CR 88-252 Contingency Transfers
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December 15, 1988
COU1\cil Rpt: 88-252'
Proposed "c~iqU,
Staff rscommends adoption of the following motion: Move that Resolution # 88.104
"Approvin~ 1988 ContinGency Transfers" be adopted.
Annually it is requested the City make a transfer of budgets for unanticipated
expenditure decisions from the contingency account to the departments where the need
arose. For 1988 only a minimal transfer of $23,500 will be n~eded.
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I have made a detailed review and projection of all departments ~hrough December.
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Some switching of budgets between departments will be necessary due to.
reorganization of departments, but no additional amounts from contingency would be
needed for these departments.
Scott Renne's project and court cases extended time phlS unused vacation will cause , >'':'!1~
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:::t::::: :: :::::e:~dget by $8. 600. ".;i~4
o The transfers are an orderly annual reallocation of budgets without increasing
the authorized total budget for the General fund.
o Recording expense by the department which incurred the increase rather than
directly to the contingency account allows for more meaningful cost history.