CR 88-10 Appointing Members to Suburban Rate
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January 7~ 1988 Council Report: 88-10
Proposed Actlon.
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: IIHove that
Resolution 88-9, designating the Director and Alternate Direotor to
the Suburban Rate Autho:r'ity.
Adoption of this resolution will designate Donald Hilbert, Mayor, a"
Director and Gordon Anderson, Director of Engineering, as Alternate
Direotor for the year 1988.
The Suburban Rate Authority (SRA) 1s made up of direotors frC'ID
suburban oities. Each member city can destgnate a director Bnd an
alternate direotor to the Authority. They have votes based on the
. population of the city represented.
The 8RA monitors the utilities that serve the cities and the ratea -
charged by those utilities. Any obanges in rate or levels of ser~lQe
1s studied and analyzed by 8R! and positions taken that 1s deemed to
be in the best interest of the cities and their constituents. '\-
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Primary Issues to Consider.
o who should be designated as direct~r and alternate dlreotorl
It has been customary to designate the Mayor as Director and the
Director of Engineering as Alternate i>irectQr. They now serve in
t.hose posil~ions.
don F. AnderrJon
rector of Engineering
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