CR 90-154 Association Dues Metropolitan Municipal
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council Report # 90-154
July 25, 1990
Proposed Aotion
staff recommends approval of the following motion: Move to
suppQrt the findings of the Mission and Membershi9 Task
Force report requesting an additional staff person and an
increased 1991 dues in the amount of $3.895.
Adopti.on of this motion will allow the City of Hopkins to
vote in favor of an increased dues schedule as proposed by
the League Board.
The AHM Boarti, in reacti.on to its Mission and Membership
Services Task Force, is requesting that the City of Hopkins
respond to a proposed 19% increase in dues to pay for
additional staff help at the legislative lobbying level.
This increase will result in a dues amount of $3;395 for the
City of Hopkins. A backup dues level has been established
at 4 1/2% increase, or $3,420.
The staff is recommending approval of this action due to the
increased need of suburban communities to be represented at
the legislative level in Qrder to promote and protect our
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o is the purpose of the increased dues amount?
o What options exist for the City of Hopkins?
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staff ~~alyeis of Issues
Memorandum, Larry Bakken, President of AMM
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Page 2
Council Report # 90-154
1991 Dues for AMM
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The council has the following options to consider:
o What is the purpQse of the increased dues amount?
Two budget numbers have been submitted by AMM.
The first and preferred amount is a 19% ($622) increase
over 1990 dues. If the membership votes to approve this
amount, AMM plans to hire an additional staff member and
hope to be more proactive and visible in legislature to
represent Metropolitan issues.
The second budget figure represents a 4 1/2% ($147)
increase over the 1990 dues. This amount would be
sufficient to maintain the current level of services
provided by the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities.
o What options exist for the city counoil?
As a member of the Association the City of Hopkins has one
vote in which to express our opinion regarding this issue.
At an upcoming meeting of AM:M1 a vote will be taken with
regard to' the two budget options. The budget option which
is approved by the membership will then becoMe the required
dues for each member city.
Therefore, whichever option is voted by Hopkins is not
necessarily the ultimate dues which we will be required to
pay in order to maintain our membership within AMM.
The Council's options are to select either the 19% or the 4
1/2% increase and to represent that number to the AMM Board
through the voting process.
In either case, the staff would recomm~nd that we continue
membership with &~.
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July 2, 1.990
TO: steve Mielke - City Manager
The AMM Board, in accordance with the By-Laws, is responsible for
establishing the Annual Budget and Work Program and setting the
corresponding membership dues rate. The process for 1991 is more
complicated due to the impact of the recommendations contained in the
final report of the Mission and Membership Services Task Force which
you recently received unner separate cover. The Beard voted at the
. June 28th Board Meeting to recommend implementation of the major
Mission Task Force recommendations. Implementing the major Task Force
recommendations, including the additional staff person has a total cost
of about $38,000 which would result in a 19% dues increase for member
cities over the 1990 dues paid~ Consequently; the 1991 AMM dues for
Hopkins based on this decision would be $3,895 and I would ask you to use
that amount when preparing your 1991 budget.
The Board recoqnizes that thi.s is a large increase but believe.s it is
essential for several reasons detailed in said report includinq the
1. Tbe need for the AMM to become more proactive and visible in
hGlping set the metropolitan agenda. We need to be 'there' to
represent the AMM member cities adequately at the Council. We need
to have a staff person there 12-:1.5 hours per week. Increased
responsibilities at the legislature have made it impossible fer our
small staff to maintain that kind of cOmMitment.
183 university avenue east, st paul, mInnesota 55101 (612) 221-4008
The AMH also needs to increase its presence at the State
Le9islature~ The AMM has bean '~pread to thin' with the number of
polioy iSSUGS involved and with outatat.a groups promoting
poli~ie8 detrimental to the collective interests of Metropolitan
ar!\ia cities, the ANM staff needs to increase the amount af time it
can sPQnd 'one-an-one' promotinq AMM policy positions. We also
need to hol.d metropolitan legislators more accountable to th4S AKM
3. If the AMM is to achieve the status of being recognized as ~he
organization that speaks and represents the collective int~rests
gf m~tro~olitan area cities, it is important that the association
increase its visibility in the eyes of the Legislature, city
Officials, the general public and the Metropolitan Council. An
enhanced public relations system must be implemented and this
cannot be done effectively without an additional staff person.
A dues inc~ease of such magnitude however, requires membership approval
and there will be a special AMM Membership Meeting on Thursday evening
September 6f 1990 to vote on this matter. (a two/thirds majority of
those present and voting is required for approval). It is intended that
the new staff person would handle a lot of the enhanced communications
and public relations effort thereby 'freeing-up' the Director of
Legislative Affairs and the Executive Director for more 'one-en-one'
contact at both the metro and state levels.
A back-up budget based on a work program and staffing level similar to
our 1990 level of activity and effort has also been prepared in case
the 19% dues increase is not approved at the membership meeting. ' The
dues for Hopkins to support the back-up budqet would not exceed $3,420
which represents a 4~5' increase over the 1990 dues. The Board
, . appreciates your continued support af the AMM efforts and strongly
endorses the enhanced work proqram and resultant increase in dues. Do
not hesitate to call me or our Executive Director, Vern Peterson should
you have questions.
We would also enoourage you to make plans now to assure that your city
has representation at the september 6th. meeting to vote the will of
your oity.
Thank you.
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