CR 88-205 CUP - Marcus Corporation . . () ~ . o " " I( \ Ootober 26, 1988 Council Report: 88..205 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - MARCUS CORPORATION 906-908 Mainstreet Proposed Action. Staft recommends approval of' the following motion: That ~ rehabilitation ~06-~08 Ma1nstreet is app~oved. This aotion will allow Marcus Corporation to rehabilitate 906-908 Mainstreet to oftice and retail space. The Commission unanimously approved the renovation of' 906-908 Mainatreet and recommended adoption of Resolution 88-87. ,', Q..!.erview. 906-906 Malnstreet 1s currently owned by the BRA. Most ot this block vas purchased by the BRA in 1984 for redevelopment. Since the purohase ot these buildings, the City has been atteapting to redevelOp the entire block. However, attempts to redevelop the wnole block as ODe project have been unsuccessful so the City DOW 1s in the process .. ot redeveloping eaoh building indiyidually. 906-908 Mainstreet is the tirst building on the block to be rehabilitated. The BRA ia sellins the property under a redevelopment agreement. The building is be!n. renovated under the Downtown Hopkins Design Guidelinaa which are enclosed. Mark Senn, President ot Marcus Corp. appeared before the COllmis8ioD. Mr. Senn reviewed the renovation. Be stated the building lIould be restored to its original appearance. . The Commission inquired it the building would be sprinkled. Mr. Senn state" that some of the building will be sprinkled. Issues to be Considered. 0 Is this renovation consistent with the City's redevelopment plans? Supporting Docuaents. 0 Location Map 0 Expense Budget 0 Site Plan 0 Resolution I Q...t{lf)l\ Anderson y Development . .~ ' . ' - -. ., e ~ ."...,.. l - - . ~ I . , . I I ! CR:88-205 . Page 2 DETAILED BACKGROUND. Exterior Improvements: The eXisting exterior w1ll ba renovated. The renovation will DODsiat of tuck pointing, new windows and replacing the store tront. The Nl&r parking area will be cleaned up. Interior Improvement: Most of the work will be interior renovation. The basement, firat, second and third floors will be renovated. The first tloor will be used for retail space. The second floor will be used tor office and the third floor is proposed for office/studio/apartments. Entrances: Two new entrances will be added to the building. On the City owned parking area on the east side an elevator and stair vill be added. The City will provide an easement for this stairway/elevator. A s.oond stairway will be added to the south side of the property. This stairway will provide access to the building from the parking ~rea aoross the alley. ,,' :e '.::'1 City owned parking lot: Ownership ot the lot to tbe east ot the building will be retained bJ the HHA. TDe City has agreed that as long as the lot remaina a parking lot it will be sbort term parking. The applicant alao baa an option tor one year to buy this parking area. Future development on this parking area iB restricted by the redevelopment agree.ent. A s1ngle story building will be allowed on the north end ot the lot wbile multi-story bUilding will be allowed on tbe south end. - Is this renovation consjstent with the City's redevelopment plans? Since the acquisition of the property on this block, the City has been trying to red~velop the block into retail and office. However, redevelopment efforts to redevelop the block as a whole have proved unsuccessful. Renovated retail and of'tice spaoe will prOVide new opportunities for both Hopkins and businesses. The renovation will still allow construction of a building on the parking area to the east. , I Alternatives. 1 . Approve the Conditionl Use Permit for the renovation of 906-908 Mainstreet. This would allow Marcus Corporation to renovate 906-908 Mainatreet into retail and offioe. . 2. Deny the Conditional Use Permit to renovate 906-908 Mainstreet. If the Commission chooses this option they will have to 3tate findings of fact that support this alternative. 3 . Continue for further information. I f the Commission feels that more information is needed, the item should be continued. - . ! . I J - Jim Kerrigan I April 28, 1988 I Page The-ee ~oposed Renovation Expenses/Budget 1. Exte~ior Renovation Tllckpointing $16,000 New Energy Efficient Windows 29,000 Replacoament of One StOt-et cont 18,000 $63,000 II. Structural Repair Structural $30,000 Neli Roof 22,000 $52,000 III Lnterior Renovation A. Basement (includes cenovation of 906 to storage space and 908 peC Daniels Studio request $42,000 $42,000 B. Fie-st Floor Renovation (includes renovation of 906 side to retail and 908 renovation as 44,000 per Daniels Studio request 26,400 e $70,400 C. Second and Third Level Assumes second flooc renovation into office and third level renovation into office or office/studio/ apartment. $182,000 $182,000 IV. Elevator $ 85,000 Installation 85,000 v. Soft Costs $80,600 $80,600 TOTAL $575,000 Financing To the extent possible we would like to utilize low intererst City rehabilitation loan monies. The l::alance would be financed thcough conventional financing sources. e . ------ ----- \ . . , . CITY OF' HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO: 88-87 RESOLUTION MAKING FINDINGS OF FACT AND APPROVING APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CUP68-15 WHEREAS j an application fer a Conditional Use Permit entitled CUP88-15, made by MaJ~CU8 Corporation/Mark Senn, for rehabilitation of 906-908 Hainstreet is approved. WHEREAS, the procedural history of the application 1s as follows: 1 . That application for Conditional Use Permit CUP88-15 was filed with the City or Hopkins on September 23, 1988. 2. That the Hopkins Planning Commission reviewed such application on October 25, 1988. 3 . That the Hopkins Planning Commission, pursuant to published and mailed notices, held a public hearing on October 25 , 1988: all persons . present at the he&ring were given an opportunity to be heard. 4. That the written comments and analysis of the City Stafr and the Planning Commission were considered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that application for Conditional Use Permit CUP88-15 is hereby approved subject to the following Conditions: 1 . That the uses proposed are allowed in a B-2 District. 2. That the renovation meets ~be development plans foC" the area. 3 . That the renovation will comply with the Hopkins Downtown Design Guidelines. Adopted this 1st day of November 1988. Donald J . Milbert, Mayor . . - ......~,'=<