOD WEST APARTMENTS FALSE ALARM CHARGES THE COMPANY WHICH OWNS AND/OR MA>>AGES THE ROSh~OOD WEST APARTMENTS-AT 460 - 5TH AVE. NO., IS CONTENDING THAT THEY SHOULD NOT }~VE TO PAY CHARGES WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN ASSESSED FOR THEIR FALSE ALARMS. A~ YOU ARE AWARE, THE CHARGING OF SUCH FEES IS COVERED BY A CITY ORDINI-.NCE. THE COMPANY IS NOT DISPUTING THE FACT THAT THERE ARE FALSE ALARMS OCCURING~ THEY ARE BASING THEIR CONTENTION ON THE FACT THAT THEY PAY A LARGE AMOUNT OF PROPERTY TAXES AND THE ALARM vmICH THEY DO HAVE ACTUALLY REDUCES THE NUMBER OF POLICE CALLS TO THE APARTMENT. DESPITE THE NUMBER OF FALSE ALARMS. ATTACHED IS A SUMMARY OF THE AI~RM CALLS AND SUBSEQUENT CHARGES WHICH THE COMPANY IS CONTESTING. 'I'HESE COV}:R TIfE ENTIRE Y?:AR OF 1989. THERE WERE 14 ALARMS TOTAL. AS PElX THE ORDINANCE, WE DID NOT BILL FOR THE FIRST 4 ALARMS. IN ADDI1.1ION, OUE ALARM INVOLVED ~"'4 ACTUAL SURGLARY - 'tHERE WAS I OF COURSE r NO BILLING FOR, 'fRAT ONE. THE REMAINING 9 ,ALARMS INVOLVED A Vl..R1.'i1fY OF CAUSES INCI,UDING fi''G''NKNOWN". THEY WOULD LIKE THIS MATTER BROUGHT '1"0 T:€IE CITY COUNCIL. I TOLD MR" JAN SUSEE/ PRESIDENT OF THE MANAG:zHENT COMPANY (METES" BOUNOS), THA'I' I WOULD REFER THIS TO YOU SO A DATE COULD BE SET WHERE THIS COULD BE DISCUSSED. I DID EXPLAIN TO MR. SUSEE Tfu\T THE CHARGING OF FEES FOR FALSE ALARMS IS GOVERNED BY A CITY ORDINANCE AND( AS I NOTED PRrtTIOUSLY ~ MR_ SUSEE DOESN'T FEEL THE ORnIl~ANC:~ SHOULD APPLY TO THEM. ~~~_.._- Di!lll~M -.i -1 ", fit) Jr-~ \i ~~ 2 8 '~~~JI\\ - -. IIIIIlIiD- '"1f/~- ~ wan ~E.-"~.,w- ~-""'~~l5lMI----q.T . '\ .' \ " [i-.t \ t~\ ~ METES K BOUNDS Management Company 0625 l \'ndale I\venut' South Rkhfi\~ld, Minnesota 55423 (6'!2) 1:161-1b27 February 26/ 1990 City of Hopkins 1010 First Street South Hopkins, MN 55343 Attention: Earl L. Johnson, Chief of Police RE: Rosewood West Apartments False alarm,s Invoice No. 5149 ..' Dear Mr. Johnson: - - .- .. .......... Our company manages the property known as Rosewood West Apartments which has been billed eztra police charges for allaged false alarms at that location. We hereby request a hear ing with regard to the chat"~:es issued on the attached invoice. Please advise Ire as to the dHt",? and time of such hearing and whatever further inf.ormation you might require from our office. Very t~uly yours, MET~~-'-&--B?}JNDS r-fAN~~NT co. , , / l :", /.': B~r~~~ P1:esident .' JHs/cc , 2flC ~ liVil1=~~:'~~S.. :~~~~"'1~1~;~g~nwnr Compaq\ · ,t)b25. L yn~~,l,~~~€n.ue 5,;~::~;}~lt:hf<i~ v-. ~E (,' f~rCI~~fI[~~:': (~l p: " '" ":i r'l J i " .~ II' . '- ts j, l:;:J( p, , "l- i, 11"fl-lt=;~ -~.._..: LJ l-i ~ Y,:::"') '~ I , ! \ rrB i __~__.J METES & ROUNDS Managem2nt ((lmpany 0625 Lvncla!e Avenue South Richfield. l\1innesota 55423 (612) 8()!-1627 January JOt 1990 city of Hopkins 1010 First Street South Hopkins, MN 55343 Attn: Earl L, Johnson and Connie J. Kurtz Dear ~I. Johnson and ~s, Kurtz: i". We received your letter and billing of January 14, 1990, charging our property with excess false alarms, We have con- siderable difficulty with your billing and would provide the following response. Rosewood West has 155 homes located in the building.. We pay in excess of $150,000 in property taxes. Ne have in~talled in our basement garage a security system which d~tects movements~ Over the past several years we have on nUW8~OU~ occasions assisted in the capture of felons in the process of a burglary. None of those occasions do we conside~ to l~ a false alarm~ nor do we considAr to have been a false alann th::? other occasions when no felons were apprehended. We have '::1t.tel1lpt,ed to screen any reports to make certain that there i3 a genuine call when rr.ade. To suggest that our calls were false alarms because you were unable to apprehend anyone is in error. We have difficulty understanding the basis for your claim. Rosewood West and its 155 residents have been excallent citizens of Hopkins and the building has bee,1 a credit t~o the communU::.y.. It is our opinion that the charge beiDg inade is improper and we would request a meeting with the City Council prior to paying the charges levied, Please contact me at your earliest convenience as to when such a hearing might t&ke place. Very truly yours, MeT~.s---&-,..BO\JNDS ~ ~AGEMENT c.o. . ~ } ~.-' p'" .: ,/ r'''-' / Bt'-r;dr,4~ ~ / van ~enry Su~e~ , , . ,. '" ," _, !?;;;es ldent, '.., ' " Apannwnt LIVing b\ ,\H: ftS ~... BOuND::> ,\i.lnagerm~nl,-Ompi\nv ' hf,25 L;'nd<ik "\"'t;'nv~ )'J\lt!;" Richii.eld, M\nnf!S0!a - - ... ... - ~ i I t.;'1 ~ I I ' ~,..l ~ ~ !-tl ~ PJ f-l Ul (;J ~ P.! k ~ OJ 11 :3 lJ1 ~ "0 (1) ti ~ Pi r.- ) rt ~ .~ n \0 .... (5 I ;.1; I' I I j I I I r"~CJ1 I ~,I -, ! (1J i _LI --I tJ I <;/l I ::; I! ~ I.C IJ' ' ;; -1 I ! -i "'-..,: ~) , ~ ~_.. 0-1 Or-om :::~~ 00'0 'U 0 tfl ;r, (<; 1-" 1..'1 ~ ::rTO ~i ::::- 0 ~ 0.,. >- :-::: <: ~ :z; G \\) m I,;~ " <..,-: ,Z ~. -2 ......./ ~ ~ ::r> ('\'''- ~ -~"< -!firl -.., ~:-6 ~ .$0 S2~ ;::. ............: .. ~ ....1 ~ (II I:tl :'::. ~ :;:=Ul 6':r~ 1.11 ~ .n < v, ~(\' (\) Qj ~_~ a. if,:.; ~;;- 5iJ ,1; (<j';c. , ~:. 5' u \.1 :1.... "" ~ ~ :') .... ,.; ,1" (f) ('") ..... - J: 0 -i ..... 0 c. -< -C :!1 ?S :n 0 z ~ 9) ." ef) .. s: -l '" :J: ( Z ::0 ( lTt 0 Z m I" t.'" -i ." (J1 if) w () " .r:. c: ~ --l - :r: Z en )>- :J o n :ll Cf) !l.' .... fI) o c:: m Z m ~ C)~ ul'..:> g<;e ro):;> c.:') 0::' --. c ;:I\l :il" Ul -. -::;l 0.\11 ~~ (1; !:;) N ("10 0 n- o'" c~ ;:1<0 _<ll (r! _. Q;. 7'; C4...~ I!~ r-..It"", .......;, fo-'> ,,," .',..,"J'I , .... "j"J 03 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 . ~'i-'-;:' ~- ;":.L ~i' ::_~),'-'-'.- -. . ,,':-: .'; ~-, -.~ '-',;.;'.:':, -~ . . r1;~1I1II!I ~~,~:~,..:.,:~~.~e ~:~'.>:;.,."... ~J' 1>1!.iJ-..... -", ~ ROSEWOOD WEST 1tLARHS 1989 13 0204 89002228 ~ ~ TIME RECEIVED CASE l!fl.XB~ R:tSPQffiITION REMARKS "'1 02 0219 89000045 M GARAGE DOORS 02 09 0329 89001242 M WEST DOOR AND ELEVATOR ALARM/RESIDENT ERROR/709AGC ROSEWOOD WEST APTS - EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTION - GARAGE AREA ROSEWOOD APARTMENT WEST UNKNOWN CAUSE/REPEATED TRIPS ON ALARM TRIP ON ALARM IN GARAGE ROSEWOOD WEST APARTMENTS/UNKNOWN CAUSE ROSEWOOD WEST APTS - ALARM INDICATED WEST ELEVATOR TO GARAGE WAS USED ROSEWOOD WEST APARTMENTS/L~KNOWN CAUSE ROSEWOOD WEST APTS BURGLARY ROSEWOOD WESTfUNKNOWN CAUSE CARPET LAYERS ROSEWOOD WEST/WEST GAR~GE ELEVATOR/UNKNOWN CAUSE ROSEWOOD WEST (GARAGE)/UNKNOWN CAUSE 08 0210 89005211 11 13 0232 0316 89005321 89005387 18 0236 89005576 29 0208 89007146 12 19 07 17 08 0207 0219 0236 0953 024~ 89007718 89009130 89009799 89010137 89010927 28 0234 89012576 Count; ~"'____oaf;I_aPl___U._ " ~,~,-:~'". I "''jr;,l~~i~l1Y ~~""'t: . ~:~~~~::__::i~{ -:~'i ;;'~;:-" ,~-~ ~..... ~ _.. ;-.t-:" -; ',~i::_::S;: :-.~.-'-.- - ~~_~~ M M M M M M M S M M 11 M 14 90/03/06 page 1