CR 90-213 Pavilion Operation Agreements - - - .-.- TI-- __ ar-lIIllnr - i_ 1 . , ~ 0 (J "" ~ ", . ,y' <;, o P j( \ '" October 9, 1989 Council Report: 90-213 PAVILION (ICE ARENA) OPERATION POLICY AND AGREEMENTS ~ ~o~osed Action. staff recommends adopting the following :motion: lIApprove the .l.eQ'islati ve D.ol..ic~ ~, rental~eements and attachments and the &9nqessions .agreement for the 9~ration oi the Hopki~s Pavilion (Ice Arena}*'. Oy;m:.'vi~_ The approval for construction of the Pavilion (Ice Arena) has created a need for the development of policies and agreements. In the ice arena industry September is generally the lnonth that user organizations request their ice time for the winter season. The Hopkins Pavilion llas been scheduling these requests and the time has come to issue ice time agreements so the user groups can schedule their member activities. . The Hopkins Youth Hockey Association has been designated to opsrate the concessions at the Hopkins Pavilion for the winter season of 1990- 91. An agreement will be signed by the Hopkins Pavilion and the Hopkins Youth Hockey Association to finalize this d~signation. This report recommends the approval of the legislative policy, ice ~ental agreements and attachments and the concessions agreement! so that commitments can be given to user groups and concession personnel. primary I~sues__to ~sider. 0 Will the proposed policies and agreements allow effective operation of the Hopkins pavilion? suppor~lng.lnform~~ 0 Detailed Background. 0 Analysis of issues. 0 Propos$d Legislative Policy 0 Proposed Aqreemants and Attachments (') 1990-91 Tentative Schedule 0 Richfield Ice Arena Ope~ating Procedures ,', .- ~'''C~ri-{i:c.. Arena)Manager ,:".>' ?8 ~;,i ' t~(:. tJ:rr~WOr"kS Director ""'1I"o/~_. r~/;~-, - ' ".,''-',' '':,.......- ',"~,;.r-:':- , ;.._~ ~.- ',-' '. ' ~;---,~ . ,. lMIaWJIIII,.._wrlili'l'. ~l1iiJjWr ..... .,.,.~ ,.".,.. ~1II.1f _ITiW-~ ~~___ _.Jt'-;.;g.lf\G"_ ..l!!I!UIII...,.-mr:J~iI~~ lll[;~ , , I . Council Report: 90-213 Page 2 .Q~tail~g ~~qft~\ ~ All operating ice arenas utilize an ice rental agreement, The Minnesota Ice Arena Managers Association publishes a manual containing agreements. pOlicies and procedures from ice arenas state wide. This I information. along with suggestions from ice arena managers in neighboring communities, was used to draft the proposed agreements and policies.. The ice rental agreements and attachments presented are a comtJination I of existing agreements and attachments used by Minnetonka Ice Arena, ' st. Louis Park Recreation Center, Burnsville Ice Canter and White Bear TAke Sports Center.. By combining J.anguage from these agreements the final product is specific to the Hopkins Pavilion needs. The concessiol1S agreement contains language form existing concession agreements at the Farmington Multipurpose Arena, and the Albert Lea City Arena, along with input from ice arena managers of local arenas. The legislative policy is a general operation policy that states basic procedures used by ice arenas state wide. Analye>is 'Of ..Issues-,- o Will the proposed policies and agre.em~nts allow effective operation of the Hopkins Pavilion? , . Agreements and policies simila.r to the ones proposed for the Hopkins Favilion are used by ice arenas state wide~ By combining I existing agreements and using input from established arena ' managemer~tJ these policies and agreements are very complete and . will provide for efficient operation of the Hopkins Pavilion as an ice. arena.. Additional policies and agree~ents will be developed for the dry floor use of the Pavilion. These will be presented to the Council in February or March for approval to use :for the coming 1991 dry floor season. ~;,. ,"'. -.. ,~ ,':-:-."",. ,;;,;:':;, ','..:~, - .T , '._,c,.:,J.-;,'_' '..' '~; ~ '..:0.'.;."; ...'--':~ ."'-' ~~ __w.M'..zL_ __...___t><I POLICY # 7 . PAVILION (ICE ARENA) OPERATION 1- PURPOSE 1. 01 The purpose of this policy is to establish policies and procedures for the operation of the Hopkins Pavilion (Ice Arena) . 2. GENERAL , 2.01 The City of Hopkins will employ a Pavilion/Ice Arena Manager, Receptionist Clerk, Seasonal Pavilion TechnicianB and Ice Guards as required to operate the Pavilion~ till employee of the city will be in the Pavilion duri.ng all operational hours. 2.02 In order to operate a clean, safe and cost efficient facility, rules and regulations are required and will be set forth in the ice rental agreement and agreement attachments and dry floor use agreements. 2.03 The Pavilion concessions will be operated by an approved operator under agreement with the Hopkins P~vilion. Terms . of the agreement will run as designat,ed and will be renewable each year at t:t!e discretion of the Hopkins Pavilion staff. 2.04 The Hopkins Pavilion personnel will make every effort tc supply quality and pleasant surroundings for user groups t spectators and visitors. 3. ICE RE.."lTAL 3.01 'rhe pav'ilion has the capacity to operate as an ice arena from September 1 through May 31. Actual opening and closing dates will be dicta.ted by ice time and dry fleor requests. 3~O2 During maximum usage, the building will be open from 6:00 a.m. until 12:00 a.m. '. , 3.03 On weekdays when the early morning hours are not rented the I facil.ity will be opened at 8:00 a.m. .:.': ' 3.04 The facllit}1' will close after the last haur af rented ic:!! time is completed. . c. ~ . :L05 Ice 'time will be rented in back to back periodst with .~-:-\ tifteen minute resut"face and maintenance periods between \-,.-,~, . user groups. Due to cost of wages and utilities request& for late ovening hours will be qranted only if the prsGediug hour is rent.ed. ;~;' ___.i.. .2!_ _I i.l1I!lJll~--- 'c ..*i.diral ...0.<1 .:-,..;':,.~',~;~'::"- !l!.AIl..dIIIII'- --~~ __Itn:_ -- 7IIIIlI , -~ -" - TI 'lflll~tIIIIIil.ZI CHAPTER V 3.06 Prime time hours will be as follows: . Weekdays - All hours starting at or after 4:00 p.m. until 10:15 p.m. h.ours starting before 4:00 p.m. and a t or after 10:15 p.m. will be non-prime. , Wee~endq - All hours open on Saturday and Sunday, I 3.07 Rates for prime time and non-prime time ice will be I determined by recommendation from the Pavilion staff and Park Boa.rd and approval by the Ci.t.y Council. Current rates are prime $85.00/hour and non-prime $BO.OOjhour. 3.08 All users of ice time with the exception of public skating; public hockey and recreation program participants, will be required to have representatives of the users sign an ice rental agreement. :L09 In the event of a conflict in times requested by various user groups, priority consideration will be given to Hopkins residents and resident organizations to the degree that it is economically efficient to grant the ice time request and the ice time can be scheduled to offer time t,o a diversity of user groups. 3.10 Organized groups that ~se large amounts of ice time, may at . the City of Hopkins discretion, be billed for ice time. All other user groups and individuals will use ice on a C.O..D. basis. 4. ICE USER GROUPS 4.01 Ice user groups will include, but are not limited to the following qrO\lpS; The general public, Hopkins/Minnetonka Recreation department., youth hockey associations, figure skating- clubs I junior hockey teams, private figure skating instructors v broomball organizations, community orqanizationsj/ schools and orqanizatio:ns for the handicapped. 5. DRY FLOOR RElI"11AL To be established in the future. 6. DRY F~1R USER GROUPS To he established in the future, Established 10/16/90 i:. ~:~:.;' -,," -- ii'~'f':'~, ..~; ,'. - Wl W I'~ _~ !al,/Iia1 I ~IIIIIIII .11' ~ ..... ...... 11._ -..., '1 CHAPTER V I 3,06 Prime time hours will be as follows: I . ~ee~d11Y~ - All hours starting at or after 4:00 p.m. until 1.0: 15 p.m,. hours starting before 4:00 p.m. and at or after 10:15 p.m. will be non-prime. Weekend? - All hou~s open on Saturday and Sunday. 3.07 Rates for prime time and non-prime time ice will be determined by recommendation from the Pavilion staff and Park Board and approval by the City council. Current rates are prime $85.00/hour and non-prime $80.00/hour. 3.08 All users of ice time with the e.xception of pUblic skating, public hockey and recreation program participants, will be required to have representatives of the users sign an ice r~ntal agreement. 3,09 In the event of a conflict in times requested by various user groups, priority consi.deration will be given to Hopkins residents and resident organizations to the degree that it is economically efficient to grant the ice time request and the ice time can be scheduled to offer time to a diversity of user groups. 3.1.0 Organized groups that ~se large amounts of ice timet may at . the City of Hopkins discretion, be billed for ice time. All other user groups and individuals will use ice on a C.O.D~ basis. 4. ICE USER GROUPS 4.01 Ice user groups will include, but are not limited to the following gro1.'lps; The general public, HopkinsjMinnetonka Recreation department, youth hockey associations, figure skating clubs, junior hockey teams.. private fiq-ure Skating instructors, broomball organizations, community organizations, schools and organizations for the handicapped. 5. DRY FLOOR RENTAL To be established in the future. 6. DRY FLOOR USER GROUPS To be established in the futur~. Established 10/16/90 :,. t-.;~'".,~ ~ - C:lM...-r-_ J!tr~ ~ .~~ '-' -~~Sfl'<l-~'-:; _ A ~ ~~ CITY OF HOPKINS ICE RENTAL AGREEMENT . This Agreement is made this -----:--r~ day of , ___, 19 by and between the city of Hopk).ns, (harelnafter "city") and (hereinafter "Lessee"). The city owns an~- ~perates the facility known as the Hopk.ins Pavilion I (hereinafter "Facility"). This Facility is located at 1515 Second I Street South, Hopkins, Minnesota, 55343. Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenant herein, the parties agree as follows: . 1. The current ice rental rate is $ per hour prime --- time rate. $ per hour non-prime ~ time rate. Tax to be added where appropriate. 2. For schedule of dates and times, please see attachment A. 3. USE O'l!" FACILITY. That Lessee will act in a manner which is in compliance with the published rules and regulations of the City for the premises including, but not limited to, the following. Les~ee shall not allow disorderly conduct; shall not utilize the areas of the building that are deemed outside the scope of the lease; shall require all persons using the premises to obey the . instructions of the ice guards and of tha pavilion manager and , , maintenance employees; shall not permit smoking in the FacilitY1 shall not permit food and beveraqes to be taken or thrown onto the ioe sheet; shall not permit other conduct or activi.ti.es inconsistent with the orderly use or management of the Facility. 4. By signing thi~ agre~ment, the Lessee acknowledges on behalf of him/herself ~nd the Lessee/s organization or group (hereinafter "the participants'S) that use of the Facility carries a risk of personal injury. The Participants RELEASE P~D DISCHARGE the city and their aqerrts and employees, from liability for injuries or damages, including any losses CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OR S'l'RICT LIABILITY of the releused parties. The Participants agree nDt to sue or make a claim against those agencies and agrees to defend~ hold harmless and indemnify the City from all claims losses, actions and Sili ts that may be brought as a result of use of the Facility. 5. If l~ssee is a formal hockey association, it agrees to: it. Provide a certiflcate of insursnce namimJ the City as an additional insured! or b. Collect waivers of liability on the torm provided by the ..J}~ city. These wai.vers i;tre to he signed by all Participants, } and their parents cr guardians if the partic.i.pants are under .'..,'. -. 18 years of age. Le~sea agrees to maintain the signed' . , wai vera for six years or unti 1 the participants reach 21 years of age~ whichever is longer. c{ - ---- 1 i I Ice Rental Agreement I Page 2 I 6. The Lessee will not assign this agreement or sublet any portion I . of the agreement without consent in writing from the City. Assignment or sUbletting for any amount great.er than the per hour rate of this agreement is prohibited. 7. In the event of mechanical failure of the Facility equipmentj the Lessee will be notified by Facility staff as soon as possible. The Facility management shall have the exclusive author i'ty to determine whether the ice sheet is in usable condition and shall I not be liable to Lessee for consequences of any cancellation other than to supply Lessee with substitute ice time. s. The Lessee hereby agrees to pay the full amount of ice time charges within twenty (20) days of billing for the total amount I of hours used within the billing period. The billing period will I extend from the first of each month through the end of the month. I 9. The ci ty reBerves the ri.ght to cancel this agreement for any default in terms her~of; and to re-schedule the dates and times of use of the Facility for just cause. Lessee: I Address~ ..."- .- - " """ - . Name of Responsible Party: - . - . Talephone Number: . ...... ! -- Date - --... ~ -~'~ ,.:.....- ""-"-- < S~gnature Date - -~ City of Hopk1ns ..."r--_..... II .----. Also part of this agreement: Attaclunent{s) : r r t.. .. ... " -" .....,.......-.-...-.-... ,.,"'......... ... IlL .. ------- , Established 10/16/90 .":_.- ~',' .' ~~- .;- '. . ,.,.' ';!-" ~i~;~~~,~'.:'-.' . "~::' ~ ':;'.=--.. >~:' ,:' ;_:J . ,~- ~: ,. , ' aa;; . CITY OF HOPKINS HOURLY ICE RENTAL AGREEMENT This Agreement is made on the day of .. >> ' 19 between the city of '-Hopkins (hereinafter i1C.l..ty") -and (herinafter ttLessee") . The City owns and operates the ,FacilIty know as the Hopkins Pavilion (hereinafter "Facilityn). This Facility is located at 1515 Second street South, Hopkins, Minnesota, 55343. Lessee wishes to use the Facility for ice related activities. In exchange for the mutual agreement below the parties agree as follows: 1- The current ice rental rate is: $ per hour prime time rate. $ per hour non-prime time rate. Tax to be added where appropriate. HQW2 ~ TIME. TOTAL CHARGE - ~ ~ - ~ - ,......... .. - . . - - ~ - $20.00 deposit is required for each hour of ice rental. Deposit received: $ ~ ~ Balance due upon use: $ - If ice is to be used for broomball, the damage deposit require.d is $ (see Attachment C for broomball rules/regulations) -- ''"'' 2. USE OF FACILITY. That, Lessee will act in a manner which is in compliance with the published rules and regulations of the city for the premises including, but not limited to, the following. Lessee shall not allow disorderly conduct; shall not utilize the areas of the building that are deemed outside the scope of the lease; shall require all persons using thti premises to obey the instructions of the ice guards a~d of the pavilion manager and maintenance employcaesi shall not p~rmit smoking in Pavilionv shall not permit food and beverages to be taken or thrown onto the ice sheet; shall not permit other conduct or act.ivities inconsistent with the orderly use or management of the Facility. :, .. ,.', ~,,"t ,.'." :j;t~~.{,: ~.... _. iRl'1"lfl ... ... 1 . Hourly Ice Rental Ag!'eernent Page 2 .3, By signing this agreement, the Lessee acknowledges on behalf of him/herself and the Lessee I s organization or group (hereinafter "the Participants") that use of the Hopkins Facility carries a risk of p~rsonal injury. The Participants RELFASE AND DISCHARGE the City of Hopkins and their agents and employees, from liability for injuries or damages, including any losses CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY of the Released Parties. The Participants agree not to sue or make a claim against those agencies and agrees to defend, hold harmless and indemnify t.he City of Hopkins from all claims losses1 actions and suits that may be brought as a result of use of these facilities. 4. The Lessee will not assign this agreement or sublet any portion of the agreement without consent in writing from the City. Assignm.ent or subletting for any amount greater than the per hour rate. of this agreement is prohibited. 5, In the event of mechanical failure of the Facility equipment: I the Lessee ,"'ill be notified by Facility staff as soon as possible. The Facility manaqem.ent shall have the exclusive authority to determine whether the ice sheet is in usable condition and shall not be liable to Lessee for consequences of any cancella't.ion other than to supply Lessee with substitute ice time. 6. The City reserves the right to cancel this agreement for any default in terms hereof; and to re-schedule the dates and times of use of the ".' Facility for just cause, Lessee: ---'"'--- ~ ~ .. ~ '" ........... - ~ -~ Address; - .......,...- - ..... ~ ""- ~ Name of Responsible Party: . ----'" ---.. Telephone Number: -~,- Da'te: .. "" 1I~bd. ......- - signature - - "" Date: r _. - - CIty of Hopkin's ...--...---.----. Also part of this agreement: Attachment (s): _.., ~ ---~--- ---._~.., ~.... -- - .,. -- - ..... ." EstabliShed 10/16/90 ':.:y:. ..' ." - - --- - --~-- .'----'~ ---------- - -- -- ------ -----_._---'-~--_.,_.--'-~-~.~~..~. CITY OF HOPKINS CONCESSIONS LEASE AGRE&~ENT . This Agreement is made thi.s " day of I 19 by and between the city of Hopklns~ (hereinafter lIcity") and -- _ (hereinafter tfLessee"}. 'I.'he City owns and operates the facility known as the Hopkins Pavilion (hQreinafter "Facility"). This Facility is located at 1515 Second street South, Hopkins, Minne.sota, 55343. The city desire.s 'to lease a portion of the Facility and the Lessee. desires to secure certain space in the Facility to operate a food and beverage concessions stand. Now, therefore, in consi.deration of the mutual covenant h.erei.n, the parties agree as follows: 1. EXCLUSIVE RIGHT. The Lessee shall have exclusive rights to operate the concession stand at the Facility during the terms of this agreement, provided, however, that the vending machines provided by the City, presently in the Facility or any replacement shall be at all times accessible to the public. 2. RENT. The x:ent for the concession stand shall be fifteen percent (15%) of the net profit earned in the Facility by the Lessee, its officers, agents and employees. The rent shall be due the fifteenth (15th) of each month for the full amount of the . previous months net profit percentage. Included with the payment shall be a statement of ~oss sales, operating costs and net profit. 3. OPERATIONS. a. The Lessee shall obtain a food handler's license and shall comply at all times with the applicable health codes and regulations. b. The Lessee shall keep the concession stand and immediate area clean and comply with any specific directions from the Facility manager with ~espect to clean up. c. The Lessee shall provide concession services during the term of this agreement at all events at the Facility at the request, verbally or in writinq of the Facility manager. d. The Lessee shall carry in stock at all times a line of such foods and b~verages that it has authority to sell, and the amount ot such items shall be ready for sale at all times during tha hours of operation. All items to be sold must be approved by the Facility manager. 4. PAVILION POLICIES. Lessee and its agents shall at all times ' / ~>. during the term of this agreement be governed by the published pOlicies of the Facility. ~,- -,~ 17'[ -- , . .. ~r>'f'~Rtm<"II~ TU'WIIIII'llI'iili1lll" .MIIr v. - Ii Jill 'I 5. UTILITIES AliD COSTS. The Lessee agrees to provide for all the operating labor in the concession, all materials necessary for the concession stand clean up and equipment that is required to . operat~ the concession stand. The City shall furnish the concession stand, utilities that are required to operate the concession, labor required to handle stock deliveries and maintenance of City owned concession fixtures. 6. MANAGEMEN'l' . Lessee shall provide a manager of the concessions operation to work with the Facility manager to provide a clean, safe and efficient concessions operation. The keys to the Facility shall be at all times in the possession of the city. No wages or other benefits shall be paid by the city to those individuals who operate the concessions stand. 7. INDEMNIFICATION. By signing this agreement, the Lessee agrees to RELEASE AND DISCHARGE the City and their agents and employees, from liability for injuries or damages, including any losses caused by the negligence or strict liability of the released parti.es. The Lessee agrees not to sue or make claim against those agencies and agrees to defend, hold harmless and indemnify the City from all claims losses, actions and suits that may be brought as a result of use of the Facility. 8. INSURANCE. The Lessee shall carry a policy of general liability insurance which shall provida coverage for any and all potential liabilities arising from the operation of the concession stand. The Lessee must provide the City with proof of such insuranceq . 9. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLEASE. The Lessee will not assign this contract or sublet any portion of the contract without consent in writing from the city. 10. TERMINATION. Either party ~any terminate this agreement at will by giving 30 days written notice to the other party. 11- TERM 0 The term of this agreement shall be from to . - -- - ......'" .... 'V ~ Lessee~ - --.. ~ - ~---- Ad.dr~ss: ~K ,,""P-,"'.,,_ .. ....... Name of Responsible Party~ Telephone Number~ . - , .. Date: -- sIgnature-' h__ Date: --- - . ..................... illy of HopkIns ...--.." I .L..... ~~~ ~ CITY OF HOPKINS ICE RENTAL AGREEMENT A'rTACHMENTA BUILDING REGULATIONS PERTArNING~O ICE RENTAL USERS 1. Adequate supervision by the people using the ice is required both on and off the ice surface. Children will not be allOwed to run around the pavi1.ion or play "hockey" in the lobby or bleacher area. 2. permission must be obtained from the attendant on duty to be in and use the scorer's area. 'l'he pavilion clock and scoreboard are to be used for games, leagues and tournaments only, only a qualified operator, with the permission of the pavilion manager, may use this facility. '- 3. The pavilicm is a smoke-free faci.lity and absolutely HO ~MQ~ij~ will be allowed in the pavilion. If you must smoke, you must do so outside of the pavilion complex. 4. No alcoholic beverages are allowed in the pavilion. . 5. No food, qum. or beverages are allowed in the player's box area or on the ice surfaoe. Only team members, coaches and managers are allowed in the player's boxes. 6. Ice rsntal is sold in on~-hour blocks. Your group must be ready to begin at tha start of the rental and must be comple.tely off the i.ce when that hqur ends, We ask you cooperation in the movinq of the nets at the end of the rental. The only persons allowed on the ice once thV1 i.ce :tesurfacer is on the. ice are the two people moving the nets. Do not allow you players on the ice earlier than the tbl'ie of the ice rental and always wait ~ unti 1 the ice res'lrfat-::er entrance gates are closed. I ~ 7. Your group is respol1sible for the proper disposal of all bottles, caps canSt cups, paper wrappers and UFECIALLY ~,(iVM. This is necessary for' insurance purposes to prevent skaters from cutting their feet on broken glass or litter and from dulling their skates al'ld dragging debris on the iCG which could result in serious accidents. 8. Locker Room Etiquette: PLEASEl! Teach the players how to use the waste hasket. PLEASE!! Pick up tape and other items before you leave the locker room. ~"_______L'O-~_~_-=-~-.--.----.-~__~~_~~~,.'-_r__~____._'___~_" --. -- Building Regulations Page :2 . 9. When special drills and stops and starts are incorporated in your practi.ce timesl rotate you positions so the grooves are spread evenly. stop at least ~~K-f~t~ away from the boards. 10. Concentrated puck shooting must be directed to the goal areas of the rink, which is protected. It is obviously dangerous to shoot in unprotected areas and where only three foot glass panels exist. 11.. The locker room, and the restroom facilit.ies are your responsibility after you enter and accept the rooms~ An attendant will give you the key and check the rooms with you. Upon leavingf the same procedure will occur. Your group will be charged for any damage found at the time of your leaving. 12. All puck shooting must stop as soon as the resurfacer gate opens. If any shooting occurs, the player or team, will be ~U~f~DED from the ~UILDING. 13. All participants in hockey games must wear protective headgear. The above r&qulations have been read and are understood by the undersigned person. !'allure to comply with said . regulation can result in the cancellation of the remaining ice time on the contract. If it becomes necessary to hire police for any' practice{s) or gallle(s), youl the Lessee, will be responsible for their payment. Established 10/16/90 ,",' il;i" 5Jp-- "&II. ... ___ , ~ _' $ ,~ 6211II( ~- ! . I CI'1'Y OF HOPKINS I CE RENTAl. AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT B . I I i CANCELLATION OF B..ESERVIDL.ICE i 1. The Hopkins Pavilion has developed a canGellation policy for all groups or individuals under contract for :reserved ice time. The individual who signs the ice use agreement shall be responsible for the implementation of any cancellation. 2. Individuals who have rented ice under contract and wish to cancel any amounts of time, must do so ten (lO) days in advance of the soheduled time. Ice time may onl.y be cancelled M:onday-F:cid,:tY (excluding holidays) between the hours of 8:00 a.m& and 4:00 p.m. All cancellations must be made directly th1"ough the Pavilion Manager or Pavilion . Receptionist. Cancellations can only be made by the . individual who signed the original contract. 3. Any individual wishing to cancel ice time with less than ten (10) days: notice I may attempt. to do so by contacting the Pa~;i lion Ml'U'Hlger or Receptionist . With less than ten days notice. the Hopkins Pavilion Manger will attempt. to sell the ice time hut the original contractor is liable for payment if the ice time is not resold. Established 10/16/90 & :~,,::r,..:-y.~",,"".'.::;"'~ Y:\;."~'~;"::":"~A~~#. ,." .\r_. N CITY OF HOPKINS . ICE RENTAL AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT C BROOMBAI.,L ICE REJ:IT_~ REGULAT~ON.$. 1. All broomball ice rentals must include a minimum payment of $20.00 with the balance due pr.ior to use of ice time. 28 All broomball deposits must also include a $50.00 cash dam.aqe deposit. This deposit :must be made before a time is written in the schedule book. A receipt will be issued t,o the renter p which will include renters I nam.e and phone nUJll.ber! and the time and date of rental. I 3. Person (s) ren.ting ice must bring their damage de.posit I receipt and show it to the shift attendant before I ent.ering the rink. Any d.aw.age or alcohol found in the building will result in the renter's forfeit of the damage deposit~ Xf no problems are found, the renter ! can recei va their deposit on the next business day ! between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the arena or lIlake ! arrangements to pick it up. 1 . 4, . This policy cover~ any broomball played. Any problems found must be reported to the pavilion attendant immedlat,ely. Rent.er is responsible for all persons associated with their group while on the pavilion property, This is not. restricted to the ice surface only. Established 10/16/90 ~:.{:. ~;~ ~.:;f,~ :.::N~ .' ~;' ,"- .\~~~ ~ "'" ;c.; :--.., ~~;~ ~:J .~. ~ ~ ' ~ r~ _ _ .", "'Ae,._.,-",,/ . -,,~ . .~ c~; .i:,~ ~:::;.;.~:" .,~ " I~ . . . ....<::'{4~fJ ~"I &m_ 'lV'- JL 1_ .~ ;c1::.lJ J .-mi.';' :.;, '~~','o':'~-:'c\c"'''''--:,;:" ,':"...':...:\.'j}.-:;':-,'~;'.:..,',',(,'~ ,..~-I,I,IlJ,:. ,_:;_:'l~<lli":-ll'-."'.":'-"_': ,.-. ,.;,.~,., __~______~_~_~_____,~-,_...-..--.._______~~.---..-,_,_________'___,--.o . . . HOPKINS PAVILION 1515 SECOND STREET SOt~'H HOPKINS, MN 55343 ICE HOCKE~ ~LAYER REg~TIONS 1. Players shou.ld re!Ilain in dressing room unt.il ice is ready to skate on~ 2. ~'hen resurfacer gate is open ALL SHOOTING ACTIVITY MUS'l' STOP. If this is not done the PLAYER OR TEAM WILL BE SUSPENDED FROM SKATING IN THE PAVILION. 3. Player gates must remain CLOSED during RESURFACE and until resurfacer gate closes. 4. When resurfacer ga.te opens PLEASE LEAVE THE ICE PROMPTLY. I 5. NO SITfING ON CAP RAIL OF DASHER BOARDS. 6. NO STICKS OR PUCKS TO BE USED IN OFF ICE AREAS~ 1. 00 NOT LOFT PilCRS g SHOOT FOR THE GLASS OR SIDE BOARDS, . CEILINGS OR LIGHTS. 8. Vandals will be held liable for full amount of damage. g,. Players RETURN YOUR DRESSING ROOM KEY to the attendant I on duty. , 1.0. Violators will he directed to leave the facility. 11. NO SMOKING OR ALCOHOLIC DRINKS IN THE BUILDING. Established. 10/16/90 --'--~'- ---~ ~ - -- /? - . -iIgJA TOLrl,I<'HO. DUYALl. ANDI1Ra"N AND ASSOC'ATIOl:l. INCOAPOAAn:O GINEEflS ARCHITECT';-~~S _~11'~ . -----.... - "V " .b..- !I:I>l'IO -'MIiRY'."PJf NATlOHAI. MHK IUltDING 81\"'" PA\Il. ....INEOOTA 55101.1'*3 "'2IUI~ September 5, 1m fAA "121a2~ Mr. Jim Oessele City of Hopkins 1010 South Pim Street Hoplcin.i~ MllmesQt~ 55343 Re; Sooth Pad< Pond Excava.tion HQP.kins~ ML--mesotlJ ComwJs..oo\ll'Cm Nc. 8835 Dear Mr. G-ess-~le: End<"3ed hJ CC!lSent I.'lf Surety to Final Payment and Lien Waivers for the referenced project. TI1e3e documents fire in order and we recontn'J:t.md f"mal psyment be made to S.M. Hentges and Som. . ';"-"', . ff1 TodrlieJ P.E. RE'I':j Enclosures .,.,-. . I I I I . CITY OF HOPKINS I I Minnesot.a Hennepin County I RESOLUTION NO: 90-106 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING WORK - SOUTH PARK POND WHEREAS, pursu.ant to a written contract signed with the City on May 2, 1989, S. M. Hentges and Sons of Shakopee, Minnesotaf has satisfactorily completed the improvement of Sou~h Park Pond excavation (City P~oject 87-53) I in accordance with such contract. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Hopkins, Minnesota: .. The work conlpleted under said contract is hereby .I.. accepted ann approved. 2. The City Clerk and Mayor are hereby directed to issue a proper o~der for the final payment on such corstract t taking the contractor's receipt ill full. . Adopted by the Council this 18t.h day of September, 1990. .1 By ~ Nelson W. Berg, Mayor ATTEST: ~- . ,..,--- -, -~- James A. Genel11e, c~ty Clerk '. ~;. '."".,. . ..