CR 90-167 Hopkins-Minnetonka Recreation Board . . .'.,'...',....,','...'.".".".." "':'-"" ~~, .~ .,.:..' ~ ..:' f~;i.i~ c" ~_' ~-'. .,., ^,:j.' ~~/ ~t.;- ..~~,' -, t'.I::~~-: " ~-''.:-~-,:..., . ~ .,. ~ ~ o July 31, 1990 :m: Council Rpt: 90-16'7 o P K \ ~ HOPKINS-MINNETONKA JOINT RECREATION BOARD APPOINTMENTS Pt"QPOS~..9 Act j, o...n staff recommends adoption of the following motion~ "APpoint ~ia Taubr as a Hopkins Park Board represJUL~t~v~ to tbe R2!lkins-Minn~tonka Joint ~eation Board until Janl@1:Y. 30,l.. 1~9~_a~d a~p~tnt_Chri~ty smith and Jqhn Hutchison as H~kins ~art ~oarq ~~~r~s~tiy'~s.~Q the HoRkins-Minnetouk~ Join~ Recreation~rd Ynt~l J~n~.JtQL-1991. aac~ground The Hopkins-Minnetonka Joint Recreation Board is comprised of six members from the Minnetonka Park Board and three members from the Hopkins Park Board. Two replacements are needed to fill vacancies left by Connie Connors and David Bangerter. At the July 23. 1990 Park Board meeti.ng Marcia 1.iaubr volunteered to serve on the board until January 1990 and Christy Smith volunteered to serve on the board until June of 1991. Motions were made and both recommendations were approved unanimously. Chairman John Hutchison affirmed that he would continue as a representative. .s.Y.Pporting: InfQm~j;.i2n o 7/23/90 Park Board minutes excerpt Jo 'orks D.lrector ..- . (' / . (= 1!IIIr _ ~lllil - . , CITY OF HOPKINS PARK BOARD MEETXNG MINL~ES OF JULY 23, 1990 HOPKINS CITY HALL The regular meeting of the Hopkins Park Board was held on July 23, 1990 in the Council Chambers of Hopkins city Hal1~ I. Chairperson John Hutchison called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.. II. ROLL CALL Present were Park Board members; John Hutchison, Christy Smith, David McAnnany, aill Schumacher, and Marcia Taubr. Also present were Council Liaison; Chuck Redepenninq and staff members; Jon Thiel and Ray voqtman. III~ MINUTES OF n~E JL~E 18, 1990 MEETING The minutes of the June 18 Ii 1990 meeti,ng \:;'ere appro"~ed by consent.. IV. BOSINESS A. INTRODUCTION OF NEW PARK BOARD MEMBERS Dave McAnnany and Bill Schumacher were introduced to the Park Board members ~ They will replace Carmie Connors and Dave Bangerter whose terms ended on June 30, 1990. B. VICE CHAIRMAN APPOINTMENT J. Hutchison asked for nominations or volunteers for Vice Chairman. Me Taubr volunteered C.. Smith Seconded. On the vote; J. Hutchisont D. McAnnany, B. Schumacher, C. Smith and M. Taubr voted yes. The motion was approved. ~c. '~. .. APPOINTMENT OF JOINT RECREATION BOARD REPRESENTATIVES J. Hutchison explained the Joint Recreation Board membership for the benefit of thu new members. He explained that two replacements were needed to fill vacancies l&ft by c. Connors and. D. Bangerter. M. Tau'br moved and J. Hutt':\hi$on seconded is motion t.'lat M. Ts.ubr serve t)n the board until J&nuary 1990 and C. Smith serve on the board until June of 1991. On the vote; J~ Hutchison, D. MeAnnany, B. Schumacher, C. Smith and No Taubr voted yes. The motion was approvlJd. -., -~~-- !::f.1IIIi!'-.- -tiA ~-~1 .....',. C_',"_:, ,. --:,:.';?'Jt;~~~ :' . .' '.,};"O".;%= 'iiIl~JlI.~:'~'!'~";~