CR 88-215 Public Hearing Storm Sewers (J . o " (. t'.. I, Novembar 7, 1988 Council Report: 86-215 PUBLIC HEARING STORM SEWERS AND STREET RECONSTROCTICN HOBBY ACRES STREETS 'roooaecS lotion. Staft recommends the following motion: Move that He.olu tion 88-90, Resolution Orderina the Installation of Storm Savera and the ~eooD.truction of Streets in Hobby Aores. be adopted. This aotion will oontinue an assessable projeot on the streets ~entioned. Plans and specifications will be dGveloped and bids solioited for (ionstruotion in the spring of 1989. "... .,. . Qyer'l'iev_ The petition initializing the project vas for an Engin&er'8 Report only. This report vas presented October 18,1988. Resolution 88-89 was adopted at tbat meeting accepting the Engineer's Report and oall1ng for a Pub lie Hearing on November 15, 1988. The pet! tion requested a report on two alternatives to improving the streets: 1. a two inch overlay; or 2. a comprehensive reoonstruction ot the streets. 1 nor_al petition would be tor an improvement. This petition waa tor an engineer's study only. It the project is ordered construoted att.r the Publio Rearing t a 4/5 vote ot the Council 1s required tor th1. projeot. Pr1aary I.au.. to Consider. o How should the Council proceed? o What are the current conditions of the roadways and storm drainage? o Should the Council consider the petition for a two-inch overlay? o What is the timetable for the improvements? ~uPPortin~ Information., o Letter from Hobby Acres Association o Petition (typical) o Map showing location of petitioner's properties Resolution ,~~e:2-~- rdon P. Anderson iractor of Engineeri~g ::~ . . . CR:88-215 Page 2 Baokground. The Hobby Acres home ownors have been conoerned about. the statuas or the streets in tbei!' area. They have been discussing alternatives with City staff for several Ulontha. After the City adopted the Roadway Improvement Policy whereby the City sbares ~OJ of tho cost or the oomplete reconstruction, tbere bas been more aooeptanos of a possible project in their area. Tho petition, as presented, aaks to have an engineering study oonducted to identify advantages and disadvantages and relative costs of two alternatives to improving the streets in Bobby Aores. The two alternatives requested are: 1. application of a two inch overlay on existing streets; and 2. comprehensi ve reconstruotion of streets in accordance with Hopkins Roadway Improvement Policy #7-D Section 3, Roadways. The application of a two incb overlay on existing streets does not address the two major problems on those streets t the lack of storm drainage and the faj.lure of the base. An ove1"lay would serve as a temporary measure but would not be a permanent solution. Under Policy 17-D Section 3, roadways, the total cost of the overlay would be an asse~sable cost with no City participation. Present policy is for the City to install storm sewers where needed out of the Storm Sewer fund. Any street restoration would be assessed to the benel! tted properties. Storm severs are needed in the Bobby acres streets to control the drainage and to protect the street surfaces and subgrade. Storm sewers would be installed based OD the forthooming Storm Water Management Plan. The Street Reconstruction Policy calls for the property owners to pay 60% of the costs for tbe street reconstrl.lction witb the City paying 40%. This is for complete restoration, which restoration will include the installation of concrete curb and gutter. Analysis. The City Council has the following primary issues to consider: How should the Council proceed? The peti tioD did not ask for an improvement but for an Engineer' 8 Report. Tbis report bas been presented and project recommended. If, as a result of the Public Hearing, the Council declties to continue the project, the Council should adopt Resolution 88-90, Resolution ordering tbe project constructed. As the petition asked only for a report, the Council should proceed under the provisions of the Statute, where a 4/5 vote of the Council is needed to pass on the resolution. . . . CR:88-215 Page 3 What are the current conditions or the roadNay and storm drainage? The streets in Bobby Acres were constructed about 35 1sara ago a~ter sever and vater vas installed in the area. The City has no reoord of the amount of base material or tue type of asphalt sur~aoe construoted. The street were constructed without curbing. This type of construction allows surface water to infiltrate into the base material, weakening the base and causing failure of the asphalt sur~aQe. As a result, the asphalt surface of most of the streets are in a very poor condition. Normal maintenance would not give a aatistactory result. No Dtorm sewers exist in the Bobby Acres streets. All 8urtaQe water drains on the road surface or leaves the road toward the edges, eventually softening the base. No ourbing exists on the streets which would oontrol the stopm waters toward eventual disposition at FarDdale Road and County Road #18. Should the Council consider the petition for a study for a two in~h overlay? The streets 1:1 BQbby Acres, as mentioned above, are in a very poor oond! tiOD 0 Noraal maintenance lfould not g1 ve 8, satisfactory result. The application o~ a two inch overlay would gi va a new satisfactory surfaoe to t~e streets. This overlay would not address the underlying problems or no storm sewer and a deteriorating base condi tion. The overlay "'ould be a temporary measure which would be tully aS881S8ed. The estimated lite of the overlay is about five years. This would n~t be a good return on the costs of the project. Sta~~ recoa.ends that t.he overlay not be considered but a complete restoration only b:r oonsidered. What is the timetable for the improvements? It the project is ordered constructed, preliminary design work w111 start right away. Plans and specifications will be developed and bids solicited for early spt"ing award of contract. Work should start by May 1, 1989, with completion by September 1, 1989. Alternatives. 1. Order construoted a 2n overlay only. As stated above, this would be a temporary solution only, would not address the storm sewer problems, would be fully 3ssessed, and would need to be replaced by a reconstruction project in about 5 years. 2. Order the complete project a8 presented. This would be assessed acoo~d1ng to the present policy, with storm sewers and with curb Bnd gutter.