CR 90-173 Approve Proposed Set Budget HearingsAugust 16, 1990
Council Report 090 -173
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: 9'cve_ that Q,1utj _i. i .
" s l9C Tax L evv �l�tb?�aAoPcha l�rr.`S.Y
e ial Public_..,, a.K near be adapted.
Adoption of this resolution will enable compliance with the "Truth and Taxation" law
enacted by the Minnesota legislature for levy year 1990.
The legislation set many deadlines for specific action by the Council. The City
Council must adopt a proposed 1990 levy and set hearing Pates by September 1, 1990.
Budget hearings must be held between November 17 and Dr 20, 1}90, and a final
levy (which cannot exceed the proposed levy, but may be Lower) muet be adopted by
December 28, 1990.
The state government Baas frozen local aids for cities at the 1990 reduced levels.
Due to this action, the city must raise local taxes in order to maintain current
service levele.
Staff is recommending that the Council adopt the maximum levy 'unount at this time.
During the budget process, ptaaff will identify alternative areas in which to lower
the tax levy.
°e .s.
What is the necessity for levying to the limit amount?
o What are the components of levy - General Fund and Debt Service?
ca How will current actions relate to future financing?
sncmxetno a fo .t+eal.
o Background
R%esoletion 90 -92.
c Staff analysis cif budget.
Department of Revenue Truth in Taxation calendar.
• County Auditor budget hearing* calendar.
o Preliminary 1991 General Fund Budget.
B. Itched er, Finance Director
Approve Proposed 1990 Levy
Set Budget Hearings
Report 90 -173
Page 2
esc gXauaq
The advent of "Truth and Taxation" legislation has drastically changed
the time table for the budgeting process. The timing of deadlines has
altered not only the when, but also the process of preparing a city
budget. With the increasing limitations on the City's ability to levy
taxes and the freezing of state aids, the taxes and state government
aids become the driving factors in the financial limitations on
operating services.
Gengra1 Fund
The preliminary General. Fund budget process keyed on the cost of
personnel, which accounts for 72% of General Fund. costs. These costs
were determined prior to August 1 when the levy limits and LGA first
become known. From the revenue available then is subtracted the
personnel costs and the remainder of the budget is shaped to funding
The 1991 Preliminary Budget thus is being reported to the Council with
departmental totals only, developed with actua.l personal service
projections and percentage increases for other costs. The departments
then will develop their regular line item budgets within the
parameters established.
5.21Arce Amount % Cten g
Levy* (at levy limit) $3,456,000 9.9
Local Government Aid (frozen at 1990 amount) 984,900 O.
Other Revenue ._? ,2L7 800 18,.2
1991 Total +General. Fund Revenue
*Levy Limit Calculation
General Fund
Revenue Summary
This is a total increase of $310,402 (9.3 %) 'from the maximum 1989.
levy. There are two factors influencing the increase w- inflation and
popUlr tion growth.
The normal. 3% inflation factor g:nerates $ 126,005
Growth factor - 1/2 of 8.5% population increase
1989 vs. 198& or a net 4.3% increase 1,86. E12
Levy base adjustment for 100% of 1990 final
LGA reduction of base
Adjust for freeze of LGA for 1991
Net Levy Limit Increase
$ 310,402
0 Approve Proposed 1990 Levy
Set Budget Hearings
Report 90-173
Page 3
Expenditure Summary
Personal. Services $4,167,000 8.3%
Other Charges and Supplies 1,331,100 3.0
Ice Arena (charges & supplies) 76,500
Customer Service/Wellness 6,100
Non - departmental 163,000 (8.4)
Capital, Outlay 80,000 3.0
1991 Total $5,823,700
Revenue 5 728 700
Difference $ 95,000
$95,000 proposed from fund balance to cover 65% of 27th payroll. On a
bi- weekly pay system every eleven years an extra payroll is required.
Increases to expenditure budget include:
27th payroll
One-half of refunding a dropped intern 27,000
Staffing ax d operating expense Ice Arena 150,600
(offset by revenue of $135,600)
p1oyee - Cost of living increase, step increases and
some comparable worth adjustments.
Approve Proposed 1990 Levy
Set Budget Hearings
Report 90 -173
Page 4
40410 Mayor-Council $ 85,600
40415 Health & Welfare 44,500
40420 City Manager 227,300
40440 Elections 22,500
40510 City Clerk 76,900
40520 Finance 190,300
40600 Legal Services 83,800
40940 Municipal Building 129,000
40950 Activity Center - Maint. 47,600
40960 Activity Center -- Operating 90,300
41100 Police 1,821,500
41200 Fire 366,400
41300 Civil Defense 21,200
41400 C. Dev. - Administration 93.300
41500 C. Dev. - Flan & Econ Day. 80,400
41600 C. Dev'. - Assessing 142,500
41800 C. Dev. - Inspection 230,400
42100 P.W. - Buildings 32,000
42110 P.W. - Equipment Services 52,500
42120 P.W. - Administration 113,200
42125 P.W. - Engineering 114,700
42130 P.W. - Streets & Alleys 389,800
42140 I.W. - Snow & Ice Removal 100,200
42160 P.W. - Traffic Signs & Signals 122,600
42170 P.W. -- Street Lighting 112,500
42240 P.W. -- Street Cleaning 53,200
42250 P.W. Parks 347,000
42260 P.W. - Tree Service 113,700
42270 P.W. - Pavilion /Ice Arena 150,600
43510 Recreation 124,000
43930 insurance 50,000
43931 Unallocated 100,000
43932 Transfers Out 1._1,(2' ,
Capital Outlay
Use of Fund Balance
0 Approve Proposed 1990 Levy
Set Budget Hearings
Report 90-173
Page 5
iellf.Yallgr..e D ebt 3
The last levy for bonds was $22,313 in 1976 (Parks Bonds) . The
requirements for debt service is $639,600, Park Bonds $525,700 and
improvement Bonds $113,900, The 1990 levy covers interest and
principal for 1990, 1991 and February, 1992. Since the City cannot
levy until the bonds are actually sold, the first levy has some
catchup in it. Funds deed to be collected in 1991 for availability on
due dates. The first levy on most bond issues normally does occur
after an actual payment of interest in the year of issue. This loads
the first levy in the life on an issue, and the levy will reduce to a
normal flow in subsequent years and continue to reduce as principal is
repaid. The levies for these two issues will be $414,300 in 1991 and
$405,500 in 1992, etc.
On averaging the tax for the park issue over the first two years on a
home with a market value of $80,000, the taxes for the first two years
of this issue are $3.00 per year lower than the projected taxes of
$26.49 as estimated in the Hopkins Highlights October, 1989, issue
The first two years average tax for Improvement Bonds is $5.10.
The levy for Capital Notes results in a slight reduction from the
prior levy.
Total j
In terms of total levy, the tax increase is $942,420 or 26,08% of
which 17.70% is due to bonds issued by referendum and prior actions.
The taxes to support the General Fund increased 8.44% and while the
expenditures proposed increases 7,41 the loss of LGA (2.6 %) and the
reduction of fund balance of $294,220 for 1989 awakes the increased
taxes insufficient to cover the 1991 budget (mainly due to the extra
Also to consider is that part of the tax increaee was a. one time bump
(4.3 %) to the base for a population increase and this adjustment will
grow at the inflation rate of only 3.01 in the future.
Landfill costs in 1990 are anticipated to exceed the landfill fund
balance reserves in excess of $500,000, thu. s reducing the target of
$2,500,000 for cash flow.
In order to regain the target of cash flow and the uncertainties of
future actions by other governmental units, I strongly suggest the
levy be made at the maximum allowable.
Hennepin County, Minnesota
sums of money be levied for the current year collectible in 1991 upon the taxable
property in aid City of Hopkins, for the following purposes.
General. Fund
Capital Equipment Notes
General Obligation Bonds
This levy Le made based on current law
Provision has been made for the payment of the
P'eblic Employees Retirement Association.
Spacial Assessment Bonds 7 -1-72
Redevelopment Bonds 5-1-B8
G.G. Sewer Revenue Bonds 12 -1-89
Redevelopment Bonds 12-1 -89
Capita/ Equipment Notes 3 -1 -90*
Jas A. Genellie, Ci.t
and the 1991 General Fund Budget of
City's contributory share to the
Provision has also been made for the payment of principal and interest on the
following bond issues:
Park Bonds 3 -1 -90*
Special Assessment Bonds 3- 1-90*
Redevelopment Bonds 3-1-90
Refunding Bond 3 -1 -90
Public hearing date for the 1991 budget is November 20, 1990, with a reconvening
date of December 11 1990, if necessary.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk
transmit si°t a - certified copy of this resolution
County, Minnesota,
is hereby. ordered and directed to
to the County Auditor of Hennepin
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins at a regular meeting of the
Council held this 21st day of .August, 1990.
Nelson W Beg, Meyer
€4 OR BEFCRE ALUJST 20, 1990
County auditor notifies the clerk of each
school district within the county of the
dates that the count; board has selected for
its Truth in Taxation hearing and for the
continuation of its hearing, if necessary.
(M.S. 275.065)
Each school board certifies to the county
auditors of the counties in which the school
district is located the dates that it has
selected for its Truth in Taxation hearing
and for the continuation of its hearing, if
necessary. If not certifiers by this date,
the county auditor will assign the hearing
date. (M.S. 275.065)
County , auditor notifies the clerk of each
city within the county of the dates on which
the county and school districts will be
holding their Truth in Taxation. hearings or
continuations of their hearings.
(M.S. 275.065)
Each city certifies to the county auditor the
dates that it has selected for its Truth in
Taxation hearing and for the continuation of
its hearing, if necessary. If not certified
by this date the county auditor will assign
the hearing date. The date for the city ^s
hearing or for the continuation of its
hearing must not conflict with the hearing
dates of the county or of the school
districts in which. the .°ity is lotted. All
cities, regaLdless of their population, mu et
hold Truth in Taxation hearings.
(M.S. 275.065)
Each ''taxing authority" certifies its
proposed property tax levy for payable 1991
to the county auditor. "TTaxiang authority"
includes all counties, all school districts,
all cities regardless of their population,
all towns and all special taxing districts.
No loccal, units of government are exempted
from this requirement. (M.S. 275.065)
41 1 ON OR BEFORE NOVEMBER 10, 1990 County auditor prepares and county treasurer
delivers a generic notice of proposed
property taxes by first class mail to each
taxpayer at the address listed on the
county's current year assessment roll. The
date, tine and place for the scheduled public
hearings for the county,. school district and
city must also be shown. The Department of
Revenue is to prescribe the form of generic
notice used by all 87 counties.
(M.S. 275.065 )
NOT LESS THAN TWO CALENDAR DAYS A county, school district or city advertises
NOR MORE THAN SIX CALENDAR DAYS its Truth in Taxation hearing in an official
PRIOR TO THE - TF,WATICN newspaper of general circulation within the
BEARING taxing authority, subject to specific
requirements as to content, presentation and
newspaper selection. The advertisement must
give notice of the taxing authority's intent
to adopt its property tax levy (and in the
case of a county or city its gadget) at the
public hearing. Torts and special taxing
districts are exempt from this publication
re c .r° nt, (M.S. 275.0653
VCNEMBER 15 THROUGU DECEMBER 20, Counties, school districts and cities hold
1990 their scheduled Truth in Taxation leasinns
and adopt their final levies (end, in the
case of counties and cities, their final
budgets) at the hearing. ( . S . 275.055)
OW OR MORE DECEMBER 28, 1990 Counties, school districts, cities and •
special taxing districts certify their final
adopted, levies to the county auditor. The
final levy certified by a county, school
district or city cannot exceed its proposed
levy except for several exemptions authorized
for events occu ring after the proposed Xevy
vas certified. If a town board modifies the
tows r i final levy at a special town meeting
after September 1, the town boarJ musst
recertify its modified levy at this time, If
a county, :school district, city, town or
special taxing district has not certified its
final levy by this time, its levy shall be
the amount levied b it in the preceduly
year. (M.S. 275,07)
Cmesroads To Service
July 31, 1990
James A. Gene11ie, Clerk
City of Hopkins
1010 First Street South
Hopkins, Minnesota 55343
Dear Mr,
As required by the Truth in Taxation legislation, we are notifying you of the
public hearing dates set by the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners and the
school districts within your city to adopt the levy for taxes payable in 1991.
Taxing District
Hennepin County
School District #270
School District #273
School District #283
We are now requesting that you set your city's dates and times for the original
budget hearing and for a reconvened hearing. The hearings may re held anytime
from NOvember 17, 1990, through December 20, 1990. We ask that upon setting
the dates, times, end places, you fill out the enclosed form and return it to
us in the envelope provided.
As you can tell from the enclosed abbreviated calendar, the turn around time
for the public hearing notifications is vety short.
You need to return the enclosed form by September 1, 1990. You may include it
when certifying your proposed levy which is also die on September 1, 1990,
If you have any questions, please contact Marie Kun ,° at 348-5100.,
Dale G, Foisted, Director
Property Tax and Public Records
Marie . Kunze
Tax Receivables Division Manager
DGF :ZW(;kfs
A607 Government Center
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55487-0067
flri final Hear,ang Eecorf:!ntd Hearing
November 15, 1990
December 6, 1990
November 26, 1990
November 26, 1990
November r 16 ,1990
December 20, 1990
November 27, 1990
December 10, 1990
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