Memo Mainstreet Reconstruction
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DA'J.1E: October 12, 1990
TO: Honorable ~~ city Council
FROM: Tom Har.menin; o~munity Development Director
SUBJECT: Mainstreet Reconstruction project
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The purpose of this memo is to provide a staff reaction to
the construction option presented to the City Council during
its recent workshop session. This option was called "Option
5 Revised II .
. :n:.. Ilt-marv of "oDtion 5 .B.evised"..
0 seqment 1 (Ramp) - no construction
0 Segment 2 (Washington - 5th} - no construction
0 Segment 4 - full reconstruction from 12th Avenue to 20th
Avenue. :?i. "~
0 Segment 3 - intermediate replacement of infrastructure
betwe.~n 5th Avenue and 12th Avenue. This would include
the full replacement of sidewalks, curb and gutter,
gas/telephone lines, reline sanitary sewer mains (~. s
needed) , limited sanitary sewer replacement, retrofit
street lighting, and replace/retrofit traffic signals.
0 Saq.ment 5 - would involve temporary improvements
(including signal light) at intersection of Shady Oak
..'-'..-, Road and Mainstreet~
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~~',;..,. , III. It.lff CQ."Qt. .on "Opti~n4o '- ';.~~
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City staff can support the use of "Option 5 Revised" subject .u.
~~?-~< to the comments outlined below. Originally, staff did not
su.ppo:rt the use of t'Option 511 as it involved temporary .:.::~
~/,:~,~::. improvements in Segment 3 (5th to 12th Avenue). "Option 5 ";:i-.:i.
(" Revisedu provides for peI1n&r~ent improvements in Segment 3. ,/"
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Comments on "option 5 Revisedfl on a segment by segment basis ~;)'::';;
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. Mainstreet Project 2
0 Segment 3
The proposal made by 1I0ption 5 Revised" for this segment
appears acceptable subject to the following:
1- Tha.t soil borings be taken within the street. area t.e
ensure that the sub-base under the street is of
adequate strength to protect the water main below the
roadway as well as support the street itself. This is
important due to the type of ccnstruction process
proposed. Because construction will take place in
segment 3, along with vehicular traffic, the existing
street integrity will be strained. If the sub-base is
not adequate, the street could possibly fail. Tile
water main could also be negatively affected. The
approximate cost to undertake soil borings in Segment
3 ranges from $1;200 to $2,500.
2. That the sewer services be televised to ensure that no
large scale sewer service replacement is required.
Again, if extensive sewer service replacement is
necessary, the integrity of the existing street could
be compromised. The approximate cost to televise
. sewer services in segment 3 is roughly $5,000.
3. It must be understood that there will be a future
project to address the roadway needs. This project
could take place within the next five to ten years and
involve the use of special assessmenta against the
benefitting property owners.
4. That amenity levels within this segment be increased
over that which was presented to the City council
during its workshop session. staff di.scussed this
mat~er with Westwood. For the City Council meeting an
illustration wl11 be provided which outline~ the
proposed amenity improvements for the project on a
segment by segment basis.
0 ba.~
Staff ooncurs with "option 5 Revised!' regarding the full
reconstruction of Segment 4 between 12th Avenue and 20th
Avenue subject to the following two deviations:
1. Du@ to sanitary sewer capacity problems between 11th
Avenue and 12th Avenue, this one block area should be
added to Segment 4 and be totally reconstructed.
'. 2. That a new water main be installed in Segment 4 from
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. Mainstreet Project
Page 3:
0 .Se.g:m,ent ,?
Staff concurs with the proposal made by "Option 5
Revisedu regarding temporary improvements a,t the
intersection of Shady Oak Road and Mainstreet. Th.e Inain
issue at this intersection is traffic safe.ty which can be
addressed with temporary improvements. As a part of
undertaking this type of improvement, consideration
should be given to the follo\ving:
1. Staff has discussed the issue of the provision of
temporary improvements at this intersection with the
potential developer of the Pines Mobile Home Park~
The developer is concerned with the fact that the
pines site will be redeveloped into a high quality
project from an appearance and aesthetic perspectivef
but that the infrastructure at the intersection will
not convey that same type of feel. To address this
concern, the City will need to keep this issue in mind
as a part of the design of the temporary improvements
at this intersection.
. 2. It is suggested that the improvements on Mainstreet
within Segment 4 be extended as close as possible to
the Shady Oak Road/Malnstreet intersection. Fer
example, it may be possible to extend the improvements
up to the radius of the intersection. This type of
approach would appear to alleviate to a certain extent
the concerns of the developer of the pines Mobile Home
IV.. ~.2lfml.t;n4a tism s
If the City Council rlesires to lltilize ffOption 5 Revisecl'r
st.aff would recommend the City Council adopt the
option and authorize staff to u.nder-take the nec1.2:ssary steps
to have the soil borings and sewer service televising
completed before the first City Council meeting in November.
If the findings of these studies results in UOption 5
Revised" still being a viable opt,ion, 'che Council could then
authcriza the project for 1991 construction and order the
preparation of plans and specs for the project.
Attached is an updated financial analysis of the Uoption 5
Revillil&cpt project. These figures now include the cost. 'Of the
water main b~tween 11th and 20th Avenue, increasE: in the amenity in Segment :' and the extension of. infro.structure
improvements up to the radius returns of the intersection of
Mainstreet and Shady Oak Road.
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QCT -11'-19'30 15:43 FRO!'I WESHJOOD PROF. SEP!) TeES TO 9351834 F'.02
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HE page ,
File~ HOPx.PublicHrg.2
LIN. FEET $$ $/L.F.
:>:RANGE <
Superficial 'WOrk in segment Three (6th to 12th Avenue) Asse$s~ $ 758,510
and reconstruction of Segments Four and Five MSAS 589,700
$2,945,940 Genera.l 0
TI:F/oo 500,000
Segment *3 3224 $300 to $400,.000 $0 to $125 * utility 354,380
Serv-ices 156,030
Se~t '4 and '5 5884 )58,510 $55 to $70 Others 587,320
utility Services $2500 to $3500 Total $2,945,94-0
,. (Water &; Sewer per property)
'I: St;a1f reo~d. fu11 assessment wi thOll.1t KSA or TI:F.
Act.ual cost: depends upon the ext.ent of ~.mprOVell!lent.s.
iReconstr.uotion work in sagment Three (5th to t tt.h Avenue) Assess. $ 571,000 ~
wi. thout paveaent. r~va1. and wat.ermain reconstruction- MSAS 1,.336,610
lUnimial. .sani t.a:ry sewer repair wi thGut pavement:. removal ~ Gerleral 0
Segment. Four 1"eCODiltructed 'wi th :ceduced ameni ties TIF/oo ',0001000
oonsiste."nt wit.h Option 1-2 an~ extended. to Shady Oak Rd. utility 384,170
c,~;>3~t. '3 Services: 2~2~750
3714 $265,000 $55 to $70 Others 10~OOO
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;;~:~t. '4 50CiO $312rOOO $SS to $70 ~tal $ 3j590c530
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~~?j~~{ ,c ~ segment Four:( $25QO to $3500 a Sewer per Property ';,,:
s~~t Three: $3000 &0 $4000 W.t~r Serv!o~ per Property '"
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