Memo Mainstreet Reconstruction
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DATE: September 13, ~990
TO: Mayor and Ci.ty Cou.~cil Members
FROM~ Jar! Thi.el. Public Works Director~
StJBJECT: Mainstreet Reconstruction Feasibility Executive
Attached to this memo is an executive sUl1lIdary for the
Mainst:t.eet feasibility report.. Addi tiol/.al new information
beyond the full feasibility report is the following:
0 Financial Impact on Properties
0 Concept 2 Design Dheets (5th-14th Ave)
0 Concept 169 Ramp - Alternate B
0 Mainstreet Infrastructure
The executive summary was used as a handout for the business
o~~er information meeting on september 6th and the general
information ~eeting on September 13th. .
\;- ' ' Westwood Professional services will be present at the
September 18th Council meeting to briefly review the summary
and answer questions during the official pUblic hearing.
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~_Y!____ -'8IiiIllIlIlI ~
. Financial Impact on Properties
0 $844.454 (14%) paid by general property taxes
0 Total paid by Imp. Bond, retired over 20 yrs. at 6.00%
interest. Annual payment of $77,500
Residential Homestead Property
ttarkfit._Va.1 ue I~Grease in Annual Taxe~
$ 80,000 ;!' 4.33
150,000 13.25
Commercial Property
Ma~2x;et Value l.lli;:reaseJ.n.. Armyal ----T.9-x.e~
$170,000 $42.50
300,000 63.07
. Assumptions:
0 $1,074,634 (~7%) of project paid by utility fun.ds
(Water and Sanitary Sewer)
0 Total is paid by revenue bond retired over 20 Y~$. at
6%. interest.
0 Impact would be reduced if individ.ual services to
properties ($33.3~239) were added to assessments rather
than paid by utility funds.
0 Typical r-nsident.ial home uses 25,000 gallons o( water
Fund Typ~ ~ Increase:
Wat,er $.05 per 1,000 gallons
Sarli tary Sewer $.05 per 1,000 gallons
Ston Sewer -0-
TOTAL $': 10 per "J~ooo--garro:ns
UtH!tge: Increase in total Uti.lity bills:
25,000 gallons per quarter $2.50 per quarter
100,000 per quarter 10.00 per quarter
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This feasibility study for the City of Hopkins addresses Mainstreet from Hi.ghway
169 gO the east end to Shady Oak Roa,d (County 61) 00 the west elld~ The project
has been divided in co five segment5 as shown below:
Segment One The Highway 169 ramp alternative from the southbound highway
Excelsior Boulevard off ramp to the connection with Mainstreet
approximately 300 feet to the west.
Segment Two From the ramp connection with Mainstreet to 5th Avenue.
Segment Three From 5th Avenue to 12th Avenue
Segrn,ent :r- our From 12th Avenue to 20th Avenue
Segment Five .From 20th Avenue to Shady Oak Road including 300 feet north
and south of Mainstreet on Shady Oak Road
. Each of the segments has '~isual and physical characterist:ics unique to that
segment" The infrCiStrnctiJre condition ratings, geometric design guidelines,
.streetscape amenities, par~ing conditions, and COSt estimates are siJ1.Ilmarize.d within
the feasibility r&pI)rt by segment.
REa.~Q.tiS., FQR Ttlli P1\Q rE~
There are several reasons why the City of Hopkins has chosen to explore the
Mainstreet improvement project. The primary reasons are listed below.
1. Petition from Mainstreet property owners between 6th and 12th Avenues
2. Short-term on-street parking
3. Elimination of the jogs in the st.reet alignment
4. Improvement of toe public/private utilities
5, Condition of sidewalks,. curbs and streets
G. Accessibility to t:he Mainstreet C.B.D. area is limited
7. Business environment improvements
8. Redevelopment
pEV~x..QetvtENl~9LP~QJi. AL -m.Flti~TlVES
B.ackft'Ou.q4~ In 1989 a concept design study was prepared for- Mainstreet between
5th and 12th Aven~eG. Various alternatives were cons!dered for improved traffic
operations and en.1umced parking. From this set of alternatives two design optioM
were advanced - Concept A and Concept B. After discussion at the City Council
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. level, Concept A, with approximately 99 parking spaces provided on-street., was I
decid.ed aE the prefP.'..rred alternatives. I
EvaluatiQ.n of E:XistjlUtJ?y.s.~m~: An analysis was made of the existing Mainstreet I
design ele."nenrn'i. and infniistructure elements. Fl.eld surveys. l"eview of television I
video tapes, and dis':;us,;ion with property owners, City staff and utility companies I
resulted in commentary orl each of the elements with an over3U condition rating. 1
Table 1 surnmariz'?S these findings. I
Concept A wns used. as the base de!;ign within this prelimina.-y design effort.
From tbis beginning point, six design alternatives were reviewed. A significant
finding that wasn It anticipated at the outset of the study is that a more complete
replacf'.ment of infra'3t:n!ctw"e elements is needed rather than a refurbisr..rnent of
existing components. Primariiy this represents a value judgment determination of
the life of the project components versus the cost of replacement at a later da.te.
f;onceot #2 Des~,g:n; Concept #2 came forth after several design committee and
City staff meetings. It is p!"edicated upon allowing bus stops on an I'every other
block" basis and no bus pull-out bays. The design width of the street is 46 feet
curb face t.o curb face. At the node locations at the intersections, the curb face
to curb face dp.sign ~ 32 feet wide. Minor intersections where turning maneuvers
from the vehicular traffic stream are low in numbers are not designed with turn
lanes. Major intersectior....$J such as 5th Avenue and 11th Avenue, have turn lanes
in t..~eir design of vehicular congestion. Concept #2 contains 101 en-street
pa:king spaces between 5th Avenue and 12th Avenue.
. All of t.~e design information in this feasibility study document is based upon the
design eZementS- of Concept #2. The construction included in Concept #2 includes
the following basic elements for all five segments. It is important to indicate
that rl~e landscaping features and the lighting design details change from segment
to segment. Segment 2 and 3 have t-"'e most intense use of the amenities while
the other- segments! have from 1/3 to 1/2 less use of the amenity features.
L DemQHtion and removal of aU existing pavement, curbs, sidewalks. and
planters. -
'"l R.:::moval and salvaging of the street Ught..'i, traffic signals ?.~~d signage.
3. Remi:;val fjf portions or t.he underground utility system and placement of new
pipe.s where need~d, In cases of reuse, the existing system wm be carefully
re....iewed praor to backfill. Repairs will be made as needed. All of the
servicp...s for t."1C private properties will be removed and replaced or repaired
as needed, New ~rcorrn sewer pipes ai1d catch basins will' be placed to insure
positive drainage fl"'om the streets during heavy rainfall.
.- Placement .of burIed conduit for the wiring and other utiLity needs.
5. New cu,.b and gutters and pavement structure.
6. New sidewalks and special decorative brick paver stQne,s.
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Sagmlimt Segment s~ent ~Ql:1t. $e<;ment
l~~m ~_ No. i p~ No.2 ~~fiO.~ 1'9:4 No,~ .__
Gas M?.bn Nt A Poor Poor Pocl: Poor
_ ... ,_ -"----.., '" _ -' _.ol ~-.. I
storm Sewer NoI A Good Fai:h' f'ai..z: Fair
..,l. _...,. _~. "... '-w_ -..---- r- ~-
Water Syste~ N/A rair Fair Fair Fair
.. """-____ ....d ="'"T ...... ~......
Sani tary S(~we= t:./ A Pear ?Qo:;- Poor Poor
_--"-"'_ .........- _... ...."................. ____ '"_ ...........,L -_ .....,..,
Cw:b &, G\ltter N/A. Poor Poor .Foor Poor
-,.-...---~--~ - "'-- -.--- ---
Pavement: N/A Fair Fair Poor Poor
..._ - ""-' -,--""---1"""" ----. ....... -- -"- --
Side...,alks N!}-.. poor Poor Poor Poor
~ .--..-...-____~ .....--."'r--""-:ro- _ .ol ._...........-..._
Concrete Plant~.s N!h N/A Fair N/A N/A
____ _..'"'- ...._......... --4 --.... ----- - ,(~
Paving/Wood ~ost
Plant~~s MIA N/A Poor N/A MIA
-------..--....'-........ ....--. . ----~............ - - ------
Trash Reeepcacles N/.'A. Good G-cod Good Nfl..
'-.-----... '''-._t~I7'"-"'''l' ---., - -~'--- ...
f l:hinches/Seatint; Areas ,VA NIp.. Fair MIA N/A
I :::;.0" ~ - . -NI:' Poor _. hi-:- Poor n ~:: . ~ -. - ....
I ~---~ - --~ ~ _.~. - ~.- ---~ I'.,'
t !'une.:ti-Ci~l Ba..--me%'s NIp.. N/A FaLr N/A N/A I;,;~
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strut Si-anage N! A Coed eo.od :rair .fair ,~~,
~~'----- __............._........ "'--- f ..... .......__- _~_ _-...~ _ 'IIIY~__- I'" """.. ...a.t>- ~.-a.l"""",_'TIIPf"" ,,~~'-;'"~~:
Stre:gt Lightin9 N/A Fair Fa1..t: !'air l'air'EJ
I' :,,'"
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'traffic S1~ls NIA F./A Poor Poor: NIA ,:~,.
....... 4'__ ~ ~~_~ ~ _. ~~.~ - ~-- ':i:;;~t
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WESTWOODPROFESSiONAL SERVlCE.S, INC. -...-.,........--... -- ....,.....--.--
. 7. N ode... at r.e.a.r1y all the intersections.
8. Reuse of many of the existing trees along Malnstreet and the planting of
several new trees along each block face.
9. New street furniture including planters, trash receptacles, benches, Idosks,
bann~-s, and signage.
10. New traffic signals at the same locations as the existing signals are located
with the exception c.f the intE'.rs~ctions of 7th Avenue and 14th Avenue
where the .! will b-e re-used and at Shady Oak Road where a new
signal is recolTh'Jlended.
II. New low level oI",nau.'I.en\.al pedestrian and street lighting with approximately
15 to 20 foot height light poles.
12. Reuse of the high level street iight poles within the intersectional areas.
13. Specia.l plaza areas at the intersec.tions of 8th Avenue and Mainstreet in the
northeast quadrant and at 9th Avenue in the southwest quadrant including
the a<!dition of a clock tower.
14. New bus ~helt-c1"S and pla'Ea mea5 at the high load count areas.
Preliminary plan sk.etches ha'le b~n created for Concept #2 for the five segmects
. of the project. They are provided in a separately printed document for the
reader's review,
It i.c; expacted :hat recoDStnlction of segments one tlh-u nve will take longer than
one construcT;:ion SeB.SOO. The cootrolHng feature of the cor.5truction activities is
the utility construction~ The depth of construction exCS.V'StiOD for the sanitary
~ewer is approximately 15 feet. Other utiiitie.o; will be in. the range of 2 to 10
feet deep. the utility services for the individual building suuctu.res, the
~ntire 66 root right of way area will be necessary to complete the underground
utility construction.
Given the nature of the proposed improvement and the limited right of way area,
there is no other reasonable way to const.ruct the impr(;vemeots other than to
dose portior..s of Maif'.:street to through trsffic. It is expected that each block can
be completed in 3 tv 5 weeks of coostruction 8ctivity~ The CitY should consider
double.~hlft and weekend construction to keep the project disruption towards the
low side of the rlUli~ of' const.r'Uction duration. M important feature of downtown
Hopld!".J! that wHi help minimize the cor..stroction dlsruptJon 115 tl1e enhanced back
deor/alley tre~tment that most bWllne4lJe.i h8V~ .accomplished. The alleys th5t nul
pax-allei to Mi.lmtreet will remain open end l!ccepible It aU times.
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