CR 90-212 Excelsior Blvd Corridor Study
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. October 11 ( 1990 o '" K \ "- council Report 90~212
Staff recommends approval of the following motion: MQ.y~.-:t.~~.t-M
st' ..tQ.r~.aoulevard J;Qrr~doL1;\nd estab;!.i~h .a .ti!sk f.QXC~
1n~ ~~c9~enged~~~~fj. to review the studY.
Approval of this motion will accept the study and set up a task force
to review the Excelsior Boulevard Corridor and to make recommendations
on improving the corridor.
The City of Hopkins, in conjunction with the Hennepin county Housing
and Red,evelopment Authority, have completed a study of the Excelsior I
Boulevard Corridor. The purpose of the study was to develop a plan
which examines methods to improve the efficiency and appearance of the
The study was presented on september 25th to the city Council/ zoning
and Planning Commission and other interested people. The report
det~.ils issues that were discussed during the study of the corridor
... and pos~ible solutions to those issues.
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0 What should be done next?
0 What other actions could the task force recommend?
0 Who $hould be on the task force?
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a Analysis of Issues
0 Alternatives ' ~'~
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CR: 90-212 I
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o What should be done next? I
The staff is recommending a task force be set-up to prio:!:'itize the
issues outlined in the study and to look at other possible actions for
~he corridor. This process could take from six months to one year.
o What will the task force work program be?
The Excelsior Boulevard corridor is an important route through !
Hopkins~ The appearance affects the way people perceive Hopkins. The
corridor is c:omposed of residential, commercial and industrial uses,
all with different charactE:J::'istics. These uses were establlshed
before the existing zoning codes were in place. The corridor is
composed of many old problems such as open storage, no landscaping and
small setbacks. Along with reviewing the study, the task force can
r~view ether issues which could ba implemented to improve the
.~ The following items are a guide to what the task force will review:
o Review the completed study
o Prioritize the recommendations detailed in the completed study
." i.) Identify issues and improvements not detailed in the study
which should be considered
o Review appropriateness of Comprehensive Plan and zoning along
the corr idor J
o Discuss possible land use controls which could be implemented
o Explore financial incentives for business
o Approximate timing of improvements
o Who should be on the task force?
The three logical options for the taak force could be as follows:
o city council Task Force
(.) Zoning and Planning Conunie;sion Task Force
o A task forca made up of members of the City Council, Zoning
and Planning Commissionu property owners or renters along the
corridor and a member of the Business Council.
Staff would raeommend two members from th6 City Council, two Qr three
e; Zoninq l1nd PlanninCj' COQ,ission memool's, two or three adj acent property
.~,.~..:,':,c,~.;: .,.,., ..)vn'k@r~/tQna.nts and possibly a. member ?f the Business Council. Gene
~b . Maxwell and the Mayor would select the. lndividuals on the t.ask forceo
:.iF:,;. staff is recommending this type ot task force because it is
~~;;~Z.< X'eprasent:ative of the City Council, Planning Commission and other
i',,'. interested. bU&l1inEU~e people and resident.s.
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Page 3
1. Accept the study and set~up a task force of City Council,
Zoning and Planning Commission, residents and business people.
2. Accept the study and set-up a task force other than what the
staff is recommending.
3. 00 not accept the study and do not set-up a task force to
study County Road 3.
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