CR 90-229 Waiver of Plat - Cty Rd 3 ---- ---~~.~-~-~~~~ , y ~ , 0 ~ ~ ',.. 0 o " . October 31, 1990 P I( \ Council Report: 90-229 WAIVER OF PLAT - COUNTY ROAD 3 AND 11TH AVENUE Propo..4 ~2~~OD~ Staff recommends approval of the following motion: Move to a9pro~ R91!olution 9Q-118 tQ w.yi,d~ the City owned proPf"-rty at County Road ~ and 11th Avenu~into two oarQ~ls. Approval of this motion ,,,ill divide the Cit.y owned property at County Road 3 and 11th Avenue into two parcels. The Zoning and Planning Commission unanimously approved the waiver of plat to divide the City property into two parcels. OVarvi."'1- The City is proposing to divide the vacant 100 foot wide strip along the south side of County Road J into two parcels. The parcel is owned by the city and contains l05,~71 square feet. The parcel is zoned B- 3, Ge~eral Business. The City Council in September authorized the sale of the weat part of the City property to the BRA and direct.ed staff to finalize the :'" . details of the sale. .'. staff reviewed the proposal with the Commission. The CowniSl~ion was concerned why the parcel had to be divided. staff explai:t,ed that. thta -' new parcel would bA recordsd wi t.h Hennepin County and to record a new parcel the City has to approv6 the division. P~i..~ I.au.. ~o CQDai4.r~ o Why is the par.cel being divided? " o Why sell the parcel to the ERA? o 00 the proposed pa.rcels meet the zoning requirement&? o Does the sale of t.he property to th~ BRA comply ,d.th the'. Comprehensi ve Plan?,~' ..'-i~~ "J,.,", -...~t:iDq ',DoQAu.t.L. ,J:t; o Analysis of Issues jg o Location Map ..<%~ o SllrVay '.:~ o Alternatives .','; o Resolution No 90-118 ::,2; ;:.' ";'Iii~ '," " ,:. .",-. ~~~!:' -:~~ I'~* ".:;..j.m -::f-(~::~(fJ: . ,.., ~-.:,' ""'I'?'~' {i.~/;;. ..' ,,;,?[~ ",7''':''-,._-', " >, '-.''-... .':." &' ...,.' .. - ,.,_., - .~~;~~tk Ji:'- "-" . ;~~,"~..r..~ _,.~ - ....., ........."'Ui~]jolifiiil~~. ~-~ lIP"" ~ ,lilt! ..-- WlE _... ""l7"'" ---- . . CR: 90-229 Page 2 rriJQ~y. I&UI~'I .t.2. Q~~.L. o Why is the parcel being divided? One reason the parcel is being divided is because when the city Ha.ll was rentodeled, i.t was agreed that the city pl.-operty on County Road 3 and 11th Avenue would be sold to the HItA to assist in paying for th'i! remodeling project. If the city does not formally approve the parcel split, the HR.:'\ will not be able to record the sale with Hennepin County. The parcel is also proposed tc be divided to accommodate the future development of the property at the intersection of County Road 3 & 11th Avenue. The total size of the parcel that will be sold to the HRA is 38,681 square feet~ The parcel being sold to the BRA is the area from the intersection to about the water tower. The City owned property to the east of the water tower along county Road 3 will be retained by the city. . 0 lnlY sell the parcel to the HRA? . It is anticipated that at ~ome point in the future the property in question will be dQveloped~ The. HRA is the appointed authority for future development within the city. Because of this authority the BRA has more leqs.l ability to deal with th~ property as related to a future development project., The City will retain control of the property throu9h the HRA. c Do tha proposed parcels meet the zoning requir.ements? The zoning ordinance requires a lot ar(',,& of 3000 equare feet and a minimum width of 25 feet. Both of the proposed lots will Meet the.se requirements. The parc~l to be conveyed to the HRA is 38,681 square feet. o Does the sale of the pr.operty to the HRA co~ply with the Comprehensive Plan? ,,;, The property in question is designa'(:.ed as ucommerci.al" in the SA:'. comprehOn81v$ Plmn. Th6 proposed sale does not appear to create a ".' conflia't with the Comprehensive Plan. ""'. '~..,: .. >'-.",". .7..~"~'" ~'. . '- '. ~:~)~-, +',-:-)-"-'::- .""','". ';'''''.'','...' ",1:.L:~_'::~ -. ')t~,:.:. '-~,,:._-.,;., . zaZl:t.;~,:;~~.~,-":.'.:;.~~ ~~._ ~ ".. ~...--...--..-.---....~ ~ ~ _J~~ -~.------- -~~ ~-'-- ,--- . CR: 90-229 Page :} 1\1 t.rna ti v~> 1. Approve the waiver of plat to divide the property. By approving the waiver of platt the City will be able to record the property that is sold to the HRA with Hennepin county. 2. Deny the waiver of plat. By denying the waiver of plat, the City can sell the property to the HRA, but will not be able to record the property as a separate parcel. 3. continue for fwrther information. If the council indicates that further information is needed, the iteID should be i continued. . I i I i , ". i '.1 I , . , i I -I "j ,I i J ;..,,'i '.,':f:j - '~ ~ , _ __,i ~ ~,~ ~- ..~ ~0~ .,1 '~; ~-", ." ,', . t~,.> , ,~:', ~.: t '.c,i.~,1 ~" ,t~ L, /1' 'r/',,'''''''',' ,...'.',' .,.,'.',:'.'.. ~&.i"..." , I;~/ ~ """.'." .'1 L ~ . c;H.::.....................L........LCL..___......J-.. .~. '" ,. ~ "~....~~ . ..... ;111 ._~ ---- -~----,_.~-.~~.- . . CITY OF' HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO: 90-218 RESOLUTION MAKING FINDINGS OF FACT AND APPROVING APPLICATION FOR WAIVER OF THE PLATTING REQUIREMENTS l~:90-3 TO DIVIDE CITY OWNED PROPERTY AT COUNTY ROAD 3 AND 11TH AVENUE WHEREAS, an application by the City of Hopkins for a Waiver of the Platt.ing Re~~irements to divide city owned property at County Road #3 and 11th Avenue South is hereby approved. WHEREAS I the procedural history of the amendment is as follows: 1. That the application for Waiver of Plat WVR:90-3 was filed with the city of Hopkins on October 12, 1990. 2. That the Hopkins Planning Commission reviewed such application on October 30, 1990. 3. That the Hopkins Planning Commission, pursuant to mailed notices, held a hearing on October 30, 1990; all persons present at the hearing were given an opportunity to be . heard.. 4. That the written comments and analysis of the City staff and the Planning Commission were consldered. NOW THER2FORE BE IT RESOLVED, that application for Waiver of Plat WVR: 90-3 is hereby approved subj set to thf! following- Findings of Fact: 1. That the proposed parcels meet the requirements for the B-3 district. 2. That the proposed sale. to the HRA compli.es with the Comprehensive Plan. y BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, thai: application for Waiver of Plat WVR: 90-3 is hereby approved subject to the following Conditions: 1. That the Hennepin C~unty Recorder accepts the waiver. Adopted this 6 day of November, 1990. .'~ ~. ' ., , ,~.~ -Nelson W. Berg', Mayor .,-- . ..."-~ i'~};:,~ ATTESTs :~,~ ~ ,-,!, 'fi~">, JQ.8~ Ao Gen.llia,~my Clerk ,'\:.i:~i . - '--'" , --. : ~ ::; .' ,:_,::'~ . ~.:.-~_:'"i~~ B~~.&:iiiL;j....af"'"'' LIIl.1-':"':~ ... . i.HiUdl.'" U. ~i >>"...CCC' ..> ,;~~I . CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO~ 90-133 RESOLUTION WAIVING PLATTING REQUIREMENTS TO DIVIDE CITY OWNED PROPERTY AT COUN'l'Y ROAD #3 AND 11TH AVENUE SOUTH WHEREAS; the City of Hopkins has applied for approval of a division of PID #25-117-22 21 2 at the corner of County Road #3 and 11th Avenue and legally described as follows: PARCEL 1 That part of the abandoned Great Nortaern Railroad right- of-way in section 24, Tow~ship 117 North, Range 22 West and Section 25, Township 117 North, Range 22 West of the 5th Principal Meridian lying East of the following described line: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of section 25, Township 117, Range 22; thence run Northwester.ly at an angle of 90 degrees, 18 minut.es 22 seconds with t,he North line of said section for a di,stance 49.9 feet; thence deflec't 90 degrees riqht for a . distance of 668.08 feet; thence deflect riqht at an angle of 90 deqrees 1 26 minutes 06 sac,cmds a distance of 239. 0 feet along a line hereinafter referred to as Line 'A'; thence deflect left at an anala of 90 deqreas for a distance of 45 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as point fA'; thence deflect right 92 degrees, 51 t!I inutes It 5 seconds to the South line of the ahov~ desoribed tract being the ac.rtual poit~t of beginning of the line being described; th~nce run Northerly to said Point 'A'; thence continue Northerly parallel with said Line 'A' for a distance of 109.02 feet; thence deflect right along a tangential curve having a radius of 90.0 feet (delta angle 90 degrees, 26 minutes 06 secnnds) and there te.ritlinating. Which lies westerly of a line 409.00 feet easterly fro~ and parallel with the East line of Eleventh Avenue South, as said Eleventh Avenue South was there reestablished (46 feet ,. in width) by deed dated Auqust 20, 1930, recorded in the office of -thCi Reqister of Deeds, Hennepin. Ccunt:.\', Minnesota, on Deoember 31, 1930r as Document No. 1626685 in Book 1236 ot Peeds, PagEl 416. PARCEL 2 Th~t part of the abandoned Great Northern Railroad right- >. of-way in sections 24-117-2~, 25-117-l2 lying East of the fOllowing described line: - --<1 "I''l, . lll'1___ -- . . . commencing at the Northwest corner of Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of section 25/ Township 117, Range 22; thence run Northwesterly at an angle of 90 degrees/ 18' 22" with the No=thline of said section for a distance 49.9 feet; thence deflect 90 degrees right for a distance of 668.08 feet; thence deflect right at an angle of 90 degrees. 26' 06" a distance of 239.0 feet along a line hereinafter referred to as Line 'A'; thence deflect left at an angle of 90 degrees for a distance of 45 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as point 'A'3 thenc.e deflect right 92 degrees, 51' 45" to the south line of the above described tract being the actual point of beginning of the line being described; thence run Northerly to said Point 'At thence continue Northerly parallel with said Line 'A' for a distance of 109.02 feet; thence deflect right along a tangential curve having a radius of 90.0 feet (delta angle 90 degrees, 26' 06") and there terminating; and Westerly of the following described line: From the South Quarter corner of said section 24, run easterly on the South line of said Section 24 for 330 feet; thence deflect to the left at an angle of 108 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds for 150 feet to the point b9ginning of Line 1 to be described; thence run Southeasterly on the . last described course for 200 feet and there terminating. Except for that part which lios westerly of a line 409.00 feet easterly from and parallel with the East line of Eleventh Avenue South, as said Eleventh Avenue South was there reestablished (46 feet in width) by deed dated August 20, 1930, recorded in the office of the Reqister of Deeds, Hennepin.Countyv Minnesota, on December 31, 1930, as Document No. 1626685 in 500k 1236 of Deeds, Page 41.6. .J', , ',>-';~ NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby Resolved by the City council of the City of Hopkins that said premises as above described may be .',.-" divided as hereinabove set forth without fl.u.ther platting or other formal subdivision requirements. ':~'~3 ';-. ',:~ Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins, ."'}; .- ~i'I :--;--',' ,,'i , Minnesota, at a regular meeting held the 6th day of November~ 1990. ; - :} ~:.: I,," ;,,-"', . : -. .~J . .(~. i>;. ' ~,",-- . " - ~'.,;:~ t;~~'-;:~ . ~"' ':':'F! ''i'~;','' ".;~,'.~ ~~>.:;. ';, Nelson W.-Berg, ~Mayor )~~ ./~-,'~ .. ;'.,0 ~:~LL',_" .,~ T_,._". ATTEST: ../ !;-c;-. '.:~:_';; "'-..,.,,:. >,":";'" .1 ~j/./ ~;lf~;::- Genellie, City Clerk . ::<:;'i ~.~iH.~;- < J&mes A. "-'-"f .>~ ,:It;".,.,:, ~ . _ -_"':::1 li(:-:/,, _.:':.'~)~ ~:;".c , . .' ~ '.::r ~2 " ~.:'.G ...- ~"lJIIll>!1 I WI!l!IIlII- -.1IiiilIl'--" .&aII~ AlllU.111UJ u.~ ~~~jJJIiS~ ...-......-__0 __u___ .-. ~~~~~;;~~:-;~:~~