CR 88-06 Bid Auth - Fire Engine Replacement
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... December 31, 1987 Council Report 88-6
ll:.Qpose~ Action
It is recommended that the Coune 11 approve the following motion: ~
specifications for Motor/Fire apparltus be accroved. for the 'Purpose
of reDlacinq Enqine 6. Further. that the City Clerk is authorize~
advertise for bids.
The effect of this motion will be to approve the specifications for a new fire
apparatus and will initiate publication of a bid notice.
The equipment rnplacement fund identifies the replacement of Engine 6 in 1989. The
construction of a new fire engine takes approximately one year, ther.efore, the
specification and bid process need to get underway as soon as possible.
The specifications attached for your review replaces Engine 6 identically with a
newer modiSl. The only exception is the addi tion of a HTelesquirt" apparatus to
e improve fire suppression abilities. A report from the Fire Department: discussing
specifications and specifically the Te1esquirt option is attached.
~rimary issues to Consider
It is the policy of the Ci,ty Counc 11 to approve vehicle expenditures when they
conform to the adopted equipment replacement schedule. A replacement of 6 is
a scheduled $162,200 expenditure scheduled in 1989. The primary issue to consider
with regard to this request is whether the $50,000 additional cost for the
Telesquirt option is justifiable.
The specific questions the Council should ask are:
0 Will the additional expense help reduce property loss,
0 Will the additional expense help reduce fire deaths"
0 Will the expense improve the safety conditions for the firefighters.
~portin2 information
0 Memorandum - Fire Chief
0 Notice vf Bid
0 Specifications
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Craig R. B.avp, 'Cl.ty Hanage V
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November 30, 1987
TO: Craig Rapp, City Manager
FROM: Hugh Strawn, Fire Chief-)j'CS
RE: Specifications for Engine 6 Replacement
Attached arp, the final specifications for the replacement of Er.gine 6.
~s you review the document you will note we have specified a techno-
logically more efficient apparatus. It's trade naMe is IITe'!esql.!irt"
and it will h~lp maximize fire suppression capabilities wit,'out
increasing personnel.
Building Environm~nt
The existing stock of structures in H'lpkins is aging. While most are
. ye r y we 11 maintained, aging structures present a greater fire suppres-
sion challenge. The majority of these buildings have no built-in pro-
tection and any fire will have to be manually extinguished by the fire
The new buildings being constructed in the community contain less mass
and are of lighter materials. This allows greater efficiency in man-
~ging construction costs permitting a quality product at lower cost.
owever, it radically changes the rules fire suppression forces must
obey in combating fires within those structures. The lighter struc-
tures will not withstand a fire assault and collapse nearly twice as
fast as the-ollder, heavier buildings. The November 1986 fire at the
Westbr~oke Patio ~omes is a classic example. Structural collapse
occurred within 10 minutes of our arrival.
Both old and new structures are being furnished with highly combusti-
ble materials. Many of the modern interior finishes and furnishings
are made of petrOChemical based products. They burn quickly releasing
enormous amounts of smoke and BTU's very quickly. Flasho'"er nO\ll
occers between :90 seconds and 3:00 mlnutes from the inception of the
Fire_Department Response
Our avet-age response to fires expands each year. Traffic is heavier
making it more difficult to get our people to the fire station. The
heavier traffic al so hol ds down the speed the apparatus can achieve
while responding to the emergency,
We are also responding with fewer people..,especially during the day.
Our average roll ca~eOPle on day call~
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Page 2
~ Memorandum
411f"91ne 6 Specifications
The slower travel times and the lower number of personnel available.
combined with highly combustible interior finishes and lighter con-
struction techniques mean the firefighters face larger structure fires
upon arrival. Interior attack is becoming increasingly riskier
because of the earlier collapse potent~al.
App1ling Technology
During our assessment of conditfons we will face during the upcoming
20 years that the new engine will be in service, it became obvious to
the fire department manijgement that we had to apply different tech-
nology. The "Te~c~quirt" is not new. nor is it revolutionary. Many
of our big city friends. such as St. Paul and Minneapolis, have been
using them effectively for years. As our potential fire environment
changes we feel applying this technology will serve our community
we 11 .
The unit specified will allow minimum personnel to deliver up to 1000
gallons of water per minute. via an articulating arm, onto a fire. To
accomplish this with hand held lines would a minimum of 4 lines with
at least 3 people per line, plus the pump operator equaling 13
~eoPle. The efficiency becomes quickly obvious.
This unit will compliment our other pumping apparatus. which utilize
hand lines and "deluge gun" master stream appliances. It will also
compliment the 85-foot aerial platform, which also has the capability
of delivering large volumes of water with a minimum of personnel.
Demonstrated Effectiveness
The Richfield Fire Department has such a unit and graciously demon-
strated the effectiveness of the "Telesquirt" at a hot drill last
summer. One of the so-called Harriman Block houses was removed by the
fire department. Many of the City Council members were present to
witness the huge volume of fire this unit was ab1e to extinguish very
quickly with little effort. A video tape is available if you wish to
review the capabilities of the apparatus at that drill.
I recommend you authorize an increase the budgeted figures for repla-
cemt1t of Engine 6 to permit purchase of this specialized piece of
dppar6tus. Its purchase will permit the Hopkins Fire Department to
mor:e efficiently and E:ffectively deliver needed suppression services
into the 21st century. ~
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