CR 90-155 Reorganization Housing Staff
\ 1 y 0
August 1, 1990
Council Report: 90-155
~P08.~ f.9.t;\on~
Staff recommends adoption of the fOllowing motion~ Move to approve
:t.he reorgan:.i~~t.i,on 0.1 the staffing struc'cure for the City's housing
programs ~n~ctiviti€"~!:~ating a part-time section 8 Program
A.<!l1J,inistratcr and a_fullti!lle Housi~ordinator.
Approval of this motion will allow staff to hire two employees. This
staffing structure will allow the city to become involved in housing
related programs at a level of activity which is desired by the City
On 7/1'7/90 the City Council reviewed an outline of current housing
programs, and alternatives for City involvement in those programs. As
a result of this review, the City council generally indicated a desire
for the City to become pro-active in the various housing programs a
More specifica.lly, the Council indicated an interest in the city
becoming more aggressive in expanding the City's existing Housing
Rehab Program and begin to actively explore matt-:rs pertaining to a
First time Home Buyers Program. Staff was furthar requested to look
at staffing alternatives for the Section e Program as well as staffinq
needs to facilitate the development of the various identified
Durin~ the City Councils discussion of the various housing programs,
the Council was informed that the person currently invol ved with
administerinq the Section a and. Housing Rehab proqram would no longer
he available for full-time employment as of September.
~,II.U~.~~Q Consia~.
o Wnat is the structure of the current Housing staff?
o ~~at types of positions are proposed to be created?
(,') How will the positions be financed?
o How soon would the positions be filled?
ilUPPQ%'ti~q.. J;n~OmD~~2D.
o Staff Analysis of Issues
o .\lterna.tives
o Propos.d Job Descriptions
o 7 12/90 Staff memo regarding Housing proqrams
CR; 90-155
Page :2
Qt.ff Analysis o~ IssueSe
o What is the structure of the current Housing staff?
Currently, one full time employee, identified as a "Housing
Specialist", is involved in the Citys housing programs (does not
include Public Housing Manager). This person, who works under the
supervision of the Director of Planning and Economic Development,
spends approxilllately 30 hours per week administering the section 8
Program and approximately 10 hours per week administering the Housing
Rehab Program and other housing activities. An intern also provides
assistance with housing related matters. The current Housing
Specialist has indicated that as of september she will no longer be
available to work on a full-time basis.
o What types of positions are proposed to be created?
staff proposes the creation of the fOllowing two positions:
1. ~t-time sec~i9n 8 Admini~~at2k - This position will allow
for the continuation of the high level of local service
provided to Section 8 recipients. Based upon the current
number Qf section 8 units, it is estimated this person would
work approximately 20 hours per week. The City'S Inspeotion
Depart.ment would undertake the necessary inspections of the
Section S units. It is likely this person will eventually
become and liRA employee. It is also anticipated that. some
type of employment contract would be used. Attached is the
proposed job description for the position.
2. aousin9~~Oorgina~~ - The creation of this position will allow
the city t.o meet the staffing requirements for dealing with
the various housing programs identified by the Council as
being important. This pasi tion would replace the current
position of Housing Specialist. This position would be
broader in scope and perform a wide variety of activities
associated with the coordination and development of the
overall housing programs for the city. Attached is a proposed
job description for the position.
o How will the positions b$ fin~nced?
lQ Housing~QP~~1~ - At this time, it is anticipated the position
will be located at a step 6 on the City'S pay plan. This step
currently has a aalary range of $26f333 - $35,526. At somB point
in the near future, the exact step will need to be determined. The
actual salary of the person hired to fill the position will be
based on the step UtiH!ld and the qualif'ications of the person hired.
CR: 90-155
Page 3
No General Fund dollars are proposed to be used in 1990 or 1991 to
pay for this position. Outlined below is a breakdown of the
funding sources to be pay for the position for the remaining part
of 1990 and all of 1991. Although not shown~ another possible
source of funds would be from dollars received from an HRA levy.
Staff will be discussing with the Council the issue of an HRA le'~
at a later time.
56% - Economic Dev Acct (204)
44% - Housing Rehab Fund (213)
50% Economic Dev Acct (204)
39% Housing Rehab Fund (213}
_111 CDBG Allocation
With regard to the funding sources proposed to be used, the
following comments are made:
~Q.2D01Il.ic De,velopment Account It is proposed that interest
earnings from this account be utilized to assist in paying for the
Housing Coordinator position. The Cityfs pOlicy on the use of this
fund for housing purposes is somewhat vague. The city"s policy does
speak to assisting projects which relate to housing uses e.g.
diversity of housing, housing ownership alternatives, housing
affordability, and neighborhood stabilization and revitalization.
The City's policy also indicates that the Economic Development
Account could be used to administer economic development programs.
Housing Rehab Fu~g - currently, the Housing Rehab Fund is used to
pay for a portion of the salary for the person currently
administer inq the program. The proposed use of this fund for
administrati va costs is consistent with past practice. Assuming
the Housing Coordinator aggressively markets the Housing Rehab
Program I this fund may need an infusion of funds in the future to
allow the program to continue.
~ - Staff will be proposing that a portion of the City's 1991
Community Development Block Grant allocation be used for housing
rehab purposes. A portion of the COBG funds are proposed to b~
directed towards staff salaries. As the City's 1990 CDBG
application was not targeted towards housing rehab, funas ara not
available to assist in paying for staff in 1990.
2. Part-ttm~ S_gtion~Jmplo~e~ - This position is proposed to be
financed entirely by the funds the City receives from the Metro
HRA. As a re&ult, for 1990 or 1991 no General Fund dollars are
proposed to be used. A6 stated earlier, the Inspeotion Department
has a~reed to complete the required inspections and also will be
reimbursed through the funds received from the Metro HRA.
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CR: 90-155
Page 4
How soon would the positions be filled?
It is anticipated the hiring process could take 1-2 months.
~lt.rn.tives .
The Council has the following alternatives:
1. Approve the action as recommended by staff.
2. Approve the hiring of a Housing Coordinator but send the
administration of the Section S Program back to the Metro HRA.
3. Hire a staff person to a~~inister the Section B and Housing
Rehab programs. This alternative would essentially maintain
the current level of staffing.
4. Deny staffs recommendation. This would require the Council to
re-think its position regarding the City's involvement in
housing related programs and activities.
5. Table matter for information.