CR 90-227 Hopkins Sanitary Landfill (2) r---' - ~...~- -~. -.~ '--..----------~-- -- -- 1 \' . \ 0 I ~ , ~. ,y . '" -.) "\ . October 31, 1990 P K \ C~uncil Report: 90-227 HOPKINS SANITARY Lk<<DFILL MBTHANB GAS RBMEDIAT!ON ~L~1 PrOpOtUII~ ~.1\ct. ion staff recommends the following motion: lo!oye th1jt Council adopt Resolution ~O-130 @..Qrov.ing ..R.1ans arlct _ specifications for inst:~llation of gas moniJ;..,crs in the WestJ2rooke PatiQ HQ..mes and authorizin~bids; move that__ Council ~t Resolution 90-;1.31 approving }21al'1S ang, s.1i~Qificat.ion~L for excavation of off-site l~ndfill and placement of a sy'ntil~tic mgthan~ barrier at th~ 7th street lan~fil] si~_~nd ~uthQrizing bids. Overvietf. After extensive negotiations with the MPCA, that agency has given approval to the City's proposed methan~ remediation plan. The City's consulting engineers; Braun Environmental and ReM Associates, have worked feverishly to compile the necessary . plan, specification az:td con~.ract documentation fer such ani undertaking 0 At thl.s 1IIr1.ting t,herea.re s-cil1 s~verall details to be cleared up. The ctms\llt.ants are laboring i unCl.er the disadvantage of relyir.l.g on third pal~ty expertise I in a fairly new field of environmental technolo9Y~ Council can expect, to racei VB a memo at the November 6 meeting that will provide more construction and cost. detail. J?~imary. I@~_~oDsi~r o ~~)at is the City's basic proposal? o What impact will this proj~ct have on westbrooke residents? o What is the proposed timetable? b.9.Po:[~ilJq IDfo~till o Landfill Gases Remediation Plan (let:ter fr0111 Braun to f.r!Pt~) o Resolution 90-130 o Resolution 90-131 ..... ~~~ .. JamesGessele- -~ ,~ -- . :;:,>. Enqinaerin9 Superintendent '-/' - '- .- ~ ' : , ' . 1~': ~ ',:. .',', ',' -,' , . ~1iL:" '~:L ........ ..______.........i-----,--:-_'w_.__'_.,._,.". -~---------. P!l~2 Council Repon 90-227 Hopkins Sanitary lAndfill . M~thane Gas Remediation Plan 1u:talysis 0 What is the city's basic proposal? The city proposes to enter upor. Westbrooke Patio Hom~s common area to remove any errant ,traces or pockets of landfill and to redeposit the W<<st~ within the interior of the landfill and to redeposit the waste within the interior of the landfill. Suitable backfill materials would be placed and compacted and landscape restorati.on would be undertaken. 'rhe City further proposes to excavate a trench to the water table along the eastsrn and southern boundaries of the landfillj to place a synthetic methane barrier in the trench to the water table, and finally to redeposit the: waste from the trench also within the interior of the landfill. The issue of possible methane concentrations at the northern reaches of the site will be addressed for now with the installation of additional monit.oring wells and a thorough evaluation program. i . I An alarm monitor ing system is proposed for the eight I units in each of the five Westbrooke buildings I immediate.ly adjacent to the landfill. These monitor alarms will be connected to a central locat,ion and alarm conditions will be sent to this central location. In addition, the city will provid.e ragular personal visits to the homes with an explcsimeter. 0 What impact will this project have on Westbrooke I residents? Immedi&te effects from removing pockets of landfill on the Westbrooke co:amnon area will b~ construction noise and pervasive garbage odor. They are m.itigated to some extent by the construction season itself and windl..)ws and doors will be closed. The nontract. specifications will mo&t certainly contain p:rovi::d.ons for the oontractor to operate within limited hours of a work day and to proceed with immediate backfill cperations once landfill is removad~ Resid6fits in the adjacent homes will also experience inconveniences during installation of the alarm monitors and at times when personal visits are made to their homes for the taking of methan~ readings. . ---~ _iii ".. "Ilf _,. "IT. ,.',', : ''!': '-, ,', ". :," ;/,' ':';" ',::, p&ge 3 Coll!lciJ Report 90-'12.7 . Hopkins Sanitlll)' Landfill Methllne Glli:f Remediation Plall staff will continue to work closely with the resident.s to keep them abreast of monitoring results, construction techniques, and the paca of the project. Staff plans to hold neighborhood m.eetin,~s to carry out this aim. The City's paramount concern i::.; to impress upon the residents that there are no designs to destroy the homes. U1 timate concern lies :In protecting the people from danger to make Westbrooke safe. o What is the proposed tiruetable? November 6, 1990 Council approves project plan and authorizes bids. November 14 and 21, 1990 Adv~rtisement for bids in Sailor November 1St 1990 Neighborhood meeting ," November 29, 1990 Bid Opening ". December 3, 1990 Begin personal visits for m~nitorin9 purposes December 11, 1990 Council awards bids December. 12, 1990 Neighborhood meeting December 17, 1990 Winter construction begins January 25, 1991 Winter construction ends May 1991 Spring Construction begins on landfill site - . .- .'-' 1IlJI';;lt. .___ If ~ ~~ Mf ~'W - T 11III. _ --- . . 6800 SOI.llh TH.169, P,O. Box 39108 [DNlJI!!] _ ~/;!SeMre'$~ 1%' Min,'1NJpolis, Minnosota 55439 Phona6121941.5600 f-ax: 6121942'4&l4 . September 25, 1990 Mr. Ken Meyer Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 520 Lafayette Road North St. Paul, MN 55155 RE: EG-839 LANDFILL GASES REMEDIATION PLAN Hopkins SanitaIY Landfill Dear Mr. Meyer: This letter i-s in response to the September 6, 1990 meeting at the MPCA regarding the Hopkins landfill. The following enumerated points put forth the City's plans for implementing remedial action regarding methane migration. It al&c proposes dates for submitting further documents and plans relative to decomposition gases remediation. . 1. In response to discussions with the MPCA regarding the uncertainty and importance of the gas generation rate to the design and performmce of a recovel)' system, the current designs were peer reviewed by a national expe;tt (see attached resume). 2. The peer J."eview findings indicated that because the landfUl has been closed for approximately 10 years1 ,is relatively shallow and largely above natural grade. and is 3mall in size, it wBl not be po..<;sible to maint.ain an effective gas concentr~tioD. for flare combus:ion. Whereas methane generation in 1980 (t~rmr."lation date) was estimated to be approximately 85 to 200 cubic feet per minute (cEm); generation currently is e:stimatl"'..d to be 45 to 95 cfm. By the year 20001 it is e:sthnated the generation rate v.>ill be bet'Ncen. 21 and 37 cfm. Methane comhust5-O!l studies indicate that ~n impractica! amount of natural gas would need to be blended into the recovered, landfill gas to :maintain combustien. 3. Given the above situation; an f!'.lternate approach to addre:85 the current r.lsk situation and to potentially comply with the boundary limits for meiliane concentrations as s!;\: farth in the solid west0 ruleJ is proposed. 111C City proposes to excavate <1 trench to the water table; along the eastern and sou~hern portions of the landfili (see attached map). A ~etic methane barrier would 00 emplaced from tbe land surface to the wolter table. Waste from the trench area as well as WMt\: cutside the barrier would be redeposited in low areas within lbe intericr of the site. It is anticipated that the trench togeilier with tbe waste excavation wdl alleviate the immt':diat~ safety (;<.'1ocem near the Wesi~rooke homes. L'. , ',~ ., -- Envimmi'/INltaJ COOSUItIfl(J and T6Sling ~ .._..._-~----,-_.. '. _..... v... -.. Offl!:as in Mirn'l$SOla. Wisconsin. 1IIinCJis, North DBhDtIf and Mootana 0 .. v- """"""'l!'........ - .". ..eD1IIIIlI -,. --~....-- ~-p- - c_, . EG-015 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ,.., September 25, 1990 -.(..- 4. Because or d&:repancies in earlier i.llformation regarding the northern boundary of the landfill. additional monitoring weUs will be installe.d ill this area to evaluate whether boundary non-compliance is oc-curring. Proposed well locations are shown on the attached map. 5. Because the end of the current construction se3SOr! i.c; approaching quiclcly,. it i... unlikely that the entire batrier propo;:ied can be emplaced this :y~ar. Howevert excavation of the waste and backfill with natural soil could be accomplished this year. As soon as possible during the 1991 construction se~on, natural soil backfille-.d this year will be r~moved in the trench location to allow emplacement of the:: barrier. 6. Monitoring of the Westbrooke homes ~ing both a1a.rms suppJemented 'With r.egular visits to the homes with an explosimeter, '^tfi1 begi.n ~ soon as possible (see attacbed monitoring plan). The City has alre!dy heg'..lU to make arrangements for tilese sensitive activities, 7. It is proposed that the site rind hom~ be monitored through 1991 and 8, final remedial design for gas recovery/control for the landfill M a whole be submitted to the MPCA by January 1992. By that time, ohse~"Iable changes in gas migration ~ffected by the barrier. can be factored into the fimd design. Furthemmr~, re.gulato;:y requirements related to . landfill gas emissiom may be hett'.'~r defined su:;h that the final design can be stru(:tured to meet those requirements. We are available to answer any qu~tions you might have regarding the above plan... nlC~ City wiahes to present this plan to the City Council as soon as poMwle and therefore requests your review in as timely a manner as possible., Very truly yours, BRAUN ElW1RONl\.fENT AL LABORA.TORIF..s, me. ~J ~ (J'ft4<lA/ Paula J. ro nea "- Project Manager, Environmental Consulting SeIVices It4-tL A ~~ Mark B. Larson Supetvisor, Waste Management Section PJClMBL:ctw-21EO-015.Sep Attacbme'iS :)) Jim Gessele, City of Hopkins ,.-,_,.'.<}11 cc: ,} . ~:(;tf:' Dick Nowlin, Doherty Rumble &. .Butler ::'" :.-:r;: ..^':.'!-, Mark Z8ban, Hennepin CoUDty ~ ';,~~~. /0 \.,';'1. ';~,.,;;, r R~If-~ \,~"-~._- ' - '- - '--. .-' :-' ,:' '-, - " -' ......,. ~..,....1'9uo:~~~mr~ -- -----'-------~---~- ~-.----- RONALD J. lOFY, PH.D.t P.E. . Vice President/Principal Education B.S. in Civil Engineering from University of Wisconsin, Madison M.S. in Sanitary Engineering from University of Wisconsin, Madi~on Ph.D. in Sanitary Engineering with MinQr in Chemiccl Engineering from University of Wisconsin) Madison, 1971 Prof~ssjonal R~gij~r9tion! California: R.C.E. No. 24866, 1915 V"irginia: R.t.E. No. 9781, 197'7 Colorado: R.C.E. No. 20014, 1982 Indiana: R.C.E. No. 19771, 1982 prof~ional Affiliations American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE Water Treatment Sludge Dew~tering and Disposal Ta~k Conmittee American Water Works Asso~iation Water Pollution Control Faderation ~ational Solid Waste Management Associa~ion NSWMA Chemical Waste Committee Sigma Xi . frqf,ssjoQj]_Experj~n~e Dr. lofy has over 17 years of 1 andfi 11 experi efiee and has des i gnad) supervised construction or recommended operational modifications at sev~ eral dozen landfills in Caiifornia and in other states. He has also been retained as &n exp~rt witress in lundf111 litigation and frequently makes technical presentations on landfill design Pf4ctices and remedial actions. Dr. lofy has or currently serves on several landfill policy advisory cOmlittees, such as NSWHA and SRCDA. He is a frequent speaker at technical meetings and is a founding member of GRCDA's GiS Management Committee. As Director af Environmental Engioaering for Lockman & Associates~ Or. Lofy coordinated projects wh~ch developed new technical solutiuns to gas manageme\1t prtiblems at California hndfi1ls. He directed engineering work which resulted in several of the first pioneering 1andfi11 gas con. trol systems. He ha5 also designed several innoy~tive contrnl systems that meet extremely stri ng\!nt air Qua;; ty >>~equh'ements. Dr. Lofy was coordinator and coa~thqr of th0 U,$. EPA guidance document "Recovering, Prote~s1n9, and Utilization of Gas From Sanitary La~dfillsD (EPAf600/2.19~OOl) which described for the first ilme~ the design ele- ments of landfill gas ffiani~ement systems v Ha has also performed land- fill gas research for the U.S. Department of Enargy and Argonne National laborattlry. ..."" ~~.- --- ------.~"--"~-~._-~-_.'.~------~--~-'----- ~ ..40 ~ _.....~ Ronald J. Lofy, Ph.D.. P.Ev (canL) . Or. lofy's professional activities include the following: - Involvement in the fir3t ever medium-BTU gas plant - Reeva 1 uat i on of 1 andfi 11 operation and techn i ca 'I ass i stance to Getty Synthetic Fuels (GSF) ragarding landfill gas collection en- hancement - Preparation of the civil engineering design elements for the GSF second generation pipeline quality gas extraction and compression faci1 ity - Building of the first mobile landfill gas pumping and test burn system - Conduct of field research for Argonne National LaboratDry on land- .fill gas well design, zone of influence. and temporary storage of gas in a landfill . - Des i gner' of the 1 andfi 11 gas co 11 ect i on systems and conceptui 1 design of the first two commercial landfill gas-to-electrical- ene"gy facilities in the United States . - Development of the first operating air-dike s,ystem for controlling offsite migration of landfill gas g Specifications preparation for protecting c~mmercial and residen- tial developments from the danger~ of migrating landfill gas Dr. lofy has also been retainer by site owners to provide peer review and oversight of projects being developed by other firms. He also is a guest lecturer in the solid waste ~anagement training programs offered . by the University of Wiscons1n. He 1s certified in CPR and First Aid from the American Red Cross, Ii ~ ::;. ,;;~. :' ~ ,..,. -- - , 11 . .,. ~ . ~ fl q Oll 114 '4 '. . l f " ., -. 'r, c. ~~. j"\!-. ~~~,:.., " ~:'..' -'--: , .. A ..... -":' .';"C'", ,",,':.' . <.:,". . f~f'>~:~' '-':' ~-<./,:-., . C:~"'."'.'. ., ~:~L<.r - - . ~~~::.;~}.:~'t.-::~' . IMQI:2 W'MI .YM:I___ '......---"---- - -- on ----.or __lI"f -. _v- - ~~1lJIB . MONITORING PLAt"I FOR WESTBROOF..E PATIO HOMES Due to the concentratioD}) of methfne found in the gas monitoring wells at the landfill and particularly in tl1e wells along the WestbnAlke Patio Homes, the City of Hopkins will provide monitoring of those homes along the eastern edge of the landillI. A bri,~f description of the type of monitoring that will be performed is described below. Monitors win be placed in the homes IQC:lted along the eastern edge of the landfill. 1he monitor wiH be placed in a room on the lowest level of the home. The monitors will be set to alarm at 20% of the lower explosive limit (LEL). The inhabitants of the homes will ~ informed to vacate the premises if the aliillD has sounded and to contact the City Fire Departm{";nt. In add!tion to the monitors placed in the bomes, CitY?Cr8onne! or representatives of the City will periodically go into the homes, assuming penniss\on is grantee!-. from the homecwners~ to measure le....els of methane wi!h an explosimeter. 'This will ::etve ,as a -;heck on the alarm.'\, Monitoring in this fashion m1! be performed once every two W'eeks for an initial two-month period. Subsequent monitoring will be perfo!"Jled or;. a monthly basis. Monitoring of the gas monitoring wells at the landfill wHl be continued on a monthly ba.s~. . Monitoring of the homes is currently anticipated to continue until landfill monitoring indicates that saf~ty concems have been alleviated. Reports will be provided to th~ ,Minnesota Pollution Contro! A.gency on a q'LW1e;rIy basis. The repo,\'t5 will include results from the monitoring of the gas monitoring welb as v.-ell llS re:sulu from monitoring inside the homes. Any instances of an alarm beL"!! sctivated which bu b~ reported to the City will also be reported to MPCA in the quarterly reports. i i I I ,1 'I i ,I I I ':! , {: .~ ~::t,~~ ,'.,., ""., --.-"", .-,"1, "F l!!~~rn ,:; - --"~'", .III!Ib:IIIt. -'_- ...oS ____ _. .~.........:........~i.< ~ :~~..:'~ . ":~:.:;;. :~:.. ,.:,"'~ :,::", ~ '.!'j L.<~~-' r.,...~ . CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO~90-13~ RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, INSTALLATION OF GAS METHANE MONITORSt PROJECT 90-16, Awn AUTRORI2ING THE ADVERTISING POR BIDS WHEREAS pursuant to Council authorization, plans and specifications for the inf:Otallat:lon of methane monitoring devices in the Westbrooke Patio Homes have been prepared by Braun Environmental Laborat.ories and they have pr2f'iented such plans and specifications to the council tor approval, NOW THEREFOP~f BE IT RESOLVED by the city council of Hopkins, Minnesota: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved and ordered placed on filG in the office of the City Clerk. 2. The Cit.y Clerk shall prepare and cause to be . inserted in the official paper and in the ConlLtructiQn Bulletin an adv~!'tise:ment for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plana and apecifications cations. The advartisemu-:mt, shall be published twice, at least ten days bEfore date set for bid opinin9t shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be received by the clerk u.ntil 10:00 a.m., on the 19th day of Novemb~r, 1990, at the City Hall and that no bids shall be considered unloas sealed and flIed wit.h the clerk and a-:::companied by a certified ch~ck or bid bond, payable to th~ city of Hopkins, Minnesota for 5% of the amount of such bid. 3. The Clerk and city :e:ngi.ne.gr are hereby authorized a.nd instru.cted to receive~ open, and read e.loud bids received at. the time and place herein noted, and to tabulat.e the .bids received. The Council will consider the bids, and t.he aWc,rd of a contract ~ at the regular city Council meeting of Decembsl' 11 t 1990, ,in the Counci 1 Chamb~rs. Adopted this 6th day of November; 1990. . . ~-'--Nels()n W:- Berg, Mayor ~.~,~ ci' ',',-, ATTEST: : ~'~,~ ' ." i:,:;:- me ~:'!? James--A~Genellie, city clerk l:-; k l". ~'}, '<.- ,;,-. 115 .......--nllimr I __ ~1P'Uli"--'- flllll_ ~ rr--.- "",-W_Iill._ -'- II. _ ---, --- -'"""I I . I I I I I I . CITY OP BOPXIN8 I Hennepin county, Hinn.sota I RESOLUTIOM NO.90-131 I RBBOLUTXON APPROVING PLANS AND aPECI~ICATIONS, INSTALLATION II OF LANDFILL GASES RBKBDIATION PLAN, PROJECT 90-18, AND AUTHORIZING THB ADVERTXSING POR BIDS 1 I I WHEREAS pursuant to Council authorizat.ion, plans and i soecifications for excavation of off-site landfill I and placemen'': of a synthetic methane barrier at I the 7th street landfill site have been prepared by RCM Associates, Inc. and they have presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City council of Hopkins, Minnesota: ~. Such plans and sp.ecifications~ a copy of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof( are hereby approved and ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be ~ inserted in the official paper and in the Construction Bulletin an advertisement for bids upon the making of such impro1ls1t'tent under such .11 approved plans and specifications cations. The I advertisement shall be published twice f at least I ten days before date set for bid opining ~ shall I specify the work to be donet shall state that bids 1 will be received by the clerk until 10:00 a.m., on;jl the 29th day of November, 1990, at the city Hall . and that no bids shall be considered unless sealed I and f ilea with the clerk and accompanied by ai certified check or bid bond, payable to the City! of Hopkins, Minnesota fer 5% of the amount of such ~ bid. ~ ;'i 3. The c~erk and city Englneer are hereby authorized ,,~J and .lnstructed to receive, open, and read al0Ud"::;~1 bids received at the. time and place herein neted", and. t.o tabulate the bid~ received.. The council.'.:, will consider the bids, and the award of a ,/J oontract ~ at the regular City Council meeting Ofl December 11, 1.990, in the Council Chambers. '1 '.:'1 ';;1 Adopted this 6th day of November, 199Q. ;) ~ ".\.~ . 'I ?~ ;~. ~ Nelaon W. Berg, Mayor ";,;~ ATTEST:)~ ~' :;~~'~~ .";:\1 Sam.es A Ge:neIIlei city Clerk ,.V' ".;.- "~.~'~' ':;.,\.:~,..,..;. . ' ,..,",~~ .,:o,,;,;~~~_-...:.__~.._.__~~....._.,__ ___ __..__.__...or___...;._.____'__~A __ ....~ i><b." :'~;~~